Beispiel #1
def load_adjlist(filename, directed=True):
    edgelist = []
    names = UniqueIdGenerator()
    for line in open(filename):
        parts = line.strip().split()
        u = names[parts.pop(0)]
        edgelist.extend([(u, names[v]) for v in parts])
    logging.debug("Edgelist for line %s : %s" % (parts, edgelist))
    g = Graph(edgelist, directed=directed)
    g.vs["name"] = names.values()
    return g
Beispiel #2
    def _construct(self):
        """Construct the graph after it was populated."""
        self.g = None
        self.idgen = UniqueIdGenerator()


        edgelist = [(self.idgen[s], self.idgen[d]) for s, d in self.edges]
        self.g = Graph(edgelist)
        del edgelist["weight"] = list((self.weights[e] for e in self.edges))
        del self.edges
        self.g.vs["name"] = self.idgen.values()
        self.g.vs["type"] = list((self.vertices[n] for n in self.g.vs["name"]))
        del self.vertices
 def reindexMembership(self, cl):
     if hasattr(cl, "membership"):
         cl = cl.membership
     idgen = UniqueIdGenerator()
     return [idgen[i] for i in cl]
Beispiel #4
    tags = row.getAttribute("Tags")
    taglist = tags.encode('utf-8').strip("><").split("><")
    del tags
    for i, source in enumerate(taglist):
        for target in taglist[i + 1:]:
            e = (source, target)
            if e[0] > e[1]:
                e = (target, source)

# cant add an edge if one of the verices are not made
g = Graph()
# print g["weight"] = 1.0

gen = UniqueIdGenerator()

for e in adjList:
    # print e[0], e[1]
    if e[0] not in gen:
        sourceVertex = {}
        # sourceVertex["uid"] = gen[e[0]]
        sourceVertex = e[0]
        # print g
    if e[1] not in gen:
        targetVertex = {}
        # targetVertex["uid"] = gen[e[1]]
        targetVertex = e[1]
    # print adjList[e]
Beispiel #5
class CommonGraph(object):
    """A graph representation of document accesses by userland apps."""

    # Styling dictionaries.
    cd = {"file": "blue", "app": "pink", "appstate": "red"}
    sd = {"file": "circle", "app": "triangle-up", "appstate": "diamond"}

    def __init__(self, outputDir: str = None):
        """Construct a CommonGraph."""
        super(CommonGraph, self).__init__()
        self.g = None
        self.clusters = None
        self.editCount = None
        self.outputDir = outputDir or '/tmp/'
        self.printClusterInstances = False

        self.vertices = dict()
        self.edges = set()
        self.weights = dict()
        self.instances = dict()

    def _addFileNode(self, f: File):
        """Add a File vertex to the graph."""
        # Add a vertex for the file.
        self.vertices[str(f.inode)] = "file"

    def _addAppNode(self, app: Application):
        """Add an Application vertex to the graph."""
        raise NotImplementedError
        # self.weights[(app.desktopid, app.uid())] = 0

    def _addAccess(self, f: File, acc: FileAccess):
        """Add a FileAccess edge to the graph."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def populate(self, policy: Policy = None, quiet: bool = False):
        """Populate the AccessGraph, filtering it based on a Policy."""
        appStore = ApplicationStore.get()
        fileStore = FileStore.get()
        fileFactory = FileFactory.get()
        userConf = UserConfigLoader.get()

        # Add all user apps.
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\tAdding apps...")
        for app in appStore:
            if app.isUserlandApp():

        def _allowed(policy, f, acc):
            return and \
                (acc.isByDesignation() or not policy or

        # Add all user documents.
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\tAdding user documents...")
        self.docCount = 0
        for f in fileStore:
            if not f.isUserDocument(userHome=userConf.getHomeDir(),
            if f.isFolder():

