Beispiel #1
 def sample(self, **kwargs):
     report = {
         'lat': GB_LAT,
         'lon': GB_LON,
     for (k, v) in kwargs.items():
         report[k] = v
     return Report.validate(report)
Beispiel #2
 def sample(self, **kwargs):
     report = {
         'lat': GB_LAT,
         'lon': GB_LON,
     for (k, v) in kwargs.items():
         report[k] = v
     return Report.validate(report)
Beispiel #3
    def process_report(self, data):
        def add_missing_dict_entries(dst, src):
            # x.update(y) overwrites entries in x with those in y;
            # We want to only add those not already present.
            # We also only want to copy the top-level base report data
            # and not any nested values like cell or wifi.
            for (key, value) in src.items():
                if key != 'radio' and key not in dst \
                   and not isinstance(value, (tuple, list, dict)):
                    dst[key] = value

        report_data = Report.validate(data)
        if report_data is None:
            return ([], [])

        cell_observations = {}
        wifi_observations = {}

        if data.get('cell'):
            # flatten report / cell data into a single dict
            for cell in data['cell']:
                # only validate the additional fields
                cell = CellReport.validate(cell)
                if cell is None:
                add_missing_dict_entries(cell, report_data)
                cell_key = CellObservation.to_hashkey(cell)
                if cell_key in cell_observations:
                    existing = cell_observations[cell_key]
                    if existing['ta'] > cell['ta'] or \
                       (existing['signal'] != 0 and
                        existing['signal'] < cell['signal']) or \
                       existing['asu'] < cell['asu']:
                        cell_observations[cell_key] = cell
                    cell_observations[cell_key] = cell
        cell_observations = cell_observations.values()

        # flatten report / wifi data into a single dict
        if data.get('wifi'):
            for wifi in data['wifi']:
                # only validate the additional fields
                wifi = WifiReport.validate(wifi)
                if wifi is None:
                add_missing_dict_entries(wifi, report_data)
                wifi_key = WifiObservation.to_hashkey(wifi)
                if wifi_key in wifi_observations:
                    existing = wifi_observations[wifi_key]
                    if existing['signal'] != 0 and \
                       existing['signal'] < wifi['signal']:
                        wifi_observations[wifi_key] = wifi
                    wifi_observations[wifi_key] = wifi
            wifi_observations = wifi_observations.values()
        return (cell_observations, wifi_observations)
Beispiel #4
    def process_report(self, data):
        def add_missing_dict_entries(dst, src):
            # x.update(y) overwrites entries in x with those in y;
            # We want to only add those not already present.
            # We also only want to copy the top-level base report data
            # and not any nested values like cell or wifi.
            for (key, value) in src.items():
                if key != 'radio' and key not in dst \
                   and not isinstance(value, (tuple, list, dict)):
                    dst[key] = value

        report_data = Report.validate(data)
        if report_data is None:
            return ([], [])

        cell_observations = {}
        wifi_observations = {}

        if data.get('cell'):
            # flatten report / cell data into a single dict
            for cell in data['cell']:
                # only validate the additional fields
                cell = CellReport.validate(cell)
                if cell is None:
                add_missing_dict_entries(cell, report_data)
                cell_key = CellObservation.to_hashkey(cell)
                if cell_key in cell_observations:
                    existing = cell_observations[cell_key]
                    if existing['ta'] > cell['ta'] or \
                       (existing['signal'] != 0 and
                        existing['signal'] < cell['signal']) or \
                       existing['asu'] < cell['asu']:
                        cell_observations[cell_key] = cell
                    cell_observations[cell_key] = cell
        cell_observations = cell_observations.values()

        # flatten report / wifi data into a single dict
        if data.get('wifi'):
            for wifi in data['wifi']:
                # only validate the additional fields
                wifi = WifiReport.validate(wifi)
                if wifi is None:
                add_missing_dict_entries(wifi, report_data)
                wifi_key = WifiObservation.to_hashkey(wifi)
                if wifi_key in wifi_observations:
                    existing = wifi_observations[wifi_key]
                    if existing['signal'] != 0 and \
                       existing['signal'] < wifi['signal']:
                        wifi_observations[wifi_key] = wifi
                    wifi_observations[wifi_key] = wifi
            wifi_observations = wifi_observations.values()
        return (cell_observations, wifi_observations)
Beispiel #5
    def process_report(self, data):
        report = Report.create(**data)
        if report is None:
            return ({}, {})

        malformed = {}
        observations = {}
        for name, report_cls, obs_cls in (('blue', BlueReport,
                                          ('cell', CellReport,
                                          ('wifi', WifiReport,

            malformed[name] = 0
            observations[name] = {}

            if data.get(name):
                for item in data[name]:
                    # validate the blue/cell/wifi specific fields
                    item_report = report_cls.create(**item)
                    if item_report is None:
                        malformed[name] += 1

                    # combine general and specific report data into one
                    item_obs = obs_cls.combine(report, item_report)
                    item_key = item_obs.unique_key

