Beispiel #1
 def ensemble_mean(self):
     log.debug('@ observable::ensemble_mean')
     if (self._dtype == 'measured'):
         assert (self._data.shape[0] == 1)  # single realization
         return self._data  # since each node has a full copy
     elif (self._dtype == 'simulated'):
         return mpi_mean(self._data)  # calculate mean from all nodes
         raise TypeError('unsupported data type')
Beispiel #2
def pmean(data):
    :py:func:`` or :py:func:`numpy.mean`
    depending on :py:data:`imagine.rc['distributed_arrays']`.
    if rc['distributed_arrays']:
        return m.mpi_mean(data)
        return (np.mean(data, axis=0)).reshape(1, -1)
Beispiel #3
 def test_mean(self):
     if not mpirank:
         arr = np.random.rand(2, 128)
         arr = np.random.rand(1, 128)
     full_arr = np.vstack(comm.allgather(arr))
     test_arr = (np.mean(full_arr, axis=0)).reshape(1, -1)
     test_mean = mpi_mean(arr)
     # check if almost equal since we forced the array datatype into numpy.float64
     for i in range(len(test_mean[0])):
         self.assertAlmostEqual(test_mean[0][i], test_arr[0][i])
Beispiel #4
def mpi_mean_timing(ensemble_size, data_size):
    local_ensemble_size = mpi_arrange(ensemble_size)[1] - mpi_arrange(
    random_data = np.random.rand(local_ensemble_size, data_size)
    tmr = Timer()
    ensemble_mean = mpi_mean(random_data)
    if not mpirank:
        print('@ tools_profiles::mpi_mean_timing with ' + str(mpisize) +
              ' nodes')
        print('global array shape (' + str(ensemble_size) + ',' +
              str(data_size) + ')')
        print('elapse time ' + str(tmr.record['mpi_mean']) + '\n')
def oas_mcov(data):
    Estimate covariance with the Oracle Approximating Shrinkage algorithm.

    See `` for details. This
    function aditionally returns the computed ensemble mean.

    data : numpy.ndarray
        distributed data in global shape (ensemble_size, data_size)

    mean : numpy.ndarray
        copied ensemble mean (on all nodes)
    cov : numpy.ndarray
        distributed covariance matrix in shape (data_size, data_size)
    log.debug('@ covariance_estimator::oas_mcov')
    assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray)
    assert (len(data.shape) == 2)

    # Finds ensemble size and data size
    data_size = data.shape[1]
    ensemble_size = np.array(0, dtype=np.uint)
    comm.Allreduce([np.array(data.shape[0], dtype=np.uint), MPI.LONG],
                   [ensemble_size, MPI.LONG],

    # Calculates OAS covariance extimator from empirical covariance estimator
    mean = mpi_mean(data)
    u = data - mean
    s = mpi_mult(mpi_trans(u), u) / ensemble_size
    trs = mpi_trace(s)
    trs2 = mpi_trace(mpi_mult(s, s))

    numerator = (1.0 - 2.0 / data_size) * trs2 + trs * trs
    denominator = (ensemble_size + 1.0 -
                   2.0 / data_size) * (trs2 - (trs * trs) / data_size)

    if denominator == 0:
        rho = 1
        rho = np.min([1, numerator / denominator])
    cov = (1. - rho) * s + mpi_eye(data_size) * rho * trs / data_size

    return mean, cov
def empirical_cov(data):
    Empirical covariance estimator

    Given some data matrix, :math:`D`, where rows are different samples
    and columns different properties, the covariance can be
    estimated from

    .. math::
           U_{ij} = D_{ij} -  \overline{D}_j\,,\;
           \text{with}\; \overline{D}_j=\tfrac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N D_{ij}

    .. math::
          \text{cov} = \tfrac{1}{N} U^T U

        While conceptually simple, this is usually not the
        best option.

