Beispiel #1
def load_exc(ibw_folder='', pixels=64, scale=1, offset=1, verbose=False):
	Loads excitation files into a single .h5 file
	ibw_folder : string, optional
		The folder containing the excitation files to load
	pixels : int, optional
		How many pixels per line to divide the excitation ibw
	scale : float, optional
		The AC signal scaling, assuming the input excitation is wrong
	offset : float, optional
		The DC offset for the excitation
    if not any(ibw_folder):
        exc_file_path = usid.io_utils.file_dialog(
            caption='Select any file in destination folder',
            file_filter='IBW Files (*.ibw)')
        exc_file_path = '/'.join(exc_file_path.split('/')[:-1])

    filelist = os.listdir(exc_file_path)

    data_files = [
        os.path.join(exc_file_path, name) for name in filelist
        if name[-3:] == 'ibw'

    h5_path = os.path.join(exc_file_path, 'excitation') + '.h5'

    h5_file = h5py.File(h5_path, 'w')

    _line0 = loadibw(data_files[0])['wave']['wData']
    _pix0 = np.split(_line0, pixels, axis=1)[0].mean(axis=1)
    _pix0 = scale * ((_pix0 - np.min(_pix0)) /
                     (np.max(_line0) - np.min(_line0)) - 0.5) + offset

    data = h5_file.create_dataset('excitation',
                                  shape=(len(data_files), pixels, len(_pix0)),

    for n, d in enumerate(data_files):

        if verbose:
            print('### Loading', d.split('/')[-1], '###')

        _line = loadibw(d)['wave']['wData']

        for m, l in enumerate(np.split(_line, pixels, axis=1)):
            _pix = np.mean(l, axis=1)
            data[n, m, :] = _pix

    # self.h5_tfp = self.h5_results_grp.create_dataset('tfp', data=_arr, dtype=np.float32)

    return h5_path
 def __init__(self, location):
     self.location = location
     # initialise experimental variables and data #
     self.spectra_long = loadibw(os.path.join(location, "spec2d.ibw"))['wave']['wData'].T
     self.wavelength_long = loadibw(os.path.join(location, "wavelength.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
     self.step = np.linspace(0, self.spectra_long.shape[0], self.spectra_long.shape[0])
         self.dual_pol = True
         self.spectra_trans = loadibw(os.path.join(location, "spec2d_t.ibw"))['wave']['wData'].T
         self.wavelength_trans = loadibw(os.path.join(location, "wavelength_t.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
         self.dual_pol = False
     self.displacement = loadibw(os.path.join(location, "displacement.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
     self.current = loadibw(os.path.join(location, "current.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
     self.conductance = loadibw(os.path.join(location, "conductance.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
     self.force_y = loadibw(os.path.join(location, "psd_y.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
     self.force_x = loadibw(os.path.join(location, "psd_x.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
     self.scan_n = int(os.path.basename(location).rsplit("_", 1)[1])
     # add analysis variables #
     self.analysed = 0
     self.stoc = 0
     self.energy_long = np.array([])
     if self.dual_pol: self.energy_trans = np.array([])
     # scale data if necessary #
     # analyse data #
 def __init__(self, location):
     self.location = location
     # get alignment data #
         self.amplitude, self.x, self.y = load_itx('alignment_scan_fr.itx', location)
         self.phase, self.x, self.y = load_itx('alignment_scan_ftheta.itx', location)
     except IOError:
         raise IOError
     #self.amplitude = loadibw(os.path.join(location, "alignment_scan_fr.ibw"))['wave']['wData'].T
     #self.phase = loadibw(os.path.join(location, "alignment_scan_ftheta.ibw"))['wave']['wData'].T
     #self.x = loadibw(os.path.join(location, "wavelength.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
     #self.y = 0
     # get alignment variables #
     params = load_parameters(self.location)
     self.params = params
     self.set = int(params['alignment_set'])
     self.voltage = float(params['voltage'])
     self.position = float(params['init_pos_a'])
     self.time = params['time_stamp']
     self.scan_n = int(os.path.basename(location).rsplit("_", 1)[1])
     self.scan_size = 1000*float(params['scan_size'])
     self.scan_step = 1000*float(params['scan_step'])
     # analysis variables #
     self.amplitude_x0 = 0
     self.amplitude_y0 = 0
     self.amplitude_x_fwhm = 0
     self.amplitude_y_fwhm = 0
     self.phase_x0 = 0
     self.phase_y0 = 0
     self.phase_x_fwhm = 0
     self.phase_y_fwhm = 0
     # analysis arrays #
     # from igor - w_coef[0] = {z0, a0, x0, sigx, y0, sigy, corr} #
     self.amplitude_params = loadibw(os.path.join(location, 'fr_w_coef.ibw'))['wave']['wData']
     self.amplitude_errors = loadibw(os.path.join(location, 'fr_w_sigma.ibw'))['wave']['wData']
     self.amplitude_params = np.array([self.amplitude_params[1],
     self.amplitude_fit = gaussian(*self.amplitude_params)
     self.phase_params = loadibw(os.path.join(location, 'ftheta_w_coef.ibw'))['wave']['wData']
     self.phase_errors = loadibw(os.path.join(location, 'ftheta_w_sigma.ibw'))['wave']['wData']
     self.phase_params = np.array([self.phase_params[1],
     self.phase_fit = gaussian(*self.phase_params)
Beispiel #4
	def load_tf(self, tf_path, excitation_path, remove_dc=False):
		Process transfer function and broadband excitation from supplied file
		This function does not check shape or length
		tf = loadibw(tf_path)['wave']['wData']
		exc = loadibw(excitation_path)['wave']['wData'] = np.mean(tf, axis=1)
		self.TF = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(

		if remove_dc:
			self.TF[int(len(tf) / 2)] = 0

		self.exc = np.mean(exc, axis=1)
		self.EXC = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(self.exc))
def load_parameters(location):
    parameters = loadibw(os.path.join(location, 'parameters.ibw'))['wave']['wData']
    parameters = parameters.flatten()
    key, values = np.split(parameters, 2)
    params = {}
    for k, v in zip(key, values): params[k] = v
    return params
Beispiel #6
def signal(path, skiprows=1):
    Loads .ibw or ASCII files and return it as a numpy.ndarray.

    path : string
        Path to signal file.

    signal_array : (n_points, n_signals) array_like
        2D real-valued signal array loaded from given .ibw file.