            # Provided they have userland apps accessing them.
            hasUserlandAccesses = False
            for acc in f.getAccesses():
                if _allowed(policy, f, acc):
                    hasUserlandAccesses = True

            # And then add such userland apps to user document accesses.
            if hasUserlandAccesses:
                self.docCount += 1
                for acc in f.getAccesses():
                    if _allowed(policy, f, acc):
                        self._addAccess(f, acc)

        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\tAdding file links...")
        links = fileFactory.getFileLinks()
        for (pred, follow) in links.items():
            source = str(pred.inode)
            dest = str(follow)
            if source in self.vertices and dest in self.vertices:
                tprnt("Info: adding link from File %s to File %s in graph "
                      "as there is a file move/copy event between those." %
                      (source, dest))
                edge = (source, dest) if source <= dest else (dest, source)
                self.weights[edge] = 999999999

        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\tConstructing graph...")

    def _linkInstances(self):
        """Link application instance vertices together."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _construct(self):
        """Construct the graph after it was populated."""
        self.g = None
        self.idgen = UniqueIdGenerator()


        edgelist = [(self.idgen[s], self.idgen[d]) for s, d in self.edges]
        self.g = Graph(edgelist)
        del edgelist["weight"] = list((self.weights[e] for e in self.edges))
        del self.edges
        self.g.vs["name"] = self.idgen.values()
        self.g.vs["type"] = list((self.vertices[n] for n in self.g.vs["name"]))
        del self.vertices

    def computeClusters(self):
        """Compute the clusters for this graph."""
        comm = self.g.community_fastgreedy(["weight"])
        self.clusters = comm.as_clustering()

    def plot(self, output: str = None):
        """Plot the graph and its communities to an output file."""

        # Get style options set for the base graph plot.
        vs = {}
        vs["vertex_size"] = 5
        vs["vertex_color"] = [[t] for t in self.g.vs["type"]]
        vs["vertex_shape"] = [[t] for t in self.g.vs["type"]]
        labels = list(self.g.vs["name"])
        for (idx, label) in enumerate(labels):
            if self.g.vs["type"][idx] not in ("file", "appstate"):
                labels[idx] = None
        vs["vertex_label"] = labels
        vs["edge_width"] = [.5 * (1 + int(c)) for c in["weight"]]
        vs["layout"] = self.g.layout("fr")
        vs["bbox"] = (2400, 1600)
        vs["margin"] = 20

        # Plot the base graph.
            if output:
                path = self.outputDir + "/" + output + ".graph.svg"
                plot(self.g, path, **vs)
                plot(self.g, **vs)
        except (OSError) as e:
            print("Error while plotting to %s: %s " %
                  (self.outputDir + "/" + output + ".graph.svg", e))
        except (MemoryError) as e:
            print("Error (MemoryError) while plotting to %s: %s " %
                  (self.outputDir + "/" + output + ".graph.svg", e))

    def plotClusters(self, output: str = None):
        # Plot the base graph with colours based on the communities.
        vs = {}
        vs["vertex_size"] = 5
        vs["vertex_shape"] = [[t] for t in self.g.vs["type"]]
        vs["layout"] = self.g.layout("fr")
        vs["bbox"] = (2400, 1600)
        vs["margin"] = 20
        vs["vertex_color"] = self.clusters.membership
        edge_widths = []
        for (s, d) in self.g.get_edgelist():
            if self.clusters.membership[s] == self.clusters.membership[d]:
        vs["edge_width"] = edge_widths

