Beispiel #1
def test_anterior_lines():
    cd = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    idbpath = os.path.join(cd, 'data', 'ant-post-comments', 'small.idb')

    with idb.from_file(idbpath) as db:
        api = idb.IDAPython(db)
        assert api.idc.LineA(1, 0) == 'anterior line 1'
        assert api.idc.LineA(1, 1) == 'anterior line 2'
        assert api.idc.LineA(1, 2) == ''
Beispiel #2
def test_bytes_2(elf_idb):
    Demonstrate issue reported as #12.
    Thanks to @binoopang.

    This exercises fetching of flags/bytes from a segment that is not the first.
    api = idb.IDAPython(elf_idb)
    assert api.idc.GetManyBytes(0x8049df0, 0x10) == b'\x8D\x4C\x24\x04\x83\xE4\xF0\xFF\x71\xFC\x55\x89\xE5\x57\x56\x53'
Beispiel #3
def test_flow_succs(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    assert lpluck('to', api.idaapi._get_flow_succs(0x68901695)) == [0x68901697]
    assert lpluck('to', api.idaapi._get_flow_succs(0x68901697)) == [0x68901698]
    assert lpluck('to', api.idaapi._get_flow_succs(0x68901698)) == [0x6890169A]

    assert lpluck('to', api.idaapi._get_flow_succs(0x6890169E)) == [0x689016A4, 0x68906156]
    assert lpluck('type', api.idaapi._get_flow_succs(0x6890169E)) == [api.idaapi.fl_F, api.idaapi.fl_JN]
Beispiel #4
def test_get_mnem(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    # .text:68901695 000 8B FF                                   mov     edi, edi
    # .text:68901697 000 55                                      push    ebp
    # .text:68901698 004 8B EC                                   mov     ebp, esp
    # .text:6890169A 004 83 7D 0C 01                             cmp     [ebp+fdwReason], 1
    # .text:6890169E 004 0F 84 B2 4A 00 00                       jz      loc_68906156
    assert api.idc.GetMnem(0x68901695) == 'mov'
Beispiel #5
def test_flow_preds(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    assert lpluck('frm', api.idaapi._get_flow_preds(0x68901695)) == []
    assert lpluck('frm', api.idaapi._get_flow_preds(0x68901697)) == [0x68901695]
    assert lpluck('frm', api.idaapi._get_flow_preds(0x68901698)) == [0x68901697]

    assert lpluck('frm', api.idaapi._get_flow_preds(0x68906156)) == [0x6890169E]
    assert lpluck('type', api.idaapi._get_flow_preds(0x68906156)) == [api.idaapi.fl_JN]
Beispiel #6
def test_exports(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)
    assert api.ida_entry.get_entry_qty() == 1572
    assert api.ida_entry.get_entry_ordinal(0x0) == 1
    assert api.ida_entry.get_entry(api.ida_entry.get_entry_ordinal(0x0)) == 0x6890172d
    assert api.ida_entry.get_entry_name(api.ida_entry.get_entry_ordinal(0x0)) == 'BaseThreadInitThunk'
    assert api.ida_entry.get_entry_forwarder(api.ida_entry.get_entry_ordinal(0x10)) is None

    assert api.ida_entry.get_entry_ordinal(1572) == 0x68901695
    assert api.ida_entry.get_entry_name(0x68901695) == 'DllEntryPoint'
Beispiel #7
def test_specific_state(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    idc = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb).idc
    ida_bytes = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb).ida_bytes

    # .text:68901010 8B FF                                   mov     edi, edi
    # .text:68901012 55                                      push    ebp
    flags = idc.GetFlags(0x68901010)
    assert ida_bytes.isFlow(flags) is False
    assert ida_bytes.isVar(flags) is False
    assert ida_bytes.hasExtra(flags) is True
    assert ida_bytes.has_cmt(flags) is False
    assert ida_bytes.hasRef(flags) is True
    assert ida_bytes.has_name(flags) is True
    assert ida_bytes.has_dummy_name(flags) is False