    # Get the path and check what the extension is.
    ext = splitext(path)[1]

    if ext.lower() == '.ibw':

        signal_array = loadibw(path)['wave']['wData']  # Load data.

    elif ext.lower() == '.txt':

        signal_array = loadtxt(path, skiprows=skiprows)


        print "Unrecognized file type!"

    signal_array.flags.writeable = True  # Make array writable.

    return signal_array
Beispiel #7
    def excitation_scale(self, exc_path, exc_params):
        Generates the excitation waveform based on the input ibw. Scaled to exc_params
        This process is to compensate for the Gage card having a limited input voltage range.
        :param exc_path: .ibw path containing the applied DDS excitation to the cantilever from the experiment
        :type exc_path: string
        :param exc_params: Specifies parameters for excitation waveform. Relevant keys are ac (in V), dc (in V),
                phase (in radians), and frequency (in Hz). The default is None, implying an excitation waveform of
                magnitude 1V, with period 1/drive_freq, and 0 DC offset.
                example : exc_params = {'ac': 3, 'dc': 3} for 3 Vdc and 3Vac excitation
        :type exc_params: dict

        exc_raw = loadibw(exc_path)['wave']['wData'].mean(axis=1)
        exc_raw *= 10  # resistor divider
        exc_raw = (exc_raw - exc_raw.min()) / (exc_raw.max() - exc_raw.min())
        exc_raw = (exc_raw - 0.5) * 2  # scaled -1 to 1
        exc_raw *= exc_params['ac']
        exc_raw += exc_params['dc']