        # Only keep labels for community-bridging vertices.
        minimal_labels = list(self.g.vs["name"])
        for (idx, label) in enumerate(minimal_labels):
            if self.g.vs["type"][idx] not in ("file", "appstate") and not \
                minimal_labels[idx] = None

            for neighbour in self.g.neighbors(label):
                if self.clusters.membership[neighbour] != \
                minimal_labels[idx] = None

        vs["vertex_label"] = minimal_labels

            if output:
                path = self.outputDir + "/" + output + ".clusters.svg"
                plot(self.clusters, path, **vs)
                plot(self.clusters, **vs)
        except (OSError) as e:
            print("Error while plotting to %s: %s " %
                  (self.outputDir + "/" + output + ".clusters.svg", e))
        except (MemoryError) as e:
            print("Error (MemoryError) while plotting to %s: %s " %
                  (self.outputDir + "/" + output + ".graph.svg", e))

    def calculateCosts(self,
                       output: str = None,
                       quiet: bool = False,
                       policy: Policy = None):
        """Model the usability costs needed to reach found communities."""
        if not self.clusters:
            raise ValueError("Clusters for a graph must be computed "
                             "before calculating its cost.")

        msg = ""
        appStore = ApplicationStore.get()

        crossing = self.clusters.crossing()
        grantingCost = 0
        isolationCost = 0
        splittingCost = 0
        for (index, x) in enumerate(crossing):
            if not x:

            edge =[index]
            source = self.g.vs[edge.source]
            target = self.g.vs[]
            sourceType = source.attributes()['type']
            targetType = target.attributes()['type']
            sourceName = source.attributes()['name']
            targetName = target.attributes()['name']

            # Case where a file-file node was removed. Should normally not
            # happen so we will not write support for it yet.
            if sourceType == "file":
                if targetType == "app":
                    grantingCost += 1
                    if policy:
                        app = appStore.lookupUid(targetName)
                        policy.incrementScore('graphGrantingCost', None, app)
                    # Check if an app co-accessed the files. If so, increase the
                    # cost of splitting that app instance into two.
                    sAccessors = []
                    for n in source.neighbors():
                        if n.attributes()['type'] == 'app':
                    tAccessors = []
                    for n in target.neighbors():
                        if n.attributes()['type'] == 'app':

                    inter = intersection(sAccessors, tAccessors)

                    for i in inter:
                        splittingCost += 1
                        if policy:
                            app = appStore.lookupUid(sourceName)
                            policy.incrementScore('graphSplittingCost', None,
                    if not inter:
                            "Warning: file-file node removed by graph "
                            "community finding algorithm. Not supported.",
                        print(source, target)
                        raise NotImplementedError
            elif targetType == "file":  # sourceType in "app", "appstate"
                grantingCost += 1
                if sourceType == "app" and policy:
                    app = appStore.lookupUid(sourceName)
                    policy.incrementScore('graphGrantingCost', None, app)
                elif policy:
                    policy.incrementScore('graphGranting', None, None)
                # app-app links are just noise in the UnifiedGraph
                if sourceType != "app" and targetType == "app":
                    isolationCost += 1
                    if policy:
                        app = appStore.lookupUid(targetName)
                        policy.incrementScore('graphIsolationCost', None, app)
                elif sourceType == "app" and targetType != "app":
                    isolationCost += 1
                    if policy:
                        app = appStore.lookupUid(sourceName)
                        policy.incrementScore('graphIsolationCost', None, app)

        editCount = grantingCost + isolationCost + splittingCost
        msg += ("%d edits performed: %d apps isolated, %d apps split and "
                "%d accesses revoked.\n" %
                (editCount, isolationCost, splittingCost, grantingCost))

        if not quiet:

        if output:
            path = self.outputDir + "/" + output + ".graphstats.txt"
            os.makedirs(File.getParentNameFromName(path), exist_ok=True)
            with open(path, "w") as f:
                print(msg, file=f)

        self.editCount = editCount

    def calculateReachability(self,
                              output: str = None,
                              quiet: bool = False,
                              nodeCount: int = 0):
        """Model the reachability improvement of community finding."""
        if self.clusters is None:
            raise ValueError("Clusters for a graph must be computed "
                             "before modelling how community isolation "
                             "decreases its average reachability.")
        if self.editCount is None:
            raise ValueError("Costs for a graph must be calculated "
                             "before modelling how community isolation "
                             "decreases its average reachability.")

