Beispiel #1
    def search(self, event, limit, search_type, pattern, start):
        limit = limit and min(int(limit), self.limit) or self.default
        start = start and max(int(start) - 1, 0) or 0

        search_type = search_type and search_type.lower() or u""

        origpattern = pattern
        m = self.regex_re.match(pattern)
        is_regex = False
        if m:
            pattern =
            is_regex = bool(

        # Hack: We replace $arg with _%, but this won't match a partial
        # "$arg" string
        if is_regex:
            filter_op = get_regexp_op(event.session)
            name_pattern = pattern.replace(r'\$arg', '_%')
            filter_op = lambda x, y:, escape='#')
            pattern = '%%%s%%' % escape_like_re.sub(r'#\1', pattern)
            name_pattern = pattern.replace('$arg', '#_#%')

        query = event.session.query(Factoid)\

        if search_type.startswith('fact'):
            query = query.filter(filter_op(, name_pattern))
        elif search_type.startswith('value'):
            query = query.filter(filter_op(FactoidValue.value, pattern))
            query = query.filter(
                or_(filter_op(, name_pattern),
                    filter_op(FactoidValue.value, pattern)))

        # Pre-evalute the iterable or the if statement will be True in SQLAlchemy 0.4. LP: #383286
        matches = [match for match in query.all()]

        bounded_matches = matches[start:start + limit]
        if bounded_matches:
            event.addresponse(u'; '.join(
                u'%s [%s]' % (, len(factoid.values))
                for factoid, fname in bounded_matches))
        elif len(matches):
                u"I could only find %(number)d things that matched '%(pattern)s'",
                    u'number': len(matches),
                    u'pattern': origpattern,
            event.addresponse(u"I couldn't find anything that matched '%s'" %
Beispiel #2
    def search(self, event, limit, search_type, pattern, start):
        limit = limit and min(int(limit), self.limit) or self.default
        start = start and max(int(start) - 1, 0) or 0

        search_type = search_type and search_type.lower() or u""

        origpattern = pattern
        m = self.regex_re.match(pattern)
        is_regex = False
        if m:
            pattern =
            is_regex = bool(

        # Hack: We replace $arg with _%, but this won't match a partial
        # "$arg" string
        if is_regex:
            filter_op = get_regexp_op(event.session)
            name_pattern = pattern.replace(r'\$arg', '_%')
            filter_op = lambda x, y:, escape='#')
            pattern = '%%%s%%' % escape_like_re.sub(r'#\1', pattern)
            name_pattern = pattern.replace('$arg', '#_#%')

        query = event.session.query(Factoid)\

        if search_type.startswith('fact'):
            query = query.filter(filter_op(, name_pattern))
        elif search_type.startswith('value'):
            query = query.filter(filter_op(FactoidValue.value, pattern))
            query = query.filter(or_(filter_op(, name_pattern),
                                     filter_op(FactoidValue.value, pattern)))

        # Pre-evalute the iterable or the if statement will be True in SQLAlchemy 0.4. LP: #383286
        matches = [match for match in query.all()]

        bounded_matches = matches[start:start+limit]
        if bounded_matches:
            event.addresponse(u'; '.join(
                u'%s [%s]' % (, len(factoid.values))
                for factoid, fname in bounded_matches))
        elif len(matches):
            event.addresponse(u"I could only find %(number)d things that matched '%(pattern)s'", {
                u'number': len(matches),
                u'pattern': origpattern,
            event.addresponse(u"I couldn't find anything that matched '%s'" % origpattern)
Beispiel #3
def get_factoid(session, name, number, pattern, is_regex, all=False,
    """session: SQLAlchemy session
    name: Factoid name (can contain arguments unless literal query)
    number: If not None, restrict to factoid[number] (or factoid[number:] for literal queries)
    pattern: If not None, restrict to factoids matching this pattern (cannot be used in conjuction with number)
    is_regex: Pattern is a real regex
    all: Return a random factoid from the set if False
    literal: Match factoid name literally (implies all)
    if all or literal, a list is returned; otherwise a single factoid is returned
    if nothing is found, either an empty list or None is returned
    assert not (number and pattern), u'number and pattern cannot be used together'
    if literal:
        all = True # as mentioned in the docstring
    # First pass for exact matches, if necessary again for wildcard matches
    if literal:
        passes = (False,)
        passes = (False, True)
    for wild in passes:
        factoid = None
        query = session.query(Factoid)\
        if wild:
            # Reversed LIKE because factoid name contains SQL wildcards if
            # factoid supports arguments
            query = query.filter(
                    'lower(:fact) LIKE lower(name) ESCAPE :escape'
                ).params(fact=name, escape='\\')
            query = query.filter( == escape_name(name))
        # For normal matches, restrict to the subset applicable
        if not literal:
            query = query.filter(FactoidName.wild == wild)

        if pattern:
            if is_regex:
                op = get_regexp_op(session)
                query = query.filter(op(FactoidValue.value, pattern))
                pattern = '%%%s%%' % escape_like_re.sub(r'#\1', pattern)
                query = query.filter(func.lower(FactoidValue.value)
                                     .like(pattern, escape='#'))

        if number is not None:
            number = max(0, int(number) - 1)
                # The .all() is to ensure the result is a list.
                # It gets len()ed later
                if literal:
                    return query.order_by([number:]
                    factoid = query.order_by([number]
            except IndexError:
        if all:
            if factoid is not None:
                return [factoid]
                factoid = query.all()
            factoid = factoid or query.order_by(func.random()).first()
        if factoid:
            return factoid
    if all:
        return []
    return None
Beispiel #4
def get_factoid(session,
    """session: SQLAlchemy session
    name: Factoid name (can contain arguments unless literal query)
    number: If not None, restrict to factoid[number] (or factoid[number:] for literal queries)
    pattern: If not None, restrict to factoids matching this pattern (cannot be used in conjuction with number)
    is_regex: Pattern is a real regex
    all: Return a random factoid from the set if False
    literal: Match factoid name literally (implies all)
    if all or literal, a list is returned; otherwise a single factoid is returned
    if nothing is found, either an empty list or None is returned
    assert not (number
                and pattern), u'number and pattern cannot be used together'
    if literal:
        all = True  # as mentioned in the docstring
    # First pass for exact matches, if necessary again for wildcard matches
    if literal:
        passes = (False, )
        passes = (False, True)
    for wild in passes:
        factoid = None
        query = session.query(Factoid)\
        if wild:
            # Reversed LIKE because factoid name contains SQL wildcards if
            # factoid supports arguments
            query = query.filter(
                'lower(:fact) LIKE lower(name) ESCAPE :escape').params(
                    fact=name, escape='\\')
            query = query.filter( == escape_name(name))
        # For normal matches, restrict to the subset applicable
        if not literal:
            query = query.filter(FactoidName.wild == wild)

        if pattern:
            if is_regex:
                op = get_regexp_op(session)
                query = query.filter(op(FactoidValue.value, pattern))
                pattern = '%%%s%%' % escape_like_re.sub(r'#\1', pattern)
                query = query.filter(
                    func.lower(FactoidValue.value).like(pattern, escape='#'))

        if number is not None:
            number = max(0, int(number) - 1)
                # The .all() is to ensure the result is a list.
                # It gets len()ed later
                if literal:
                    return query.order_by([number:]
                    factoid = query.order_by([number]
            except IndexError:
        if all:
            if factoid is not None:
                return [factoid]
                factoid = query.all()
            factoid = factoid or query.order_by(func.random()).first()
        if factoid:
            return factoid
    if all:
        return []
    return None