Beispiel #1
    def one_nn(self, vector_function=utils.average_embedding, cuda=False):
        Nearest Neighbor Baseline: Img2Vec library ( is used to obtain
        image embeddings, extracted from ResNet-18. For each test image the cosine similarity with all the training images
        is computed in order to retrieve similar training images.
        The caption of the most similar retrieved image is returned as the generated caption of the test image.

        :param vector_function: function that accepts a numpy array nxm and returns a numpy array 1xm
        :param cuda: Boolean value of whether to use cuda for image embeddings extraction. Default: False
        If a GPU is available pass True
        :return: Dictionary with the results
        img2vec = Img2Vec(cuda=cuda)

        # Load train data
        train_data = utils.load_data(self.train_dir)
        train_images = dict(zip(train_data.image_ids, train_data.caption))

        print("Calculating visual embeddings from train images")
        train_images_vec = {}
        print("Extracting embeddings for all train images...")
        for train_image_lists in tqdm(train_data.img_ids_list):
            image_vectors = []
            for train_image in train_image_lists:
                    img2vec, train_image))
            train_images_vec[','.join(train_image_lists)] = vector_function(
        print("Got embeddings for train images.")

        # Load test data
        test_data = utils.load_data(self.test_dir)

        # Save IDs and raw image vectors separately but aligned
        ids = list(train_images_vec.keys())
        raw = np.array([train_images_vec[i] for i in train_images_vec])

        # Normalize image vectors to avoid normalized cosine and use dot
        raw = raw / np.array([np.sum(raw, 1)] * raw.shape[1]).transpose()
        sim_test_results = {}

        for test_image_ids in tqdm(test_data.img_ids_list):
            test_vectors = []
            for test_image in test_image_ids:
                # Get test image embedding
                test_vectors.append(self.image_to_vector(img2vec, test_image))
            vector = vector_function(np.array(test_vectors))
            # Compute cosine similarity with every train image
            vector = vector / np.sum(vector)
            # Clone to do efficient mat mul dot
            test_mat = np.array([vector] * raw.shape[0])
            sims = np.sum(test_mat * raw, 1)
            top1 = np.argmax(sims)
            # Assign the caption of the most similar train image
            sim_test_results[test_image_ids] = train_images[ids[top1]]

        # Save test results to tsv file
        utils.save_results(sim_test_results, self.results_dir,
        return sim_test_results
    def _resnet_transform(self, zs):
        from img2vec_pytorch import Img2Vec

        img2vec = Img2Vec(cuda=False)
        img_list = []; vecs = []
        for z in zs:
            if len(z.shape) < 3:
                rgb_arr = 255*(np.array([z]*3).T)
                rgb_arr = z
            vecs += [img2vec.get_vec(img_list[-1], tensor=False)]
        return np.vstack(vecs)
Beispiel #3
def obtenerVectorImagen(rutaImagen):
    #Obtenemos la primera parte del vector a partir de Img2Vec
    img2vec = Img2Vec(cuda=False)
    img =
    vec = img2vec.get_vec(resizeImagen(img))  #Vector img2vec
    #Obtenemos la segunda parte del vector, los colores separados en RGB
    image = resize(io.imread(rutaImagen), (224, 224))
    image = maskTImagen(image)
    #Canal rojo
    vecHistograma = plt.hist(image[:, :, 0].ravel(), bins=32)
    r = normalizarColores(np.array(vecHistograma[0]))  #Vector del canal rojo
    #Canal verde
    vecHistograma = plt.hist(image[:, :, 1].ravel(), bins=32)
    g = normalizarColores(np.array(vecHistograma[0]))  #Vector del canal verde
    #Canal azul
    vecHistograma = plt.hist(image[:, :, 2].ravel(), bins=32)
    b = normalizarColores(np.array(vecHistograma[0]))  #Vector del canal azul
    #Concatenamos y devolvemos el resultado
    vecResultante = np.around(np.concatenate((vec, r, g, b)), 4)
    return vecResultante
Beispiel #4
def load(directory, label):
    embeds = []
    labels = []
    img2vec = Img2Vec(cuda=True)
    for file in os.listdir(directory):
        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, file)):
        if not os.path.exists(directory + '/saves/' + file + '.npy'):
            if not os.path.exists(directory + '/saves'):
                os.makedirs(directory + '/saves')
            image = + '/' + file).convert('RGB')
            embed = img2vec.get_vec(image)
   + '/saves/' + file + '.npy',
            print('cmpl: {}'.format(directory + '/' + file))
            embeds.append(np.load(directory + '/saves/' + file + '.npy'))
    return embeds, labels
Beispiel #5
def get_representations(path, model = 'resnet-18'):

    if(empty_folder(path) == True):
        print("exiting the program as there was no files in the folder found")
    list_dicts = []
    img2vec = Img2Vec(cuda=False, model = model)
    for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.jpg')):
        # Get a vector from img2vec, returned as a torch FloatTensor
        vec = img2vec.get_vec(im, tensor=True)
        dict_temp = {}
        np_vec = vec.numpy().flatten()
        dict_temp['representation'] = np_vec
        dict_temp['patientid'] = filename.strip().split('_')[2]
        dict_temp['sbp'] = filename.strip().split('_')[3]
        dict_temp['dbp'] = filename.strip().split('_')[4]

    df_representation = pd.DataFrame(list_dicts)
    return df_representation
Beispiel #6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Oct  3 12:18:02 2020

@author: yuezh
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from img2vec_pytorch import Img2Vec
from PIL import Image

