def testMultMethods(self): v = imath.M33f().translate(imath.V2f(1, 2)).multVecMatrix(imath.V2f(0)) self.assertEqual(v, imath.V2f(1, 2)) v = imath.M33f().translate(imath.V2f(1, 2)).multDirMatrix(imath.V2f(1)) self.assertEqual(v, imath.V2f(1))
def testIndexing(self): """Test M33f indexing via [] operator""" m = imath.M33f() # test __setitem__ m[0][0] = 10.0 m[0][1] = 11.0 m[0][2] = 12.0 m[1][0] = 13.0 m[1][1] = 14.0 m[1][2] = 15.0 m[2][0] = 16.0 m[2][1] = 17.0 m[2][2] = 18.0 # test __getitem__ self.assertEqual(m[0][0], 10.0) self.assertEqual(m[0][1], 11.0) self.assertEqual(m[0][2], 12.0) self.assertEqual(m[1][0], 13.0) self.assertEqual(m[1][1], 14.0) self.assertEqual(m[1][2], 15.0) self.assertEqual(m[2][0], 16.0) self.assertEqual(m[2][1], 17.0) self.assertEqual(m[2][2], 18.0) self.assertEqual( m, imath.M33f(10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0))
def testConstructors(self): """Test M33f constructors""" m = imath.M33f() m = imath.M33f(2) m = imath.M33f(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1) m = imath.M33f(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
def testConstructFromOtherType(self): md = imath.M33d(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) mf = imath.M33f(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) mf2 = imath.M33f(md) self.assertEqual(mf2, mf) md2 = imath.M33d(mf) self.assertEqual(md2, md)
def testConstructors(self): """Test Eulerf constructors""" # e = imath.Eulerf() self.assertEqual(e.x, 0) self.assertEqual(e.y, 0) self.assertEqual(e.z, 0) self.assertEqual(e.order(), imath.Eulerf.Order.XYZ) # ecopy = imath.Eulerf(e) self.assertEqual(ecopy.x, 0) self.assertEqual(ecopy.y, 0) self.assertEqual(ecopy.z, 0) self.assertEqual(ecopy.order(), imath.Eulerf.Order.XYZ) # e = imath.Eulerf(imath.Eulerf.Order.ZYX) self.assertEqual(e.order(), imath.Eulerf.Order.ZYX) # e = imath.Eulerf(imath.V3f(0, 0, 0)) self.assertEqual(e.order(), imath.Eulerf.Order.XYZ) e = imath.Eulerf(imath.V3f(0, 0, 0), imath.Eulerf.Order.ZYX) self.assertEqual(e.order(), imath.Eulerf.Order.ZYX) # e = imath.Eulerf(0, 0, 0) e = imath.Eulerf(imath.V3f(0, 0, 0)) self.assertEqual(e.order(), imath.Eulerf.Order.XYZ) e = imath.Eulerf(0, 0, 0, imath.Eulerf.Order.ZYX) self.assertEqual(e.order(), imath.Eulerf.Order.ZYX) # e = imath.Eulerf(imath.M33f()) e = imath.Eulerf(imath.V3f(0, 0, 0)) self.assertEqual(e.order(), imath.Eulerf.Order.XYZ) e = imath.Eulerf(imath.M33f(), imath.Eulerf.Order.ZYX) self.assertEqual(e.order(), imath.Eulerf.Order.ZYX) # e = imath.Eulerf(imath.M44f()) e = imath.Eulerf(imath.V3f(0, 0, 0)) self.assertEqual(e.order(), imath.Eulerf.Order.XYZ) e = imath.Eulerf(imath.M44f(), imath.Eulerf.Order.ZYX) self.assertEqual(e.order(), imath.Eulerf.Order.ZYX)
def testOutTransform(self): t1 = GafferImage.ImageTransform() t2 = GafferImage.ImageTransform() t1["transform"]["scale"]["x"].setValue(.5) t2["transform"]["scale"]["x"].setValue(2) self.assertNotEqual(t2["__outTransform"].getValue(), imath.M33f()) t2["in"].setInput(t1["out"]) self.assertEqual(t2["__outTransform"].getValue(), imath.M33f())
def testMatrixParameters(self): c1 = IECoreScene.Group() c1.addChild(self.mesh()) c1.addState(self.matrixShader()) c2 = c1.copy() c3 = c1.copy() c4 = c1.copy() c1.state()[0].parameters["m3"] = IECore.M33fData( imath.M33f(*[i * 0.1 for i in range(9)])) c2.state()[0].parameters["m4"] = IECore.M44fData( imath.M44f(*[i * 0.01 for i in range(16)])) c3.state()[0].parameters["m3v"] = IECore.M33fVectorData([ imath.M33f(*[0, 0, 0, i * 0.01, i * 0.02, i * 0.03, 0, 0, 0]) for i in range(8) ]) c4.state()[0].parameters["m4v"] = IECore.M44fVectorData([ imath.M44f(*[ 0, 0, 0, 0, i * 0.005, i * 0.01, i * 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]) for i in range(8) ]) c1.setTransform( IECoreScene.MatrixTransform(imath.M44f().translate( imath.V3f(-0.2, 0.2, 