        msg = ""

        def _print(clusters, header, tag):
            msg = "\nGraph statistics %s:\n" % header

            if len(clusters) == 0:
                msg += "no clusters for this graph."
                return (msg, 0, 1)

            sizes = [
                x for x in sorted(list((len(x) for x in clusters))) if x != 0
            vertexSum = sum(sizes)
            isolatedNC = nodeCount - self.docCount
            msg += ("* %s-size distribution: %s\n" % (tag, sizes.__str__()))
            msg += ("* %s-cluster count: %d\n" % (tag, len(sizes)))
            msg += ("* %s-isolated nodes: %d\n" % (tag, isolatedNC))
            msg += ("* %s-smallest cluster: %d\n" % (tag, min(sizes)))
            msg += ("* %s-largest cluster: %d\n" % (tag, max(sizes)))
            avgSize = vertexSum / len(sizes)
            msg += ("* %s-average size: %f\n" % (tag, avgSize))

            reach = sum([i**2 for i in sizes]) / vertexSum
            msg += ("* %s-average reachability: %f\n" % (tag, reach))

            reach = (sum([i ** 2 for i in sizes]) + isolatedNC) / \
                    (vertexSum + isolatedNC)
            msg += ("* %s-adjusted reachability: %f\n" % (tag, reach))

            return (msg, avgSize, reach)

        def _printAndSum(g, editCount, tagPrefix=None):
            msg = "\n"

            preTag = tagPrefix + "-pre" if tagPrefix else "pre"
            _m, avgPreSize, preReach = _print(g.g.clusters(),
                                              "pre community finding", preTag)
            msg += _m

            postTag = tagPrefix + "-post" if tagPrefix else "post"
            _m, avgPostSize, postReach = _print(g.clusters,
                                                "post community finding",
            msg += _m

            if avgPreSize:
                deltaSize = 1 - (avgPostSize / avgPreSize)
                sizeEfficiency = deltaSize / editCount if editCount else 1
                msg += "\nEvol. of avg. cluster size: {:.2%}\n".format(
                msg += ("Efficiency of edits wrt. average size: %f\n" %
                msg += "\nEvol. of avg. cluster size: N/A\n"

            if preReach:
                deltaReach = 1 - (postReach / preReach)
                reachEfficiency = deltaReach / editCount if editCount else 1
                msg += "\nEvol. of reachability: {:.2%}\n".format(deltaReach)
                msg += ("Efficiency of edits wrt. adj. reachability: %f\n" %
                msg += "\nEvol. of adj. reachability: N/A\n"

            return msg

        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\tPrinting statistics on whole graph...")
        msg += _printAndSum(self, self.editCount)

        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\tBuilding flat file graph...")
        fg = FlatGraph(parent=self, quiet=quiet)
        if not plottingDisabled():
            if not quiet:
                tprnt("\t\tPlotting flat file graph...")
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\tPrinting statistics on flat file graph...")
        msg += _printAndSum(fg, self.editCount, tagPrefix="flat")

        if not quiet:

        if output:
            path = self.outputDir + "/" + output + ".graphstats.txt"
            os.makedirs(File.getParentNameFromName(path), exist_ok=True)
            with open(path, "a") as f:
                print(msg, file=f)
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, parent: CommonGraph, quiet: bool = False):
        """Construct a FlatGraph."""
        super(FlatGraph, self).__init__()
        if not isinstance(parent, CommonGraph):
            raise TypeError("FlatGraph constructor needs a CommonGraph "
                            "parent, received a %s." %

        self.g = None
        self.clusters = None
        self.outputDir = parent.outputDir
        self.vertices = dict()
        self.edges = set()
        self.weights = dict()

        # Step 1. make a copy of the graph without file-file nodes, to
        # find paths between files that go through apps.
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\tStep 1: copy graph, excluding file-file nodes...")
            tprnt("\t\t\t\tCopy graph...")
        copy = parent.g.copy()  # type: Graph
        types = parent.g.vs['type']
        names = parent.g.vs['name']
        toBeRemoved = []
        namesRemoved = []
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\t\tFind edges to delete...")
        for edge in
            if types[edge.source] == "file" and \
                    types[] == "file":
                namesRemoved.append((names[edge.source], names[]))

        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\t\tDelete edges...")

