def Physics(self, frame): q_tot = NaN n_channels = 0 n_hits = 0 max_qfrac = NaN pulse_map = dataclasses.I3RecoPulseSeriesMap.from_frame( frame, self.pulses) charge_list = [] for omkey, pulses in pulse_map: # Throw out Deep Core strings (want homogenized total charge) if (omkey.string < 79) and ( >= self.min_DOM) and ( <= self.max_DOM): n_channels += 1 for pulse in pulses: charge_list += [pulse.charge] # Check to see if DOMs with signal are in the min_DOM to # max_DOM range if n_channels == 0: q_tot = NaN max_qfrac = NaN else: q_tot = np.sum(charge_list) n_hits = len(charge_list) max_qfrac = np.max(charge_list) / q_tot frame.Put('InIce_charge_{}_{}'.format(self.min_DOM, self.max_DOM), dataclasses.I3Double(q_tot)) frame.Put('NChannels_{}_{}'.format(self.min_DOM, self.max_DOM), icetray.I3Int(n_channels)) frame.Put('NHits_{}_{}'.format(self.min_DOM, self.max_DOM), icetray.I3Int(n_hits)) frame.Put('max_qfrac_{}_{}'.format(self.min_DOM, self.max_DOM), dataclasses.I3Double(max_qfrac)) self.PushFrame(frame)
def process_frame(frame, gcdfile='/cvmfs/', charge_scale=1.0, time_scale=1e-3): """ Processes a frame to create an event graph and metadata out of it. Parameters: ----------- frame : I3Frame The data frame to extract an event graph with features from. gcd_file : str Path to the gcd file. charge_scale : float The normalization constant for charge. time_scale : float The normalization constant for time. """ ### Meta data of the event for analysis of the classifier and creation of ground truth primary = dataclasses.get_most_energetic_neutrino(frame['I3MCTree']) if primary is None: get_weighted_primary(frame, MCPrimary='MCPrimary') primary = frame['MCPrimary'] # Obtain the PDG Encoding for ground truth #frame['PDGEncoding'] = dataclasses.I3Double(primary.pdg_encoding) #frame['InteractionType'] = dataclasses.I3Double(frame['I3MCWeightDict']['InteractionType']) frame['RunID'] = icetray.I3Int(frame['I3EventHeader'].run_id) frame['EventID'] = icetray.I3Int(frame['I3EventHeader'].event_id) frame['PrimaryEnergy'] = dataclasses.I3Double( ### Create features for each event features, coordinates, _ = get_events_from_frame(frame, charge_scale=charge_scale, time_scale=time_scale) for feature_name in vertex_features: frame[feature_name] = dataclasses.I3VectorFloat(features[feature_name]) ### Create offset lookups for the flattened feature arrays per event frame['NumberVertices'] = icetray.I3Int(len(features[features.keys()[0]])) ### Create coordinates for each vertex C = np.vstack(coordinates.values()).T #C, C_mean, C_std = normalize_coordinates(C, weights=None, copy=True) #C_cog, C_mean_cog, C_std_cog = normalize_coordinates(C, weights=features['TotalCharge'], copy=True) frame['VertexX'] = dataclasses.I3VectorFloat(C[:, 0]) frame['VertexY'] = dataclasses.I3VectorFloat(C[:, 1]) frame['VertexZ'] = dataclasses.I3VectorFloat(C[:, 2]) ### Output centering and true debug information frame['PrimaryX'] = dataclasses.I3Double(primary.pos.x) frame['PrimaryY'] = dataclasses.I3Double(primary.pos.y) frame['PrimaryZ'] = dataclasses.I3Double(primary.pos.z) frame['PrimaryAzimuth'] = dataclasses.I3Double(primary.dir.azimuth) frame['PrimaryZenith'] = dataclasses.I3Double(primary.dir.zenith) ### Apply labeling classify_wrapper(frame, None, gcdfile=gcdfile) return True