0)))) c2.setTransform( IECoreScene.MatrixTransform(imath.M44f().translate( imath.V3f(0.2, 0.2, 0)))) c3.setTransform( IECoreScene.MatrixTransform(imath.M44f().translate( imath.V3f(-0.2, -0.2, 0)))) c4.setTransform( IECoreScene.MatrixTransform(imath.M44f().translate( imath.V3f(0.2, -0.2, 0)))) g = IECoreScene.Group() g.addChild(c1) g.addChild(c2) g.addChild(c3) g.addChild(c4) image = self.renderImage(g) self.assertImageValues(image, [ (imath.V2f(0.3, 0.3), imath.Color4f(0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 1)), (imath.V2f(0.7, 0.3), imath.Color4f(0.20, 0.22, 0.24, 1)), (imath.V2f(0.3, 0.7), imath.Color4f(0.28, 0.56, 0.84, 1)), (imath.V2f(0.7, 0.7), imath.Color4f(0.14, 0.28, 0.56, 1)), ])
def testValueTypes(self): for v in [ IECore.FloatVectorData([1, 2, 3]), IECore.IntVectorData([1, 2, 3]), IECore.StringVectorData(["1", "2", "3"]), IECore.V3fVectorData([imath.V3f(x) for x in range(1, 5)]), IECore.Color3fVectorData( [imath.Color3f(x) for x in range(1, 5)]), IECore.M44fVectorData([imath.M44f() * x for x in range(1, 5)]), IECore.M33fVectorData([imath.M33f() * x for x in range(1, 5)]), IECore.V2iVectorData([imath.V2i(x) for x in range(1, 5)]), IECore.V3fData(imath.V3f(1, 2, 3)), IECore.V2fData(imath.V2f(1, 2)), IECore.M44fData(imath.M44f(*range(16))), IECore.Box2fData(imath.Box2f(imath.V2f(0, 1), imath.V2f(1, 2))), IECore.Box2iData( imath.Box2i(imath.V2i(-1, 10), imath.V2i(11, 20))), IECore.Box3fData( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0, 1, 2), imath.V3f(3, 4, 5))), IECore.Box3iData( imath.Box3i(imath.V3i(0, 1, 2), imath.V3i(3, 4, 5))), IECore.InternedStringVectorData(["a", "b"]) ]: if 'value' in dir(v): expected = v.value else: expected = v self.assertEqual( expected, Gaffer.NameValuePlug("test", v)["value"].getValue())
def testTransformOrderExplicit( self ) : plug = Gaffer.Transform2DPlug() displayWindow = imath.Box2i( imath.V2i(0), imath.V2i(9) ) pixelAspect = 1. t = imath.V2f( 100, 0 ) r = 90 s = imath.V2f( 2, 2 ) p = imath.V2f( 10, -10 ) plug["translate"].setValue( t ) plug["rotate"].setValue( r ) plug["scale"].setValue( s ) plug["pivot"].setValue( p ) # Test if this is equal to a simple hardcoded matrix, down to floating point error # This verifies that translation is not being affected by rotation and scale, # which is what users will expect self.assertTrue( plug.matrix().equalWithAbsError( imath.M33f( 0, 2, 0, -2, 0, 0, 90, -30, 1), 2e-6 ) )
def __test(fileName, size, filter): inputFileName = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/images/" + fileName reader = GafferImage.ImageReader() reader["fileName"].setValue(inputFileName) inSize = reader["out"]["format"].getValue().getDisplayWindow( ).size() inSize = imath.V2f(inSize.x, inSize.y) deleteChannels = GafferImage.DeleteChannels() deleteChannels["mode"].setValue(1) deleteChannels["channels"].setValue(IECore.StringVectorData(['R'])) deleteChannels["in"].setInput(reader["out"]) scale = imath.V2f(size.x, size.y) / inSize resample = GafferImage.Resample() resample["in"].setInput(deleteChannels["out"]) resample["matrix"].setValue(imath.M33f().scale(scale)) resample["filter"].setValue(filter) resample["boundingMode"].setValue( GafferImage.Sampler.BoundingMode.Clamp) crop = GafferImage.Crop() crop["in"].setInput(resample["out"]) crop["area"].setValue(imath.Box2i(imath.V2i(0), size)) borderForFilterWidth = 60 sampleRegion = reader["out"]["dataWindow"].getValue() sampleRegion.setMin(sampleRegion.min() - imath.V2i(borderForFilterWidth)) sampleRegion.setMax(sampleRegion.max() + imath.V2i(borderForFilterWidth)) s = GafferImage.Sampler(reader["out"], "R", sampleRegion, GafferImage.Sampler.BoundingMode.Clamp) resampledS = GafferImage.Sampler( resample["out"], "R", resample["out"]["dataWindow"].getValue()) for y in range(size.y): for x in range(size.x): resampled = resampledS.sample(x, y) self.assertAlmostEqual( resampled, GafferImage.FilterAlgo.sampleBox( s, imath.V2f(x + 0.5, y + 0.5) / scale, max(1.0 / scale[0], 1.0), max(1.0 / scale[1], 1.0), filter), places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual( resampled, GafferImage.FilterAlgo.sampleParallelogram( s, imath.V2f(x + 0.5, y + 0.5) / scale, imath.V2f(1.0 / scale[0], 0), imath.V2f(0, 1.0 / scale[1]), filter), places=5)
