Beispiel #1
def run_script():
    # We can use import inside of code blocks to limit the scope.
    import math
    from ij import IJ, ImagePlus
    from ij.process import FloatProcessor
    blank = IJ.createImage("Blank", "32-bit black", img_size, img_size, 1)
    # This create a list of lists. Each inner list represents a line.
    # pixel_matrix[0] is the first line where y=0.
    pixel_matrix = split_list(blank.getProcessor().getPixels(),
    # This swaps x and y coordinates.
    # As zip() creates tuples, we have to convert each one by using list().
    pixel_matrix = [list(x) for x in zip(*pixel_matrix)]
    for y in range(img_size):
        for x in range(img_size):
            # This function oszillates between 0 and 1.
            # The distance of 2 maxima in a row/column is given by spacing.
            val = (0.5 * (math.cos(2 * math.pi / spacing * x) +
                          math.sin(2 * math.pi / spacing * y)))**2
            # When assigning, we multiply the value by the amplitude.
            pixel_matrix[x][y] = amplitude * val
    # The constructor of FloatProcessor works fine with a 2D Python list.
    crystal = ImagePlus("Crystal", FloatProcessor(pixel_matrix))
    # Crop without selection is used to duplicate an image.
    crystal_with_noise = crystal.crop()
    crystal_with_noise.setTitle("Crystal with noise"), "Add Specified Noise...",
           "standard=%d" % int(amplitude / math.sqrt(2)))
    # As this is a demo, we don't want to be ask to save an image on closing it.
    # In Python True and False start with capital letters.
    crystal_with_noise.changes = False
    filtered = fft_filter(crystal_with_noise)
    # We create a lambda function to be used as a parameter of img_calc().
    subtract = lambda values: values[0] - values[1]
    # This is a short form for:
    # def subtract(values):
    #   return values[0] - values[1]

    # The first time we call img_calc with 2 images.
    difference = img_calc(subtract, crystal, filtered, title="Difference of 2")
    # The first time we call img_calc with 3 images.
    minimum = img_calc(min,
                       title="Minimum of 3")
    for imp in (crystal, crystal_with_noise, filtered, difference, minimum):, "Measure", "")
def run_script():
    # We can use import inside of code blocks to limit the scope.
    import math
    from ij import IJ, ImagePlus
    from ij.process import FloatProcessor
    blank = IJ.createImage("Blank", "32-bit black", img_size, img_size, 1)
    # This create a list of lists. Each inner list represents a line.
    # pixel_matrix[0] is the first line where y=0.
    pixel_matrix = split_list(blank.getProcessor().getPixels(), wanted_parts=img_size)
    # This swaps x and y coordinates.
    # As zip() creates tuples, we have to convert each one by using list().
    pixel_matrix = [list(x) for x in zip(*pixel_matrix)]
    for y in range(img_size):
        for x in range(img_size):
            # This function oszillates between 0 and 1.
            # The distance of 2 maxima in a row/column is given by spacing.
            val = (0.5 * (math.cos(2*math.pi/spacing*x) + math.sin(2*math.pi/spacing*y)))**2
            # When assigning, we multiply the value by the amplitude.
            pixel_matrix[x][y] = amplitude * val
    # The constructor of FloatProcessor works fine with a 2D Python list.
    crystal = ImagePlus("Crystal", FloatProcessor(pixel_matrix))
    # Crop without selection is used to duplicate an image.
    crystal_with_noise = crystal.crop()
    crystal_with_noise.setTitle("Crystal with noise"), "Add Specified Noise...", "standard=%d" % int(amplitude/math.sqrt(2)))
    # As this is a demo, we don't want to be ask to save an image on closing it.
    # In Python True and False start with capital letters.
    crystal_with_noise.changes = False
    filtered = fft_filter(crystal_with_noise)
    # We create a lambda function to be used as a parameter of img_calc().
    subtract = lambda values: values[0] - values[1]
    """ This is a short form for:
    def subtract(values):
        return values[0] - values[1]
    # The first time we call img_calc with 2 images.
    difference = img_calc(subtract, crystal, filtered, title="Difference of 2")
    # The first time we call img_calc with 3 images.
    minimum = img_calc(min, crystal, filtered, crystal_with_noise, title="Minimum of 3")
    for imp in (crystal, crystal_with_noise, filtered, difference, minimum):, "Measure", "")
def snapshot(imp, c, z, f, x, y, L):
	'''Take a L x L snapshot centered at (x,y) at channel c, slice z and frame f

		imp: an ImagePlus object for processing
		c, z, f: specificed channel, slice (z-dimension) and frame coordinate
		x, y: targeted center position to take the snapshot
		L: desired edge lengths of the snapshot in pixels

		cropped: an ImagePlus object of the snapshot image
	# Import inside function to limit scope
	from ij import ImagePlus
	# Get the dimensions of the images
	cN = imp.getNChannels()
	zN = imp.getNSlices()
#	fN = imp.getNFrames()

	# Convert specified position (c,z,f) to index assuming hyperstack order is czt (default)
	sliceIndex = int(cN * zN * (f-1) + cN * (z-1) + c)
	ipTemp = imp.getProcessor()
	impTemp = ImagePlus('temp', ipTemp)

	# Expand the image by half of L to make sure final duplicate is the same size
	# when requested (x,y) could be within L pixels of the edge
	wOld = ipTemp.getWidth()
	hOld = ipTemp.getHeight()
	wNew = wOld + int(L)
	hNew = hOld + int(L)
	ipNew = ipTemp.createProcessor(wNew, hNew)
	ipNew.setColor(0) # 0 = black color
	ipNew.insert(ipTemp, int(L/2), int(L/2))
	imgNew = ImagePlus('new', ipNew)
	# Use the specified center coordinate x, y and the target side length to create ROI
	imgNew.setRoi(int(x), int(y), int(L), int(L))
#	cropped = ImagePlus('cropped', ipNew.crop())
	cropped = imgNew.crop()
	return cropped
Beispiel #4
def generate_kymograph(data_to_plot, colormap_string, title_string, trim=True):
    """Display one-channel kymograph with point furthest from the edges along the middle of the kymograph """
    kym_height = 2 * max([len(data) for data in data_to_plot]) + 1
    ip = FloatProcessor(len(data_to_plot), kym_height)
    # normalise such that point furthest from the anchors is in the middle of the kymograph
    maxy = 0
    miny = kym_height
    for idx, data in enumerate(data_to_plot):
        dist = [
            mb.vector_length(data[0][0], p) * mb.vector_length(data[-1][0], p)
            for p in [d[0] for d in data]
        distal_idx = dist.index(max(dist))
        pix = ip.getPixels()
        for kidx, didx in zip(
                range(((kym_height - 1) / 2 + 1),
                      ((kym_height - 1) / 2 + 1) + len(data) - distal_idx),
                range(distal_idx, len(data))):
            pix[kidx * len(data_to_plot) + idx] = data[didx][1]
        for kidx, didx in zip(
                range(((kym_height - 1) / 2 + 1) - distal_idx,
                      ((kym_height - 1) / 2 + 1)), range(0, distal_idx)):
            pix[kidx * len(data_to_plot) + idx] = data[didx][1]
        maxy = ((kym_height - 1) / 2 + 1) + len(data) - distal_idx if (
            ((kym_height - 1) / 2 + 1) + len(data) -
            distal_idx) > maxy else maxy
        miny = ((kym_height - 1) / 2 + 1) - distal_idx if ((
            (kym_height - 1) / 2 + 1) - distal_idx) < miny else miny
    imp = ImagePlus(title_string, ip), colormap_string, "")
    if trim:
        maxtomiddle = maxy - (kym_height - 1) / 2 + 1
        mintomiddle = (kym_height - 1) / 2 + 1 - miny
        if maxtomiddle > mintomiddle:
            miny = (kym_height - 1) / 2 + 1 - maxtomiddle
            maxy = (kym_height - 1) / 2 + 1 + mintomiddle
        if (maxy - miny) / 2 == round((maxy - miny) / 2):
            maxy = maxy - 1
        imp.setRoi(Roi(0, miny, imp.getWidth(), (maxy - miny)))
        imp = imp.crop()
    return imp