Beispiel #1
def column_from(name, column, *, this):
    """A column from a named table.

    This validator accepts columns passed as string, integer, or column
    expression. In the case of a column expression, this validator
    checks if the column in the table is equal to the column being
    if name not in this:
        raise com.IbisTypeError(f"Could not get table {name} from {this}")
    table = this[name]

    if isinstance(column, (str, int)):
        return table[column]
    elif isinstance(column, ir.Column):
        if not column.has_name():
            raise com.IbisTypeError(f"Passed column {column} has no name")

        maybe_column = column.get_name()
            if column.equals(table[maybe_column]):
                return column
                raise com.IbisTypeError(
                    f"Passed column is not a column in {type(table)}")
        except com.IbisError:
            raise com.IbisTypeError(
                f"Cannot get column {maybe_column} from {type(table)}")

    raise com.IbisTypeError("value must be an int or str or Column, got "
Beispiel #2
def _to_sort_key(key, *, table=None):
    if isinstance(key, DeferredSortKey):
        if table is None:
            raise com.IbisTypeError(
                "cannot resolve DeferredSortKey with table=None")
        key = key.resolve(table)

    if isinstance(key, ir.SortExpr):
        return key

    if isinstance(key, (tuple, list)):
        key, sort_order = key
        sort_order = True

    if not isinstance(key, ir.Expr):
        if table is None:
            raise com.IbisTypeError("cannot resolve key with table=None")
        key = table._ensure_expr(key)
        if isinstance(key, (ir.SortExpr, DeferredSortKey)):
            return _to_sort_key(key, table=table)

    if isinstance(sort_order, str):
        if sort_order.lower() in ('desc', 'descending'):
            sort_order = False
        elif not isinstance(sort_order, bool):
            sort_order = bool(sort_order)

    return SortKey(key, ascending=sort_order).to_expr()
Beispiel #3
def table(arg, *, schema=None, **kwargs):
    """A table argument.

    schema : Union[sch.Schema, List[Tuple[str, dt.DataType], None]
        A validator for the table's columns. Only column subset validators are
        currently supported. Accepts any arguments that `sch.schema` accepts.
        See the example for usage.
    arg : The validatable argument.

    The following op will accept an argument named ``'table'``. Note that the
    ``schema`` argument specifies rules for columns that are required to be in
    the table: ``time``, ``group`` and ``value1``. These must match the types
    specified in the column rules. Column ``value2`` is optional, but if
    present it must be of the specified type. The table may have extra columns
    not specified in the schema.
    if not isinstance(arg, ir.Table):
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            f'Argument is not a table; got type {type(arg).__name__}')

    if schema is not None:
        if arg.schema() >= sch.schema(schema):
            return arg

        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            f'Argument is not a table with column subset of {schema}')
    return arg
Beispiel #4
def array(values, type=None):
    """Create an array expression.

    If the input expressions are all column expressions, then the output will
    be an ``ArrayColumn``. The input columns will be concatenated row-wise to
    produce each array in the output array column. Each array will have length
    n, where n is the number of input columns. All input columns should be of
    the same datatype.

    If the input expressions are Python literals, then the output will be a
    single ``ArrayScalar`` of length n, where n are the number of input
    values. This is equivalent to ``ibis.literal(values)``.

    values : list
        A list of Ibis column expressions, or a list of Python literals

    array_value : ArrayValue
        An array column (if the inputs are column expressions), or an array
        scalar (if the inputs are Python literals)
    type : ibis type or string, optional
        An instance of :class:`ibis.expr.datatypes.DataType` or a string
        indicating the ibis type of `value`.

    Creating an array column from column expressions:
    >>> import ibis
    >>> t = ibis.table([('a', 'int64'), ('b', 'int64')], name='t')
    >>> result = ibis.array([t.a, t.b])

    Creating an array scalar from Python literals:
    >>> import ibis
    >>> result = ibis.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
    import ibis.expr.operations as ops

    if all([isinstance(value, ColumnExpr) for value in values]):
        return ops.ArrayColumn(values).to_expr()
    elif any([isinstance(value, ColumnExpr) for value in values]):
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            'To create an array column using `array`, all input values must '
            'be column expressions.'
            return literal(list(values), type=type)
        except com.IbisTypeError as e:
            raise com.IbisTypeError(
                'Could not create an array scalar from the values provided '
                'to `array`. Ensure that all input values have the same '
                'Python type, or can be casted to a single Python type.'
            ) from e
Beispiel #5
def list_of(inner, arg, min_length=0):
    if isinstance(
            str) or not isinstance(arg,
                                   (, ir.ListExpr)):
        raise com.IbisTypeError('Argument must be a sequence')