def CreatePFrame(self, nside, pixel): dec, ra = healpy.pix2ang(nside, pixel) dec = dec - numpy.pi / 2. zenith, azimuth = astro.equa_to_dir(ra, dec, self.event_mjd) zenith = float(zenith) azimuth = float(azimuth) direction = dataclasses.I3Direction(zenith, azimuth) position = self.seed_position time = self.seed_time energy = self.seed_energy variationDistance = 20. * I3Units.m posVariations = [ dataclasses.I3Position(0., 0., 0.), dataclasses.I3Position(-variationDistance, 0., 0.), dataclasses.I3Position(variationDistance, 0., 0.), dataclasses.I3Position(0., -variationDistance, 0.), dataclasses.I3Position(0., variationDistance, 0.), dataclasses.I3Position(0., 0., -variationDistance), dataclasses.I3Position(0., 0., variationDistance) ] for i in range(0, len(posVariations)): posVariation = posVariations[i] p_frame = icetray.I3Frame(icetray.I3Frame.Physics) thisPosition = dataclasses.I3Position(position.x + posVariation.x, position.y + posVariation.y, position.z + posVariation.z) # generate the particle from scratch particle = dataclasses.I3Particle() particle.shape = dataclasses.I3Particle.ParticleShape.InfiniteTrack particle.fit_status = dataclasses.I3Particle.FitStatus.OK particle.pos = thisPosition particle.dir = direction particle.time = time = energy p_frame[self.output_particle_name] = particle # generate a new event header eventHeader = dataclasses.I3EventHeader(self.event_header) eventHeader.sub_event_stream = "SCAN_nside%04u_pixel%04u_posvar%04u" % ( nside, pixel, i) eventHeader.sub_event_id = pixel p_frame["I3EventHeader"] = eventHeader p_frame["SCAN_HealpixPixel"] = icetray.I3Int(int(pixel)) p_frame["SCAN_HealpixNSide"] = icetray.I3Int(int(nside)) p_frame["SCAN_PositionVariationIndex"] = icetray.I3Int(int(i)) for frame in self.GCDQpFrames[0:-1]: self.PushFrame(frame) self.PushFrame(p_frame)
def RFrame(self, frame): position = frame[self.input_pos_name] time = frame[self.input_time_name].value energy = float('NaN') self.PushFrame(frame) for pixel in self.pixels: p_frame = icetray.I3Frame(icetray.I3Frame.Physics) zenith, azimuth = healpy.pix2ang(self.nside, pixel) direction = dataclasses.I3Direction(zenith,azimuth) #print "reconstructing with fixed direction", direction, "(npixels=", self.npix, ", pixel=", pixel, ")" variationDistance = 20.*I3Units.m posVariations = [dataclasses.I3Position(0.,0.,0.), dataclasses.I3Position(-variationDistance,0.,0.), dataclasses.I3Position( variationDistance,0.,0.), dataclasses.I3Position(0.,-variationDistance,0.), dataclasses.I3Position(0., variationDistance,0.), dataclasses.I3Position(0.,0.,-variationDistance), dataclasses.I3Position(0.,0., variationDistance)] for i in range(len(posVariations)): thisPosition = dataclasses.I3Position(position.x + posVariations[i].x,position.y + posVariations[i].y,position.z + posVariations[i].z) # generate the particle from scratch particle = dataclasses.I3Particle() particle.shape = dataclasses.I3Particle.ParticleShape.Cascade particle.fit_status = dataclasses.I3Particle.FitStatus.OK particle.pos = thisPosition particle.dir = direction particle.time = time = energy thisParticleName = self.output_particle_name if i>0: thisParticleName = thisParticleName+"_%i"%i p_frame[thisParticleName] = particle p_frame["HealpixPixel"] = icetray.I3Int(int(pixel)) p_frame["HealpixNSide"] = icetray.I3Int(int(self.nside)) # generate a new event header eventHeader = dataclasses.I3EventHeader(frame["I3EventHeader"]) eventHeader.sub_event_stream = "millipede_scan_nside%04u" % self.nside eventHeader.sub_event_id = pixel p_frame["I3EventHeader"] = eventHeader self.PushFrame(p_frame)
def coincidenceLabel_poly(p_frame): if is_data(p_frame): return True if 'I3MCWeightDict' not in p_frame.keys(): return poly = p_frame['PolyplopiaCount'] #print('Poly? {}'.format(poly.value)) if poly == icetray.I3Int(0): coincidence = 0 else: coincidence = 1 p_frame.Put("multiplicity", icetray.I3Int(coincidence)) return