        # Step 2. run an all-pairs shortest path algorithm.
        # Step 2. pick out file-file paths with no intermediary files.
        # Step 2. save this info in the form of an edge list.
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\tStep 2: run an all-pairs shortest path "
                  "algorithm, remove file-file paths with intermediary "
                  "files and gather final file-file edges...")
            tprnt("\t\t\t\tCopy file nodes...")
        fileNodes = list(
            (copy.vs[i] for i, t in enumerate(types) if t == "file"))

        edges = set()
        # weights = dict()
        self.idgen = UniqueIdGenerator()

        fileNodeCount = len(fileNodes)
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\t\tGet shortest paths for each of %d file nodes..." %
        threshold = fileNodeCount / 100
        nodeI = 0
        lastNodePct = 0
        nodePct = 0
        for v in fileNodes:
            nodeI += 1
            if nodeI >= (threshold * nodePct):
                nodePct = int(nodeI / threshold)
                if nodePct >= lastNodePct + 5:
                    print("\t\t\t\t\t... (%d%% done)" % nodePct)
                    lastNodePct = nodePct

            # Get shortest paths.
            vPaths = copy.get_shortest_paths(v, to=fileNodes)

            # Remove unnecessary bits.
            delSet = set()
            for (idx, p) in enumerate(vPaths):
                if len(p) < 1:

                # Ignore paths with intermediary files.
                for node in p[1:-1]:
                    if types[node] == "file":

            # Remove unsuitable paths.
            for i in sorted(list(delSet), reverse=True):
                del vPaths[i]
            del delSet

            # Save the shortest paths remaining as edges.
            for p in vPaths:
                if len(p) <= 1:
                key = (self.idgen[names[p[0]]], self.idgen[names[p[-1]]])
                # weights[key] = 1 / (len(p) - 1)

        # Add edges for removed names
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\t\tRe-add file-file direct nodes into graph...")
        for (src, dest) in namesRemoved:
            edges.add((self.idgen[src], self.idgen[dest]))

        # Step 3. construct a graph with only file nodes.
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\tStep 3: construct a graph with only file nodes...")
        edges = list(edges)
        self.g = Graph(edges)
        del edges
        #["weight"] = list((weights[e] for e in edges))
        self.g.vs["name"] = self.idgen.values()

        # Steph 4. apply community information to the nodes.
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\tStep 4: apply communities to flat graph...")
        applyCommunities(self, parent.clusters.membership, names)
Beispiel #7
class FlatGraph(object):
    """An internal class for graph flattening."""
    def __init__(self, parent: CommonGraph, quiet: bool = False):
        """Construct a FlatGraph."""
        super(FlatGraph, self).__init__()
        if not isinstance(parent, CommonGraph):
            raise TypeError("FlatGraph constructor needs a CommonGraph "
                            "parent, received a %s." %

        self.g = None
        self.clusters = None
        self.outputDir = parent.outputDir
        self.vertices = dict()
        self.edges = set()
        self.weights = dict()

        # Step 1. make a copy of the graph without file-file nodes, to
        # find paths between files that go through apps.
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\tStep 1: copy graph, excluding file-file nodes...")
            tprnt("\t\t\t\tCopy graph...")
        copy = parent.g.copy()  # type: Graph
        types = parent.g.vs['type']
        names = parent.g.vs['name']
        toBeRemoved = []
        namesRemoved = []
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\t\tFind edges to delete...")
        for edge in
            if types[edge.source] == "file" and \
                    types[] == "file":
                namesRemoved.append((names[edge.source], names[]))

        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\t\tDelete edges...")

