Beispiel #1
def _get_time_segments(starttime, endtime, minmag):
    if starttime is None:
        starttime = HistoricTime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=30)
    if endtime is None:
        endtime = HistoricTime.utcnow()
    # earthquake frequency table: minmag:earthquakes per day
    freq_table = {0: 3000 / 7,
                  1: 3500 / 14,
                  2: 3000 / 18,
                  3: 4000 / 59,
                  4: 9000 / 151,
                  5: 3000 / 365,
                  6: 210 / 365,
                  7: 20 / 365,
                  8: 5 / 365,
                  9: 0.05 / 365}

    floormag = int(np.floor(minmag))
    ndays = (endtime - starttime).days + 1
    freq = freq_table[floormag]
    nsegments = int(np.ceil((freq * ndays) / SEARCH_LIMIT))
    days_per_segment = int(np.ceil(ndays / nsegments))
    segments = []
    startseg = starttime
    endseg = starttime
    while startseg <= endtime:
        endseg = min(endtime, startseg + timedelta(days_per_segment))
        segments.append((startseg, endseg))
        startseg += timedelta(days=days_per_segment, microseconds=1)
    return segments
Beispiel #2
def test_rupture_from_dict():

    # Grab an EdgeRupture
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lat': 0,
        'lon': 0,
        'depth': 5.0,
        'mag': 7.0,
        'netid': 'us',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())

    file = os.path.join(homedir, 'rupture_data/cascadia.json')
    rup_original = get_rupture(origin, file)
    d = rup_original._geojson
    rup_from_dict = rupture_from_dict(d)
    assert rup_from_dict._mesh_dx == 0.5

    # Specify mesh_dx
    rup_original = get_rupture(origin, file, mesh_dx=1.0)
    d = rup_original._geojson
    rup_from_dict = rupture_from_dict(d)
    assert rup_from_dict._mesh_dx == 1.0

    # Quad rupture
    file = os.path.join(homedir, 'rupture_data/izmit.json')
    rup_original = get_rupture(origin, file)
    d = rup_original._geojson
    rup_from_dict = rupture_from_dict(d)
    assert rup_from_dict.getArea() == rup_original.getArea()
    # Note, there's a bit of an inconsistency highlighted here because
    # magnitude has key 'magnitude' in the izmit file, but 'mag' in
    # the origin and both get retained.

    # Point rupture
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lon': -122.5,
        'lat': 37.3,
        'depth': 5.0,
        'mag': 7.0,
        'netid': 'us',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())

    rup_original = get_rupture(origin)
    d = rup_original._geojson
    rup_from_dict = rupture_from_dict(d)
    assert rup_from_dict.lats == 37.3
    assert rup_from_dict.lons == -122.5
Beispiel #3
def maketime(timestring):
    outtime = None
        outtime = HistoricTime.strptime(timestring, TIMEFMT1)
    except Exception:
            outtime = HistoricTime.strptime(timestring, TIMEFMT2)
        except Exception:
                outtime = HistoricTime.strptime(timestring, DATEFMT)
            except Exception:
                raise Exception("Could not parse time or date from %s" % timestring)
    return outtime
Beispiel #4
def maketime(timestring):
    outtime = None
        outtime = HistoricTime.strptime(timestring,TIMEFMT1)
            outtime = HistoricTime.strptime(timestring,TIMEFMT2)
                outtime = HistoricTime.strptime(timestring,DATEFMT)
                raise Exception('Could not parse time or date from %s' % timestring)
    return outtime
Beispiel #5
def test_slip():

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lon': 0,
        'lat': 0,
        'depth': 5.0,
        'mag': 7.0,
        'netid': 'us',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())

    # Make a rupture
    lat0 = np.array([34.1])
    lon0 = np.array([-118.2])
    lat1 = np.array([34.2])
    lon1 = np.array([-118.15])
    z = np.array([1.0])
    W = np.array([3.0])
    dip = np.array([30.])
    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1, z, W, dip, origin)

    slp = get_quad_slip(rup.getQuadrilaterals()[0], 30).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([0.80816457, 0.25350787, 0.53160491])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)

    slp = get_local_unit_slip_vector(22, 30, 86).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([0.82714003, 0.38830563, 0.49878203])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)
Beispiel #6
def rupture_from_dict(d):
    Method returns either a Rupture subclass (QuadRupture, EdgeRupture, or
    PointRupture) object based on a GeoJSON dictionary.

    .. seealso::

        d (dict):
            Rupture GeoJSON dictionary, which must contain origin
            information in the 'metadata' field.

        a Rupture subclass.