def FramePacket(self, frames): n_reduced = 0 oframes = [] for frame in frames: if (frame.Has("I3EventHeader") and frame["I3EventHeader"].sub_event_stream == self.splitName): r = dataclasses.I3RecoPulseSeriesMap.from_frame( frame, self.pulsesName) keep = True if (len(r) == 0): keep = False else: for item in r: keep = False if (len(item[1])): keep = True break if (keep): oframes.append(frame) else: n_reduced += 1 else: oframes.append(frame) for frame in oframes: if (frame.Stop == icetray.I3Frame.DAQ): red_value = frame[self.splitName + "ReducedCount"].value frame.Delete(self.splitName + "ReducedCount") frame.Put(self.splitName + "ReducedCount", icetray.I3Int((red_value + n_reduced))) self.PushFrame(frame)
def fix_pixel_num(frame): nside = frame["SCAN_HealpixNSide"].value pixel = frame["SCAN_HealpixPixel"].value posvar = frame["SCAN_PositionVariationIndex"].value header = frame["I3EventHeader"] # we used to do this to go from pixel to dec/ra: dec, ra = healpy.pix2ang(nside, pixel) dec = dec - numpy.pi / 2. # this is what we *should* have done: # dec = numpy.pi/2. - dec new_pixel = healpy.ang2pix(nside, numpy.pi / 2. - dec, ra) # --- sanity check # (this is how we *want* this to be converted. Make sure the above did the right thing) new_dec, new_ra = healpy.pix2ang(nside, new_pixel) new_dec = numpy.pi / 2. - new_dec if abs(new_dec - dec) > 1e-7: raise RuntimeError( "Logic error in pixel conversion. new_dec={}, dec={}".format( new_dec, dec)) # --- end sanity check new_header = copy.copy(header) new_header.sub_event_id = new_pixel new_header.sub_event_stream = "SCAN_nside%04u_pixel%04u_posvar%04u" % ( nside, new_pixel, posvar) del frame["SCAN_HealpixPixel"] frame["SCAN_HealpixPixel"] = icetray.I3Int(new_pixel) del frame["I3EventHeader"] frame["I3EventHeader"] = new_header
def MicroCount(frame): MicroValuesHits = dataclasses.I3MapStringInt() MicroValuesPE = dataclasses.I3MapStringDouble() DTWs = ["DTW175","DTW200", "DTW250", "DTW300"] for DTW in DTWs: totalCharge = 0 if not frame.Has("DCFidPulses_" + DTW): MicroValuesHits["STW9000_" + DTW] = icetray.I3Int(0) MicroValuesPE["STW9000_" + DTW] = dataclasses.I3Double( totalCharge) continue # end if() for omkey in frame["DCFidPulses_" + DTW].apply(frame): for pulse in omkey[1]: totalCharge += pulse.charge # end for() # end for() MicroValuesHits["STW9000_" + DTW] = len(frame["DCFidPulses_" + DTW].apply(frame)) MicroValuesPE["STW9000_" + DTW] = totalCharge # end for() frame["MicroCountHits"] = MicroValuesHits frame["MicroCountPE"] = MicroValuesPE return
def DAQ(self, frame): print('DAQ Frame') self.PushFrame(frame) for i in range(0, max_phys_frames): subframe = self.get_next_sub_event(frame) subframe['TriggerID'] = icetray.I3Int(i) self.PushFrame(subframe) return True
def make_and_push_P(self, pspec): newPframe = I3Frame('P') for i in range(pspec['nP']): newPframe = I3Frame('P') ehP = self.make_header(i, pspec['name']) newPframe.Put('I3EventHeader', ehP) newPframe.Put('NCh', icetray.I3Int( 12 + 5 * i)) # note: unphysical nonsense! just for this test. self.PushFrame(newPframe)
def GetStations(frame, InputITpulses, output): nstation = 0 if InputITpulses in frame: vemPulses = frame[InputITpulses] if vemPulses.__class__ == dc.I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask: vemPulses = vemPulses.apply(frame) stationList = set([pulse.key().string for pulse in vemPulses]) nstation = len(stationList) frame[output] = icetray.I3Int(nstation)