                    # if we have better data for the same key, ignore
                    existing = observations[name].get(item_key)
                    if existing is not None and existing.better(item_obs):

                    observations[name][item_key] = item_obs

        obs = {
            'blue': observations['blue'].values(),
            'cell': observations['cell'].values(),
            'wifi': observations['wifi'].values(),
        return (obs, malformed)
Beispiel #6
    def process_report(self, data):
        report = Report.create(**data)
        if report is None:
            return ({}, {})

        malformed = {}
        observations = {}
        for name, report_cls, obs_cls in (
                ('blue', BlueReport, BlueObservation),
                ('cell', CellReport, CellObservation),
                ('wifi', WifiReport, WifiObservation)):

            malformed[name] = 0
            observations[name] = {}

            if data.get(name):
                for item in data[name]:
                    # validate the blue/cell/wifi specific fields
                    item_report = report_cls.create(**item)
                    if item_report is None:
                        malformed[name] += 1

                    # combine general and specific report data into one
                    item_obs = obs_cls.combine(report, item_report)
                    item_key = item_obs.unique_key

                    # if we have better data for the same key, ignore
                    existing = observations[name].get(item_key)
                    if existing is not None and existing.better(item_obs):

                    observations[name][item_key] = item_obs

        obs = {
            'blue': observations['blue'].values(),
            'cell': observations['cell'].values(),
            'wifi': observations['wifi'].values(),
        return (obs, malformed)
Beispiel #7
    def process_report(self, data):
        malformed = {'cell': 0, 'wifi': 0}
        observations = {'cell': {}, 'wifi': {}}

        report = Report.create(**data)
        if report is None:
            return (None, None, malformed)

        for name, report_cls, obs_cls in (
                ('cell', CellReport, CellObservation),
                ('wifi', WifiReport, WifiObservation)):
            observations[name] = {}

            if data.get(name):
                for item in data[name]:
                    # validate the cell/wifi specific fields
                    item_report = report_cls.create(**item)
                    if item_report is None:
                        malformed[name] += 1

                    # combine general and specific report data into one
                    item_obs = obs_cls.combine(report, item_report)
                    item_key = item_obs.hashkey()

                    # if we have better data for the same key, ignore
                    existing = observations[name].get(item_key)
                    if existing is not None:
                        if existing.better(item_obs):

                    observations[name][item_key] = item_obs

        return (
Beispiel #8
    def process_report(self, data):
        def add_missing_dict_entries(dst, src):
            # x.update(y) overwrites entries in x with those in y;
            # We want to only add those not already present.
            # We also only want to copy the top-level base report data
            # and not any nested values like cell or wifi.
            for (key, value) in src.items():
                if key != 'radio' and key not in dst \
                   and not isinstance(value, (tuple, list, dict)):
                    dst[key] = value

        def better_cell_obs(new, old):
            comparators = [
            for field, better in comparators:
                if (None not in (old[field], new[field]) and
                        better(new[field], old[field])):
                    return True
            return False

        def better_wifi_obs(new, old):
            if (None not in (old['signal'], new['signal']) and
                    new['signal'] > old['signal']):
                return True
            return False

        report_data = Report.validate(data)
        if report_data is None:
            return ([], [])

        cell_observations = {}
        wifi_observations = {}

        if data.get('cell'):
            # flatten report / cell data into a single dict
            for cell in data['cell']:
                # only validate the additional fields
                cell = CellReport.validate(cell)
                if cell is None:
                add_missing_dict_entries(cell, report_data)
                cell_key = CellObservation.to_hashkey(cell)
                if cell_key in cell_observations:
                    existing = cell_observations[cell_key]
                    if better_cell_obs(cell, existing):
                        cell_observations[cell_key] = cell
                    cell_observations[cell_key] = cell
        cell_observations = cell_observations.values()

        # flatten report / wifi data into a single dict
        if data.get('wifi'):
            for wifi in data['wifi']:
                # only validate the additional fields
                wifi = WifiReport.validate(wifi)
                if wifi is None:
                add_missing_dict_entries(wifi, report_data)
                wifi_key = WifiObservation.to_hashkey(wifi)
                if wifi_key in wifi_observations:
                    existing = wifi_observations[wifi_key]
                    if better_wifi_obs(wifi, existing):
                        wifi_observations[wifi_key] = wifi
                    wifi_observations[wifi_key] = wifi
            wifi_observations = wifi_observations.values()
        return (cell_observations, wifi_observations)
 def sample(self, **kwargs):
     report = {"lat": GB_LAT, "lon": GB_LON}
     for (k, v) in kwargs.items():
         report[k] = v
     return Report.validate(report)
Beispiel #10
 def test_valid(self):
     self.assertFalse(Report.create(lat=GB_LAT, lon=GB_LON) is None)
Beispiel #11
 def test_invalid(self):
     self.assertTrue(Report.create(lat=0.0) is None)
     self.assertTrue(Report.create(lat=0.0, lon='abc') is None)
     self.assertTrue(Report.create(lat=0.0, lon=250.0) is None)