Beispiel #1
    def forward(self, batch, compute_bounds=True, cert_eps=1.0):
      batch: A batch dict from a TextClassificationDataset with the following keys:
        - x: tensor of word vector indices, size (B, n, 1)
        - mask: binary mask over words (1 for real, 0 for pad), size (B, n)
        - lengths: lengths of sequences, size (B,)
      compute_bounds: If True compute the interval bounds and reutrn an IntervalBoundedTensor as logits. Otherwise just use the values
      cert_eps: Scaling factor for interval bounds of the input
        if compute_bounds:
            x = batch['x']
            x = batch['x'].val
        mask = batch['mask']
        lengths = batch['lengths']

        x_vecs = self.embs(x)  # B, n, d
        if self.early_ibp and isinstance(x_vecs, ibp.DiscreteChoiceTensor):
            x_vecs = x_vecs.to_interval_bounded(eps=cert_eps)
        if not self.no_wordvec_layer:
            x_vecs = self.linear_input(x_vecs)  # B, n, h
        if isinstance(x_vecs, ibp.DiscreteChoiceTensor):
            x_vecs = x_vecs.to_interval_bounded(eps=cert_eps)
        if self.no_wordvec_layer or not self.relu_wordvec:
            z = x_vecs
            z = ibp.activation(F.relu, x_vecs)  # B, n, h
        z_masked = z * mask.unsqueeze(-1)  # B, n, h
        z_cnn_in = z_masked.permute(0, 2, 1)  # B, h, n
        c1 = ibp.activation(F.relu, self.conv1(z_cnn_in))  # B, h, n
        c1_masked = c1 * mask.unsqueeze(1)  # B, h, n
        if self.pool == 'mean':
            fc_in = ibp.sum(c1_masked /
                  , 1, 1),
                            2)  # B, h
        elif self.pool == 'attn':
            fc_in = attention_pool(c1_masked.permute(0, 2, 1), mask,
                                   self.attn_pool)  # B, h
            # zero-masking works b/c ReLU guarantees that everything is >= 0
            fc_in = ibp.pool(torch.max, c1_masked, 2)  # B, h
        fc_in = self.dropout(fc_in)
        fc_hidden = ibp.activation(F.relu, self.fc_hidden(fc_in))  # B, h
        fc_hidden = self.dropout(fc_hidden)
        output = self.fc_output(fc_hidden)  # B, 1
        return output
Beispiel #2
    def forward(self, batch, compute_bounds=True, cert_eps=1.0):
        """Forward pass of BOWModel.

      batch: A batch dict from a TextClassificationDataset with the following keys:
        - x: tensor of word vector indices, size (B, n, 1)
        - mask: binary mask over words (1 for real, 0 for pad), size (B, n)
        - lengths: lengths of sequences, size (B,)
      compute_bounds: If True compute the interval bounds and reutrn an IntervalBoundedTensor as logits. Otherwise just use the values
      cert_eps: Scaling factor for interval bounds of the input
        if compute_bounds:
            x = batch['x']
            x = batch['x'].val
        mask = batch['mask']
        lengths = batch['lengths']