# Initialize Img2Vec with GPU
img2vec = Img2Vec(cuda=True)


# examples
img ='917791130590183424_0.jpg')
vec = img2vec.get_vec(img, tensor=True)

images = ['917791130590183424_0.jpg', '917791291823591425_0.jpg']

p_images = []
for i in images:
vectors = img2vec.get_vec(p_images)


# build image embeddings for train dataset
Beispiel #7
# %%
from img2vec_pytorch import Img2Vec
from PIL import Image
import glob
import numpy as np
import os
import pickle
from tqdm import tqdm

input_path = "images/UnsplashAPIdataset/"
img2vec = Img2Vec(cuda=False)
rebuild_vectors = False

# %%
def compute_vector(image_key):
    img = + image_key + ".jpg")
    vector = img2vec.get_vec(img)
    return vector

def save_vectors(vectors, imagedict):
    with open("data/images2.pickle", "wb") as filehandle:
        pickle.dump(imagedict, filehandle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    vectors = vectors.astype("float32")"data/vectors2.npy", vectors)

# %% Rebuild vectors and imagelist and write to disk
def build_vectors(input_path="images/UnsplashAPIdataset/", rebuild_vectors=False):
    # %%
    # load images dict from folder
from img2vec_pytorch import Img2Vec
from PIL import Image
import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.image import BboxImage
from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox, TransformedBbox
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import sys

# we load in the files that we'd like to visualize
img_filepaths = glob.glob('../chronam-get-images/predicted/**/*.jpg',

# we use img2vec (
img2vec = Img2Vec(cuda=False, model='alexnet')

# a list to store the embeddings
img_vectors = []

# iterates through image and uses img2vec to generate vector from image (img2vec ->
for filepath in img_filepaths:

    # we need to convert to RGB to have appropriate number of channels (specifically, 3 for RGB)
    img ='RGB')
    vec = img2vec.get_vec(img, tensor=False)

# we next compute T-SNE dimensionality reduction
embedded = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=20, init='random',
def most_similar(train_path, test_path, images_path, results_path, cuda=False):
    Nearest Neighbor Baseline: Img2Vec library ( is used to obtain
    image embeddings, extracted from ResNet-18. For each test image the cosine similarity with all the training images
    is computed in order to retrieve similar training images.
    The caption of the most similar retrieved image is returned as the generated caption of the test image.

    :param train_path: The path to the train data tsv file with the form: "image \t caption"
    :param test_path: The path to the test data tsv file with the form: "image \t caption"
    :param images_path: The path to the images folder
    :param results_path: The folder in which to save the results file
    :param cuda: Boolean value of whether to use cuda for image embeddings extraction. Default: False
    If a GPU is available pass True
    :return: Dictionary with the results

    img2vec = Img2Vec(cuda=cuda)

    # Load train data
    train_data = pd.read_csv(train_path, sep="\t", header=None)
    train_data.columns = ["id", "caption"]
    train_images = dict(zip(, train_data.caption))

    # Get embeddings of train images
    print("Calculating visual embeddings from train images")
    train_images_vec = {}
    print("Extracting embeddings for all train images...")
    for train_image in tqdm(
        image =, train_image))
        image = image.convert('RGB')
        vec = img2vec.get_vec(image)
        train_images_vec[train_image] = vec
    print("Got embeddings for train images.")

    # Load test data
    test_data = pd.read_csv(test_path, sep="\t", header=None)
    test_data.columns = ["id", "caption"]

    # Save IDs and raw image vectors separately but aligned
    ids = [i for i in train_images_vec]
    raw = np.array([train_images_vec[i] for i in train_images_vec])

    # Normalize image vectors to avoid normalized cosine and use dot
    raw = raw / np.array([np.sum(raw, 1)] * raw.shape[1]).transpose()
    sim_test_results = {}

    for test_image in tqdm(
        # Get test image embedding
        image =, test_image))
        image = image.convert('RGB')
        vec = img2vec.get_vec(image)
        # Compute cosine similarity with every train image
        vec = vec / np.sum(vec)
        # Clone to do efficient mat mul dot
        test_mat = np.array([vec] * raw.shape[0])
        sims = np.sum(test_mat * raw, 1)
        top1 = np.argmax(sims)
        # Assign the caption of the most similar train image
        sim_test_results[test_image] = train_images[ids[top1]]

    # Save test results to tsv file
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(sim_test_results, orient="index")
    df.to_csv(os.path.join(results_path, "onenn_results.tsv"),

    return sim_test_results
Beispiel #10
import os
import seaborn as sns
from img2vec_pytorch import Img2Vec
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from PIL import Image
from sklearn.preprocessing import minmax_scale

# Initialize Img2Vec with GPU
img2vec = Img2Vec()
import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

NumPics = 20
import pandas as pd

def image_our_option_similarity():
    vector_list = []
    cities = []
    similarity_heatmap_data = pd.DataFrame()
    # go through all cities pictures directories
    '''change to directory of images in your computer'''
    for filepath in glob.iglob(r'C:\Users\shova\Desktop\finalProject\im\*',
        city = str(filepath)
        city = city[39:]
        image_list = []
        # Go through all pictures in directory
        for f in os.listdir(filepath):
            img =, f)).convert('RGB')
 def __init__(self):
     self._vectorizer = Img2Vec(cuda=False)
Beispiel #12

from img2vec_pytorch import Img2Vec
from PIL import Image
import glob

image_list = []
for filename in glob.glob('test/*.png'):
    im =

# looks like lists are not working

vectors = Img2Vec.get_vec(image_list)

print("running correctly")