Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, left, right, join_predicates):
        from ibis.expr.analysis import ExprValidator

        if not rules.is_table(left):
            raise TypeError('Can only join table expressions, got %s for '
                            'left table' % type(left))

        if not rules.is_table(right):
            raise TypeError('Can only join table expressions, got %s for '
                            'right table' % type(left))

        if left.equals(right):
            right = right.view()

        self.left = left
        self.right = right
        self.predicates = self._clean_predicates(join_predicates)

        # Validate join predicates. Each predicate must be valid jointly when
        # considering the roots of each input table
        validator = ExprValidator([self.left, self.right])

        Node.__init__(self, [self.left, self.right, self.predicates])
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, left, right, join_predicates):
        from ibis.expr.analysis import ExprValidator

        if not rules.is_table(left):
            raise TypeError('Can only join table expressions, got %s for '
                            'left table' % type(left))

        if not rules.is_table(right):
            raise TypeError('Can only join table expressions, got %s for '
                            'right table' % type(left))

        if left.equals(right):
            right = right.view()

        self.left = left
        self.right = right
        self.predicates = self._clean_predicates(join_predicates)

        # Validate join predicates. Each predicate must be valid jointly when
        # considering the roots of each input table
        validator = ExprValidator([self.left, self.right])

        Node.__init__(self, [self.left, self.right, self.predicates])