Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, nodeA, nodeB, rate, delay, maxbuffersize, linkid):
        """ Create a Link

        :param nodeA: Node that it is connected to (object)
        :param nodeB: Node that it is connected to (object)
        :param rate: rate (mbps) that this Link can send
        :param delay: time (ms) for a packet to propagate
        :param maxbuffersize: maximum buffer size (combined for both sides) (KB)
        :param linkid: id of the Link
        self.nodeA = nodeA
        self.nodeB = nodeB
        self.rate = rate
        self.delay = delay
        self.maxbuffersize = maxbuffersize * 1024 = linkid

        self.buffer = Queue()  # Queue using a cyclic array
        self.totalbuffersize = 0  # total size of items in the buffer, bytes
        self.buffersizes = dict()  # size of items in buffer for A, B in bytes
        self.buffersizes[self.nodeA] = 0
        self.buffersizes[self.nodeB] = 0

        self.freeAt = -9999999  # Next time the Link is free
        self.stats = LinkStats(
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, nodeA, nodeB, rate, delay, maxbuffersize, linkid):
        """ Create a Link

        :param nodeA: Node that it is connected to (object)
        :param nodeB: Node that it is connected to (object)
        :param rate: rate (mbps) that this Link can send
        :param delay: time (ms) for a packet to propagate
        :param maxbuffersize: maximum buffer size (combined for both sides) (KB)
        :param linkid: id of the Link
        self.nodeA = nodeA
        self.nodeB = nodeB
        self.rate = rate
        self.delay = delay
        self.maxbuffersize = maxbuffersize * 1024 = linkid

        self.buffer = Queue()  # Queue using a cyclic array
        self.totalbuffersize = 0  # total size of items in the buffer, bytes
        self.buffersizes = dict()  # size of items in buffer for A, B in bytes
        self.buffersizes[self.nodeA] = 0
        self.buffersizes[self.nodeB] = 0

        self.freeAt = -9999999 # Next time the Link is free
        self.stats = LinkStats(
Beispiel #3
class Link(NetworkObject):
    """ Represents link in a network

    This class represents a link in a network that packets can travel
    def __init__(self, nodeA, nodeB, rate, delay, maxbuffersize, linkid):
        """ Create a Link

        :param nodeA: Node that it is connected to (object)
        :param nodeB: Node that it is connected to (object)
        :param rate: rate (mbps) that this Link can send
        :param delay: time (ms) for a packet to propagate
        :param maxbuffersize: maximum buffer size (combined for both sides) (KB)
        :param linkid: id of the Link
        self.nodeA = nodeA
        self.nodeB = nodeB
        self.rate = rate
        self.delay = delay
        self.maxbuffersize = maxbuffersize * 1024 = linkid

        self.buffer = Queue()  # Queue using a cyclic array
        self.totalbuffersize = 0  # total size of items in the buffer, bytes
        self.buffersizes = dict()  # size of items in buffer for A, B in bytes
        self.buffersizes[self.nodeA] = 0
        self.buffersizes[self.nodeB] = 0

        self.freeAt = -9999999  # Next time the Link is free
        self.stats = LinkStats(

    def addPackets(self, packets, sender):
        """ Add packets and return new Events if any.

        A shortcut for sending PacketEvents and so they do not go through
        the EventHandler

        :param packets: new packets to add
        :return: new Events
        newevents = []

        # If this is the first packet in the buffer, start the LinkTickEvents
        if self.buffer.qsize() == 0 and len(packets) > 0:
            newevents = [
                LinkTickEvent(max(simtimer.simtime, self.freeAt), self,
                              'Link ' + + ' processes a packet')

        for p in packets:
            if self.buffersizes[sender] + p.size > self.maxbuffersize:
                # Drop em' like its hot
                logger.log('Dropping packet %s from host %s at link %s' %
                           (p.index, p.source,
                self.stats.addLostPackets(simtimer.simtime, 1)
                self.buffer.put((p, sender))
                self.totalbuffersize += p.size
                self.buffersizes[sender] += p.size


        return newevents

    def _processPacketEvent(self, packet_event):
        """ Processes packet events, storing them in the buffer.

