Beispiel #1
def show_qres_top(ibs, cm, qreq_=None, **kwargs):
    Wrapper around show_qres.
    N = kwargs.get('N', DEFAULT_NTOP)
    #name_scoring = kwargs.get('name_scoring', False)
    #if isinstance(cm, chip_match.ChipMatch):
    top_aids = cm.get_top_aids(N)
    #    top_aids = cm.get_top_aids(num=N, ibs=ibs, name_scoring=name_scoring)
    aidstr = ibsfuncs.aidstr(cm.qaid)
    figtitle = kwargs.get('figtitle', '')
    if len(figtitle) > 0:
        figtitle = ' ' + figtitle
    kwargs['figtitle'] = ('q%s -- TOP %r' % (aidstr, N)) + figtitle
    return show_qres(
        # dont use these. use annot mode instead
Beispiel #2
def show_qres_top(ibs, cm, qreq_=None, **kwargs):
    Wrapper around show_qres.
    N = kwargs.get('N', DEFAULT_NTOP)
    #name_scoring = kwargs.get('name_scoring', False)
    #if isinstance(cm, chip_match.ChipMatch):
    top_aids = cm.get_top_aids(N)
    #    top_aids = cm.get_top_aids(num=N, ibs=ibs, name_scoring=name_scoring)
    aidstr = ibsfuncs.aidstr(cm.qaid)
    figtitle = kwargs.get('figtitle', '')
    if len(figtitle) > 0:
        figtitle = ' ' + figtitle
    kwargs['figtitle'] = ('q%s -- TOP %r' % (aidstr, N)) + figtitle
    return show_qres(ibs, cm, top_aids=top_aids, qreq_=qreq_,
                     # dont use these. use annot mode instead
Beispiel #3
def get_aidstrs(aid_list, **kwargs):
    if ut.isiterable(aid_list):
        return [ibsfuncs.aidstr(aid, **kwargs) for aid in aid_list]
        return ibsfuncs.aidstr(aid_list, **kwargs)
Beispiel #4
def show_qres_analysis(ibs, cm, qreq_=None, **kwargs):
    Wrapper around show_qres.

        aid_list - show matches against aid_list (default top 3)

        ibs (IBEISController):  ibeis controller object
        cm (ChipMatch):  object of feature correspondences and scores
        qreq_ (QueryRequest):  query request object with hyper-parameters(default = None)

        N, show_gt, show_query, aid_list, figtitle, viz_name_score, viz_name_score

        python -m ibeis.viz.viz_qres --exec-show_qres_analysis --show

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.viz.viz_qres import *  # NOQA
        >>> import ibeis
        >>> species = ibeis.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN
        >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST')
        >>> daids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=species)
        >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=species)
        >>> qres_list, qreq_ = ibs.query_chips(
        >>>     [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
        >>>     cfgdict=dict(), return_request=True)
        >>> cm = qres_list[0]
        >>> kwargs = dict(show_query=False, viz_name_score=True,
        >>>               show_timedelta=True, N=3, show_gf=True)
        >>> show_qres_analysis(ibs, cm, qreq_, **kwargs)
        >>> ut.show_if_requested()
    if ut.NOT_QUIET:
        print('[show_qres] cm.show_analysis()')
    # Parse arguments
    N = kwargs.get('N', DEFAULT_NTOP)
    show_gt = kwargs.pop('show_gt', True)
    show_gf = kwargs.pop('show_gf', False)
    show_query = kwargs.pop('show_query', True)
    aid_list = kwargs.pop('aid_list', None)
    figtitle = kwargs.pop('figtitle', None)
    #viz_name_score  = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', qreq_ is not None)
    #viz_name_score  = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', False)
    viz_name_score = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', True)
    failed_to_match = False

    # Debug printing
    #print('[analysis] noshow_gt  = %r' % noshow_gt)
    #print('[analysis] show_query = %r' % show_query)
    #print('[analysis] aid_list    = %r' % aid_list)

    if aid_list is None:
        # Compare to aid_list instead of using top ranks
        #print('[analysis] showing top aids')
        top_aids = cm.get_top_aids(N)
        if len(top_aids) == 0:
            failed_to_match = True
            print('WARNING! No matches found for this query')
        if figtitle is None:
            if len(top_aids) == 0:
                figtitle = 'WARNING: no matches found!' + ibsfuncs.aidstr(
                topscore = cm.get_annot_scores(top_aids)[0]
                figtitle = ('q%s -- topscore=%r' %
                            (ibsfuncs.aidstr(cm.qaid), topscore))
        print('[analysis] showing a given list of aids')
        top_aids = aid_list
        if figtitle is None:
            figtitle = 'comparing to ' + ibsfuncs.aidstr(top_aids) + figtitle

