def iceWebServer(IceCommon, options, outputWriter):
    iceContext = IceCommon.IceContext(options=options)
    settings = iceContext.settings
    asServiceOnly = bool(
        options.get("asserviceonly", settings.get("asServiceOnly", False)))
    enableExternalAccess = bool(
                    settings.get("enableExternalAccess", False)))
    port = int(options.get("port", options.get("p", iceContext.config.port)))
    settings["asServiceOnly"] = asServiceOnly
    settings["enableExternalAccess"] = enableExternalAccess
    webserver = options.get("webserver", settings.get("webServer", "default"))
    iceContext.isServer = options.get("server", settings.get("server", False))
    settings["webserver"] = webserver
    if asServiceOnly:
        outputWriter("* asServiceOnly *\n")
    if enableExternalAccess:
        outputWriter("* external access enabled *\n")
    if iceContext.isServer:
        outputWriter("* running as a server!\n")
    iceServer = IceServer(iceContext, IceRequest, ServerRequestData,
 def getRep(self):
     iceContext = IceCommon.IceContext(None)
     output = iceContext.output
     iceContext.output = None
     rep = IceRepository(iceContext, testRep, repUrl=repUrl, 
     iceContext.output = output
     return rep
def converterAppMain(progName, options, testing=False, fs=None, output=None):
    if output is None:
        output = sys.stdout
    if fs is None:
        fs = Global.fs
    usageMessage = "Usage: \n %s -convert -f:odtOrDocFile -d:outputDirectory [-options]" % progName
    usageMessage += "\n  Options:"
    usageMessage += "\n    -pdfLink              - include a link to the PDF rendition in the HTML"
    usageMessage += "\n    -sourceLink           - include a link to the source document in the HTML (including derived ODT from DOC)"
    usageMessage += "\n    -includetitle:False          - do not include the title in the body of the HTML"
    usageMessage += "\n    -toc:False            - turn off the page TOC in the HTML"
    usageMessage += "\n    -template templateFile    - use the given xhtml template file when generating the HTML"
    usageMessage += "\n    -templateString \"templateString\"    - use the given xml template string when generating the HTML"
    usageMessage += "\n    -oooPort:#            - use the given port number for communication with"
    usageMessage += "\n    -oooPath pathToOOo    - use the at the given path"
    usageMessage += "\n    -open                 - to auto open the converted file"
    usageMessage += "\nOR to atom publish"
    usageMessage += "\n %s -atomPub -f:htmlFile [-options]" % progName
    usageMessage += "\n %s -atomConvertPub -f:odtOrDocFile -d:outputDirectory [-options]" % progName
    usageMessage += "\n  Options:"
    usageMessage += "\n    -atomPubUrl=url       - required for first post"
    usageMessage += "\n    -categories=\"categories\"  - A list of cateogories for the post separated by ;, "
    usageMessage += "\n                             eg. \"Category1;Categor2\"(default is Uncategorized)"
    usageMessage += "\n    -title=\"Title\"        - required"
    usageMessage += "\n    -authType=None|Basic|Blogger   - (default is None)"
    usageMessage += "\n    -username=username    - required if authType is Basic or Blogger"
    usageMessage += "\n    -password=password    - required if authType is Basic or Blogger"
    usageMessage += "\n    -author=author        - required if username has not been given (default is username)"
    usageMessage += "\n    -summary=\"summary\"  - (default is title)"
    usageMessage += "\n    -draft:True|False     - (default is True)"
    usageMessage += "\n    -new:True|False       - (default is False, ignored if document has not been posted yet)"
    usageMessage += "\n    -open                 - to open the publish content"

    convert = options.get("convert", False)
    atomPub = options.get("atompub", False)
    atomConvertPub = options.get("atomconvertpub", False)
    if options.get("help", False) or (not convert) and (not atomPub):
        output.write("%s\n" % usageMessage)
        return True
    if options.get("testing", False):
        output.write("%s\n" % "*** Testing Mode ***")
        file = "testData/test1.odt"
        toDir = "testData/output"
        if False:
            output.write("Testing - isWindows=%s, isLinux=%s, isMac=%s\n" %
                         (Global.isWindows, Global.isLinux, Global.isMac))
            output.write("Options=%s\n" % str(options))
                "%s%s\n" %
                (config.settings, config.settings.get("oooPythonPath")))
        file = options.get("file", None)
        toDir = options.get("directory", None)
        if (file is None) or ((toDir is None) and (atomPub == False)):
            output.write("%s\n" % usageMessage)
            return False
    if True:
        if not fs.isFile(file):
            output.write("Can not find file '%s'!\n" % file)
            return False
        if not atomPub and fs.isFile(toDir):
            output.write("'%s' is a filename!\n" % toDir)
            return False
        #if fs.exists(toDir):
        #    print "'%s' already exists!" % toDir
        #    sys.exit(1)