        # Step 2. run an all-pairs shortest path algorithm.
        # Step 2. pick out file-file paths with no intermediary files.
        # Step 2. save this info in the form of an edge list.
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\tStep 2: run an all-pairs shortest path "
                  "algorithm, remove file-file paths with intermediary "
                  "files and gather final file-file edges...")
            tprnt("\t\t\t\tCopy file nodes...")
        fileNodes = list(
            (copy.vs[i] for i, t in enumerate(types) if t == "file"))

        edges = set()
        # weights = dict()
        self.idgen = UniqueIdGenerator()

        fileNodeCount = len(fileNodes)
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\t\tGet shortest paths for each of %d file nodes..." %
        threshold = fileNodeCount / 100
        nodeI = 0
        lastNodePct = 0
        nodePct = 0
        for v in fileNodes:
            nodeI += 1
            if nodeI >= (threshold * nodePct):
                nodePct = int(nodeI / threshold)
                if nodePct >= lastNodePct + 5:
                    print("\t\t\t\t\t... (%d%% done)" % nodePct)
                    lastNodePct = nodePct

            # Get shortest paths.
            vPaths = copy.get_shortest_paths(v, to=fileNodes)

            # Remove unnecessary bits.
            delSet = set()
            for (idx, p) in enumerate(vPaths):
                if len(p) < 1:

                # Ignore paths with intermediary files.
                for node in p[1:-1]:
                    if types[node] == "file":

            # Remove unsuitable paths.
            for i in sorted(list(delSet), reverse=True):
                del vPaths[i]
            del delSet

            # Save the shortest paths remaining as edges.
            for p in vPaths:
                if len(p) <= 1:
                key = (self.idgen[names[p[0]]], self.idgen[names[p[-1]]])
                # weights[key] = 1 / (len(p) - 1)

        # Add edges for removed names
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\t\tRe-add file-file direct nodes into graph...")
        for (src, dest) in namesRemoved:
            edges.add((self.idgen[src], self.idgen[dest]))

        # Step 3. construct a graph with only file nodes.
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\tStep 3: construct a graph with only file nodes...")
        edges = list(edges)
        self.g = Graph(edges)
        del edges
        #["weight"] = list((weights[e] for e in edges))
        self.g.vs["name"] = self.idgen.values()

        # Steph 4. apply community information to the nodes.
        if not quiet:
            tprnt("\t\t\tStep 4: apply communities to flat graph...")
        applyCommunities(self, parent.clusters.membership, names)

    def plot(self, output: str = None):
        """Plot the graph and its communities to an output file."""

        # Get style options set for the base graph plot.
        vs = {}
        vs["vertex_size"] = 5
        vs["vertex_shape"] = "circle"
        vs["layout"] = self.g.layout("fr")
        vs["bbox"] = (2400, 1600)
        vs["margin"] = 20

        # Plot the base graph with colours based on the communities.
        vs["vertex_color"] = self.membership
        edge_widths = []
        for (s, d) in self.g.get_edgelist():
            if self.membership[s] == self.membership[d]:
        vs["edge_width"] = edge_widths

        # Only keep labels for community-bridging vertices.
        minimal_labels = list(self.g.vs["name"])
        for (idx, label) in enumerate(minimal_labels):
            for neighbour in self.g.neighbors(label):
                if self.membership[neighbour] != self.membership[idx]:
                minimal_labels[idx] = None

        vs["vertex_label"] = minimal_labels

            if output:
                path = self.outputDir + "/" + output + ".flat.svg"
                plot(self.clusters, path, **vs)
                plot(self.clusters, **vs)
        except (OSError) as e:
            print("Error while plotting to %s: %s " %
                  (self.outputDir + "/" + output + ".flat.svg", e))