    if len(arg) < min_length:
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            'Arg must have at least {} number of elements'.format(min_length))
    return ir.sequence(list(map(inner, arg)))
Beispiel #6
def container_of(inner, arg, *, type, min_length=0, flatten=False, **kwargs):
    if not util.is_iterable(arg):
        raise com.IbisTypeError('Argument must be a sequence')

    if len(arg) < min_length:
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            f'Arg must have at least {min_length} number of elements')

    if flatten:
        arg = util.flatten_iterable(arg)

    return type(inner(item, **kwargs) for item in arg)
Beispiel #7
def cast(source, target):
    """Currently Literal to *Scalar implicit casts are allowed"""
    import ibis.expr.operations as ops  # TODO: don't use ops here

    if not castable(source, target):
        raise com.IbisTypeError('Source is not castable to target type!')

    # currently it prevents column -> scalar implicit castings
    # however the datatypes are matching
    op = source.op()
    if not isinstance(op, ops.Literal):
        raise com.IbisTypeError('Only able to implicitly cast literals!')

    out_type = target.type().scalar_type()
    return out_type(op)
Beispiel #8
def instance_of(klass, arg):
    """Require that a value has a particular Python type."""
    if not isinstance(arg, klass):
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            'Given argument with type {} is not an instance of {}'.format(
                type(arg), klass))
    return arg
Beispiel #9
def interval(arg, units=None):
    arg = value(dt.Interval, arg)
    unit = arg.type().unit
    if units is not None and unit not in units:
        msg = 'Interval unit `{}` is not among the allowed ones {}'
        raise com.IbisTypeError(msg.format(unit, units))
    return arg
Beispiel #10
def from_string(value: str) -> DataType:
        return TypeParser(value).parse()
    except SyntaxError:
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            '{!r} cannot be parsed as a datatype'.format(value)
Beispiel #11
def non_negative_integer(arg, **kwargs):
    if not isinstance(arg, int):
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            f"positive integer must be int type, got {type(arg).__name__}")
    if arg < 0:
        raise ValueError("got negative value for non-negative integer rule")
    return arg
Beispiel #12
def reduction(argument, **kwargs):
    from ibis.expr.analysis import is_reduction

    if not is_reduction(argument):
        raise com.IbisTypeError("`argument` must be a reduction")

    return argument
Beispiel #13
def cast(source: DataType | str, target: DataType | str, **kwargs) -> DataType:
    """Attempts to implicitly cast from source dtype to target dtype"""
    source, result_target = dtype(source), dtype(target)

    if not castable(source, result_target, **kwargs):
        raise com.IbisTypeError('Datatype {} cannot be implicitly '
                                'casted to {}'.format(source, result_target))
    return result_target
Beispiel #14
def one_of(inners, arg, **kwargs):
    """At least one of the inner validators must pass"""
    for inner in inners:
        with suppress(com.IbisTypeError, ValueError):
            return inner(arg, **kwargs)

    raise com.IbisTypeError("argument passes none of the following rules: "
                            f"{', '.join(map(repr, inners))}")
Beispiel #15
def instance_of(klasses, arg, **kwargs):
    """Require that a value has a particular Python type."""
    if not isinstance(arg, klasses):
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            f'Given argument with type {type(arg)} '
            f'is not an instance of {klasses}'
    return arg
Beispiel #16
 def __init__(self, left, right):
     left_dtype, right_dtype = left.type(), right.type()
     if left_dtype != right_dtype:
         raise com.IbisTypeError(
             'Array types must match exactly in a {} operation. '
             'Left type {} != Right type {}'.format(
                 type(self).__name__, left_dtype, right_dtype))
     super().__init__(left=left, right=right)
Beispiel #17
def higher_precedence(left: DataType, right: DataType) -> DataType:
    if castable(left, right, upcast=True):
        return right
    elif castable(right, left, upcast=True):
        return left

    raise com.IbisTypeError(
        'Cannot compute precedence for {} and {} types'.format(left, right))
Beispiel #18
def array_of(inner, arg):
    val = arg if isinstance(arg, ir.Expr) else ir.literal(arg)
    argtype = val.type()
    if not isinstance(argtype, dt.Array):
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            'Argument must be an array, got expression {} which is of type '
            '{}'.format(val, val.type()))
    return value(dt.Array(inner(val[0]).type()), val)
Beispiel #19
def named_literal(value, **kwargs):
    import ibis.expr.operations as ops

    if not isinstance(value, ir.Scalar):
        raise com.IbisTypeError("`value` must be a scalar expression; "
                                f"got value of type {type(value).__name__}")

    if not isinstance(value.op(), ops.Literal):
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            "`value` must map to an ibis literal; "
            f"got expr with op {type(value.op()).__name__}")