    # .text:68901044 FF 70 18                                push    dword ptr [eax+18h] ; HeapHandle
    flags = idc.GetFlags(0x68901044)
    assert ida_bytes.isFlow(flags) is True
    assert ida_bytes.has_cmt(flags) is True
Beispiel #8
def test_heads(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    idc = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb).idc

    # .text:68901010 8B FF                                   mov     edi, edi
    # .text:68901012 55                                      push    ebp
    first_ea = 0x68901010
    assert idc.Head(first_ea) == 0x68901010
    assert idc.Head(first_ea + 1) == 0x68901010
    assert idc.NextHead(first_ea) == 0x68901012
    assert idc.PrevHead(first_ea + 2) == first_ea
Beispiel #9
def test_GetType(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)
    assert api.idc.GetType(0x68901695) == 'BOOL __stdcall DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)'

    # valid function, but no type data associated...

    #     .text:6899AE01                         ; Attributes: bp-based frame
    #     .text:6899AE01
    #     .text:6899AE01                         sub_6899AE01 proc near
    assert api.idc.GetType(0x6899AE01) == None
Beispiel #10
def test_XrefsTo(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    # first instruction in function: sub_689016B5
    #   .text:689016B5 mov     edi, edi
    # single call to it:
    #  Python>list(map(repr_xref, XrefsTo(0x689016B5)))
    #  ['0x689016a7 0x689016b5 0x11']
    assert set(api.idautils.XrefsTo(0x689016B5, api.idaapi.XREF_ALL)) == {
        (0x689016A7, 0x689016B5, 0x11)

    assert set(api.idautils.XrefsTo(0x689016B5, api.idaapi.XREF_FAR)) == {
        (0x689016A7, 0x689016B5, 0x11)

    assert set(api.idautils.XrefsTo(0x689016B5,
                                    api.idaapi.XREF_DATA)) == set([])

    # first insn in basic block, two flows to it:
    #  fallthrough
    #  jnz from 68904251
    # 68904257 mov     eax, hHeap
    assert set(api.idautils.XrefsTo(0x68904257, api.idaapi.XREF_ALL)) == {
        (0x68904251, 0x68904257, 0x15),
        (0x689138C1, 0x68904257, 0x13),

    assert set(api.idautils.XrefsTo(0x68904257, api.idaapi.XREF_FAR)) == {
        (0x689138C1, 0x68904257, 0x13)

    assert set(api.idautils.XrefsTo(0x68904257,
                                    api.idaapi.XREF_DATA)) == set([])

    # global variable `hHeap`
    #  .data:689DB018 hHeap           dd 0
    # two write, one read xref
    assert set(api.idautils.XrefsTo(0x689DB018, api.idaapi.XREF_ALL)) == {
        (0x68904257, 0x689DB018, 0x3),
        (0x68906350, 0x689DB018, 0x2),
        (0x6893777C, 0x689DB018, 0x2),

    assert set(api.idautils.XrefsTo(0x689DB018, api.idaapi.XREF_FAR)) == {
        (0x68904257, 0x689DB018, 0x3),
        (0x68906350, 0x689DB018, 0x2),
        (0x6893777C, 0x689DB018, 0x2),

    assert set(api.idautils.XrefsTo(0x689DB018, api.idaapi.XREF_DATA)) == {
        (0x68904257, 0x689DB018, 0x3),
        (0x68906350, 0x689DB018, 0x2),
        (0x6893777C, 0x689DB018, 0x2),
Beispiel #11
def test_FindFuncEnd(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    # this is the start of a function
    assert api.idc.FindFuncEnd(0x68901c31) == 0x68901c3d

    # this is in the middle of a function
    assert api.idc.FindFuncEnd(0x6890443f) == 0x6890445c

    # this is not inside a function
    assert api.idc.FindFuncEnd(0x6896ebf4) == api.idc.BADADDR
Beispiel #12
def test_functions(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    funcs = api.idautils.Functions()
    # exact number of detected functions varies by IDA version,
    # but the first and last addresses should remain constant.
    assert funcs[0] == 0x68901010
    assert funcs[-1] == 0x689bd410