    # Get any groundtruth if you are showing it
    showgt_aids = []
    if show_gt:
        # Get the missed groundtruth annotations
        #if isinstance(cm, chip_match.ChipMatch):
        assert qreq_ is not None
        matchable_aids = qreq_.daids
        #matchable_aids = cm.daid_list
        #    matchable_aids = cm.daids
        #matchable_aids = ibs.get_recognition_database_aids()
        #matchable_aids = list(cm.aid2_fm.keys())
        _gtaids = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(cm.qaid, daid_list=matchable_aids)

        if viz_name_score:
            # Only look at the groundtruth if a name isnt in the top list
            _gtnids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(_gtaids)
            top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids)
            _valids = ~np.in1d(_gtnids, top_nids)
            _gtaids = ut.compress(_gtaids, _valids)

        # No need to display highly ranked groundtruth. It will already show up
        _gtaids = np.setdiff1d(_gtaids, top_aids)
        # Sort missed grountruth by score
        _gtscores = cm.get_annot_scores(_gtaids)
        _gtaids = ut.sortedby(_gtaids, _gtscores, reverse=True)
        if viz_name_score:
            if len(_gtaids) > 1:
                _gtaids = _gtaids[0:1]
            if len(_gtaids) > 3:
                # Hack to not show too many unmatched groundtruths
                #_isexmp = ibs.get_annot_exemplar_flags(_gtaids)
                _gtaids = _gtaids[0:3]
        showgt_aids = _gtaids

    if show_gf:
        # Show only one top-scoring groundfalse example
        top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids)
        is_groundfalse = top_nids != ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(cm.qaid)
        gf_idxs = np.nonzero(is_groundfalse)[0]
        if len(gf_idxs) > 0:
            best_gf_idx = gf_idxs[0]
            isvalid = ~is_groundfalse
            isvalid[best_gf_idx] = True
            # Filter so there is only one groundfalse
            top_aids = top_aids.compress(isvalid)
            # seems like there were no results. Must be bad feature detections
            # maybe too much spatial verification
            top_aids = []

        if len(showgt_aids) != 0:
            # Hack to just include gtaids in normal list
            top_aids = np.append(top_aids, showgt_aids)
            showgt_aids = []

    if viz_name_score:
        # Make sure that there is only one of each name in the list
        top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids)
        top_aids = ut.compress(top_aids, ut.flag_unique_items(top_nids))

    return show_qres(ibs,
Beispiel #5
def show_qres_analysis(ibs, cm, qreq_=None, **kwargs):
    Wrapper around show_qres.

        aid_list - show matches against aid_list (default top 3)

        ibs (IBEISController):  ibeis controller object
        cm (ChipMatch):  object of feature correspondences and scores
        qreq_ (QueryRequest):  query request object with hyper-parameters(default = None)

        N, show_gt, show_query, aid_list, figtitle, viz_name_score, viz_name_score

        python -m ibeis.viz.viz_qres --exec-show_qres_analysis --show

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.viz.viz_qres import *  # NOQA
        >>> import ibeis
        >>> species = ibeis.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN
        >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST')
        >>> daids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=species)
        >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=species)
        >>> qres_list, qreq_ = ibs.query_chips(
        >>>     [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
        >>>     cfgdict=dict(), return_request=True)
        >>> cm = qres_list[0]
        >>> kwargs = dict(show_query=False, viz_name_score=True,
        >>>               show_timedelta=True, N=3, show_gf=True)
        >>> show_qres_analysis(ibs, cm, qreq_, **kwargs)
        >>> ut.show_if_requested()
    if ut.NOT_QUIET:
        print('[show_qres] cm.show_analysis()')
    # Parse arguments
    N = kwargs.get('N', DEFAULT_NTOP)
    show_gt  = kwargs.pop('show_gt', True)
    show_gf  = kwargs.pop('show_gf', False)
    show_query = kwargs.pop('show_query', True)
    aid_list   = kwargs.pop('aid_list', None)
    figtitle   = kwargs.pop('figtitle', None)
    #viz_name_score  = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', qreq_ is not None)
    #viz_name_score  = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', False)
    viz_name_score  = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', True)
    failed_to_match = False