def testMultiplication(self): vectorTypes = [ IECore.V3fVectorData( [imath.V3f(1), imath.V3f(2), imath.V3f(3)], IECore.GeometricData.Interpretation.Vector), IECore.V3dVectorData( [imath.V3d(1), imath.V3d(2), imath.V3d(3)], IECore.GeometricData.Interpretation.Vector), ] matrixTypes = [ IECore.M33fData(imath.M33f() * 3), IECore.M33dData(imath.M33d() * 3), IECore.M44fData(imath.M44f().scale(imath.V3f(3))), IECore.M44dData(imath.M44d().scale(imath.V3d(3))), IECore.TransformationMatrixfData( IECore.TransformationMatrixf(imath.V3f(3), imath.Eulerf(), imath.V3f(0))), IECore.TransformationMatrixdData( IECore.TransformationMatrixd(imath.V3d(3), imath.Eulerd(), imath.V3d(0))), ] for vector in vectorTypes: targetVector = vector.copy() for i in range(len(targetVector)): targetVector[i] = targetVector[i] * 3 for matrix in matrixTypes: res = IECore.MatrixMultiplyOp()(object=vector.copy(), matrix=matrix) if res == targetVector: continue raise Exception("Error testing vector " + str(type(vector)) + " against matrix " + str(type(matrix)) + ". Resulted " + str(res))
def testConstructors(self): """Test M44f constructors""" m = imath.M44f(1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.) m3 = imath.M33f(1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.) t = imath.V3f(5., 5., 5.) m = imath.M44f(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
def testDeterminant(self): m = imath.M33f() self.assertAlmostEqual(m.determinant(), 1, 10) m.scale(imath.V2f(-1, 1)) self.assertAlmostEqual(m.determinant(), -1, 10) m.scale(imath.V2f(1, -1)) self.assertAlmostEqual(m.determinant(), 1, 10) m.scale(imath.V2f(3, -1)) self.assertAlmostEqual(m.determinant(), -3, 10) m.scale(imath.V2f(3, 3)) self.assertAlmostEqual(m.determinant(), -27, 10)
def testMatrix(self): p = Gaffer.Transform2DPlug() p["pivot"].setValue(imath.V2f(1, 1)) p["translate"].setValue(imath.V2f(1, 2)) p["rotate"].setValue(45) p["scale"].setValue(imath.V2f(2, 3)) pivotValue = p["pivot"].getValue() pivot = imath.M33f().translate(pivotValue) translateValue = p["translate"].getValue() translate = imath.M33f().translate(translateValue) rotate = imath.M33f().rotate( IECore.degreesToRadians(p["rotate"].getValue())) scale = imath.M33f().scale(p["scale"].getValue()) invPivot = imath.M33f().translate(pivotValue * imath.V2f(-1.)) transforms = { "p": pivot, "t": translate, "r": rotate, "s": scale, "pi": invPivot, } transform = imath.M33f() for m in ("pi", "s", "r", "t", "p"): transform = transform * transforms[m] self.assertEqual(p.matrix(), transform)
def testDataWindow(self): c = GafferImage.Constant() c["format"].setValue(GafferImage.Format(100, 100)) c["color"].setValue(imath.Color4f(1)) r = GafferImage.Resample() r["in"].setInput(c["out"]) r["matrix"].setValue(imath.M33f().translate(imath.V2f( 10.5, 11.5)).scale(imath.V2f(0.1))) self.assertEqual(r["out"]["dataWindow"].getValue(), imath.Box2i(imath.V2i(10, 11), imath.V2i(21, 22)))
def testExtract(self): """Test Eulerf extract""" e = imath.Eulerf() e.extract(imath.M33f()) e.extract(imath.M44f()) e.extract(imath.Quatf()) m = e.toMatrix33() m = e.toMatrix44() q = e.toQuat() v = e.toXYZVector()
def testSincUpsize(self): c = GafferImage.Constant() c["format"].setValue(GafferImage.Format(100, 100)) c["color"].setValue(imath.Color4f(1)) r = GafferImage.Resample() r["matrix"].setValue(imath.M33f().scale(imath.V2f(4))) r["boundingMode"].setValue(GafferImage.Sampler.BoundingMode.Clamp) r["filter"].setValue("sinc") r["in"].setInput(c["out"]) i = r["out"].image() self.assertEqual(i["R"], IECore.FloatVectorData([1.0] * 400 * 400))