    # We don't want to mess with the input just in case it gets used again
    d = copy.deepcopy(d)

        d['metadata']['time'] = HistoricTime.strptime(d['metadata']['time'],
    except ValueError:
        d['metadata']['time'] = HistoricTime.strptime(d['metadata']['time'],

    origin = Origin(d['metadata'])

    # What type of rupture is this?
    geo_type = d['features'][0]['geometry']['type']
    if geo_type == 'MultiPolygon':
        valid_quads = is_quadrupture_class(d)
        if valid_quads is True:
            rupt = QuadRupture(d, origin)
        elif 'mesh_dx' in d['metadata']:
            # EdgeRupture will have 'mesh_dx' in metadata
            mesh_dx = d['metadata']['mesh_dx']
            rupt = EdgeRupture(d, origin, mesh_dx=mesh_dx)
            raise ValueError('Invalid rupture dictionary.')
    elif geo_type == 'Point':
        rupt = PointRupture(origin)

    return rupt
Beispiel #7
def test_slip():

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lon': 0,
        'lat': 0,
        'depth': 5.0,
        'mag': 7.0,
        'netid': 'us',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())

    # Make a rupture
    lat0 = np.array([34.1])
    lon0 = np.array([-118.2])
    lat1 = np.array([34.2])
    lon1 = np.array([-118.15])
    z = np.array([1.0])
    W = np.array([3.0])
    dip = np.array([30.])
    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1, z, W, dip, origin)

    slp = get_quad_slip(rup.getQuadrilaterals()[0], 30).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([0.80816457, 0.25350787, 0.53160491])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)

    slp = get_quad_strike_vector(rup.getQuadrilaterals()[0]).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([0.58311969, 0.27569625, 0.76417472])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)

    slp = get_quad_down_dip_vector(rup.getQuadrilaterals()[0]).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([0.81219873, -0.17763484, -0.55567895])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)

    slp = get_local_unit_slip_vector(22, 30, 86).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([0.82714003, 0.38830563, 0.49878203])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)

    slp = get_local_unit_slip_vector_DS(22, 30, -86).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([-0.80100879, -0.32362856, -0.49878203])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)

    slp = get_local_unit_slip_vector_SS(22, 80, 5).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([0.3731811, 0.92365564, 0.])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)

    mech = rake_to_mech(-160)
    assert mech == 'SS'
    mech = rake_to_mech(0)
    assert mech == 'SS'
    mech = rake_to_mech(160)
    assert mech == 'SS'
    mech = rake_to_mech(-80)
    assert mech == 'NM'
    mech = rake_to_mech(80)
    assert mech == 'RS'
Beispiel #8
def test_ss3_m4p5():
    magnitude = 4.5
    dip = np.array([90])
    rake = 180.0
    width = np.array([15])
    rupx = np.array([0, 0])
    rupy = np.array([0, 80])
    zp = np.array([0])
    epix = np.array([0])
    epiy = np.array([0.2 * rupy[1]])

    # Convert to lat/lon
    proj = OrthographicProjection(-122, -120, 39, 37)
    tlon, tlat = proj(rupx, rupy, reverse=True)
    epilon, epilat = proj(epix, epiy, reverse=True)

    # Origin
    origin = Origin({'lat': epilat[0],
                     'lon': epilon[0],
                     'depth': 10,
                     'mag': magnitude,
                     'id': 'ss3',
                     'netid': '',
                     'network': '',
                     'locstring': '',
                     'rake': rake,
                     'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))})

    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        np.array([tlon[0]]), np.array([tlat[0]]),
        np.array([tlon[1]]), np.array([tlat[1]]),
        zp, width, dip, origin, reference='ss3')

    x = np.linspace(0, 20, 6)
    y = np.linspace(0, 90, 11)
    site_x, site_y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    slon, slat = proj(site_x, site_y, reverse=True)
    deps = np.zeros_like(slon)

    test1 = Bayless2013(origin, rup, slat, slon, deps, T=1.0)

    # Test fd
    fd = test1.getFd()
    fd_test = np.array(
        [[0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
         [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]])
        fd, fd_test, rtol=1e-4)
Beispiel #9
def test_EdgeRupture_vs_QuadRupture():
    # Sites stuff
    sites = Sites.fromCenter(-122.15, 37.15, 1.5, 1.5, 0.01, 0.01)
    sm_dict = sites._GeoDict
    west = sm_dict.xmin
    east = sm_dict.xmax
    south = sm_dict.ymin
    north = sm_dict.ymax
    nx = sm_dict.nx
    ny = sm_dict.ny
    lats = np.linspace(north, south, ny)
    lons = np.linspace(west, east, nx)
    lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
    dep = np.zeros_like(lon)