def CreatePFrame(self, nside, pixel, pixel_index): dec, ra = healpy.pix2ang(nside, pixel) dec = numpy.pi/2. - dec zenith, azimuth = astro.equa_to_dir(ra, dec, self.event_mjd) zenith = float(zenith) azimuth = float(azimuth) direction = dataclasses.I3Direction(zenith,azimuth) position = self.seed_position time = self.seed_time energy = self.seed_energy for i in range(0,len(self.posVariations)): posVariation = self.posVariations[i] p_frame = icetray.I3Frame(icetray.I3Frame.Physics) thisPosition = dataclasses.I3Position(position.x + posVariation.x, position.y + posVariation.y, position.z + posVariation.z) # generate the particle from scratch particle = dataclasses.I3Particle() particle.shape = dataclasses.I3Particle.ParticleShape.InfiniteTrack particle.fit_status = dataclasses.I3Particle.FitStatus.OK particle.pos = thisPosition particle.dir = direction particle.time = time = energy p_frame[self.output_particle_name] = particle # generate a new event header eventHeader = dataclasses.I3EventHeader(self.event_header) eventHeader.sub_event_stream = "SCAN_nside%04u_pixel%04u_posvar%04u" % (nside, pixel, i) eventHeader.sub_event_id = pixel p_frame["I3EventHeader"] = eventHeader p_frame["SCAN_HealpixPixel"] = icetray.I3Int(int(pixel)) p_frame["SCAN_HealpixNSide"] = icetray.I3Int(int(nside)) p_frame["SCAN_PositionVariationIndex"] = icetray.I3Int(int(i)) # an overall sequence index, 0-based, in case we need to re-start p_frame["SCAN_EventOverallIndex"] = icetray.I3Int( int(i) + pixel_index*len(self.posVariations)) if self.inject_event_name is not None: p_frame["SCAN_EventName"] = dataclasses.I3String(self.inject_event_name) self.PushFrame(p_frame)
def coincidenceLabel_poly(physics_frame, gcdfile): poly = physics_frame['PolyplopiaCount'] #print "Poly {}".format(poly) if poly == icetray.I3Int(0): coincidence = 0 #elif poly == icetray.I3Int(0): # coincidence = 0 else: coincidence = 1 return coincidence
def set_signature(frame, gcdfile=None, surface=None): if is_data(frame): return True if surface is None: if gcdfile is None: surface = icecube.MuonGun.ExtrudedPolygon.from_I3Geometry( frame['I3Geometry']) else: surface = icecube.MuonGun.ExtrudedPolygon.from_file(gcdfile, padding=0) if "visible_track" in frame.keys(): p = frame["visible_track"] intersections = surface.intersection(p.pos, p.dir) elif "visible_nu" in frame.keys(): p = frame["visible_nu"] intersections = surface.intersection(p.pos + p.length * p.dir, p.dir) else: val = -1 frame.Put("signature", icetray.I3Int(val)) return if not np.isfinite(intersections.first): val = -1 elif p.is_neutrino: if intersections.first <= 0 and intersections.second > 0: val = 0 # starting event else: val = -1 # vertex outside detector elif p.is_track: if intersections.first <= 0 and intersections.second > 0: val = 0 # starting event elif intersections.first > 0 and intersections.second > 0: if p.length <= intersections.first: val = -1 # no hit elif p.length > intersections.second: val = 1 # through-going event else: val = 2 # stopping event else: val = -1 # vertex behind detector frame.Put("signature", icetray.I3Int(val)) return
def FramePacket(self, frames): count = 0 for frame in frames: if (frame.Stop == icetray.I3Frame.Physics): if (frame.Has("I3EventHeader")): if (frame["I3EventHeader"].sub_event_stream == self.splitname): count += 1 frames[0].Put(self.splitname + "SplitCount", icetray.I3Int(count)) for frame in frames: self.PushFrame(frame) return
def selectFinalFit(frame): fits = [ "SplineMPE_split", "MPEFit_split", "SPEFit4_split", "SPEFitSingle_split", "ImprovedLineFit_split" ] resultName = "TrackFit" result = None params = None for fitName in fits: if (not frame.Has(fitName)): continue fit = frame.Get(fitName) if (fit.fit_status == dataclasses.I3Particle.OK): frame.Put(resultName, fit) frame.Put(resultName + "Fallback", icetray.I3Int(fits.index(fitName))) if (frame.Has(fitName + "FitParams")): frame.Put(resultName + "FitParams", frame.Get(fitName + "FitParams")) break if (not frame.Has(resultName + "Fallback")): frame.Put(resultName + "Fallback", icetray.I3Int(len(fits)))