        self.exc_wfm = exc_raw

Beispiel #8
def load_pfmloop_from_binary(path, return_meta_data=False):
    loads data from binary file (from asylum research) into a numpy array
    Returns: dict({'label':(numpy array) imgdata}
    path: str
    return_meta_data: bool - True returns (dict({'label':(numpy array) imgdata}, meta_data)  
        meta_data (dict) -> {ScanLines:(str)... etc}
    The complete list of included keys in meta_data is given here:
    ['ScanSize', 'FastScanSize', 'SlowScanSize', 'ScanRate', 'XOffset', 'YOffset', 'PointsLines', 'ScanPoints', 'ScanLines', 'ScanAngle', 'ImagingMode', 'InvOLS', 'SpringConstant', 'AmpInvOLS', 'Amp2Invols', 'FastRatio', 'SlowRatio', 'TopLine', 'BottomLine', 'ScanMode', 'NapMode', 'FMapScanTime', 'FMapScanPoints', 'FMapScanLines', 'FMapXYVelocity', 'FMapBookWise', 'Channel1DataType', 'DataTypeSum', 'PhaseOffset', 'PhaseOffset1', 'NapPhaseOffset', 'VoltageParm', 'NapParms', 'PreScanSetting', 'OrcaOffset', 'OrcaOffset2', 'UserIn0Gain', 'UserIn0Offset', 'UserIn1Gain', 'UserIn1Offset', 'UserIn2Gain', 'UserIn2Offset', 'LateralGain', 'LateralOffset', 'OrcaGain', 'OrcaGain2', 'FastMapScanRate', 'FastMapZRate', 'Real Parms', 'Initial Parms', 'Initial ScanSize', 'Initial FastScanSize', 'Initial SlowScanSize', 'Initial ScanRate', 'ScanSpeed', 'Initial XOffset', 'Initial YOffset', 'Initial ScanPoints', 'Initial ScanLines', 'RoundFactor', 'IntegralGain', 'ProportionalGain', 'Initial ScanAngle', 'ScanAngleFactor', 'AmplitudeSetpointVolts', 'AmplitudeSetpointMeters', 'DriveAmplitude', 'DriveFrequency', 'SweepWidth', 'SlowScanEnabled', 'DeflectionSetpointVolts', 'DeflectionSetpointMeters', 'DeflectionSetpointNewtons', 'Initial ImagingMode', 'MaxScanSize', 'Initial InvOLS', 'Initial SpringConstant', 'DisplaySpringConstant', 'ScanStateChanged', 'ScanDown', 'XLVDTSens', 'YLVDTSens', 'ZLVDTSens', 'XLVDTOffset', 'YLVDTOffset', 'ZLVDTOffset', 'YIgain', 'YPgain', 'XIgain', 'XPgain', 'LastScan', 'XPiezoSens', 'YPiezoSens', 'ZPiezoSens', 'XDriveOffset', 'YDriveOffset', 'SweepPoints', 'SecretGain', 'YSgain', 'XSgain', 'DIsplayLVDTTraces', 'Initial PhaseOffset', 'BaseSuffix', 'SaveImage', 'ParmChange', 'ADCgain', 'OldADCgain', 'OldScanSize', 'OldYOffset', 'OldXOffset', 'ZIgain', 'ZPgain', 'ZSgain', 'Initial AmpInvOLS', 'UpdateCounter', 'DoMunge', 'XMungeAlpha', 'YMungeAlpha', 'ZMungeAlpha', 'StartHeadTemp', 'StartScannerTemp', 'Has1xACDeflGain', 'DontChangeXPT', 'LowNoise', 'ScreenRatio', 'XDriftRate', 'YDriftRate', 'XDriftTotal', 'YDriftTotal', 'DriftBIts', 'DriftCount', 'Setpoint', 'Initial FastRatio', 'Initial SlowRatio', 'Initial TopLine', 'Initial BottomLine', 'ScanStatus', 'Is1DPlus', 'DelayUpdate', 'MarkerRatio', 'StartLineCount', 'OldAmplitudeSetpointVolts', 'OldDeflectionSetPointVolts', 'Initial ScanMode', 'Interpolate', 'TipVoltage', 'SurfaceVoltage', 'FreqIgain', 'FreqPgain', 'FreqSgain', 'Initial OrcaGain', 'FreqGainOn', 'Initial UserIn0Gain', 'Initial UserIn1Gain', 'Initial UserIn2Gain', 'Initial LateralGain', 'IsBipolar', 'FrequencyHack', 'MagneticField', 'DriveGainOn', 'DriveIGain', 'DrivePGain', 'DriveSGain', 'Initial UserIn0Offset', 'Initial UserIn1Offset', 'Initial UserIn2Offset', 'Initial LateralOffset', 'LastImage', 'ZoomSize', 'ZoomXOffset', 'ZoomYOffset', 'User0Voltage', 'User1Voltage', 'ExtendedZ', 'DriveAmplitude1', 'DriveFrequency1', 'SweepWidth1', 'Initial PhaseOffset1', 'Initial Amp2InvOLS', 'Initial VoltageParm', 'MicroscopeID', 'CapacitanceSens', 'CapacitanceOffset', 'CapPhaseOffset', 'TipBiasOffset', 'TipHeaterOffset', 'SurfaceBiasOffset', 'UseCantHolder', 'CurrentCantHolder', 'HasClickRing', 'XScanDirection', 'YScanDirection', 'SaveImageCount', 'SaveImageLines', 'Initial OrcaGain2', 'UpdateSlowWave', 'FBFilterBW', 'CurrentSetpointAmps', 'CurrentSetpointVolts', 'OldCurrentSetpointVolts', 'OldCurrentSetpointAmps', 'HasFM', 'LastScanWithdraw', 'HasLaserRelay', 'ToggleLaserRelay', 'Decimation', 'DARTIGain', 'DARTPGain', 'SampleHolder', 'ManualSampleHolder', 'CypherXPTLock', 'XPTLock', 'LogFeedback', 'ARSysScanBusy', 'SimpleControls', 'Initial PointsLines', 'FreeAirAmplitude', 'FreeAirPhase', 'FreeAirDeflection', 'FreeAirDriveAmplitude', 'ContinualRetune', 'ForceFilter', 'TemperatureSens', 'TemperatureOffset', 'OffsetBehavior', 'InputRange', 'XLVDTSensSlope', 'YLVDTSensSlope', 'XLVDTSensIntercept', 'YLVDTSensIntercept', 'HaveWeKilledTheProgressBar', 'Initial PreScanSetting', 'ImageFrameTime', 'FBFilterSelectivity', 'HasDriveChoke', 'DriveChokeOn', 'CFCWFOS', 'SkewAngle', 'ContinualRetuneTime', 'DRTimeStamp', 'CRTimeStamp', 'Cypher15VPower', 'HasBlueDrive', 'BlueDriveOn', 'blueDriveOffset', 'blueDriveMaxAmplitude', 'bDDriveAmplitude', 'bDDriveAmplitude1', 'bDDiffEfficiencyV', 'BackPackIn0Gain', 'BackPackIn0Offset', 'BackPackIn1Gain', 'BackPackIn1Offset', 'BackPackIn2Gain', 'BackPackIn2Offset', 'BackPackIn3Gain', 'BackPackIn3Offset', 'BackPackIn4Gain', 'BackPackIn4Offset', 'bdReCalibrateTime', 'bdMotorError', 'ScanModeGUI', 'FastMapSetpointVolts', 'FastMapSetpointNewtons', 'OldFastMapSetpointVolts', 'OldFastMapSetpointNewtons', 'Initial FastMapZRate', 'FastMapAmplitude', 'FastMapFBMethod', 'FastMapFBPhase', 'FastMapFBWindow', 'FastMapAmpSetpointVolts', 'FastMapAmpSetpointMeters', 'FastMapIndex', 'QueueProgress', 'QueueEstimate', 'QueueExpand', 'FastMapIGain', 'Initial FastMapScanRate', 'FastMapBaseLine', 'blueThermOn', 'FastMapScanPoints', 'FastMapScanLines', 'FastMapOptScanPoints', 'FastMapOptScanLines', 'FreqDGain', 'DriveDGain', 'ImageSaveExpand', 'Saturated', 'FrameCount', 'SinusoidalOn', 'StartHeaterTemp', 'StartHeaterHumidity', 'MicroscopeModel', 'BlueDriveDissipationInWatts', 