    # Construct QuadRupture
    xp0 = np.array([-122.0, -122.5])
    yp0 = np.array([37.1, 37.4])
    xp1 = np.array([-121.7, -122.3])
    yp1 = np.array([37.2, 37.2])
    zp = np.array([0, 6])
    widths = np.array([30, 20])
    dips = np.array([30, 40])

    origin = Origin({
        'lat': 33.15,
        'lon': -122.15,
        'depth': 0,
        'mag': 7.2,
        'id': '',
        'netid': '',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())
    qrup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1, zp, widths, dips, origin)
    rrup_q = qrup.computeRrup(lon, lat, dep)
    rjb_q = qrup.computeRjb(lon, lat, dep)

    # Construct equivalent EdgeRupture
    toplons = np.array([-122.0, -121.7, -122.5, -122.3])
    toplats = np.array([37.1, 37.2, 37.4, 37.2])
    topdeps = np.array([0, 0, 6, 6])
    botlons = np.array([-121.886864, -121.587568, -122.635467, -122.435338])
    botlats = np.array([36.884527, 36.984246, 37.314035, 37.114261])
    botdeps = np.array([15.0000, 14.9998, 18.8558, 18.8559])
    group_index = [0, 0, 1, 1]

    erup = EdgeRupture.fromArrays(toplons, toplats, topdeps, botlons, botlats,
                                  botdeps, origin, group_index)
    rrup_e = erup.computeRrup(lon, lat, dep)
    rjb_e = erup.computeRjb(lon, lat, dep)

    # Check that QuadRupture and EdgeRupture give the same result
    # (we check the absolute values of QuadRupture elsewhere)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rrup_e, rrup_q, atol=0.35)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rjb_e, rjb_q, atol=0.35)
Beispiel #10
def _get_time_segments(starttime, endtime, minmag):
    if starttime is None:
        starttime = HistoricTime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=30)
    if endtime is None:
        endtime = HistoricTime.utcnow()

    # carve out an exception here for historic events (pre-1900),
    # as there are only a few hundred of these in the database.
    if endtime < datetime(1951, 1, 1):
        return [(starttime, endtime)]

    # earthquake frequency table: minmag:earthquakes per day
    freq_table = {
        0: 10000 / 7,
        1: 3500 / 14,
        2: 3000 / 18,
        3: 4000 / 59,
        4: 9000 / 151,
        5: 3000 / 365,
        6: 210 / 365,
        7: 20 / 365,
        8: 5 / 365,
        9: 0.05 / 365

    floormag = int(np.floor(minmag))
    ndays = (endtime - starttime).days + 1
    freq = freq_table[floormag]
    nsegments = int(np.ceil((freq * ndays) / SEARCH_LIMIT))
    days_per_segment = int(np.ceil(ndays / nsegments))
    segments = []
    startseg = starttime
    endseg = starttime
    while startseg <= endtime:
        endseg = startseg + timedelta(days_per_segment)
        if endseg > endtime:
            endseg = endtime
        segments.append((startseg, endseg))
        startseg += timedelta(days=days_per_segment, microseconds=1)
    return segments
Beispiel #11
def test_fromTrace():
    xp0 = [0.0]
    xp1 = [0.0]
    yp0 = [0.0]
    yp1 = [0.05]
    zp = [0.0]
    widths = [10.0]
    dips = [45.0]

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lon': 0,
        'lat': 0,
        'depth': 5.0,
        'mag': 7.0,
        'netid': 'us',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())

    rupture = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        reference='From J Smith, (personal communication)')
    fstr = io.StringIO()

    xp0 = [-121.81529, -121.82298]
    xp1 = [-121.82298, -121.83068]
    yp0 = [37.73707, 37.74233]
    yp1 = [37.74233, 37.74758]
    zp = [10, 15]
    widths = [15.0, 20.0]
    dips = [30.0, 45.0]
    rupture = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        reference='From J Smith, (personal communication)')
Beispiel #12
def test_northridge():
    rupture_text = """# Source: Wald, D. J., T. H. Heaton, and K. W. Hudnut (1996). The Slip History of the 1994 Northridge, California, Earthquake Determined from Strong-Motion, Teleseismic, GPS, and Leveling Data, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 86, S49-S70.
    -118.421 34.315  5.000
    -118.587 34.401  5.000
    -118.693 34.261 20.427
    -118.527 34.175 20.427
    -118.421 34.315 5.000
    """  # noqa