def setUpModule(): """ Generate .i3 file (borrowed from dataio test_randomaccess_file) """ i3f = dataio.I3File(test_filename, dataio.I3File.Mode.Writing) frames = test_frames for pr in frames: frame = icetray.I3Frame(icetray.I3Frame.Stream(pr[0])) frame[pr[0]] = icetray.I3Int(pr[1]) i3f.push(frame) i3f.close()
def classify_corsika(p_frame, gcdfile=None, surface=None): if is_data(p_frame): return True if surface is None: if gcdfile is None: surface = icecube.MuonGun.ExtrudedPolygon.from_I3Geometry( p_frame['I3Geometry']) else: surface = icecube.MuonGun.ExtrudedPolygon.from_file(gcdfile, padding=0) mu_list = [] I3Tree = p_frame['I3MCTree'] primaries = I3Tree.get_primaries() for p in primaries: tlist = [] find_muons(p, I3Tree, surface, plist=tlist) mu_list.append(tlist[-1]) if len(np.concatenate(mu_list)) == 0: pclass = 11 # Passing Track elif len(mu_list) > 1: pclass = 21 # several events clist = np.concatenate(mu_list) energies = np.array( [calc_depositedE_single_p(p, I3Tree, surface) for p in clist]) inds = np.argsort(energies) p_frame.Put("visible_track", clist[inds[-1]]) else: if len(mu_list[0]) > 1: energies = np.array([ calc_depositedE_single_p(p, I3Tree, surface) for p in mu_list[0] ]) mu_signatures = np.array( [has_signature(p, surface) for p in mu_list[0]]) if np.any(mu_signatures == 1): pclass = 22 # Through Going Bundle else: pclass = 23 # Stopping Muon Bundle inds = np.argsort(energies) p_frame.Put("visible_track", mu_list[0][inds[-1]]) else: if has_signature(mu_list[0][0], surface) == 2: pclass = 4 # Stopping Track else: pclass = 2 # Through Going Track p_frame.Put("visible_track", mu_list[0][0]) p_frame.Put("classification", icetray.I3Int(pclass)) return
def test_default(self): h = PhysicsHistogram(0, 10, 10, "DerivedHistogram", expression="frame['integer'].value") for i in range(10): frame = icetray.I3Frame() frame["integer"] = icetray.I3Int(i) h.Physics(frame) for bin_value in h.bin_values: self.assertEqual(bin_value, 1)
def Split_Recombine(tray, name, Params=RunParameters()): #tray.AddModule("Keep","HouseCleaning", #Keys = ["I3Geometry", #"I3Calibration", #"I3DetectorStatus", #"I3DetectorConfiguration", #"I3EventHeader", #"OfflinePulses", #"I3MCTree"]) # NOTE Define the name of the unultered Pulses in the Q-frame OrgPulses = "OfflinePulses" # NOTE Define the name of the subevent stream that you like to create SplitName = "org" # NOTE Define how the split Pulses should be named SplitPulses = "org" from icecube import CoincSuite # NOTE Create a complement object <I3Int>(SplitName+"ReducedName") in the Q frame keeping trace of the number of frames which have been recombined tray.AddModule( lambda f: f.Put(SplitName + "ReducedCount", icetray.I3Int(0)), "ReducedCountMaker", Streams=[icetray.I3Frame.DAQ]) # NOTE Discard frames that you do not want to concider for recombinations early on. # NOTE every discarded frame should be accounted for by increasing the 'ReducedCount' tray.AddModule( "AfterpulseDiscard", "AfterpulseDiscard", SplitName= SplitName, #NOTE Run on the splitframes; this paramater should be set for all modules RecoMapName= SplitPulses, #NOTE use the SplitPulses; this paramater should be set for all modules QTotFraction=.1, TimeOffset=3.E3 * I3Units.ns, OverlapFraction=0.75) # NOTE remove the frames the you do not want to use # tray.AddModule(lambda f: which_split(f,split_name=SplitName) and f.Has("Afterpulse"), "KillAfterpulseFrame") # NOTE create the HypoFrames from all remaining SplitFrames tray.AddModule( "HypoFrameCreator", "ForceHypoFrames", SplitName=SplitName, HypoName="hypoframe", # NOTE give the stream of Hypoframes a unique name RecoMapName=SplitPulses, MaxTimeSeparation=3000. * I3Units.ns ) # NOTE specify that frames timely spaced too far apart should not be recombined