        :param packet_event: PacketEvent to process (packet to insert)
        :return: new Events to enqueue
        packet, sender = packet_event.packet, packet_event.sender
        if self.buffersizes[sender] + packet.size > self.maxbuffersize:
            self.stats.addLostPackets(packet_event.timestamp, 1)
            logger.log('Dropping packet %s from host %s at link %s' %
                       (packet.index, str(sender),
            return []

        self.buffer.put((packet, sender))
        self.totalbuffersize += packet.size
        self.buffersizes[sender] += packet.size

        # If this is the first packet in the buffer, start the LinkTickEvents
        if self.buffer.qsize() == 1:
            linkevent = LinkTickEvent(
                max(packet_event.timestamp, self.freeAt), self,
                'Link ' + + ' processes a packet')
            return [linkevent]
        return []

    def _linkTickEvent(self, event):
        """ Dequeues a packet from the buffer and forwards it.

        Also possibly generates a new LinkTickEvent if there are more packets
        in the buffer.

        :param event: LinkTickEvent to process
        :return: new Events to enqueue
        packet, sender = self.buffer.get()
        self.totalbuffersize -= packet.size
        self.buffersizes[sender] -= packet.size

        # Generate a new PacketEvent
        # Use event.timestamp because this is when the packet is actually
        # forwarded, not the PacketEvent time
        otherNode = self._otherNode(sender)
        tick = 125.0 / 16384 * packet.size / self.rate  # convert bytes to ms
        type = 'ACK' if packet.ack else 'packet'
        newevents = [
                event.timestamp + self.delay + tick, self, otherNode, packet,
                'Node %s receives %s %s from link %s' %
                (otherNode.address, type, packet.index,
        self.stats.addBytesFlowed(event.timestamp, packet.size)
        # Make a new LinkTickEvent to time the next dequeue event
        self.freeAt = event.timestamp + tick
        if not self.buffer.empty():
                LinkTickEvent(self.freeAt, self,
                              'Link %s processes a packet' %

        return newevents

    def _processOtherEvent(self, event):
        """ Processes non-packet events

        :param event: Event to process
        :return: new Events to enqueue
        if isinstance(event, LinkTickEvent):
            return self._linkTickEvent(event)
            raise NotImplementedError('Handling of %s not implemented' %

    def _otherNode(self, node):
        """ Returns the other node the link is connected to

        :param node: nodeA or nodeB
        :return: nodeB or nodeA (opposite of parameter node)
        return self.nodeB if node == self.nodeA else self.nodeA

    def cost(self):
        """ Return cost of going through the edge

        :return: cost, in ms
        return self.delay + 125.0 / 16384 * self.totalbuffersize / self.rate
Beispiel #4
class Link(NetworkObject):
    """ Represents link in a network

    This class represents a link in a network that packets can travel

    def __init__(self, nodeA, nodeB, rate, delay, maxbuffersize, linkid):
        """ Create a Link

        :param nodeA: Node that it is connected to (object)
        :param nodeB: Node that it is connected to (object)
        :param rate: rate (mbps) that this Link can send
        :param delay: time (ms) for a packet to propagate
        :param maxbuffersize: maximum buffer size (combined for both sides) (KB)
        :param linkid: id of the Link
        self.nodeA = nodeA
        self.nodeB = nodeB
        self.rate = rate
        self.delay = delay
        self.maxbuffersize = maxbuffersize * 1024 = linkid

        self.buffer = Queue()  # Queue using a cyclic array
        self.totalbuffersize = 0  # total size of items in the buffer, bytes
        self.buffersizes = dict()  # size of items in buffer for A, B in bytes
        self.buffersizes[self.nodeA] = 0
        self.buffersizes[self.nodeB] = 0

        self.freeAt = -9999999 # Next time the Link is free
        self.stats = LinkStats(

    def addPackets(self, packets, sender):
        """ Add packets and return new Events if any.