'NapIntegralGain', 'NapProportionalGain', 'NapDeflectionSetpointVolts', 'NapAmplitudeSetpointVolts', 'NapDissipationSetpointVolts', 'NapFrequencySetPointHz', 'NapCurrentSetpointAmps', 'NapDriveAmplitude', 'NapDriveFrequency', 'NapDriveAmplitude1', 'NapDriveFrequency1', 'NapTipVoltage', 'NapSurfaceVoltage', 'NapUser0Voltage', 'NapUser1Voltage', 'NapHeight', 'NapStartHeight', 'NapTime', 'PotentialIGain', 'PotentialPGain', 'PotentialGainOn', 'ElectricTune', 'NapCurrentSetpointVolts', 'PotentialLoopLimit', 'ClosedNap', 'NapZIGain', 'NapZPGain', 'AutoNapZGain', 'bDNapDriveAmplitude', 'bDNapDriveAmplitude1', 'Channel2DataType', 'Channel3DataType', 'Channel4DataType', 'Channel5DataType', 'Channel6DataType', 'Channel7DataType', 'Channel8DataType', 'UserCalcFunc', 'UserCalcBFunc', 'FastMap1DataType', 'FastMap2DataType', 'FastMap3DataType', 'FastMap4DataType', 'FastMapCapture', 'InA', 'InB', 'InFast', 'InAOffset', 'InBOffset', 'InFastOffset', 'OutXMod', 'OutYMod', 'OutZMod', 'FilterIn', 'BNCOut0', 'BNCOut1', 'BNCOut2', 'PogoOut', 'Chip', 'Shake', 'Input.Z.Filter.Freq', 'Input.X.Filter.Freq', 'Input.Y.Filter.Freq', 'Input.A.Filter.Freq', 'Input.B.Filter.Freq', 'Input.Fast.Filter.Freq', 'Lockin.0.Filter.Freq', 'Lockin.1.Filter.Freq', 'Sample Rate', 'ThermalDC', 'ThermalQ', 'ThermalFrequency', 'ThermalWhiteNoise', 'ScaleLog', 'FitWidth', 'ThermalSamples', 'ThermalCounter', 'SectionSamples', 'SectionCounter', 'DoThermal', 'ThermalResolution', 'ThermalZoom', 'DoCantTune', 'ZoomCounter', 'AutoTuneLow', 'AutoTuneHigh', 'TargetVoltage', 'TargetPercent', 'CheckTuneTraces', 'ButtonTime', 'ShowThermalFit', 'AppendThermalBit', 'TuneQ', 'TuneGain', 'TunePeakResult', 'TuneFreqResult', 'TuneQResult', 'ThermalSamplesLimit', 'TuneFeedback', 'TuneDDSOutput', 'TipVoltCenter', 'TipVoltWidth', 'ThermalFrequencyRange', 'AutoTuneLimit', 'AutoTuneLow1', 'AutoTuneHigh1', 'TargetVoltage1', 'TargetPercent1', 'DualACMode', 'WhichACMode', 'BackwardsTune', 'TuneCaptureRate', 'TuneTime', 'TuneFilter', 'iDriveOn', 'FrequencyRatio', 'DFRTFrequencyCenter', 'DFRTFrequencyWidth', 'DFRTOn', 'ThermalCenter', 'ThermalWidth', 'DFWMAMT', 'LastXPos', 'LastYPos', 'PFMFrequencyLimit', 'TuneLockin', 'TipHeaterDrive', 'AdjustSpringConstant', 'DrawThermalFit', 'LateralTune', 'ThermalTemperature', 'UseCypherThermal', 'UseCypherMultiThread', 'Illumination', 'ARCZ', 'TuneAngle', 'IsDefaultFrequency', 'TargetAmplitude', 'TargetPhase', 'LossTanAmp1', 'LossTanPhase1', 'LossTanAmp2', 'LossTanPhase2', 'LossTanFreq1', 'LossTanFreq2', 'LossTanQ1', 'LossTanQ2', 'SecondFrequency', 'TryFitAgain', 'HighFrequencyMode', 'ThermalLever', 'DoSader', 'CustomLeverLength', 'CustomLeverWidth', 'CustomLeverFrequency', 'ResFreq1', 'ResFreq2', 'GetStartedRoughness', 'GetStartedOn', 'GSGainGain', 'GSSetpointPercent', 'GSHardness', 'GSLeverRange', 'GetStartedMorePanel', 'GSUseManualThermal', 'GSMotorHeight', 'GSStickySample', 'GSDateTime', 'YourVariablesStartHere', 'DARTAnalysisImage', 'DARTAmplitude1Label', 'DARTAmplitude2Label', 'DARTPhase1Label', 'DARTPhase2Label', 'DARTFrequency1Label', 'Log File', 'Date', 'Time', 'Seconds', 'UserCalcUnit', 'UserIn0Unit', 'UserIn1Unit', 'UserIn2Unit', 'LateralUnit', 'ARUserPanelName', 'UserIn0Name', 'UserIn1Name', 'UserIn2Name', 'UserCalcName', 'UserIn0Ab', 'UserIn1Ab', 'UserIn2Ab', 'UserCalcAb', 'UserIn0Force', 'UserIn1Force', 'UserIn2Force', 'UserCalcForce', 'SaveForce', 'LastSaveImage', 'LastSaveForce', 'NavLoadPath', 'LastNavLoadPath', 'UserCalcBUnit', 'UserCalcBName', 'UserCalcBForce', 'UserCalcBAb', 'BackPackIn0Unit', 'BackPackIn0Name', 'BackPackIn0Ab', 'BackPackIn0Force', 'BackPackIn1Unit', 'BackPackIn1Name', 'BackPackIn1Ab', 'BackPackIn1Force', 'BackPackIn2Unit', 'BackPackIn2Name', 'BackPackIn2Ab', 'BackPackIn2Force', 'BackPackIn3Unit', 'BackPackIn3Name', 'BackPackIn3Ab', 'BackPackIn3Force', 'BackPackIn4Unit', 'BackPackIn4Name', 'BackPackIn4Ab', 'BackPackIn4Force', 'DetectorSum', 'XSensor', 'YSensor', 'ZSensor', 'DDSAmplitude0', 'DDSDCOffset0', 'DDSFrequency0', 'DDSFrequencyOffset0', 'DDSPhaseOffset0', 'DDSAmplitude1', 'DDSFrequency1', 'DDSPhaseOffset1', 'Amplitude', 'Phase', 'Inputi', 'Inputq', 'Inputi1', 'Inputq1', 'Count', 'Count2', 'Potential', 'Amplitude1', 'Phase1', 'DDSQGain0', 'DDSQAngle0', 'DDSFrequencyOffset1', 'Deflection', 'Lateral', 'Frequency', 'LockIn', 'Height', 'DeflectionValue', 'TipBias', 'DartAmp', 'VerDate', 'Version', 'XopVersion', 'OSVersion', 'IgorFileVersion', 'BaseName', 'SkewAngleRead', 'ImageNote', 'TipSerialNumber', 'Planefit 0', 'PlanefitOrder 0', 'FlattenOrder 0', 'Planefit Offset 0', 'Planefit X Slope 0', 'Planefit Y Slope 0', 'Flatten Offsets 0', 'Flatten Slopes 0', 'Display Offset 0', 'Display Range 0', 'ColorMap 0', 'Planefit 1', 'PlanefitOrder 1', 'FlattenOrder 1', 'Planefit Offset 1', 'Planefit X Slope 1', 'Planefit Y Slope 1', 'Display Offset 1', 'Display Range 1', 'ColorMap 1', 'Planefit 2', 'PlanefitOrder 2', 'FlattenOrder 2', 'Planefit Offset 2', 'Planefit X Slope 2', 'Planefit Y Slope 2', 'Display Offset 2', 'Display Range 2', 'ColorMap 2', 'Planefit 3', 'PlanefitOrder 3', 'FlattenOrder 3', 'Planefit Offset 3', 'Planefit X Slope 3', 'Planefit Y Slope 3', 'Display Offset 3', 'Display Range 3', 'ColorMap 3', 'Planefit 4', 'PlanefitOrder 4', 'FlattenOrder 4', 'Planefit Offset 4', 'Planefit X Slope 4', 'Planefit Y Slope 4', 'Display Offset 4', 'Display Range 4', 'ColorMap 4', 'Planefit 5', 'PlanefitOrder 5', 'FlattenOrder 5', 'Planefit Offset 5', 'Planefit X Slope 5', 'Planefit Y Slope 5', 'Display Offset 5', 'Display Range 5', 'ColorMap 5', 'EndHeadTemp', 'EndScannerTemp', 'EndHeaterTemp', 'EndHeaterHumidity']