def testInvalidConversions( self ) : tests = [ ( IECore.FloatVectorData( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ), int(IECore.TypeId.V2fData) ), ( imath.M33f(), int( IECore.TypeId.M44fData ) ), ( IECore.FloatVectorData( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ), int(IECore.TypeId.V3fData) ), ( IECore.FloatVectorData( [ 1, 2 ] ), int(IECore.TypeId.V3fData) ), ( IECore.FloatVectorData( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ), int(IECore.TypeId.V3fVectorData) ), ( IECore.FloatVectorData( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ), int(IECore.TypeId.V3fVectorData) ), ] i = 0 for ( obj, tt ) in tests: try: IECore.DataCastOp()( object = obj, targetType = tt ) except: i += 1 else: raise Exception, "Should fail on this test " + i
def testOperators(self): """Test M33f operators""" x = 10 y = 2 m1 = imath.M33f(x) m2 = imath.M33f(y) self.assertEqual(m1 + m2, imath.M33f(x + y)) self.assertEqual(m1 - m2, imath.M33f(x - y)) self.assertEqual(m1 * y, imath.M33f(x * y)) self.assertEqual(m1 / y, imath.M33f(x / y))
def testMiscellaneousMethods(self): """Test M33f miscellaneous methods""" m1 = imath.M33f() m1.makeIdentity() m1 = imath.M33f(3) m2 = imath.M33f(3.1) self.assert_(m1.equalWithAbsError(m2, 0.1)) m1 = imath.M33f(2) m2 = imath.M33f(3) self.assert_(m1.equalWithRelError(m2, 0.51)) m1 = imath.M33f(1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3) self.assertEqual(m1.transposed().transposed(), m1)
def testVectorData( self ) : p = Gaffer.CompoundDataPlug() m1 = Gaffer.NameValuePlug( "a", IECore.FloatVectorData( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) ) p.addChild( m1 ) self.assertIsInstance( m1, Gaffer.ValuePlug ) d, n = p.memberDataAndName( m1 ) self.assertEqual( d, IECore.FloatVectorData( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) ) self.assertEqual( n, "a" ) m2 = Gaffer.NameValuePlug( "b", IECore.IntVectorData( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) ) p.addChild( m2 ) self.assertIsInstance( m2, Gaffer.ValuePlug ) d, n = p.memberDataAndName( m2 ) self.assertEqual( d, IECore.IntVectorData( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) ) self.assertEqual( n, "b" ) m3 = Gaffer.NameValuePlug( "c", IECore.StringVectorData( [ "1", "2", "3" ] ) ) p.addChild( m3 ) self.assertIsInstance( m3, Gaffer.ValuePlug ) d, n = p.memberDataAndName( m3 ) self.assertEqual( d, IECore.StringVectorData( [ "1", "2", "3" ] ) ) self.assertEqual( n, "c" ) m4 = Gaffer.NameValuePlug( "d", IECore.V3fVectorData( [ imath.V3f( x ) for x in range( 1, 5 ) ] ) ) p.addChild( m4 ) self.assertIsInstance( m4, Gaffer.ValuePlug ) d, n = p.memberDataAndName( m4 ) self.assertEqual( d, IECore.V3fVectorData( [ imath.V3f( x ) for x in range( 1, 5 ) ] ) ) self.assertEqual( n, "d" ) m5 = Gaffer.NameValuePlug( "e", IECore.Color3fVectorData( [ imath.Color3f( x ) for x in range( 1, 5 ) ] ) ) p.addChild( m5 ) self.assertIsInstance( m5, Gaffer.ValuePlug ) d, n = p.memberDataAndName( m5 ) self.assertEqual( d, IECore.Color3fVectorData( [ imath.Color3f( x ) for x in range( 1, 5 ) ] ) ) self.assertEqual( n, "e" ) m6 = Gaffer.NameValuePlug( "f", IECore.M44fVectorData( [ imath.M44f() * x for x in range( 1, 5 ) ] ) ) p.addChild( m6 ) self.assertIsInstance( m6, Gaffer.ValuePlug ) d, n = p.memberDataAndName( m6 ) self.assertEqual( d, IECore.M44fVectorData( [ imath.M44f() * x for x in range( 1, 5 ) ] ) ) self.assertEqual( n, "f" ) m7 = Gaffer.NameValuePlug( "g", IECore.V2iVectorData( [ imath.V2i( x ) for x in range( 1, 5 ) ] ) ) p.addChild( m7 ) self.assertIsInstance( m7, Gaffer.ValuePlug ) d, n = p.memberDataAndName( m7 ) self.assertEqual( d, IECore.V2iVectorData( [ imath.V2i( x ) for x in range( 1, 5 ) ] ) ) self.assertEqual( n, "g" ) m8 = Gaffer.NameValuePlug( "h", IECore.M33fVectorData( [ imath.M33f() * x for x in range( 1, 5 ) ] ) ) p.addChild( m8 ) self.assertIsInstance( m8, Gaffer.ValuePlug ) d, n = p.memberDataAndName( m8 ) self.assertEqual( d, IECore.M33fVectorData( [ imath.M33f() * x for x in range( 1, 5 ) ] ) ) self.assertEqual( n, "h" )