    # this is a function chunk. should not be reported.
    assert 0x689018e5 not in funcs
Beispiel #13
def test_DataRefsFrom(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    # .text:6890618E cmp     ___security_cookie, 0
    assert set(api.idautils.DataRefsFrom(0x6890618E)) == {0x689DB370}

    # .text:689061AB mov     eax, ___security_cookie
    assert set(api.idautils.DataRefsFrom(0x689061AB)) == {0x689DB370}

    # .text:689061B2 mov     dword_689DB05
    assert set(api.idautils.DataRefsFrom(0x689061B2)) == {0x689DB054}
Beispiel #14
    def send_names(self):
        with idb.from_file(self.idbpath) as db:
            api = idb.IDAPython(db)
            for ea in api.idautils.Functions():
                mflags = api.idc.GetFlags(ea)

                # Check if it is a dummy name
                # TODO: check for automatic names
                if not api.ida_bytes.has_dummy_name(mflags):
                    fname = api.idc.GetFunctionName(ea)
                    self.idaapi.send_name(self.sid, fname, ea)
                    g_logger.debug("Sent name: 0x%x:%s", ea, fname)
def test_issue22():
    demonstrate that functions found at addresses with the high bit set are no problem.
    see github issue #22 for the backstory.
    cd = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    idbpath = os.path.join(cd, "data", "highaddr", "highaddr.idb")

    with idb.from_file(idbpath) as db:
        api = idb.IDAPython(db)
        assert len(api.idautils.Functions()) == 1
        assert api.idautils.Functions()[0] == 0xF7FFFFFF
Beispiel #16
def test_state(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    idc = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb).idc
    ida_bytes = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb).ida_bytes

    # .text:68901010 8B FF                                   mov     edi, edi
    # .text:68901012 55                                      push    ebp
    flags = idc.GetFlags(0x68901010)
    assert ida_bytes.isCode(flags) is True
    assert ida_bytes.isData(flags) is False
    assert ida_bytes.isTail(flags) is False
    assert ida_bytes.isNotTail(flags) is True
    assert ida_bytes.isUnknown(flags) is False
    assert ida_bytes.isHead(flags) is True

    flags = idc.GetFlags(0x68901011)
    assert ida_bytes.isCode(flags) is False
    assert ida_bytes.isData(flags) is False
    assert ida_bytes.isTail(flags) is True
    assert ida_bytes.isNotTail(flags) is False
    assert ida_bytes.isUnknown(flags) is False
    assert ida_bytes.isHead(flags) is False
Beispiel #17
def test_flow_preds(kernel32_idb):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    assert lpluck('src', api.idaapi._get_flow_preds(0x68901695)) == []
    assert lpluck('src',
                  api.idaapi._get_flow_preds(0x68901697)) == [0x68901695]
    assert lpluck('src',
                  api.idaapi._get_flow_preds(0x68901698)) == [0x68901697]

    assert lpluck('src',
                  api.idaapi._get_flow_preds(0x68906156)) == [0x6890169E]
    assert lpluck(
        'type', api.idaapi._get_flow_preds(0x68906156)) == [api.idaapi.fl_JN]
Beispiel #18
def test_CodeRefsTo(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    # this is the start of a function.
    # calls are not code refs.
    assert set(api.idautils.CodeRefsTo(0x689AD974, True)) == set([])

    # this is the start of a basic block with one incoming edge, from a taken conditional jump.
    assert set(api.idautils.CodeRefsTo(0x68901031, True)) == set([0x6890102b])

    # this is an instruction at the middle of a basic block.
    assert set(api.idautils.CodeRefsTo(0x68901012, True)) == set([0x68901010])
    assert set(api.idautils.CodeRefsTo(0x68901012, False)) == set([])
Beispiel #19
def test_CodeRefsFrom(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    # this is an instruction at the middle of a basic block.
    assert set(api.idautils.CodeRefsFrom(0x68901010, True)) == set([0x68901012])
    assert set(api.idautils.CodeRefsFrom(0x68901010, False)) == set([])