def test_fill(self): h = DerivedHistogram(0, 10, 10, "DerivedHistogram") for i in range(10): frame = icetray.I3Frame() frame["integer"] = icetray.I3Int(i) h.DAQ(frame) frame = icetray.I3Frame() frame["integer"] = icetray.I3Int(-1) h.DAQ(frame) frame = icetray.I3Frame() frame["integer"] = icetray.I3Int(10) h.DAQ(frame) self.assertEqual(len(h.bin_values), 10) self.assertEqual(, "DerivedHistogram") for bin_value in h.bin_values: self.assertEqual(bin_value, 1) self.assertEqual(h.overflow, 1) self.assertEqual(h.underflow, 1)
def classify_muongun(p_frame, gcdfile=None, surface=None, primary_key='MCPrimary'): p = p_frame[primary_key] if has_signature(p, surface) == 1: pclass = 2 # Through Going Track elif has_signature(p, surface) == 2: pclass = 4 # Stopping Track else: pclass = 0 p_frame.Put("classification_truth_id", icetray.I3Int(pclass)) p_frame.Put("classification_truth", dataclasses.I3String(decode[pclass])) p_frame.Put("visible_track", p) return
def classify_muongun(p_frame, gcdfile=None, surface=None, primary_key='MCPrimary'): if is_data(p_frame): return True if surface is None: if gcdfile is None: surface = icecube.MuonGun.ExtrudedPolygon.from_I3Geometry(p_frame['I3Geometry']) else: surface = icecube.MuonGun.ExtrudedPolygon.from_file(gcdfile, padding=0) p = p_frame[primary_key] if has_signature(p, surface) == 1: pclass = 2 # Through Going Track elif has_signature(p, surface) == 2: pclass = 4 # Stopping Track else: pclass = 0 p_frame.Put("classification", icetray.I3Int(pclass)) p_frame.Put("visible_track", p) return
def test_daq(self): ''' This tests that nothing happens when the DAQ method is called. ''' h = PhysicsHistogram(0, 10, 10, "DerivedHistogram", expression="frame['integer'].value") for i in range(10): frame = icetray.I3Frame() frame["integer"] = icetray.I3Int(i) h.DAQ(frame) # all the bins should still be empty for bin_value in h.bin_values: self.assertEqual(bin_value, 0)
def classify_corsika(p_frame, gcdfile=None, surface=None): mu_list = [] I3Tree = p_frame['I3MCTree'] primaries = I3Tree.get_primaries() for p in primaries: tlist = [] find_muons(p, I3Tree, surface, plist=tlist) mu_list.append(tlist[-1]) if len(np.concatenate(mu_list)) == 0: pclass = 11 # Passing Track elif len(mu_list) > 1: pclass = 21 # several events clist = np.concatenate(mu_list) energies = np.array( [calc_depositedE_single_p(p, I3Tree, surface) for p in clist]) inds = np.argsort(energies) p_frame.Put("visible_track", clist[inds[-1]]) else: if len(mu_list[0]) > 1: energies = np.array([ calc_depositedE_single_p(p, I3Tree, surface) for p in mu_list[0] ]) mu_signatures = np.array( [has_signature(p, surface) for p in mu_list[0]]) if np.any(mu_signatures == 1): pclass = 22 # Through Going Bundle else: pclass = 23 # Stopping Muon Bundle inds = np.argsort(energies) p_frame.Put("visible_track", mu_list[0][inds[-1]]) else: if has_signature(mu_list[0][0], surface) == 2: pclass = 4 # Stopping Track else: pclass = 2 # Through Going Track p_frame.Put("visible_track", mu_list[0][0]) p_frame.Put("classification_truth_id", icetray.I3Int(pclass)) p_frame.Put("classification_truth", dataclasses.I3String(decode[pclass])) return