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lon': 0,
        'lat': 0,
        'depth': 5.0,
        'mag': 7.0,
        'netid': 'us',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())

    cbuf = io.StringIO(rupture_text)
    rupture = get_rupture(origin, cbuf)
    strike = rupture.getStrike()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(strike, 122.06, atol=0.01)
    dip = rupture.getDip()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(dip, 40.21, atol=0.01)
    L = rupture.getLength()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(L, 17.99, atol=0.01)
    W = rupture.getWidth()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(W, 23.94, atol=0.01)
    nq = rupture.getNumQuads()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(nq, 1)
    ng = rupture.getNumGroups()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(ng, 1)
    sind = rupture._getGroupIndex()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sind, [0])
    ztor = rupture.getDepthToTop()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(ztor, 5, atol=0.01)
    itl = rupture.getIndividualTopLengths()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(itl, 17.99, atol=0.01)
    iw = rupture.getIndividualWidths()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(iw, 23.94, atol=0.01)
    lats = rupture.lats
    lats_d = np.array([34.401, 34.315, 34.175, 34.261, 34.401, np.nan])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(lats, lats_d, atol=0.01)
    lons = rupture.lons
    lons_d = np.array(
        [-118.587, -118.421, -118.527, -118.693, -118.587, np.nan])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(lons, lons_d, atol=0.01)
Beispiel #13
def test_plot_rupture(interactive=False):
    xp0 = np.array([-90.898000])
    xp1 = np.array([-91.308000])
    yp0 = np.array([12.584000])
    yp1 = np.array([12.832000])
    zp = [0.0]
    strike = azimuth(yp0[0], xp0[0], yp1[0], xp1[0])
    origin = Origin({
        'lat': 0.0,
        'lon': 0.0,
        'depth': 0.0,
        'mag': 5.5,
        'id': '',
        'netid': 'abcd',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())
    interface_width = MAX_DEPTH / np.sin(np.radians(DIP))
    widths = np.ones(xp0.shape) * interface_width
    dips = np.ones(xp0.shape) * DIP
    strike = [strike]
    rupture = QuadRupture.fromTrace(xp0,
    if interactive:
        fname = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'rupture_wire_plot.png')
        print('Wire 3D plot saved to %s.  Delete this file if you wish.' %

    # Need to get tests to check exception for if an axis is handed off
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    plot_rupture_wire3d(rupture, ax)

    # And raise the exception if it is not a 3d axis
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        plot_rupture_wire3d(rupture, ax)
Beispiel #14
def test_incorrect():
    rupture_text = """# Source: Ji, C., D. V. Helmberger, D. J. Wald, and K.-F. Ma (2003). Slip history and dynamic implications of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake, J. Geophys. Res. 108, 2412, doi:10.1029/2002JB001764.
    120.72300 24.27980 	0
    121.00000 24.05000	17
    121.09300 24.07190	17
    121.04300 24.33120	17
    121.04300 24.33120	17
    120.72300 24.27980	0
    120.72300 24.27980	0
    120.68000 23.70000	0
    120.97200 23.60400	17
    121.00000 24.05000	17
    120.72300 24.27980	0
    120.97200 23.60400	17
    120.68000 23.70000	0
    120.58600 23.58850	0
    120.78900 23.40240	17
    120.97200 23.60400	17"""  # noqa

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lon': 0,
        'lat': 0,
        'depth': 5.0,
        'mag': 7.0,
        'netid': 'us',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())

    cbuf = io.StringIO(rupture_text)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        get_rupture(origin, cbuf)
Beispiel #15
def test_map_rupture(interactive=False):
    xp0 = np.array([-90.898000])
    xp1 = np.array([-91.308000])
    yp0 = np.array([12.584000])
    yp1 = np.array([12.832000])
    zp = [0.0]
    strike = azimuth(yp0[0], xp0[0], yp1[0], xp1[0])
    origin = Origin({
        'lat': 0.0,
        'lon': 0.0,
        'depth': 0.0,
        'mag': 5.5,
        'id': '',
        'netid': 'abcd',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())
    interface_width = MAX_DEPTH / np.sin(np.radians(DIP))
    widths = np.ones(xp0.shape) * interface_width
    dips = np.ones(xp0.shape) * DIP
    strike = [strike]
    rupture = QuadRupture.fromTrace(xp0,
    if interactive:
        fname = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'rupture_map.png')
        print('Rupture map plot saved to %s.  Delete this file if you wish.' %
Beispiel #16
def rupture_from_dict(d):
    Method returns either a Rupture subclass (QuadRupture, EdgeRupture, or
    PointRupture) object based on a GeoJSON dictionary.

