Beispiel #1
def normal_flow_penalty(**kwargs):
    r"""Return the penalty for flow normal to the domain boundary

    For problems where a glacier flows along some boundary, e.g. a fjord
    wall, the velocity has to be parallel to this boundary. Rather than
    enforce this boundary condition directly, we add a penalty for normal
    flow to the action functional.
    u, = get_kwargs_alt(kwargs, ('velocity', ), ('u', ))
    scale = kwargs.get('scale', firedrake.Constant(1.))

    mesh = u.ufl_domain()
    if mesh.geometric_dimension() == 2:
        ν = firedrake.FacetNormal(mesh)
    elif mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3:
        ν = facet_normal_2(mesh)

    L = diameter(mesh)
    δx = firedrake.FacetArea(mesh)

    # Get the polynomial degree in the horizontal direction of the velocity
    # field -- if extruded, the element degree is a tuple of the horizontal
    # and vertical degrees.
    degree = u.ufl_function_space().ufl_element().degree()
    if isinstance(degree, tuple):
        d = degree[0]
        d = degree
    exponent = kwargs.get('exponent', d + 1)

    penalty = scale * (L / δx)**exponent
    return 0.5 * penalty * inner(u, ν)**2
Beispiel #2
def norm(u, norm_type="L2"):
    r"""Compute the norm of a field

    Computes one of any number of norms of a scalar or vector field. The
    available options are:

    - ``L2``: :math:`\|u\|^2 = \int_\Omega|u|^2dx`

    - ``H01``: :math:`\|u\|^2 = \int_\Omega|\nabla u|^2dx`

    - ``H1``: :math:`\|u\|^2 = \int_\Omega\left(|u|^2 + L^2|\nabla u|^2\right)dx`

    - ``L1``: :math:`\|u\| = \int_\Omega|u|dx`

    - ``TV``: :math:`\|u\| = \int_\Omega|\nabla u|dx`

    - ``Linfty``: :math:`\|u\| = \max_{x\in\Omega}|u(x)|`

    The extra factor :math:`L` in the :math:`H^1` norm is the diameter of
    the domain in the infinity metric. This extra factor is included to
    make the norm scale appropriately with the size of the domain.
    if norm_type == "L2":
        form, p = inner(u, u) * dx, 2

    if norm_type == "H01":
        form, p = inner(grad(u), grad(u)) * dx, 2

    if norm_type == "H1":
        L = utilities.diameter(u.ufl_domain())
        form, p = inner(u, u) * dx + L**2 * inner(grad(u), grad(u)) * dx, 2

    if norm_type == "L1":
        form, p = sqrt(inner(u, u)) * dx, 1

    if norm_type == "TV":
        form, p = sqrt(inner(grad(u), grad(u))) * dx, 1

    if norm_type == "Linfty":
        data = u.dat.data_ro
        if len(data.shape) == 1:
            local_max = np.max(np.abs(data))
        elif len(data.shape) == 2:
            local_max = np.max(np.sqrt(np.sum(data**2, 1)))

        return u.comm.allreduce(local_max, op=max)

    return assemble(form)**(1 / p)
Beispiel #3
def normal_flow_penalty(u, scale=1.0, exponent=None, side_wall_ids=()):
    r"""Return the penalty for flow normal to the domain boundary

    For problems where a glacier flows along some boundary, e.g. a fjord
    wall, the velocity has to be parallel to this boundary. Rather than
    enforce this boundary condition directly, we add a penalty for normal
    flow to the action functional.
    mesh = u.ufl_domain()
    ν = firedrake.FacetNormal(mesh)
    L = utilities.diameter(mesh)
    δx = firedrake.CellSize(mesh)
    d = u.ufl_function_space().ufl_element().degree()
    exponent = d + 1 if exponent is None else exponent
    penalty = scale * (L / δx)**exponent
    return 0.5 * penalty * inner(u, ν)**2 * ds(tuple(side_wall_ids))
Beispiel #4
def normal_flow_penalty(u, h, scale=1.0, exponent=None, side_wall_ids=()):
    r"""Return the penalty for flow normal to the domain boundary

    For problems where a glacier flows along some boundary, e.g. a fjord
    wall, the velocity has to be parallel to this boundary. Rather than
    enforce this boundary condition directly, we add a penalty for normal
    flow to the action functional.
    mesh = u.ufl_domain()
    ν = facet_normal_2(mesh)

    # Note that this quantity has units of [length] x [dimensionless] because
    # the mesh has a "thickness" of 1! If it had dimensions of physical
    # thickness, we would instead use the square root of the facet area.
    δx = firedrake.FacetArea(mesh)
    L = diameter(mesh)

    d = u.ufl_function_space().ufl_element().degree()[0]
    exponent = d + 1 if (exponent is None) else exponent
    penalty = scale * (L / δx)**exponent
    return 0.5 * penalty * inner(u, ν)**2 * h * ds_v(tuple(side_wall_ids))