    data = loadibw(path)

    list_of_metadata = str(data['wave']['note']).replace("b'", "").split(
        '\\r')  #clean up binary
    meta_data = dict()
    for x in list_of_metadata:
        spl = x.split(': ')
            meta_data.update({'{}'.format(spl[0]): spl[1]})
        except IndexError:
                spl = x.split(':')
                meta_data.update({'{}'.format(spl[0]): spl[1]})

    for x in data['wave']['labels']:
        if len(x) > 1:
            labels = x[1:]
            labels = [
                str(label).replace("b'", "").replace("'", "")
                for label in labels

    out = dict()
    for ijk, label in enumerate(labels):
            imgdata = data['wave']['wData'][:, ijk]
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError(
                'label count does not match data count. i.e. imgdata does not have data for each label (is this file a pfm loop??)'
        out.update({label: imgdata})

    if return_meta_data:
        return out, meta_data
        return out
Beispiel #9
def load_image_from_binary(path, return_meta_data=True):
    Loads data from binary file (from asylum research) into a dict of numpy arrays.

        path (str): Path to the data.
        return_meta_data (bool): Return meta data, i.e. scan size etc.

        (dict): Key labels image type, value is numpy array of img data.


    data = loadibw(path)

    list_of_metadata = str(data['wave']['note']).replace("b'", "").split(
        '\\r')  #clean up binary
    meta_data = dict()
    for x in list_of_metadata:
        spl = x.split(': ')
            meta_data.update({'{}'.format(spl[0]): spl[1]})
        except IndexError:
                spl = x.split(':')
                meta_data.update({'{}'.format(spl[0]): spl[1]})

    for x in data['wave']['labels']:
        if len(x) > 1:
            labels = x[1:]
            labels = [
                str(label).replace("b'", "").replace("'", "")
                for label in labels

    out = dict()
    for ijk, label in enumerate(labels):
            imgdata = data['wave']['wData'][:, :, ijk]
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError(
                'label count does not match data count. i.e. imgdata does not have data for each label (is this file a pfm loop??)'
        out.update({label: imgdata})

    #out = pd.DataFrame(out, index = [0])

    if return_meta_data:
        return out, meta_data
        return out
Beispiel #10
    def __init__(self, parent, instance):
        # initialise experimental variables and data #
        self.instance = instance
        self.parent = parent
        self.location = os.path.join(parent, "time_resolved_data")
        self.scan_n = os.path.basename(parent).rsplit("_", 1)[1]

        self.spectra_long = loadibw(
                         "qc_spec_" + instance + ".ibw"))['wave']['wData'].T
        self.wavelength_long = loadibw(
            os.path.join(self.location, "qc_spec_" + instance +
        self.spectra_time = loadibw(
                         "qc_spec_" + instance + "_time.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
        self.spectra_time = self.spectra_time[:-6]
        self.current = loadibw(
                         "qc_trace_" + instance + ".ibw"))['wave']['wData']
        self.conductance = loadibw(
                         "qcg_trace_" + instance + ".ibw"))['wave']['wData']
        self.force_y = loadibw(
                         "qc_force_" + instance + ".ibw"))['wave']['wData']
        self.dso_time = np.linspace(0, 20e-3, len(self.conductance))

        # add analysis variables #
        self.energy_long = np.array([])
        # scale data if necessary #
Beispiel #11
    def __init__(self, location):
        self.location = location
        # initialise experimental variables and data #
        self.spectra_long = loadibw(os.path.join(
            location, "spec2d.ibw"))['wave']['wData'].T
        self.wavelength_long = loadibw(os.path.join(
            location, "wavelength.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
        self.step = np.linspace(0, self.spectra_long.shape[0],
            self.dual_pol = True
            self.spectra_trans = loadibw(os.path.join(
                location, "spec2d_t.ibw"))['wave']['wData'].T
            self.wavelength_trans = loadibw(
                os.path.join(location, "wavelength_t.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
            self.dual_pol = False
        self.displacement = loadibw(os.path.join(
            location, "displacement.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
        self.current = loadibw(os.path.join(location,
        self.conductance = loadibw(os.path.join(
            location, "conductance.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
        self.force_y = loadibw(os.path.join(location,
        self.force_x = loadibw(os.path.join(location,
        self.scan_n = int(os.path.basename(location).rsplit("_", 1)[1])

        # add analysis variables #
        self.analysed = 0
        self.stoc = 0
        self.energy_long = np.array([])
        if self.dual_pol: self.energy_trans = np.array([])
        # scale data if necessary #
        # analyse data #
Beispiel #12
    def excitation_phase(self, exc_path, exc_params={}, phase_range=[-pi, pi]):
        Generates the excitation waveform based on the input ibw.
        Calculates phase and runs self.excitation until they match.
        This process is to compensate for the Gage card having a limited input voltage range.
        :param exc_path: .ibw path containing the applied DDS excitation to the cantilever from the experiment
        :type exc_path: string
        :param exc_params: Specifies parameters for excitation waveform. Relevant keys are ac (in V), dc (in V),
                phase (in radians), and frequency (in Hz). The default is None, implying an excitation waveform of
                magnitude 1V, with period 1/drive_freq, and 0 DC offset.
        :type exc_params: dict, optional
        :param phase_range: The start and stop phases to check
        :type phase_range: list, shape 2, optional

        phase_test = np.arange(phase_range[0], phase_range[1], 0.1)

        exc_raw = loadibw(exc_path)['wave']['wData']
        exc_raw = exc_raw[:, 10]  # pick a random slice

        for p in phase_test:

            self.excitation(exc_params, p)