def testBlindDataToHeader(self): displayWindow = imath.Box2i(imath.V2i(0, 0), imath.V2i(9, 9)) dataWindow = displayWindow headerValues = { "one": IECore.IntData(1), "two": IECore.FloatData(2), "three": IECore.DoubleData(3), "four": { "five": IECore.V2fData(imath.V2f(5)), "six": IECore.V2iData(imath.V2i(6)), "seven": IECore.V3fData(imath.V3f(7)), "eight": IECore.V3iData(imath.V3i(8)), "nine": { "ten": IECore.Box2iData(imath.Box2i(imath.V2i(0), imath.V2i(10))), "eleven": IECore.Box2fData(imath.Box2f(imath.V2f(0), imath.V2f(11))), "twelve": IECore.M33fData(imath.M33f(12)), "thirteen": IECore.M44fData(imath.M44f(13)), }, "fourteen": IECore.StringData("fourteen"), "fifteen": IECore.TimeCodeData( IECore.TimeCode(1, 2, 3, 4, dropFrame=True, bgf2=True, binaryGroup4=4)), } } imgOrig = self.__makeFloatImage(dataWindow, dataWindow) imgOrig.blindData().update(headerValues.copy()) # now add some unsupported types imgOrig.blindData()['notSupported1'] = IECore.FloatVectorData( [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) imgOrig.blindData()['four']['notSupported2'] = IECore.DoubleVectorData( [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) w = IECore.Writer.create(imgOrig, "test/IECoreImage/data/exr/output.exr") self.assertEqual(type(w), IECoreImage.ImageWriter) w.write() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("test/IECoreImage/data/exr/output.exr")) r = IECore.Reader.create("test/IECoreImage/data/exr/output.exr") imgNew = imgBlindData = imgNew.blindData() # eliminate default header info that comes from OIIO del imgBlindData['oiio:ColorSpace'] del imgBlindData['compression'] del imgBlindData['PixelAspectRatio'] del imgBlindData['displayWindow'] del imgBlindData['dataWindow'] del imgBlindData['screenWindowCenter'] del imgBlindData['screenWindowWidth'] del imgBlindData["Software"] del imgBlindData["HostComputer"] del imgBlindData["DateTime"] self.assertEqual(imgBlindData, IECore.CompoundData(headerValues))
def __matrix(self, inputDataWindow, outputDataWindow): return imath.M33f()
def __test(fileName, size, filter): inputFileName = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/images/" + fileName reader = GafferImage.ImageReader() reader["fileName"].setValue(inputFileName) inSize = reader["out"]["format"].getValue().getDisplayWindow( ).size() inSize = imath.V2f(inSize.x, inSize.y) deleteChannels = GafferImage.DeleteChannels() deleteChannels["mode"].setValue(1) deleteChannels["channels"].setValue(IECore.StringVectorData(['R'])) deleteChannels["in"].setInput(reader["out"]) scale = imath.V2f(size.x, size.y) / inSize resample = GafferImage.Resample() resample["in"].setInput(deleteChannels["out"]) resample["matrix"].setValue(imath.M33f().scale(scale)) resample["filter"].setValue(filter) resample["boundingMode"].setValue( GafferImage.Sampler.BoundingMode.Clamp) crop = GafferImage.Crop() crop["in"].setInput(resample["out"]) crop["area"].setValue(imath.Box2i(imath.V2i(0), size)) borderForFilterWidth = 60 sampleRegion = reader["out"]["dataWindow"].getValue() sampleRegion.setMin(sampleRegion.min() - imath.V2i(borderForFilterWidth)) sampleRegion.setMax(sampleRegion.max() + imath.V2i(borderForFilterWidth)) s = GafferImage.Sampler(reader["out"], "R", sampleRegion, GafferImage.Sampler.BoundingMode.Clamp) w = imath.Box2i(imath.V2i(0), size - imath.V2i(1)) boxImage = IECoreImage.ImagePrimitive(w, w) parallelImage = IECoreImage.ImagePrimitive(w, w) boxR = IECore.FloatVectorData(size.x * size.y) parallelR = IECore.FloatVectorData(size.x * size.y) for y in range(size.y): for x in range(size.x): boxR[(size.y - 1 - y) * size.x + x] = GafferImage.FilterAlgo.sampleBox( s, imath.V2f(x + 0.5, y + 0.5) / scale, max(1.0 / scale[0], 1.0), max(1.0 / scale[1], 1.0), filter) parallelR[(size.y - 1 - y) * size.x + x] = GafferImage.FilterAlgo.sampleParallelogram( s, imath.V2f(x + 0.5, y + 0.5) / scale, imath.V2f(1.0 / scale[0], 0), imath.V2f(0, 1.0 / scale[1]), filter) boxImage["R"] = boxR parallelImage["R"] = parallelR # Enable to write out images for visual comparison if False: tempDirectory = "/tmp" expectedFileName = tempDirectory + "/%s_%dx%d_%s_expected.exr" % ( os.path.splitext(fileName)[0], size.x, size.y, filter) expectedWriter = GafferImage.ImageWriter() expectedWriter["in"].setInput(crop["out"]) expectedWriter["fileName"].setValue(expectedFileName) expectedWriter["task"].execute() outputFileName = tempDirectory + "/" % ( os.path.splitext(fileName)[0], size.x, size.y, filter) IECore.Writer.create(boxImage, outputFileName).write() outputFileName = tempDirectory + "/%s_%dx%d_%s.parallel.exr" % ( os.path.splitext(fileName)[0], size.x, size.y, filter) IECore.Writer.create(parallelImage, outputFileName).write() imageNode = GafferImage.ObjectToImage() imageNode["object"].setValue(boxImage) self.assertImagesEqual(crop["out"], imageNode["out"], maxDifference=0.000011, ignoreMetadata=True) imageNode["object"].setValue(parallelImage) self.assertImagesEqual(crop["out"], imageNode["out"], maxDifference=0.000011, ignoreMetadata=True)
def testNonFlatThrows(self): resample = GafferImage.Resample() resample["matrix"].setValue(imath.M33f().scale(imath.V2f(0.5))) self.assertRaisesDeepNotSupported(resample)
def testEquality(self): """Test M33f comparison for equality""" m1 = imath.M33f(3) m2 = imath.M33f(3) self.assertEqual(m1, m2)
def testOperators(self): """Test V2f arithmetic operators""" v1 = imath.V2f(3.4, 9.2) v2 = imath.V2f(5.3, -0.4) # ADDITION # By definition self.assertEqual(v1 + v2, imath.V2f(v1.x + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y)) # Commutative self.assertEqual(v1 + v2, v2 + v1) # Assignment v1_copy = imath.V2f(v1) temp = v1 temp += v2 self.assertEqual(temp, (v1_copy + v2)) # SUBTRACTION # By definition self.assertEqual(v1 - v2, imath.V2f(v1.x - v2.x, v1.y - v2.y)) self.assertEqual(v1 - v2, -v2 + v1) # Assignment v1_copy = imath.V2f(v1) temp = v1 temp -= v2 self.assertEqual(temp, v1_copy - v2) # NEGATION self.assertEqual(-v1, imath.V2f(-v1.x, -v1.y)) self.assertEqual(-v1, v1.negate()) self.assertEqual(-(-v1), v1) # MULTIPLICATION # By definition self.assertEqual(v1 * v2, imath.V2f(v1.x * v2.x, v1.y * v2.y)) c = 3 self.assertEqual(v1 * c, imath.V2f(v1.x * c, v1.y * c)) # Commutative self.assertEqual(v1 * v2, v2 * v1) self.assertEqual(c * v1, imath.V2f(v1.x * c, v1.y * c)) # Assignment v1_copy = imath.V2f(v1) temp = v1 temp *= v2 self.assertEqual(temp, v1_copy * v2) v1_copy = imath.V2f(v1) temp = v1 temp *= c self.assertEqual(temp, v1_copy * c) # DIVISION # By definition self.assertEqual(v1 / v2, imath.V2f(v1.x / v2.x, v1.y / v2.y)) self.assertEqual(v1 / c, imath.V2f(v1.x / c, v1.y / c)) # Assignment v1_copy = imath.V2f(v1) temp = v1 temp /= v2 self.assertEqual(temp, v1_copy / v2) v1_copy = imath.V2f(v1) temp = v1 temp /= c self.assertEqual(temp, v1_copy / c) # matrix multiplication v1 = imath.V2f(1, 2) m = imath.M33f().translate(imath.V2f(1, 2)) v2 = v1 * m v1 *= m self.assertEqual(v1, v2) self.assertEqual(v1, imath.V2f(2, 4))