        x_vecs = self.embs(x)  # B, n, d
        if not self.no_wordvec_layer:
            x_vecs = self.linear_input(x_vecs)  # B, n, h
        if isinstance(x_vecs, ibp.DiscreteChoiceTensor):
            x_vecs = x_vecs.to_interval_bounded(eps=cert_eps)
        if self.no_wordvec_layer:
            z1 = x_vecs
            z1 = ibp.activation(F.relu, x_vecs)
        z1_masked = z1 * mask.unsqueeze(-1)  # B, n, h
        if self.pool == 'mean':
            z1_pooled = ibp.sum(z1_masked /
                      , 1, 1),
                                1)  # B, h
        elif self.pool == 'attn':
            z1_pooled = attention_pool(z1_masked, mask, self.attn_pool)
        else:  # max
            # zero-masking works b/c ReLU guarantees that everything is >= 0
            z1_pooled = ibp.pool(torch.max, z1_masked, 1)  # B, h
        z1_pooled = self.dropout(z1_pooled)
        z2 = ibp.activation(F.relu, self.linear_hidden(z1_pooled))  # B, h
        z2 = self.dropout(z2)
        output = self.linear_output(z2)  # B, 1
        return output
Beispiel #3
    def forward(self, batch, compute_bounds=True, cert_eps=1.0):
    Forward pass of DecompAttentionModel.
      batch: A batch dict from an EntailmentDataset with the following keys:
        - prem: tensor of word vector indices for premise (B, p, 1)
        - hypo: tensor of word vector indices for hypothesis (B, h, 1)
        - prem_mask: binary mask over premise words (1 for real, 0 for pad), size (B, p)
        - hypo_mask: binary mask over hypothesis words (1 for real, 0 for pad), size (B, h)
        - prem_lengths: lengths of premises, size (B,)
        - hypo_lengths: lengths of hypotheses, size (B,)
      compute_bounds: If True compute the interval bounds and reutrn an IntervalBoundedTensor as logits. Otherwise just use the values
      cert_eps: float, scaling factor for the interval bounds.
        def encode(sequence, mask):
            vecs = self.embs(sequence)
            if isinstance(vecs, ibp.DiscreteChoiceTensor):
                null = torch.zeros_like(vecs.val[0])
                null_choice = torch.zeros_like(vecs.choice_mat[0])
                null[0] = self.null
                null_choice[0, 0] = self.null
                vecs.val = vecs.val + null
                vecs.choice_mat = vecs.choice_mat + null_choice
                null = torch.zeros_like(vecs[0])
                null[0] = self.null
                vecs = vecs + null
            vecs = self.rotation(vecs)
            if isinstance(vecs, ibp.DiscreteChoiceTensor):
                vecs = vecs.to_interval_bounded(eps=cert_eps)
            return ibp.activation(F.relu, vecs) * mask.unsqueeze(-1)

        if not compute_bounds:
            batch['prem']['x'] = batch['prem']['x'].val
            batch['hypo']['x'] = batch['hypo']['x'].val
        prem_encoded = encode(batch['prem']['x'],
                              batch['prem']['mask'])  # (bXpXe)
        hypo_encoded = encode(batch['hypo']['x'],
                              batch['hypo']['mask'])  # (bXhXe)
        prem_weights = self.feedforward(
            prem_encoded) * batch['prem']['mask'].unsqueeze(-1)  # (bXpX1)
        hypo_weights = self.feedforward(
            hypo_encoded) * batch['hypo']['mask'].unsqueeze(-1)  # (bXhX1)
        attention = ibp.bmm(prem_weights, hypo_weights.permute(
            0, 2, 1))  # (bXpX1) X (bX1Xh) => (bXpXh)
        attention_mask = batch['prem']['mask'].unsqueeze(
            -1) * batch['hypo']['mask'].unsqueeze(1)
        attention_masked = ibp.add(attention, (1 - attention_mask) * -1e20)
        attended_prem = self.attend_on(hypo_encoded, prem_encoded,
                                       attention_masked)  # (bXpX2e)
        attended_hypo = self.attend_on(prem_encoded, hypo_encoded,
                                       attention_masked.permute(0, 2,
                                                                1))  # (bXhX2e)
        compared_prem = self.compare_ff(
            attended_prem) * batch['prem']['mask'].unsqueeze(-1)  # (bXpXhid)
        compared_hypo = self.compare_ff(
            attended_hypo) * batch['hypo']['mask'].unsqueeze(-1)  # (bXhXhid)
        prem_aggregate = ibp.pool(torch.sum, compared_prem, dim=1)  # (bXhid)
        hypo_aggregate = ibp.pool(torch.sum, compared_hypo, dim=1)  # (bXhid)
        aggregate =[prem_aggregate, hypo_aggregate],
                            dim=-1)  # (bX2hid)
        return self.output_layer(aggregate)  # (b)