            _pke = np.argmax(self.exc_wfm[:50:1])
            _pki = np.argmax(exc_raw[:50:1])

            if _pke == _pki:
                print('Done matching phase', p)
                plt.plot(self.exc_wfm[:50], 'r')
                plt.plot(exc_raw[:50] * 100, 'b')


Beispiel #13
def ibw2dict(filename):
    """Extract the contents of an *ibw to a dict"""
    data = loadibw(filename)
    wave = data['wave']
    wave_h = wave['wave_header']

    dim = wave_h['nDim'][0:2]
    scale_values = wave_h['sfA'][0:2]
    start_values = wave_h['sfB'][0:2]
    end_values = start_values + np.multiply(dim, scale_values)

    # Get the labels and tidy them up into a list
    labels = list(map(bytes.decode, flatten(wave['labels'])))

    # Get the notes and process them into a dict
    notes = process_notes(wave['note'])

    # Get the data numpy array and convert to a simple list and then to a numpy array properly shaped
    Data = np.nan_to_num(wave['wData']).tolist()
    wData = np.array(Data).reshape(dim[0], dim[1])
    E_axis = np.linspace(start_values[0], end_values[0], dim[0])
    A_axis = np.linspace(start_values[1], end_values[1], dim[1])
    # Get the filename from the file - warn if it differs
    fname = wave['wave_header']['bname'].decode()
    input_fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
    if input_fname != fname:
        print("Warning: stored filename differs from input file name")
        print("Input filename: {}".format(input_fname))
        print("Stored filename: {}".format(str(fname) + " (.ibw)"))

    return {
        "filename": fname,
        "dimensions": dim,
        "E_axis": E_axis,
        "A_axis": A_axis,
        "labels": labels,
        "notes": notes,
        "data": wData
Beispiel #14
def ibw2dict(filename):
    """Extract the contents of an *ibw to a dict"""
    data = loadibw(filename)
    wave = data['wave']

    # Get the labels and tidy them up into a list
    labels = list(map(bytes.decode, util.flatten(wave['labels'])))

    # Get the notes and process them into a dict
    notes = util.process_notes(wave['note'])

    # Get the data numpy array and convert to a simple list
    wData = np.nan_to_num(wave['wData']).tolist()

    # Get the filename from the file - warn if it differs
    fname = wave['wave_header']['bname'].decode()
    input_fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
    if input_fname != fname:
        print("Warning: stored filename differs from input file name")
        print("Input filename: {}".format(input_fname))
        print("Stored filename: {}".format(str(fname) + " (.ibw)"))

    return {"filename": fname, "labels": labels, "notes": notes, "data": wData}
Beispiel #15
def signal(path, skiprows=0):
    Loads .ibw or ASCII files and return it as a numpy.ndarray.

    :param path: Path to signal file.
    :type path: string
    :param skiprows:
    :type skiprows: int, optional

    :returns: 2D real-valued signal array loaded from given .ibw file.
    :rtype: (n_points, n_signals) array_like

    # Get the path and check what the extension is.
    ext = splitext(path)[1]

    if ext.lower() == '.ibw':

        signal_array = loadibw(path)['wave']['wData']  # Load data.

    elif ext.lower() == '.txt':

        signal_array = loadtxt(path, skiprows=skiprows)


        print("Unrecognized file type!")

        signal_array.flags.writeable = True  # Make array writable.

    return signal_array
 def __init__(self, parent, instance):
     # initialise experimental variables and data #
     self.instance = instance
     self.parent = parent
     self.location = os.path.join(parent, "time_resolved_data")
     self.scan_n = os.path.basename(parent).rsplit("_", 1)[1]
     self.spectra_long = loadibw(os.path.join(self.location, "qc_spec_"+instance+".ibw"))['wave']['wData'].T
     self.wavelength_long = loadibw(os.path.join(self.location, "qc_spec_"+instance+"_wavelength.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
     self.spectra_time = loadibw(os.path.join(self.location, "qc_spec_"+instance+"_time.ibw"))['wave']['wData']
     self.spectra_time = self.spectra_time[:-6]
     self.current = loadibw(os.path.join(self.location, "qc_trace_"+instance+".ibw"))['wave']['wData']
     self.conductance = loadibw(os.path.join(self.location, "qcg_trace_"+instance+".ibw"))['wave']['wData']
     self.force_y = loadibw(os.path.join(self.location, "qc_force_"+instance+".ibw"))['wave']['wData']
     self.dso_time = np.linspace(0, 20e-3, len(self.conductance))
     # add analysis variables #
     self.energy_long = np.array([])
     # scale data if necessary #
def AutoDetect(FileName, Opt):
    Attempt to autodetect the instrument used to collect the image
    Currently supports the Zeiss Merlin
    0.1 - Orig
    0.2 - Asylum AFM added
    if Opt.FExt == ".ibw":  # file is igor
        if Opt.Machine != "Asylum AFM":
            Opt.Machine = "Asylum AFM"
            # avoid race condition in parallel loop
        RawData = loadibw(FileName)['wave']
        Labels = RawData['labels'][2]
        Labels = [i.decode("utf-8") for i in Labels]  # make it strings
        # Need to add a selector here for future height/phase
        AFMIndex = [i for i, s in enumerate(Labels)
                    if Opt.AFMLayer in s]  #they index from 1????
        AFMIndex = AFMIndex[0] - 1  # fix that quick
        imarray = RawData['wData'][:, :, AFMIndex]
        #slow scan is column in original data
        # AFM data has to be leveled :(
        TArray = imarray.transpose(
        )  # necessary so that slow scan Y and fast scan is X EG afm tip goes along row > < then down to next row etc

