def upload() -> dict:
	cli_uuid = unquote(get_arg("uuid"))
	print("post from:", cli_uuid)
	if len(cli_uuid) == 2:
		if os.path.exists(user_dir + cli_uuid):
			length = int(request.headers.get('content-length'))
			print("准备接收:", length, "bytes")
			if length < MAXBUFFSZ:
				return save_img(request.get_data(), cli_uuid, image_dir, info_json_path)
				return save_img(, cli_uuid, image_dir, info_json_path)
		else: return {"stat":"noid"}
	else: return {"stat":"invid"}
 def run(self) -> None:
     while True:
         r = self.p.request('GET', RANDOM_IMG_API, preload_content=False)
         data =
         print(save_img(data, "涩酱", image_dir, json_dir))
         sleep(DELAY * THREAD_NUM)
Beispiel #3
def run_infer(weights_file, labels_file, image_path, out_filename):

    model = YOLOv4Model()

    img, input = read_img(image_path, 608)

    cls_names = open(labels_file, "r").read().split("\n")

    boxes, scores, labels = inference.infer(model, cls_names, input)

    pixels = add_bboxes(img, boxes, scores, labels)
    if out_filename:
        save_img(out_filename, pixels)
async def upload() -> dict:
	cli_uuid = unquote(get_arg("uuid"))
	print("post from:", cli_uuid)
	if len(cli_uuid) == 2:
		if os.path.exists(user_dir + cli_uuid):
			return save_img(await request.get_data(), cli_uuid, image_dir, info_json_path)
		else: return {"stat":"noid"}
	else: return {"stat":"invid"}
Beispiel #5
def run_infer(weights_file, labels_file, image_path, out_filename):

    cls_names = open(labels_file, "r").read().split("\n")

    model = YOLOv4Model()

    img, input = read_img(image_path, 608)

    prediction = model.predict(input)
    boxes, scores, labels = inference.decode_prediction(prediction, len(cls_names))

    labels = [cls_names[cls] for cls in labels]

    pixels = add_bboxes(img, boxes, scores, labels)
    if out_filename:
        save_img(out_filename, pixels)
def upform() -> dict:
	cli_uuid = unquote(get_arg("uuid"))
	print("post from:", cli_uuid)
	if len(cli_uuid) == 2:
		if os.path.exists(user_dir + cli_uuid):
			re = []
			for f in request.files.getlist("img"):
				re.append({"name":f.filename, **save_img(, cli_uuid, image_dir, info_json_path)})
			return {"result": re}
		else: return {"stat":"noid"}
	else: return {"stat":"invid"}
def load_and_train(options):
    # unpack parameters
    sty_imgs = options.sty_imgs
    sty_weights = np.array(options.sty_weights)
    cont_img = options.cont_img
    output_file = options.output_file
    output_scale = options.output_scale
    learn_rate = options.learn_rate
    alpha = np.float32(options.alpha)
    beta = np.float32(options.beta)
    num_epoch = options.num_epoch
    vgg19_loc = options.vgg19_loc
    # load images and vgg19 coefficients
    sty_features = load_sty_features()
    cont_feature = load_cont_feature()
    cont = load_cont_img(cont_img, output_scale)
    vgg_obj = vgg.VGG19(vgg19_loc)
    cont_ten = comp_cont_ten(cont, cont_feature, vgg_obj)
    gram, gram_coef = comp_sty_gram(load_sty_imgs(sty_imgs), sty_weights,
                                    sty_features, vgg_obj)
    # model
    cont_remix = tf.Variable(cont)
    vgg_obj.build_upto(cont_remix, 'pool5', False)
    # style loss function
    gamma = np.float32(1.0 / len(sty_features))
    gram_style = {}
    for style in sty_features:
        this_shape = vgg_obj.layers[style].get_shape().as_list()
        this_Ml = this_shape[1] * this_shape[2]
        reshaped = tf.reshape(vgg_obj.layers[style], (-1, this_shape[3]))
        gram_style[style] = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(reshaped),
                                      reshaped) / (this_Ml**2)
    loss_style = tf.constant(np.float32(0.0))
    for style in sty_features:
        loss_style += tf.reduce_sum(
            tf.square(gram_style[style] - gram[style])) * gram_coef[style]
    # content loss function
    loss_content = tf.reduce_mean(
        tf.square(vgg_obj.layers[cont_feature] - cont_ten))
    # punish local pixel noise
    loss_noise = tf.reduce_mean(
                           ksize=[1, 3, 3, 1],
                           strides=[1, 1, 1, 1],
                           padding='VALID') -
                           ksize=[1, 3, 3, 1],
                           strides=[1, 1, 1, 1],
    # train step
    loss = gamma * loss_style + alpha * loss_content + beta * loss_noise
    err = float('inf')
    train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learn_rate).minimize(loss)
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        for idx in range(num_epoch):
            # list all errors
            this_loss_content = alpha * loss_content.eval()
            this_loss_style = gamma * loss_style.eval()
            this_loss_noise = beta * loss_noise.eval()
            this_err = this_loss_content + this_loss_style + this_loss_noise
            print('epoch', idx, ': content loss', this_loss_content,
                  'style loss', this_loss_style, 'noise loss', this_loss_noise)
            if this_err < err:
                err = this_err
                output = cont_remix.eval()[0, :, :, :]
    # save image
    img.save_img(output_file, img.revert_img(output))