def testEvalFormatDetail(self):
     rodir   = self.setupEvalFormat()
     options = { 'detail': "full" }
     stream  = StringIO.StringIO()
     ro_eval_minim.format(self.eval_result, options, stream)
     outtxt = stream.getvalue()
     log.debug("---- Result:\n%s\n----"%(outtxt))
     expect = (
         [ "Research Object file://%s/:"%rodir
         , "Nominally complete for %(purpose)s of resource %(target)s"%(self.eval_result)
         # , "Unsatisfied MUST requirements:"
         # , "Unsatisfied SHOULD requirements:"
         , "Unsatisfied MAY requirements:"
         , "  No synonym is present"%(self.eval_result['missingMay'][0][0]['querytestrule'])
         , "Satisfied requirements:"
         , "  ChemSpider identifier is present"
         , "  InChI identifier is present"
         , "Research object URI:     %(rouri)s"%(self.eval_result)
         , "Minimum information URI: %(minimuri)s"%(self.eval_result)
     for expect_line in expect:
         line = stream.readline()
         self.assertEquals(line, expect_line+"\n")
Beispiel #2
def evaluate(progname, configbase, options, args):
    Evaluate RO

    ro evaluate checklist [ -d <dir> ] <minim> <purpose> [ <target> ]"
    log.debug("evaluate: progname %s, configbase %s, args %s" % 
              (progname, configbase, repr(args)))
    ro_config = getroconfig(configbase, options)
    ro_options = (
        { "rodir":        options.rodir or ""
        , "function":     args[2]
    log.debug("ro_options: " + repr(ro_options))
    ro_ref = ro_root_reference(progname + " annotations", ro_config, None, ro_options['rodir'])
    if not ro_ref: return 1
    # Evaluate...
    if ro_options["function"] == "checklist":
        if len(args) not in [5, 6]:
            print ("%s evaluate checklist: wrong number of arguments provided" % (progname))
            print ("Usage: %s evaluate checklist [ -d <dir> ] [ -a | -l <level> ] <minim> <purpose> [ <target> ]" % (progname))
            return 1
        levels = ["summary", "must", "should", "may", "full"]
        if options.level not in ["summary", "must", "should", "may", "full"]:
            print ("%s evaluate checklist: invalid reporting level %s, must be one of %s" % 
                    (progname, options.level, repr(levels)))
            return 1
        ro_options["minim"]   = ((len(args) > 3) and args[3]) or "minim.rdf"
        ro_options["purpose"] = ((len(args) > 4) and args[4]) or "create"
        ro_options["target"]  = ((len(args) > 5) and args[5]) or "."
        if options.verbose:
            print "ro evaluate %(function)s -d \"%(rodir)s\" %(minim)s %(purpose)s %(target)s" % ro_options
        rometa = ro_metadata(ro_config, ro_ref)
        (minimgraph, evalresult) = ro_eval_minim.evaluate(rometa,
            ro_options["minim"], ro_options["target"], ro_options["purpose"])
        if options.verbose:
            print "== Evaluation result =="
            print json.dumps(evalresult, indent=2)
        if options.outformat and options.outformat.upper() in RDFTYPSERIALIZERMAP:
            # RDF output
            graph = ro_eval_minim.evalResultGraph(minimgraph, evalresult)
                { "detail" : "full" if options.all else options.level },
    # elif ... other functions here
        print ("%s evaluate: unrecognized function provided (%s)" % (progname, ro_options["function"]))
        print ("Usage:")
        print ("  %s evaluate checklist [ -d <dir> ] [ -a | -l <level> ] <minim> <purpose> [ <target> ]" % (progname))
        return 1
    return 0
 def testEvalFormatSummary(self):
     rodir   = self.setupEvalFormat()
     options = { 'detail': "summary" }
     stream  = StringIO.StringIO()
     ro_eval_minim.format(self.eval_result, options, stream)
     outtxt = stream.getvalue()
     expect = (
         "Research Object file://%s/:\n"%rodir +
         "Nominally complete for %(purpose)s of resource %(target)s\n"%(self.eval_result)
     self.assertEquals(outtxt, expect)
 def testEvalFormatDetail(self):
     rodir   = self.setupEvalFormat()
     options = { 'detail': "full" }
     stream  = StringIO.StringIO()
     ro_eval_minim.format(self.eval_result, options, stream)
     expect = (
         [ "Research Object file://%s/:"%rodir
         , "Nominally complete for %(purpose)s of resource %(target)s"%(self.eval_result)
         , "Unsatisfied MUST requirements:"
         , "  Aggregates resource %s"%(self.eval_result['missingMust'][0][0]['datarule']['aggregates'])
         , "Unsatisfied SHOULD requirements:"
         , "  Aggregates resource %s"%(self.eval_result['missingShould'][0][0]['datarule']['aggregates'])
         , "Unsatisfied MAY requirements:"
         , "  Aggregates resource %s"%(self.eval_result['missingMay'][0][0]['datarule']['aggregates'])
         , "Research object URI:     %(rouri)s"%(self.eval_result)
         , "Minimum information URI: %(minimuri)s"%(self.eval_result)
     for expect_line in expect:
         line = stream.readline()
         self.assertEquals(line, expect_line+"\n")