def points(self): pData = IECore.V3fVectorData([ imath.V3f(0, 1, 2), imath.V3f(1), imath.V3f(2), imath.V3f(3), imath.V3f(4), imath.V3f(5), imath.V3f(6), imath.V3f(7), imath.V3f(8), imath.V3f(9), imath.V3f(10), imath.V3f(11), ]) points = IECoreScene.PointsPrimitive(pData) floatData = IECore.FloatData(1.5) v2fData = IECore.V2fData(imath.V2f(1.5, 2.5)) v3fData = IECore.V3fData(imath.V3f(1.5, 2.5, 3.5)) v3fData = IECore.V3fData(imath.V3f(1.5, 2.5, 3.5)) color3fData = IECore.Color3fData(imath.Color3f(1.5, 2.5, 3.5)) intData = IECore.IntData(1) v2iData = IECore.V2iData(imath.V2i(1, 2)) v3iData = IECore.V3iData(imath.V3i(1, 2, 3)) stringData = IECore.StringData("this is a string") m33fData = IECore.M33fData( imath.M33f(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0)) m44fData = IECore.M44fData( imath.M44f(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0)) intRange = range(1, 13) floatVectorData = IECore.FloatVectorData([x + 0.5 for x in intRange]) v2fVectorData = IECore.V2fVectorData( [imath.V2f(x, x + 0.5) for x in intRange]) v3fVectorData = IECore.V3fVectorData( [imath.V3f(x, x + 0.5, x + 0.75) for x in intRange]) color3fVectorData = IECore.Color3fVectorData( [imath.Color3f(x, x + 0.5, x + 0.75) for x in intRange]) quatVectorData = IECore.QuatfVectorData( [imath.Quatf(x, x + 0.25, x + 0.5, x + 0.75) for x in intRange]) intVectorData = IECore.IntVectorData(intRange) v2iVectorData = IECore.V2iVectorData( [imath.V2i(x, -x) for x in intRange]) v3iVectorData = IECore.V3iVectorData( [imath.V3i(x, -x, x * 2) for x in intRange]) stringVectorData = IECore.StringVectorData( ["string number %06d!" % x for x in intRange]) m33fVectorData = IECore.M33fVectorData([ imath.M33f(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0) for x in intRange ]) m44fVectorData = IECore.M44fVectorData([ imath.M44f(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0) for x in intRange ]) detailInterpolation = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable.Interpolation.Constant uniformInterpolation = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable.Interpolation.Uniform pointInterpolation = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable.Interpolation.Vertex # add all valid detail attrib types points["floatDetail"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( detailInterpolation, floatData) points["v2fDetail"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( detailInterpolation, v2fData) points["v3fDetail"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( detailInterpolation, v3fData) points["color3fDetail"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( detailInterpolation, color3fData) points["intDetail"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( detailInterpolation, intData) points["v2iDetail"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( detailInterpolation, v2iData) points["v3iDetail"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( detailInterpolation, v3iData) points["stringDetail"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( detailInterpolation, stringData) points["m33fDetail"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( detailInterpolation, m33fData) points["m44fDetail"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( detailInterpolation, m44fData) # add all valid prim attrib types points["floatPrim"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( uniformInterpolation, floatVectorData[:1]) points["v2fPrim"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( uniformInterpolation, v2fVectorData[:1]) points["v3fPrim"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( uniformInterpolation, v3fVectorData[:1]) points["color3fPrim"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( uniformInterpolation, color3fVectorData[:1]) points["quatPrim"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( uniformInterpolation, quatVectorData[:1]) points["intPrim"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( uniformInterpolation, intVectorData[:1]) points["v2iPrim"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( uniformInterpolation, v2iVectorData[:1]) points["v3iPrim"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( uniformInterpolation, v3iVectorData[:1]) points["stringPrim"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( uniformInterpolation, stringVectorData[:1], IECore.IntVectorData([0])) points["m33fPrim"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( uniformInterpolation, m33fVectorData[:1]) points["m44fPrim"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( uniformInterpolation, m44fVectorData[:1]) # add