        if Opt.AFMLevel == 1:  #median leveling
            MeanSlow = imarray.mean(
                axis=0)  # this calculates the mean of each slow scan row
            Mean = imarray.mean()  # mean of everything
            MeanOffset = MeanSlow - Mean  # determine the offsets
            imfit = imarray - MeanOffset  # adjust the image

        elif Opt.AFMLevel == 2:  # median of dif leveling
            DMean = np.diff(TArray, axis=0).mean(axis=1)
            # calc the 1st order diff from one row to next. Then average these differences
            DMean = np.insert(
                DMean, 0,
                0)  # the first row we don't want to adjust so pop in a 0
            imfit = imarray - DMean
        elif Opt.AFMLevel == 3:  # Polynomial leveling
            imfit = np.zeros(imarray.shape)
            FastInd = np.arange(imarray.shape[0])  # this is 0 - N rows

            for SlowInd in np.arange(
                    imarray.shape[1]):  # for each column eg slowscan axis
                Slow = imarray[:, SlowInd]
                PCoef = np.polyfit(FastInd, Slow, Opt.AFMPDeg)
                POffset = np.polyval(PCoef, FastInd)
                imfit[:, SlowInd] = imarray[:, SlowInd] - POffset
            imfit = imarray

        #Brightness/Contrast RESET needed for denoising. Need to figure out how to keep track of this? add an opt?
        #        imfit = imfit - imfit.min()
        #        imfit = imfit*255/imfit.max()
        if Opt.NmPP != RawData['wave_header']['sfA'][0] * 1e9:
            Opt.NmPP = RawData['wave_header']['sfA'][
                0] * 1e9  # hopefully avoid issues with parallel

        imarray = imfit

        im =
        if im.mode != "P":
            im = im.convert(mode='P')
                "Image was not in the original format, and has been converted back to grayscale. Consider using the original image."
        imarray = np.array(im)

        SkimFile = open(FileName, 'rb')
        MetaF = exifread.process_file(SkimFile)
            Opt.FInfo = str(MetaF['Image Tag 0x8546'].values)
            Opt.NmPP = float(Opt.FInfo[17:30]) * 10**9
            Opt.Machine = "Merlin"

#    if Opt.NmPP!=0:
#        print("Instrument was autodetected as %s, NmPP is %f \n" % (Opt.Machine ,Opt.NmPP) )
#    else:
#        print("Instrument was not detected, and NmPP was not set. Please set NmPP and rerun")
    return (imarray)
Beispiel #18
    def __init__(self, file_path):
        with OpenFromAny(file_path, 'rb') as f:
            file = loadibw(f)

        if file['version'] != 5:
            raise RuntimeError('Only IBW version 5 is supported!') = file['wave']

        # the first two labels are of x and y axis. we cannot read those
        self._channel_names = [channel.decode() for channel in
        self._default_channel = 0

        # Read physical sizes from file, since all data
        # has already been loaded, we can calculate it here
        height_data =['wData']

        # TODO is it always like this?
        assert len(height_data.shape) == 3, \
            "We expect all channels being coded in to one wave and all are " \
            "2D. This is not true somehow, cannot proceed."
        nx, ny, num_channels = height_data.shape

        # ensure that there are not too many channel names
        self._channel_names = self._channel_names[:num_channels]

        # add channel names for all channels without name
        no_name_idx = 1
        while len(self._channel_names) < num_channels:
            self._channel_names.append("no name ({})".format(no_name_idx))
            no_name_idx += 1

        # Decode units
        def decode_unit_entry(u):
            return u.tobytes().partition(b'\0')[0].decode('latin-1')

        data_unit = decode_unit_entry(['wave_header']['dataUnits'])
        x_unit = decode_unit_entry(['wave_header']['dimUnits'][0])
        y_unit = decode_unit_entry(['wave_header']['dimUnits'][1])

        # the following is not necessary, we could handle different units by
        # rescaling, however I'll leave it like this for now, print some
        # message so we know what to do if a file occurs which does not fulfill
        # this assumption
        assert data_unit == x_unit == y_unit, \
            "So far, data units and dimension units must be all the same. " +\
            "data unit: '{}', x unit: '{}', y unit: '{}'".format(data_unit,

        # An empty unit should be None
        if data_unit == '':
            data_unit = None

        self._data_unit = data_unit

        # Decode sizes
        sfA =['wave_header']['sfA']
        self._physical_sizes = (nx * sfA[0], ny * sfA[1])
        # Comment in C header file on these fields: Index value for element e
        # of dimension d = sfA[d]*e + sfB[d]. sfB is left out here, because we
        # are interested in the width and height, not the absolute offsets.

        # Build channel information
        self._channels = [
            ChannelInfo(self, i, name=cn, dim=2, nb_grid_pts=(nx, ny), physical_sizes=self._physical_sizes,
                        unit=self._data_unit, height_scale_factor=1)
            for i, cn in enumerate(self._channel_names)]
Beispiel #19
def ibw2stdout(filename):
    '''Dump the contents of an *.ibw to stdout'''
    data = loadibw(filename)
Beispiel #20
    def load_tf(self,
        Process transfer function and broadband excitation from supplied file
        This function does not check shape or length
        If no tf_excitation_path is provided, this will generate one via SciPy chirp
        :param tf_path:
        :type tf_path: str
        :param tf_excitation_path:
        :type tf_excitation_path: list
        :param remove_dc: Removes the DC peak from the FFT
        :type remove_dc: bool, optional
        :param adjust_tf_length:
        :type adjust_tf_length: bool, optional

        # Load the response
        if isinstance(tf_path, str):
            tf = loadibw(tf_path)['wave']['wData']
            tf = tf_path = tf
        if len(tf.shape) > 1:
   = np.mean(tf, axis=1)