    #'s python path and port #
    if options.get("oooport", None) is not None:
        config.settings["oooPort"] = options.get("oooport")
    if options.get("ooopath", None) is not None:
        oooPath = options.get("ooopath")
        config.settings["oooPath"] = oooPath
        config.settings["oooPythonPath"] = config.settings.getOooPythonPath(

    # Template file
    if options.get("template", None) is not None:
        templateFile = options["template"]
        output.write("using template file '%s'\n" % templateFile)
        if fs.isFile(templateFile):
            template = fs.readFile(templateFile)
            output.write("Can not find template file '%s'\n" % templateFile)
            return False
    elif options.get("templatestring", None) is not None:
        template = options.get("templatestring")
        template = """<html>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
        <title>Default Template</title>
        <style type="text/css">
          .rendition-links { text-align: right; }
          .body table td { vertical-align: top; }
        <style class="sub style-css" type="text/css"></style>
        <div class="rendition-links">
          <span class="ins source-link"></span>
          <span class="ins slide-link"></span>
          <span class="ins pdf-rendition-link"></span>
        <h1 class="ins title"></h1>
        <div class="ins page-toc"></div>
        <div class="ins body"></div>

    iceContext = IceCommon.IceContext(loadRepositories=False, loadConfig=True)
    oooConverterApp = iceContext.getPlugin(
    oooConverterApp = oooConverterApp(iceContext, fs, template)
    if atomPub or atomConvertPub:
        if atomConvertPub:
            result, htmlFile, pdfFile = oooConverterApp.convert(
                file, toDir, options)
            if htmlFile is None:
                return False
            file = htmlFile
        #App Publish
        content = fs.readFile(file)
        newEntry = options.get("new", False)
        if type(newEntry) == bool:
            newEntry = str(newEntry).lower()
        elif newEntry.strip() == "on":
            newEntry = "true"
        newEntry = newEntry.lower() == "true"
        if not newEntry:
            entryXml = fs.readFile(file + ".info")
            entryXml = None

        path, name, _ = fs.splitPathFileExt(file)
        mediaPath = "%s/%s_files" % (path, name)

        def getMedia(media=None):
            if media is None:
                files = fs.listFiles(mediaPath)
                files.append(name + ".pdf")
                return files
                if media.endswith(".pdf"):
                    file = fs.join(path, media)
                    file = fs.join(mediaPath, media)
                return fs.readFile(file)

        def saveResponse(entryXml, publishedCategory):
            fs.writeFile(file + ".info", entryXml)

        AtomPublish = iceContext.getPlugin("ice.atom.publish").pluginClass
        atomPublish = AtomPublish(iceContext, file, getMedia, saveResponse,
            if False:  # Comment out the style data
                et = iceContext.ElementTree
                xml = et.XML(content)
                styles = xml.findall(".//style")
                for s in styles:
                    c = et.Comment("\n" + s.text + "\n//")
                    s.text = "//"
                content = et.tostring(xml)
            successes, responses, urls = atomPublish.publish(
                content, options, entryXml)
            success = True
            for s in successes:
                success = success and s
            if success:
                output.write("Published OK\n")
                output.write("Publish failed: %s\n" % responses[0])
            if urls != []:
                for url in urls:
                    output.write("Published URL: %s\n" % url)
            if options.get("open", False) and urls != []:
                for url in urls:
                        url, openFileBrowserIfNoAppAssociation=False)
        except AtomPublish.BadAuthentication, e:
            output.write("Publish failed: %s\n" % str(e))
        except AtomPublish.RequestException, e:
            output.write("Publish failed: %s\n" % str(e))