    # Debug printing
    #print('[analysis] noshow_gt  = %r' % noshow_gt)
    #print('[analysis] show_query = %r' % show_query)
    #print('[analysis] aid_list    = %r' % aid_list)

    if aid_list is None:
        # Compare to aid_list instead of using top ranks
        #print('[analysis] showing top aids')
        top_aids = cm.get_top_aids(N)
        if len(top_aids) == 0:
            failed_to_match = True
            print('WARNING! No matches found for this query')
        if figtitle is None:
            if len(top_aids) == 0:
                figtitle = 'WARNING: no matches found!' + ibsfuncs.aidstr(cm.qaid)
                topscore = cm.get_annot_scores(top_aids)[0]
                figtitle = ('q%s -- topscore=%r' % (ibsfuncs.aidstr(cm.qaid), topscore))
        print('[analysis] showing a given list of aids')
        top_aids = aid_list
        if figtitle is None:
            figtitle = 'comparing to ' + ibsfuncs.aidstr(top_aids) + figtitle

    # Get any groundtruth if you are showing it
    showgt_aids = []
    if show_gt:
        # Get the missed groundtruth annotations
        #if isinstance(cm, chip_match.ChipMatch):
        assert qreq_ is not None
        matchable_aids = qreq_.daids
        #matchable_aids = cm.daid_list
        #    matchable_aids = cm.daids
        #matchable_aids = ibs.get_recognition_database_aids()
        #matchable_aids = list(cm.aid2_fm.keys())
        _gtaids = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(cm.qaid, daid_list=matchable_aids)

        if viz_name_score:
            # Only look at the groundtruth if a name isnt in the top list
            _gtnids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(_gtaids)
            top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids)
            _valids = ~np.in1d(_gtnids, top_nids)
            _gtaids = ut.compress(_gtaids, _valids)

        # No need to display highly ranked groundtruth. It will already show up
        _gtaids = np.setdiff1d(_gtaids, top_aids)
        # Sort missed grountruth by score
        _gtscores = cm.get_annot_scores(_gtaids)
        _gtaids = ut.sortedby(_gtaids, _gtscores, reverse=True)
        if viz_name_score:
            if len(_gtaids) > 1:
                _gtaids = _gtaids[0:1]
            if len(_gtaids) > 3:
                # Hack to not show too many unmatched groundtruths
                #_isexmp = ibs.get_annot_exemplar_flags(_gtaids)
                _gtaids = _gtaids[0:3]
        showgt_aids = _gtaids

    if show_gf:
        # Show only one top-scoring groundfalse example
        top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids)
        is_groundfalse = top_nids != ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(cm.qaid)
        gf_idxs = np.nonzero(is_groundfalse)[0]
        if len(gf_idxs) > 0:
            best_gf_idx = gf_idxs[0]
            isvalid = ~is_groundfalse
            isvalid[best_gf_idx] = True
            # Filter so there is only one groundfalse
            top_aids = top_aids.compress(isvalid)
            # seems like there were no results. Must be bad feature detections
            # maybe too much spatial verification
            top_aids = []

        if len(showgt_aids) != 0:
            # Hack to just include gtaids in normal list
            top_aids = np.append(top_aids, showgt_aids)
            showgt_aids = []

    if viz_name_score:
        # Make sure that there is only one of each name in the list
        top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids)
        top_aids = ut.compress(top_aids, ut.flag_unique_items(top_nids))

    return show_qres(ibs, cm, gt_aids=showgt_aids, top_aids=top_aids,
                     figtitle=figtitle, show_query=show_query, qreq_=qreq_,
Beispiel #6
def get_aidstrs(aid_list, **kwargs):
    if ut.isiterable(aid_list):
        return [ibsfuncs.aidstr(aid, **kwargs) for aid in aid_list]
        return ibsfuncs.aidstr(aid_list, **kwargs)