Beispiel #1
def apply_enum_by_name(enum, member_name):
    member_value = enum.members[member_name].value
    for line in sark.lines(*sark.get_selection()):
        for operand in line.insn.operands:
            if operand.type.is_imm:
                if operand.imm == member_value:
                    idc.OpEnumEx(line.ea, operand.n, enum.eid,

            elif operand.type.is_displ or operand.type.is_phrase:
                if operand.addr == member_value:
                    idc.OpEnumEx(line.ea, operand.n, enum.eid,
Beispiel #2
def rename_constant(arg_ea, fct_name, arg_name, arg_enums):
    """ Rename constants to values from standard enumerations. """
    instruction = idc.GetMnem(arg_ea)
    if instruction == 'push':
        op_num = 0
    elif instruction == 'mov':
        op_num = 1
        raise RenamingException('Constant: unhandled instruction ' +

    op_val = idc.GetOperandValue(arg_ea, op_num)
    # NULL
    if op_val == 0:
        targetid = idc.GetConstByName('NULL_{}_{}'.format(arg_name, fct_name))
        serial = 0
        enumid = idc.GetEnum(NULL_ENUM_NAME)
        constid = idc.GetConstEx(enumid, 0, serial, -1)
        while constid != idaapi.BADADDR:
            if constid == targetid:
                idc.OpEnumEx(arg_ea, op_num, enumid, serial)
            serial = serial + 1
            constid = idc.GetConstEx(enumid, 0, serial, -1)

    # All other constants
    op_type = idc.GetOpType(arg_ea, op_num)
    if op_type == idaapi.o_imm:
        # only one choice
        if len(arg_enums) == 1:
            enumid = idc.GetEnum(arg_enums[0])
            idc.OpEnumEx(arg_ea, op_num, enumid, 0)

        for enum in arg_enums:
            enumid = idc.GetEnum(enum)
            constid = get_constant_id(enumid, op_val)
            if constid == idaapi.BADADDR:
                # Not in this enum
                # Found the right enum
                idc.OpEnumEx(arg_ea, op_num, enumid, 0)
Beispiel #3
 def __call__(self):
     if self.op == 'hex':
         idc.OpHex(self.ea, self.n)
     if self.op == 'bin':
         idc.OpBinary(self.ea, self.n)
     if self.op == 'dec':
         idc.OpDecimal(self.ea, self.n)
     if self.op == 'chr':
         idc.OpChr(self.ea, self.n)
     if self.op == 'oct':
         idc.OpOctal(self.ea, self.n)
     if self.op == 'enum':
         idc.OpEnumEx(self.ea, self.n, self.extra['id'],
Beispiel #4
 def __call__(self):
     if self.op == 'hex':
         idc.OpHex(self.ea, self.n)
     if self.op == 'bin':
         idc.OpBinary(self.ea, self.n)
     if self.op == 'dec':
         idc.OpDecimal(self.ea, self.n)
     if self.op == 'chr':
         idc.OpChr(self.ea, self.n)
     if self.op == 'oct':
         idc.OpOctal(self.ea, self.n)
     if self.op == 'enum':
         id = idaapi.get_enum(self.extra['ename'].encode('utf-8'))
         idc.OpEnumEx(self.ea, self.n, id, self.extra['serial'])
    def fix_names(self):
            Fix the table of imports and map enums to apis.
        start_addr  = idc.AskAddr(, "Enter table start address")

        ## check if address is within the base address and maximum address
        if (start_addr < idc.MinEA()) or (start_addr > idc.MaxEA()):
            idc.Warning("You have entered an invalid start address")

        self.start_addr = start_addr    
        current_addr = self.start_addr

        #Current size of PoisonIvy IAT
        end_addr = current_addr + 568

        # Walk the table 8 bytes at a time
        while current_addr <= end_addr:

            print "DEBUG: Current address - 0x%08x" % current_addr
            addr = idc.Qword(current_addr)
            print "DEBUG: address - 0x%08x" % addr
            if addr == -1:
                print "[!] Skipping address 0x%08x - 0x%08x" % (current_addr, addr)
                current_addr += 8

            # Make the current address an offset
            # We need to undefine the bytes incase IDA autoanalysis had converted an incorrect byte
            idc.MakeUnkn(addr, 1)
            # Create code at this address 
            # Create function at the same address
            idc.MakeFunction(addr, addr+16)
            # Read the second operand at the address which should be the negative API address value
            imp_addr = idc.GetOperandValue(addr, 1)

            if imp_addr == -1:
                print "[!] Couldn't get operand at address - 0x%08x" % addr
                current_addr +=8

            # try:
            #     int_addr = int(imp_addr,16)
            # except ValueError as e:
            #     print "[!] Failed on: %s - %s\n" % (imp_addr, e)
            #     current_addr +=8 
            #     continue
            # if we know about this value then let's do the work
            if imp_addr in self.enums.keys():
                enum_id = self.enums[imp_addr]
                # Convert operand to enum 
                idc.OpEnumEx(addr, 1, enum_id,0)
                const_id = idc.GetConstEx(enum_id, imp_addr, 0, -1)
                fn_name = "fn_"+idc.GetConstName(const_id)
                off_name = "ptr_"+idc.GetConstName(const_id)
                # Rename the function to the symbol name.
                # We append fn_ to the symbol for the function name
                # and ptr_ to the offset in the table.
                if not idc.MakeNameEx(addr, fn_name, idaapi.SN_NOWARN):
                    print "[!] Failed to rename function %s at 0x%08x\n" % (fn_name, addr)
                if not idc.MakeNameEx(current_addr, off_name, idaapi.SN_NOWARN):
                    print "[!] Failed to rename offset %s at 0x%08x\n" % (off_name,current_addr)

            current_addr += 8