    # check that the literal has a name
    if not value.has_name():
        raise com.IbisTypeError("`value` literal is not named")

    return value
Beispiel #20
def base_table_of(name, *, this):
    from ibis.expr.analysis import find_first_base_table

    arg = this[name]
    base = find_first_base_table(arg)
    if base is None:
        raise com.IbisTypeError(f"`{arg}` doesn't have a base table")
        return base
Beispiel #21
def member_of(obj, arg):
    if isinstance(arg, enum.Enum):
        enum.unique(obj)  # check that enum has unique values
        arg =

    if not hasattr(obj, arg):
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            'Value with type {} is not a member of {}'.format(type(arg), obj))
    return getattr(obj, arg)
Beispiel #22
def one_of(inners, arg):
    """At least one of the inner validators must pass"""
    for inner in inners:
        with suppress(com.IbisTypeError, ValueError):
            return inner(arg)

    rules_formatted = ', '.join(map(repr, inners))
    raise com.IbisTypeError(
        'Arg passes neither of the following rules: {}'.format(
Beispiel #23
def array_of(inner, arg, **kwargs):
    val = arg if isinstance(arg, ir.Expr) else ir.literal(arg)
    argtype = val.type()
    if not isinstance(argtype, dt.Array):
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            'Argument must be an array, '
            f'got expression which is of type {val.type()}')
    value_dtype = inner(val[0], **kwargs).type()
    array_dtype = dt.Array(value_dtype)
    return value(array_dtype, val, **kwargs)
Beispiel #24
    def validate_func_and_types(self, func):
        if isinstance(self.spark_output_type, (pt.MapType, pt.StructType)):
            raise com.IbisTypeError(
                'Spark does not support MapType or StructType output for \
Pandas UDFs')
        if not self.input_type:
            raise com.UnsupportedArgumentError(
                'Spark does not support 0-arg pandas UDFs. Instead, create \
a 1-arg pandas UDF and ignore the arg in your function')
Beispiel #25
def is_computable_input(value, **kwargs):  # pragma: no cover
    from ibis.backends.pandas.core import (
        is_computable_input as _is_computable_input, )

    if not _is_computable_input(value):
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            f"object {value} is not a computable input; "
            "did you register the type with "
    return value
Beispiel #26
    def output_dtype(self):
        value_type = self.arg.type().value_type
        default_type = self.default.type()

        if not dt.same_kind(default_type, value_type):
            raise com.IbisTypeError(
                "Default value\n{}\nof type {} cannot be cast to map's value "
                "type {}".format(self.default, default_type, value_type))

        return dt.highest_precedence((default_type, value_type))
Beispiel #27
    def __init__(self, table, name):
        schema = table.schema()

        if isinstance(name, int):
            name = schema.name_at_position(name)

        if name not in schema:
            raise com.IbisTypeError(
                f"value {name!r} is not a field in {table.columns}")

        super().__init__(table=table, name=name)
Beispiel #28
    def validate_func_and_types(self, func):
        if not callable(func):
            raise TypeError('func must be callable, got {}'.format(func))

        # validate that the input_type argument and the function signature
        # match
        valid_function_signature(self.input_type, func)

        if not self.output_type.nullable:
            raise com.IbisTypeError(
                'Spark does not support non-nullable output types')
Beispiel #29
def member_of(obj, arg, **kwargs):
    if isinstance(arg, ir.EnumValue):
        arg = arg.op().value
    if isinstance(arg, enum.Enum):
        enum.unique(obj)  # check that enum has unique values
        arg =

    if not hasattr(obj, arg):
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            f'Value with type {type(arg)} is not a member of {obj}')
    return getattr(obj, arg)
Beispiel #30
def value(dtype, arg):
    """Validates that the given argument is a Value with a particular datatype

    dtype : DataType subclass or DataType instance
    arg : python literal or an ibis expression
      If a python literal is given the validator tries to coerce it to an ibis

    arg : AnyValue
      An ibis value expression with the specified datatype
    if not isinstance(arg, ir.Expr):
        # coerce python literal to ibis literal
        arg = ir.literal(arg)

    if not isinstance(arg, ir.AnyValue):
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            'Given argument with type {} is not a value '

    # retrieve literal values for implicit cast check
    value = getattr(arg.op(), 'value', None)

    if isinstance(dtype, type) and isinstance(arg.type(), dtype):
        # dtype class has been specified like dt.Interval or dt.Decimal
        return arg
    elif dt.castable(arg.type(), dt.dtype(dtype), value=value):
        # dtype instance or string has been specified and arg's dtype is
        # implicitly castable to it, like dt.int8 is castable to dt.int64
        return arg
        raise com.IbisTypeError(
            'Given argument with datatype {} is not '
            'subtype of {} nor implicitly castable to '
            'it'.format(arg.type(), dtype)