    data : numpy.ndarray
        ensemble of observables, in global shape (ensemble size, data size)

    cov : numpy.ndarray
        distributed (not copied) covariance matrix in global shape
        (data size, data size) each node takes part of the rows
    log.debug('@ covariance_estimator::empirical_cov')
    assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray)
    assert (len(data.shape) == 2)
    # Get ensemble size (i.e. the number of rows)
    ensemble_size = np.array(0, dtype=np.uint)
    comm.Allreduce([np.array(data.shape[0], dtype=np.uint), MPI.LONG],
                   [ensemble_size, MPI.LONG],
    # Calculates covariance
    u = data - mpi_mean(data)
    cov = mpi_mult(mpi_trans(u), u) / ensemble_size
    return cov
def lsa_errfix():
    #log.basicConfig(filename='imagine.log', level=log.DEBUG)
    only LSA regular magnetic field model in test, @ 23GHz
    Faraday rotation provided by YMW16 thermal electron model
    full LSA parameter set {b0, psi0, psi1, chi0}
    # hammurabi parameter base file
    xmlpath = './params.xml'

    # we take three active parameters
    true_b0 = 6.0
    true_psi0 = 27.0
    true_psi1 = 0.9
    true_chi0 = 25.
    true_alpha = 3.0
    true_r0 = 5.0
    true_z0 = 1.0

    mea_nside = 2  # observable Nside
    mea_pix = 12 * mea_nside**2  # observable pixel number
    # step 1, prepare mock data
    x = np.zeros((1, mea_pix))  # only for triggering simulator
    trigger = Measurements()
    trigger.append(('sync', '23', str(mea_nside), 'I'), x)  # only I map
    # initialize simulator
    error = 0.1  # theoretical raltive uncertainty for each (active) parameter
    mocker = Hammurabi(measurements=trigger, xml_path=xmlpath)
    # start simulation
    # BregLSA field
    paramlist = {
        'b0': true_b0,
        'psi0': true_psi0,
        'psi1': true_psi1,
        'chi0': true_chi0
    }  # inactive parameters at default
    breg_lsa = BregLSA(paramlist, 1)
    # CREAna field
    paramlist = {
        'alpha': true_alpha,
        'beta': 0.0,
        'theta': 0.0,
        'r0': true_r0,
        'z0': true_z0,
        'E0': 20.6,
        'j0': 0.0217
    }  # inactive parameters at default
    cre_ana = CREAna(paramlist, 1)
    # TEregYMW16 field
    tereg_ymw16 = TEregYMW16(dict(), 1)
    # collect mock data and covariance
    outputs = mocker([breg_lsa, cre_ana, tereg_ymw16])
    Imap = outputs[('sync', '23', str(mea_nside), 'I')].local_data
    # collect mean and cov from simulated results
    mock_data = Measurements()
    mock_cov = Covariances()
    mock_data.append(('sync', '23', str(mea_nside), 'I'), Imap)
    mock_cov.append(('sync', '23', str(mea_nside), 'I'),
                    (error**2 * (mpi_mean(Imap))**2) * mpi_eye(mea_pix))
    # step 2, prepare pipeline and execute analysis
    likelihood = EnsembleLikelihood(mock_data, mock_cov)

    breg_factory = BregLSAFactory(active_parameters=('b0', 'psi0', 'psi1',
    breg_factory.parameter_ranges = {
        'b0': (0., 10.),
        'psi0': (0., 50.),
        'psi1': (0., 2.),
        'chi0': (0., 50.)
    cre_factory = CREAnaFactory(active_parameters=('alpha', 'r0', 'z0'))
    cre_factory.parameter_ranges = {
        'alpha': (1., 5.),
        'r0': (1., 10.),
        'z0': (0.1, 5.)
    tereg_factory = TEregYMW16Factory()
    factory_list = [breg_factory, cre_factory, tereg_factory]

    prior = FlatPrior()

    simer = Hammurabi(measurements=mock_data, xml_path=xmlpath)

    ensemble_size = 10
    pipe = DynestyPipeline(simer, factory_list, likelihood, prior,
    pipe.random_type = 'free'
    pipe.sampling_controllers = {'nlive': 4000}
    results = pipe()
    # step 3, visualize (with corner package)
    if mpirank == 0:
        samples = results['samples']
        np.savetxt('posterior_fullsky_regular_errfix.txt', samples)