Beispiel #1
def test_aggregate_list_like(backend, alltypes, df, agg_fn):
    """Tests .aggregate() where the result of an aggregation is a list-like.

    We expect the list / np.array to be treated as a scalar (in other words,
    the resulting table expression should have one element, which is the
    list / np.array).

    udf = reduction(input_type=[dt.double],

    expr = alltypes.aggregate(result_col=udf(alltypes.double_col))
    result = expr.execute()

    # Expecting a 1-row DataFrame
    expected = pd.DataFrame({'result_col': [agg_fn(df.double_col)]})

    backend.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
Beispiel #2
def create_mean_struct_udf(result_formatter):
    return reduction(
        input_type=[dt.double, dt.double],
        output_type=dt.Struct(['mean', 'mean_weight'], [dt.double, dt.double]),
    )(_format_struct_udf_return_type(mean_struct, result_formatter))