Beispiel #1
def test_convert_gwp(units, metric, species_in, species_out, expected_value):
    # Bare masses can be converted
    qty = registry.Quantity(1.0, units.format(""))
    expected = registry(f"{expected_value} {units}")

    observed = convert_gwp(metric, qty, species_in, species_out)
    assert observed.units == expected.units
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(observed.magnitude, expected.magnitude)

    # '[mass] [speciesname] (/ [time])' can be converted; the input species is extracted
    # from the *qty* argument
    qty = "1.0 " + units.format(species_in)
    expected = registry(f"{expected_value} {units}")

    observed = convert_gwp(metric, qty, species_out)
    assert observed.units == expected.units
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(observed.magnitude, expected.magnitude)

    # Tuple of (vector magnitude, unit expression) can be converted where the
    # the unit expression contains the input species name
    arr = np.array([1.0, 2.5, 0.1])
    qty = (arr, units.format(species_in))
    expected = arr * expected_value

    # Conversion works
    result = convert_gwp(metric, qty, species_out)
    # Magnitudes are as expected
    assert_array_almost_equal(result.magnitude, expected)
Beispiel #2
def test_convert_gwp_carbon(context):
    # CO2 can be converted to C
    qty = (44.0 / 12, "tonne CO2")
    result = convert_gwp(context, qty, "C")
    assert result.units == registry("tonne")
    assert_almost_equal(result.magnitude, 1.0)

    # C can be converted to CO2
    qty = (1, "tonne C")
    expected = registry.Quantity(44.0 / 12, "tonne")
    assert convert_gwp(context, qty, "CO2e") == expected
Beispiel #3
def test_convert_gwp_carbon():
    # CO2 can be converted to C
    qty = (44. / 12, 'tonne CO2')
    result = convert_gwp('AR5GWP100', qty, 'C')
    assert result.units == registry('tonne')
    assert_almost_equal(result.magnitude, 1.0)

    # C can be converted to CO2
    qty = (1, 'tonne C')
    expected = registry.Quantity(44. / 12, 'tonne')
    assert convert_gwp('AR5GWP100', qty, 'CO2e') == expected
Beispiel #4
def convert_gwp(context, qty, to):
    """Helper for :meth:`convert_unit` to perform GWP conversions."""
    # Remove a leading 'gwp_' to produce the metric name
    metric = context.split('gwp_')[1] if context else context

    # Extract the species from *qty* and *to*, allowing supported aliases
    species_from, units_from = extract_species(qty[1])
    species_to, units_to = extract_species(to)

        # Convert using a (magnitude, unit) tuple with only units, and explicit
        # input and output units
        result = iam_units.convert_gwp(metric, (qty[0], units_from),
                                       species_from, species_to)
    except (AttributeError, ValueError):
        # Missing *metric*, or *species_to* contains invalid units. pyam
        # promises UndefinedUnitError in these cases. Use a subclass (above) to
        # add a usage hint.
        raise UndefinedUnitError(species_to) from None
    except pint.DimensionalityError:
        # Provide an exception with the user's inputs
        raise pint.DimensionalityError(qty[1], to) from None

    # Other exceptions are not caught and will pass up through convert_unit()

    if units_to:
        # Also convert the units
        result =
        # *to* was only a species name. Provide units based on input and the
        # output species name.
        to = iam_units.format_mass(result, species_to, spec=':~')

    return result, to
Beispiel #5
def convert_gwp(context, qty, to):
    """Helper for :meth:`convert_unit` to perform GWP conversions."""
    # Remove a leading 'gwp_' to produce the metric name
    metric = context.split('gwp_')[1]

    # Split *to* into a 1- or 3-tuple of str. This allows for *to* to be:
    _to = iam_units.emissions.pattern.split(to, maxsplit=1)
    if len(_to) == 1:
        # Only a species name ('CO2e') without any unit
        species_to = _to[0]
        units_to = None
        # An expression with both units and species name ('kg CO2e / year');
        # to[1] is the species
        species_to = _to[1]
        # Other elements are pre- and suffix, e.g. 'kg ' and ' / year'
        units_to = _to[0] + _to[2]

    # Convert GWP using the (magnitude, unit-and-species) tuple in *qty*
    result = iam_units.convert_gwp(metric, qty, species_to)

    if units_to:
        # Also convert the units
        result =
        # *to* was only a species name; provide units based on input and the
        # output species name
        to = iam_units.format_mass(result, species_to, spec=':~')

    return result, to