all valid point attrib types points["floatPoint"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( pointInterpolation, floatVectorData) points["v2fPoint"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( pointInterpolation, v2fVectorData) points["v3fPoint"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( pointInterpolation, v3fVectorData) points["color3fPoint"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( pointInterpolation, color3fVectorData) points["quatPoint"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( pointInterpolation, quatVectorData) points["intPoint"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( pointInterpolation, intVectorData) points["v2iPoint"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( pointInterpolation, v2iVectorData) points["v3iPoint"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( pointInterpolation, v3iVectorData) points["stringPoint"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( pointInterpolation, stringVectorData, IECore.IntVectorData(range(0, 12))) points["m33fPoint"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( pointInterpolation, m33fVectorData) points["m44fPoint"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( pointInterpolation, m44fVectorData) return points
def __test(fileName, size, filter): inputFileName = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/images/" + fileName reader = GafferImage.ImageReader() reader["fileName"].setValue(inputFileName) inSize = reader["out"]["format"].getValue().getDisplayWindow( ).size() inSize = imath.V2f(inSize.x, inSize.y) resample = GafferImage.Resample() resample["in"].setInput(reader["out"]) resample["matrix"].setValue(imath.M33f().scale( imath.V2f(size.x, size.y) / inSize)) resample["filter"].setValue(filter) resample["boundingMode"].setValue( GafferImage.Sampler.BoundingMode.Clamp) crop = GafferImage.Crop() crop["in"].setInput(resample["out"]) crop["area"].setValue(imath.Box2i(imath.V2i(0), size)) outputFileName = self.temporaryDirectory() + "/%s_%dx%d_%s.exr" % ( os.path.splitext(fileName)[0], size.x, size.y, filter) writer = GafferImage.ImageWriter() writer["in"].setInput(crop["out"]) writer["channels"].setValue("[RGB]") writer["fileName"].setValue(outputFileName) writer["task"].execute() result = GafferImage.ImageReader() result["fileName"].setValue(writer["fileName"].getValue()) expected = GafferImage.ImageReader() expected["fileName"].setValue( "%s/images/%s_%dx%d_%s.exr" % (os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.splitext(fileName)[0], size.x, size.y, filter)) self.assertImagesEqual(result["out"], expected["out"], maxDifference=0.0005, ignoreMetadata=True) # Enable to write out images for visual comparison with OIIO. # The images will appear in a "resampleComparison" subdirectory # of the current directory. if False: if not os.path.exists("resampleComparison"): os.makedirs("resampleComparison") shutil.copyfile( outputFileName, "resampleComparison/gaffer_" + os.path.basename(outputFileName)) oiioOutputFileName = "resampleComparison/oiio_%s_%dx%d_%s.exr" % ( os.path.splitext(fileName)[0], size.x, size.y, filter) subprocess.check_call( "oiiotool --threads 1 %s --ch R,G,B --resize:filter=%s %dx%d -o %s" % (inputFileName, filter, size.x, size.y, oiioOutputFileName), shell=True)
def testCopyAndAssign(self): """Test M33f copy construction and assignment""" m1 = imath.M33f() m2 = imath.M33f(m1) self.failIf(m1 is m2)