        A shortcut for sending PacketEvents and so they do not go through
        the EventHandler

        :param packets: new packets to add
        :return: new Events
        newevents = []

        # If this is the first packet in the buffer, start the LinkTickEvents
        if self.buffer.qsize() == 0 and len(packets) > 0:
            newevents = [
                LinkTickEvent(max(simtimer.simtime, self.freeAt), self,
                              'Link ' + + ' processes a packet')]

        for p in packets:
            if self.buffersizes[sender] + p.size > self.maxbuffersize:
                # Drop em' like its hot
                logger.log('Dropping packet %s from host %s at link %s' %
                           (p.index, p.source,
                self.stats.addLostPackets(simtimer.simtime, 1)
                self.buffer.put((p, sender))
                self.totalbuffersize += p.size
                self.buffersizes[sender] += p.size

        self.stats.updateBufferOccupancy(simtimer.simtime, self.totalbuffersize)

        return newevents

    def _processPacketEvent(self, packet_event):
        """ Processes packet events, storing them in the buffer.

        :param packet_event: PacketEvent to process (packet to insert)
        :return: new Events to enqueue
        packet, sender = packet_event.packet, packet_event.sender
        if self.buffersizes[sender] + packet.size > self.maxbuffersize:
            self.stats.addLostPackets(packet_event.timestamp, 1)
            logger.log('Dropping packet %s from host %s at link %s' %
                       (packet.index, str(sender),
            return []

        self.buffer.put((packet, sender))
        self.totalbuffersize += packet.size
        self.buffersizes[sender] += packet.size
        self.stats.updateBufferOccupancy(simtimer.simtime, self.totalbuffersize)

        # If this is the first packet in the buffer, start the LinkTickEvents
        if self.buffer.qsize() == 1:
            linkevent = LinkTickEvent(max(packet_event.timestamp, self.freeAt),
                                      self, 'Link ' + + ' processes a packet')
            return [linkevent]
        return []

    def _linkTickEvent(self, event):
        """ Dequeues a packet from the buffer and forwards it.

        Also possibly generates a new LinkTickEvent if there are more packets
        in the buffer.

        :param event: LinkTickEvent to process
        :return: new Events to enqueue
        packet, sender = self.buffer.get()
        self.totalbuffersize -= packet.size
        self.buffersizes[sender] -= packet.size
        self.stats.updateBufferOccupancy(simtimer.simtime, self.totalbuffersize)

        # Generate a new PacketEvent
        # Use event.timestamp because this is when the packet is actually
        # forwarded, not the PacketEvent time
        otherNode = self._otherNode(sender)
        tick = 125.0 / 16384 * packet.size / self.rate  # convert bytes to ms
        type = 'ACK' if packet.ack else 'packet'
        newevents = [
            PacketEvent(event.timestamp + self.delay + tick,
                        self, otherNode, packet,
                        'Node %s receives %s %s from link %s' %
                        (otherNode.address, type, packet.index,]
        self.stats.addBytesFlowed(event.timestamp, packet.size)
        # Make a new LinkTickEvent to time the next dequeue event
        self.freeAt = event.timestamp + tick
        if not self.buffer.empty():
                LinkTickEvent(self.freeAt, self,
                              'Link %s processes a packet' %

        return newevents

    def _processOtherEvent(self, event):
        """ Processes non-packet events

        :param event: Event to process
        :return: new Events to enqueue
        if isinstance(event, LinkTickEvent):
            return self._linkTickEvent(event)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Handling of %s not implemented' % event.__class__)

    def _otherNode(self, node):
        """ Returns the other node the link is connected to

        :param node: nodeA or nodeB
        :return: nodeB or nodeA (opposite of parameter node)
        return self.nodeB if node == self.nodeA else self.nodeA

    def cost(self):
        """ Return cost of going through the edge

        :return: cost, in ms
        return self.delay + 125.0 / 16384 * self.totalbuffersize / self.rate