def FramePacket(self, frames): reducedValue = 0 qframe = frames[0] if (qframe.Has(self.splitName + "SplitCount")): splits = qframe[self.splitName + "SplitCount"].value nsplitframes = 0 for frame in frames: if (frame.Has("I3EventHeader")): if (frame["I3EventHeader"].sub_event_stream == self.splitName): nsplitframes += 1 reducedValue = splits - nsplitframes if (reducedValue < 0): icetray.logging.log_fatal( "Something is wrong with your SplitCount-variable") qframe.Put(self.splitName + "ReducedCount", icetray.I3Int(reducedValue)) for frame in frames: self.PushFrame(frame) return
def Physics(self, frame): q_tot = -1.0 n_channels = -1 max_charge_frac = -1.0 if self.inice_pulses in frame: VEMpulses = frame[self.inice_pulses] if VEMpulses.__class__ == dc.I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask: VEMpulses = VEMpulses.apply(frame) charge_list = [] n_channels = 0 for om, pulses in VEMpulses: n_channels += 1 for pulse in pulses: charge_list += [pulse.charge] q_tot = sum(charge_list) max_charge_frac = max(charge_list)/q_tot frame.Put('InIce_charge', dc.I3Double(q_tot)) frame.Put('NChannels', icetray.I3Int(n_channels)) frame.Put('max_charge_frac', dc.I3Double(max_charge_frac)) self.PushFrame(frame)
def CalculateNAbove200( frame, PulseSeries, ConfigID): # Loop over all the triggers looking # for the times of all the selected triggers triggerTimes = [] for trigger in frame[ "I3TriggerHierarchy"]: if trigger.key.config_id == ConfigID: triggerTimes.append( trigger.time) # end if() # end for() # Check that there is at least one of the # selected triggers. if len(triggerTimes) == 0: frame[ "NAbove200"] = icetray.I3Int( 0) return # end if() triggerTimes.sort() earliestTriggerTime = triggerTimes[0] chargeCounter = 0 geometry = frame[ "I3Geometry"] for omkey in frame[ PulseSeries]: if not geometry.omgeo[ omkey[0]].position.z > -200 * I3Units.m: continue # end if() for pulse in omkey[1]: if (pulse.time - earliestTriggerTime) < 0 and (pulse.time - earliestTriggerTime) > -2000: chargeCounter += pulse.charge # end if() # end for() # end for() frame[ "NAbove200"] = dataclasses.I3Double( chargeCounter) return
def Process(self): """ deliver frames QP with only a bit of rudamentary information """ #make a Q-frame Qframe = icetray.I3Frame(icetray.I3Frame.DAQ) Qeh = dataclasses.I3EventHeader() Qeh.start_time = (dataclasses.I3Time(2011, 0)) Qeh.end_time = (dataclasses.I3Time(2011, 2)) Qeh.run_id = 1 Qeh.event_id = 1 Qframe.Put("I3EventHeader", Qeh) Qrecomap = dataclasses.I3RecoPulseSeriesMap() recopulse1 = dataclasses.I3RecoPulse() recopulse1.time = 0 recopulse1.charge = 1 recopulse2 = dataclasses.I3RecoPulse() recopulse2.time = 1 recopulse2.charge = 2 Qrecomap[icetray.OMKey(1,1)] = [recopulse1] Qrecomap[icetray.OMKey(2,2)] = [recopulse2] Qframe.Put(OrgPulses, Qrecomap) Qframe.Put(SplitName+"SplitCount", icetray.I3Int(1)) self.PushFrame(Qframe) #now make the first p-frame containing one I3RecoPulse P1frame = icetray.I3Frame(icetray.I3Frame.Physics) P1eh = dataclasses.I3EventHeader() P1eh.start_time = (dataclasses.I3Time(2011, 0)) P1eh.end_time = (dataclasses.I3Time(2011, 1)) P1eh.run_id = 1 P1eh.event_id = 1 P1eh.sub_event_stream = "split" P1eh.sub_event_id = 0 P1frame.Put("I3EventHeader", P1eh) P1recomap = dataclasses.I3RecoPulseSeriesMap() P1recomap[icetray.OMKey(1,1)] = [recopulse1] P1recomask = dataclasses.I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask(Qframe, OrgPulses, Qrecomap) P1frame.Put(SplitPulses, P1recomask) self.PushFrame(P1frame) self.RequestSuspension()
def putints(frame, where, value): frame[where] = icetray.I3Int(value) print('put value %s at %s' % (value, where))