    # this is the end of a function.
    assert set(api.idautils.CodeRefsFrom(0x689011B2, True)) == set([])

    # this is a conditional jump.
    assert set(api.idautils.CodeRefsFrom(0x6890102B, True)) == set([0x6890113B, 0x68901031])
    assert set(api.idautils.CodeRefsFrom(0x6890102B, False)) == set([0x6890113B])
Beispiel #20
def export(f_debug, idb_path, outdb, min_, f_ex_libthunk, f_update, f_ana_exp, ana_pre, f_remove):
    # check the ext and signature
    ext = os.path.splitext(idb_path)[1]
    if ext != '.idb' and ext != '.i64':
        return 0   
    with open(idb_path, 'rb') as f:
        sig =        
    if sig != 'IDA1' and sig != 'IDA2':
        return 0

    # check the database record for the idb
    #print idb_path
    conn = sqlite3.connect(outdb)
    cur = conn.cursor()
    with idb.from_file(idb_path) as db:
        api = idb.IDAPython(db)
            sha256 = api.ida_nalt.retrieve_input_file_sha256()            
        except KeyError:
            error('{}: ida_nalt.retrieve_input_file_sha256() failed. The API is supported in 6.9 or later idb version. Check the API on IDA for validation.'.format(idb_path))
            return 0
        sha256 = sha256.lower()
    if f_remove:
        remove(cur, sha256)
        success('{}: the records successfully removed (SHA256={})'.format(idb_path, sha256))
        return 0        
    if existed(cur, sha256) and not f_update:
        info('{}: The sample records are present in DB (SHA256={}). Skipped.'.format(idb_path, sha256))
        return 0
    ida = 'ida.exe' if sig == 'IDA1' else 'ida64.exe'
    ida_path = os.path.join(g_ida_dir, ida)
    #cmd = [ida_path, '-L{}'.format(os.path.join(g_ida_dir, 'debug.log')), '-S{}'.format(g_fn_fuzzy_path), '-Ofn_fuzzy:{}:{}:{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(min_, f_ex_libthunk, f_update, f_ana_exp, ana_pre, outdb), idb_path]
    cmd = [ida_path, '-S{}'.format(g_fn_fuzzy_path), '-Ofn_fuzzy:{}:{}:{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(min_, f_ex_libthunk, f_update, f_ana_exp, ana_pre, outdb), idb_path]
    if not f_debug:
        cmd.insert(1, '-A')
    #print cmd        
    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
    if proc.returncode == 0:
        success('{}: successfully exported'.format(idb_path))
        return 1
    elif proc.returncode == 2: # skipped
        return 0
    else: # maybe 1
        raise ProcExportError('{}: Something wrong with the IDAPython script (returncode={}). Use -d for debug'.format(idb_path, proc.returncode))
Beispiel #21
def test_bytes(kernel32_idb):
    idc = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb).idc
    ida_bytes = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb).ida_bytes

    # .text:68901010 8B FF                                   mov     edi, edi
    # .text:68901012 55                                      push    ebp
    flags = idc.GetFlags(0x68901010)
    assert idc.hasValue(flags) == True

    byte = idc.IdbByte(0x68901010)
    assert byte == 0x8B

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        # this effective address does not exist
        assert idc.hasValue(idc.GetFlags(0x88888888)) == True

    assert idc.ItemSize(0x68901010) == 2
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    assert idc.ItemSize(0x68901012) == 1

    assert idc.GetManyBytes(0x68901010, 0x3) == b'\x8B\xFF\x55'
Beispiel #22
def test_issue28():
    demonstrate parsing of section metadata.
    see github issue #28 for the backstory.
    cd = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    idbpath = os.path.join(cd, 'data', 'elf', 'cat.i64')

    with idb.from_file(idbpath) as db:
        api = idb.IDAPython(db)
        assert [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
                2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] == [
                    api.idc.GetSegmentAttr(s, api.idc.SEGATTR_BITNESS)
                    for s in api.idautils.Segments()]
Beispiel #23
def test_func_t(kernel32_idb):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    DllEntryPoint = api.ida_funcs.get_func(0x68901695)
    assert DllEntryPoint.startEA == 0x68901695
    assert DllEntryPoint.endEA == 0x689016B0
    # the netnode id of the frame structure
    # go look at netnode | FF 00 00 00 00 75 |
    assert DllEntryPoint.frame == 0x75
    # size of local variables
    assert DllEntryPoint.frsize == 0x0
    # size of saved registers.
    # i presume this is for saved ebp.
    # in the IDA functions view, the "Locals" column may be (frsize + frregs).
    assert DllEntryPoint.frregs == 0x4
    # size on stack of arguments
    assert DllEntryPoint.argsize == 0xC
    # frame pointer delta. not clear on how this is computed.
    # in fact, a value of 0x9 doesn't make much sense. so this might be wrong.
    # more likely to be the stack change point count.
    assert DllEntryPoint.fpd == 0x9

    flags = DllEntryPoint.flags
    # collected empirically
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags, api.ida_funcs.FUNC_NORET) == False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags, api.ida_funcs.FUNC_FAR) == False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags, api.ida_funcs.FUNC_LIB) == False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags,
                                     api.ida_funcs.FUNC_STATICDEF) == False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags, api.ida_funcs.FUNC_FRAME) == True
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags,
                                     api.ida_funcs.FUNC_USERFAR) == False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags, api.ida_funcs.FUNC_HIDDEN) == False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags, api.ida_funcs.FUNC_THUNK) == False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags,
                                     api.ida_funcs.FUNC_BOTTOMBP) == False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags,
                                     api.ida_funcs.FUNC_NORET_PENDING) == False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags,
                                     api.ida_funcs.FUNC_SP_READY) == True
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags,
                                     api.ida_funcs.FUNC_PURGED_OK) == True
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags, api.ida_funcs.FUNC_TAIL) == False
    # also demonstrate finding the func from an address it may contain.
    # note: this can be a pretty slow search, since we do everything on demand with no caching.
    assert api.ida_funcs.get_func(0x68901695 + 1).startEA == 0x68901695

    # this is the function chunk for DllEntryPoint, but gets resolved to the non-tail func.
    assert api.ida_funcs.get_func(0x68906156).startEA == 0x68901695
    assert api.ida_funcs.get_func(0x68906156 + 1).startEA == 0x68901695
Beispiel #24
def test_comments(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    assert api.ida_bytes.get_cmt(0x6890103c, False) == 'Flags'
    assert api.ida_bytes.get_cmt(0x689023b4, True) == 'jumptable 6892FF97 default case'

    assert api.idc.Comment(0x6890103c) == 'Flags'
    assert api.idc.RptCmt(0x6890103c) == ''

    assert api.idc.RptCmt(0x689023b4) == 'jumptable 6892FF97 default case'
    assert api.idc.Comment(0x689023b4) == ''

    assert api.idc.GetCommentEx(0x6890103c, False) == 'Flags'
    assert api.idc.GetCommentEx(0x689023b4, True) == 'jumptable 6892FF97 default case'
Beispiel #25
def test_imports(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)
    assert api.ida_nalt.get_import_module_qty() == 47
    assert api.ida_nalt.get_import_module_name(0) == 'api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-2-0'
    assert api.ida_nalt.get_import_module_name(1) == 'ntdll'

    names = []
    def cb(addr, name, ordinal):
        names.append((addr, name, ordinal))
        return True

    api.ida_nalt.enum_import_names(1, cb)
    assert len(names) == 388
    assert names[0] == (0x689dd014, 'NtMapUserPhysicalPagesScatter', None)
Beispiel #26
def test_func_t(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    DllEntryPoint = api.ida_funcs.get_func(0x68901695)
    assert DllEntryPoint.startEA == 0x68901695
    assert DllEntryPoint.endEA == 0x689016B0
    # the netnode id of the frame structure
    # go look at netnode | FF 00 00 00 00 75 |
    # this is specific to the .idb
    # assert DllEntryPoint.frame == 0x75

    # size of local variables
    assert DllEntryPoint.frsize == 0x0
    # size of saved registers.
    # i presume this is for saved ebp.
    # in the IDA functions view, the "Locals" column may be (frsize + frregs).
    assert DllEntryPoint.frregs == 0x4
    # size on stack of arguments
    assert DllEntryPoint.argsize == 0xC

    flags = DllEntryPoint.flags
    # collected empirically
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags, api.ida_funcs.FUNC_NORET) is False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags, api.ida_funcs.FUNC_FAR) is False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags, api.ida_funcs.FUNC_LIB) is False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags,
                                     api.ida_funcs.FUNC_STATICDEF) is False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags, api.ida_funcs.FUNC_FRAME) is True
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags,
                                     api.ida_funcs.FUNC_USERFAR) is False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags, api.ida_funcs.FUNC_HIDDEN) is False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags, api.ida_funcs.FUNC_THUNK) is False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags,
                                     api.ida_funcs.FUNC_BOTTOMBP) is False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags,
                                     api.ida_funcs.FUNC_NORET_PENDING) is False
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags,
                                     api.ida_funcs.FUNC_SP_READY) is True
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags,
                                     api.ida_funcs.FUNC_PURGED_OK) is True
    assert idb.idapython.is_flag_set(flags, api.ida_funcs.FUNC_TAIL) is False
    # also demonstrate finding the func from an address it may contain.
    # note: this can be a pretty slow search, since we do everything on demand
    # with no caching.
    assert api.ida_funcs.get_func(0x68901695 + 1).startEA == 0x68901695

    # this is the function chunk for DllEntryPoint, but gets resolved to the
    # non-tail func.
    assert api.ida_funcs.get_func(0x68906156).startEA == 0x68901695
    assert api.ida_funcs.get_func(0x68906156 + 1).startEA == 0x68901695
Beispiel #27
def test_issue30():
    demonstrate get_func_cmt().
    see github issue #30 for the backstory.
    cd = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    idbpath = os.path.join(cd, "data", "issue30", "issue30.i64")

    with idb.from_file(idbpath) as db:
        api = idb.IDAPython(db)

        assert api.idc.GetCommentEx(0x401598, 0) == "local cmt"
        assert api.idc.GetCommentEx(0x401598, 1) == ""
        assert api.ida_funcs.get_func_cmt(0x401598, 0) == "rep cmt"
        assert api.ida_funcs.get_func_cmt(0x401598, 1) == "rep cmt"
Beispiel #28
def test_issue30():
    demonstrate get_func_cmt().
    see github issue #30 for the backstory.
    cd = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    idbpath = os.path.join(cd, 'data', 'issue30', 'issue30.i64')

    with idb.from_file(idbpath) as db:
        api = idb.IDAPython(db)

        assert api.idc.GetCommentEx(0x401598, 0) == 'local cmt'
        assert api.idc.GetCommentEx(0x401598, 1) == ''
        assert api.ida_funcs.get_func_cmt(0x401598, 0) == 'rep cmt'
        assert api.ida_funcs.get_func_cmt(0x401598, 1) == 'rep cmt'
Beispiel #29
def test_all_comments(kernel32_idb, version, bitness, expected):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    regcmts = []
    repcmts = []

    textseg = 0x68901000
    for ea in range(textseg, api.idc.SegEnd(textseg)):
        flags = api.idc.GetFlags(ea)
        if not api.ida_bytes.has_cmt(flags):

        regcmts.append(api.ida_bytes.get_cmt(ea, False))
        repcmts.append(api.ida_bytes.get_cmt(ea, True))

    assert len(regcmts), len(repcmnts) == expected
Beispiel #30
def test_flow_succs(kernel32_idb):
    api = idb.IDAPython(kernel32_idb)

    assert lpluck('dst',
                  api.idaapi._get_flow_succs(0x68901695)) == [0x68901697]
    assert lpluck('dst',
                  api.idaapi._get_flow_succs(0x68901697)) == [0x68901698]
    assert lpluck('dst',
                  api.idaapi._get_flow_succs(0x68901698)) == [0x6890169A]

    assert lpluck('dst', api.idaapi._get_flow_succs(0x6890169E)) == [
        0x689016A4, 0x68906156
    assert lpluck('type', api.idaapi._get_flow_succs(0x6890169E)) == [
        api.idaapi.fl_F, api.idaapi.fl_JN