        # Load the broadband excitation file, or create one
        if tf_excitation_path:

            if isinstance(tf_excitation_path, str):
                tf_exc = loadibw(tf_excitation_path)['wave']['wData']
                tf_exc = tf_excitation_path
            tf_exc = gen_chirp(sampling_rate=self.sampling_rate,
                      / self.sampling_rate)

        if remove_dc:
            self.TF[int(len(tf) / 2)] = 0

        self.tf_exc = tf_exc
        if len(tf_exc.shape) > 1:
            self.tf_exc = np.mean(tf_exc, axis=1)

        if adjust_tf_length:
            if self.n_points > len(
       = np.pad(, (0, self.n_points - len(
            elif self.n_points < len(

        self.TF = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(
        self.TF_EXC = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(self.tf_exc))

        self.tf_f_ax = np.linspace(-self.sampling_rate / 2,
                                   self.sampling_rate / 2,
Beispiel #21
def load_ringdown(data_files, parm_dict, h5_path,
				  verbose=False, loadverbose=True, average=True, mirror=False):
	Generates the HDF5 file given path to files_list and parameters dictionary

	Creates a Datagroup FFtrEFM_Group with a single dataset in chunks

	data_files : list
		List of the \*.ibw files to be invidually scanned

	parm_dict : dict
		Scan parameters to be saved as attributes

	h5_path : string
		Path to H5 file on disk

	verbose : bool, optional
		Display outputs of each function or not

	loadverbose : Boolean (optional)
		Whether to print any simple "loading Line X" statements for feedback

	mirror : bool, optional
		Flips the ibw signal if acquired during a retrace, so data match the topography pixel-to-pixel

	h5_path: str
		The filename path to the H5 file created

	# e.g. if a 16000 point signal with 2000 averages and 10 pixels 
	#   (10MHz sampling of a 1.6 ms long signal=16000, 200 averages per pixel)
	# parm_dict['pnts_per_pixel'] = 200 (# signals at each pixel)
	#           ['pnts_per_avg'] = 16000 (# pnts per signal, called an "average")
	#           ['pnts_per_line'] = 2000 (# signals in each line)

	num_rows = parm_dict['num_rows']
	num_cols = parm_dict['num_cols']

	# The signals are hard-coded in the AFM software as 800 points long
	# Therefore, we can calculate pnts_per_pixel etc from the first file
	signal = loadibw(data_files[0])['wave']['wData']  # Load data.
	parm_dict['pnts_per_pixel'] = int(signal.shape[0] / (800 * num_cols))
	parm_dict['pnts_per_avg'] = 800  # hard-coded in our AFM software
	parm_dict['total_time'] = 16e-3  # hard-coded in our AFM software

	if 'AMPINVOLS' not in parm_dict:
		parm_dict.update({'AMPINVOLS': 100e-9})

	pnts_per_avg = parm_dict['pnts_per_avg']
	orig_pnts_per_pixel = parm_dict['pnts_per_pixel']
	if average:
		parm_dict['pnts_per_pixel'] = 1
		parm_dict['pnts_per_line'] = num_cols
	pnts_per_pixel = parm_dict['pnts_per_pixel']
	pnts_per_line = parm_dict['pnts_per_line']

	hdf = h5py.File(h5_path)

		rd_group = hdf.file.create_group('RD_Group')
		rd_group = usid.hdf_utils.create_indexed_group(hdf.file['/'], 'RD_Group')

	pos_desc = [Dimension('X', 'm', np.linspace(0, parm_dict['FastScanSize'], num_cols * pnts_per_pixel)),
				Dimension('Y', 'm', np.linspace(0, parm_dict['SlowScanSize'], num_rows))]
	ds_pos_ind, ds_pos_val = build_ind_val_dsets(pos_desc, is_spectral=False, verbose=verbose)

	spec_desc = [Dimension('Time', 's', np.linspace(0, parm_dict['total_time'], pnts_per_avg))]
	ds_spec_inds, ds_spec_vals = build_ind_val_dsets(spec_desc, is_spectral=True)

	for p in parm_dict:
		rd_group.attrs[p] = parm_dict[p]
	rd_group.attrs['pnts_per_line'] = num_cols  # to change number of pnts in a line

	h5_rd = usid.hdf_utils.write_main_dataset(rd_group,  # parent HDF5 group
											  (num_rows * num_cols * pnts_per_pixel, pnts_per_avg),
											  # shape of Main dataset
											  'Ringdown',  # Name of main dataset
											  'Amplitude',  # Physical quantity contained in Main dataset
											  'nm',  # Units for the physical quantity
											  pos_desc,  # Position dimensions
											  spec_desc,  # Spectroscopic dimensions
											  dtype=np.float32,  # data type / precision

	# Cycles through the remaining files. This takes a while (~few minutes)
	for k, num in zip(data_files, np.arange(0, len(data_files))):

		if loadverbose:
			fname = k.replace('/', '\\')
			print('####', fname.split('\\')[-1], '####')
			fname = str(num).rjust(4, '0')

		signal = loadibw(k)['wave']['wData']
		signal = np.reshape(signal.T, [num_cols * orig_pnts_per_pixel, pnts_per_avg])

		if average:
			pixels = np.split(signal, num_cols, axis=0)
			signal = np.vstack([np.mean(p, axis=0) for p in pixels])

		signal *= parm_dict['AMPINVOLS']

		if mirror:
			h5_rd[num_cols * pnts_per_pixel * num: num_cols * pnts_per_pixel * (num + 1), :] = np.flipud(signal[:, :])
			h5_rd[num_cols * pnts_per_pixel * num: num_cols * pnts_per_pixel * (num + 1), :] = signal[:, :]

	if verbose == True:
		usid.hdf_utils.print_tree(hdf.file, rel_paths=True)

	return h5_rd
Beispiel #22
from igor.record.folder import FolderStartRecord, FolderEndRecord
from igor.record.variables import VariablesRecord
from igor.record.wave import WaveRecord

import glob

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6), dpi=80)
curr = fig1.add_subplot(111)
fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6), dpi=80)
volt = fig2.add_subplot(111)

filename = 'B95_Ch0_IDRest_107.ibw'

for filename in glob.glob("B95*.ibw"):

    data = loadibw(filename)

    print data['version']
    print data['wave']['wData']

    if 'Ch0' in filename:
    if 'Ch3' in filename: