Beispiel #1
def find_text_in_frame(current_img, baseimgs, modelfile='webapp/model.pickle',proba_threshold = 0.5, debug=False):
    blobs = []
    for baseimg in baseimgs:
        for (xmin,ymin), blob in img_proc_utils.extract_blobs(current_img-baseimg, img_proc_pipeline = img_proc_utils.pipeline_otsu):
            proba = model.predict_proba(blob, model=modelfile)
            if proba >= proba_threshold or debug:
                blobs.append({'blob': blob, 'left_corner': [xmin,ymin], 'proba': proba})
        if len(blobs) > 0 and not debug:
            return blobs
    return blobs
Beispiel #2
def stream_frames2(stream, pafy_video = None):
    base_frame_sec = -1
    base_frame = None
    test = (pafy_video == None)
    # stream = '/windows/mit/rubakov.mp4' # testing
    if base_frame < 0:
        if pafy_video:
            yield 'event: onstart\ndata: %s\n\n' % json.dumps({'video_length': pafy_video.length,
                                                               'video_title': pafy_video.title,
                                                               # 'video_desc': pafy_video.description,
            yield 'event: onstart\ndata: %s\n\n' % json.dumps({'video_length': 5000})

        for sec, frame in utils.get_frames_from_stream(stream,5):
            if int(sec % 20) == 0:
                yield 'event: onprogress\ndata: %s\n\n' % json.dumps({'sec': int(sec)})
            if base_frame_sec < 0:
                base_frame = frame
                base_frame_sec = sec
            if test: has_blob = False
            for (xmin,ymin), blob in img_proc_utils.extract_blobs(frame-base_frame, img_proc_pipeline = img_proc_utils.pipeline2):
                proba = model.predict_proba(blob, model='webapp/model.pickle')
                if proba > 0.5:
                    has_blob = True
                    print sec, xmin, ymin,proba
                    yield 'data: %s\n\n' % json.dumps({'img': utils.img_to_base64_bytes(blob), #utils.img_to_base64_bytes(255-np.nan_to_num(abs(blob))),
                                                 'sec': int(sec),
                                                 'proba': proba,
                                                 'left_corner': [xmin,ymin],
                                                 'size': blob.shape,
                                                 'frame': utils.img_to_base64_bytes(frame)
                    base_frame = frame
                    base_frame_sec = sec
            if test and has_blob: time.sleep(3)

    except StopIteration:
        print 'onend!'
        yield 'event: onend\ndata: end\n\n'
        raise StopIteration