Beispiel #1
def getTable():
    ''' Check if a table exists otherwise open a new one'''

    ## Check if we can get a table window
    if IJ.getFullVersion() >= "1.53g":
        # try to get any active table
        tableWindow = WindowManager.getActiveTable(
        )  # this function requires 1.53g (or at least not working with 1.53c), return None if no table

        # Fallback on fetching either a window called Annotations or Annotations.csv as in previous plugin version
        win = WindowManager.getWindow("Annotations")
        win2 = WindowManager.getWindow(
            "Annotations.csv")  # upon saving it adds this extension

        if win:
            tableWindow = win

        elif win2:
            tableWindow = win2

            tableWindow = None

    ## If a table window then get its table, otherwise new table. In this case, its name is set later
    return tableWindow.getResultsTable() if tableWindow else ResultsTable()
	def actionPerformed(self, event):
		if IJ.getFullVersion() < "1.53g": 
			IJ.error("This plugin requires ImageJ version 1.53g minimum.\n Update using Help > Update ImageJ...")
		tableWindow = WindowManager.getActiveTable() # this function requires the 1.53g (or at least not working with 1.53c)

		if not tableWindow: return

		# Get column Category
		table   = tableWindow.getResultsTable()
		column       = table.getColumnAsVariables("Category")
		columnString = [str(item) for item in column]
		# Plot Pie Plot for this column
		pieChart = PieChart("Category", columnString)
Beispiel #3
from QualiAnnotations.Charts import PieChart
from ij.gui import GenericDialog
from ij import IJ, WindowManager

if IJ.getFullVersion() < "1.53g":
        "This plugin requires ImageJ version 1.53g minimum.\n Update using Help > Update ImageJ..."
    raise Exception("ImageJ version 1.53g minimum required")

tableWindow = WindowManager.getActiveTable(
)  # this function requires the 1.53g (or at least not working with 1.53c)
#print tableWindow

if not tableWindow:
    IJ.error("No open table")


    # List column headers
    table = tableWindow.getResultsTable()
    headers = table.getHeadings()

    # Generate dialog with dropdown for column selection
    dialog = GenericDialog("PieChart from table column")
    dialog.addChoice("Data column", headers, headers[0])
        """Hover the mouse over the plot to view absolute and relative (%) values\n
	Right-click to set colors, export to PNG...\n
	Note: BarCharts usually provide better distinction than PieCharts for sectors with similar sizes (see Help)."""