Beispiel #1
def renderToString(f, points):
    orig ="RGB")

    images = [im.convert("P") for im in gif(orig, 15, points)]
    durations = [.1 for image in images]
    loops = 0 # forever
    xys = [(0, 0) for image in images]
    disposes = [1 for image in images]

    gw = GifWriter()
    fp = StringIO()

    gw.writeGifToFile(fp, images, durations, loops, xys, disposes)

    bytes = fp.getvalue()

    return bytes
def writeGifFp(FP, images, duration=0.1, repeat=True, dither=False, 
                nq=0, subRectangles=True, dispose=None):
    """ writeGif(filename, images, duration=0.1, repeat=True, dither=False,
                    nq=0, subRectangles=True, dispose=None)
    Write an animated gif from the specified images.
    FP : the file pointer - 
    images : list
        Should be a list consisting of PIL images or numpy arrays.
        The latter should be between 0 and 255 for integer types, and
        between 0 and 1 for float types.
    duration : scalar or list of scalars
        The duration for all frames, or (if a list) for each frame.
    repeat : bool or integer
        The amount of loops. If True, loops infinitetely.
    dither : bool
        Whether to apply dithering
    nq : integer
        If nonzero, applies the NeuQuant quantization algorithm to create
        the color palette. This algorithm is superior, but slower than
        the standard PIL algorithm. The value of nq is the quality
        parameter. 1 represents the best quality. 10 is in general a
        good tradeoff between quality and speed. When using this option, 
        better results are usually obtained when subRectangles is False.
    subRectangles : False, True, or a list of 2-element tuples
        Whether to use sub-rectangles. If True, the minimal rectangle that
        is required to update each frame is automatically detected. This
        can give significant reductions in file size, particularly if only
        a part of the image changes. One can also give a list of x-y 
        coordinates if you want to do the cropping yourself. The default
        is True.
    dispose : int
        How to dispose each frame. 1 means that each frame is to be left
        in place. 2 means the background color should be restored after
        each frame. 3 means the decoder should restore the previous frame.
        If subRectangles==False, the default is 2, otherwise it is 1.
    # Check PIL
    if PIL is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Need PIL to write animated gif files.")
    # Check images
    images = checkImages(images)
    # Instantiate writer object
    gifWriter = GifWriter()
    # Check loops
    if repeat is False:
        loops = 1
    elif repeat is True:
        loops = 0 # zero means infinite
        loops = int(repeat)
    # Check duration
    if hasattr(duration, '__len__'):
        if len(duration) == len(images):
            duration = [d for d in duration]
            raise ValueError("len(duration) doesn't match amount of images.")
        duration = [duration for im in images]
    # Check subrectangles
    if subRectangles:
        images, xy = gifWriter.handleSubRectangles(images, subRectangles)
        defaultDispose = 1 # Leave image in place
        # Normal mode
        xy = [(0,0) for im in images]
        defaultDispose = 2 # Restore to background color.
    # Check dispose
    if dispose is None:
        dispose = defaultDispose
    if hasattr(dispose, '__len__'):
        if len(dispose) != len(images):
            raise ValueError("len(xy) doesn't match amount of images.")
        dispose = [dispose for im in images]
    # Make images in a format that we can write easy
    images = gifWriter.convertImagesToPIL(images, dither, nq)
    # Write
    gifWriter.writeGifToFile(FP, images, duration, loops, xy, dispose)