    .. seealso::

        d (dict):
            Rupture GeoJSON dictionary, which must contain origin
            information in the 'metadata' field.

        a Rupture subclass.


    d['metadata']['time'] = HistoricTime.strptime(d['metadata']['time'],
    origin = Origin(d['metadata'])

    # What type of rupture is this?
    geo_type = d['features'][0]['geometry']['type']
    if geo_type == 'MultiPolygon':
        # EdgeRupture will have 'mesh_dx' in metadata
        if 'mesh_dx' in d['metadata']:
            mesh_dx = d['metadata']['mesh_dx']
            rupt = EdgeRupture(d, origin, mesh_dx=mesh_dx)
            rupt = QuadRupture(d, origin)
    elif geo_type == 'Point':
        rupt = PointRupture(origin)

    return rupt
Beispiel #17
def test_fromOrientation():
    py = [0, 0.5]
    px = [0, 0.5]
    pz = [10, 20]
    dx = [5, 7]
    dy = [8, 5]
    width = [10, 40]
    length = [20, 50]
    strike = [0, 90]
    dip = [30, 20]

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({'id': 'test',
                     'lon': 0, 'lat': 0,
                     'depth': 5.0, 'mag': 7.0, 'netid': 'us',
                     'network': '', 'locstring': '',
                     'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())})
    rupture = QuadRupture.fromOrientation(px, py, pz, dx, dy, length, width,
                                          strike, dip, origin)
    p1 = rupture._geojson['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0][0]
    p2 = rupture._geojson['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0][1]
    p3 = rupture._geojson['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0][2]
    p4 = rupture._geojson['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0][3]
    p5 = rupture._geojson['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][1][0]
    p6 = rupture._geojson['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][1][1]
    p7 = rupture._geojson['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][1][2]
    p8 = rupture._geojson['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][1][3]

    # Check depths
    np.testing.assert_allclose(p1[2], 6)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(p2[2], 6)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(p3[2], 11)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(p4[2], 11)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(p5[2], 18.2898992834)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(p6[2], 18.2898992834)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(p7[2], 31.9707050164)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(p8[2], 31.9707050164)

    # Exception raised if no origin
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as a:
        rupture = QuadRupture.fromOrientation(px, py, pz, dx, dy, length,
                                              width, strike, dip, None)

    # Exception raised if different lengths of arrays
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as a:
        py = [0, 2]
        px = [0]
        pz = [10]
        dx = [5]
        dy = [8]
        width = [10]
        length = [20]
        strike = [0]
        dip = [30]

        origin = Origin({'id': 'test',
                         'lon': 0, 'lat': 0,
                         'depth': 5.0, 'mag': 7.0, 'netid': 'us',
                         'network': '', 'locstring': '',
                         'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())})
        rupture = QuadRupture.fromOrientation(px, py, pz, dx, dy, length,
                                              width, strike, dip, origin)
Beispiel #18
def test_fromTrace():
    xp0 = [0.0]
    xp1 = [0.0]
    yp0 = [0.0]
    yp1 = [0.05]
    zp = [0.0]
    widths = [10.0]
    dips = [45.0]

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lon': -121.81529, 'lat': 37.73707,
        'depth': 5.0, 'mag': 7.0, 'netid': 'us',
        'network': '', 'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())

    # Error: unequal array lengths
    with pytest.raises(ShakeLibException) as e:
        rupture = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
            xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1, zp[:-1], widths,
            dips, origin,
            reference='From J Smith, (personal communication)')

    # Error: invalid strike
    with pytest.raises(ShakeLibException) as e:
        rupture = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
            xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1, zp, widths,
            dips, origin, strike=[236.0, 250.0],
            reference='From J Smith, (personal communication)')

    # TODO: These write tests exercise code, but we don't check the results
    rupture = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1, zp, widths,
        dips, origin,
        reference='From J Smith, (personal communication)')
    fstr = io.StringIO()

    tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    tname =

    tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    tname =

    xp0 = [-121.81529, -121.82298]
    xp1 = [-121.82298, -121.83068]
    yp0 = [37.73707, 37.74233]
    yp1 = [37.74233, 37.74758]
    zp = [10, 15]
    widths = [15.0, 20.0]
    dips = [30.0, 45.0]
    rupture = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1, zp, widths,
        dips, origin,
        reference='From J Smith, (personal communication)')

    assert rupture.getReference() == 'From J Smith, (personal communication)'
    rorigin = rupture.getOrigin()
    assert ==
    assert rorigin.mag == origin.mag
    assert rorigin.depth == origin.depth

    rx = rupture.getRuptureContext([])
    np.testing.assert_allclose([rx.strike, rx.dip, rx.ztor, rx.width],
                               [-49.183708644954905, 37.638322472702534,
                                9.999999999371358, 17.47024205615428])

    rhyp = rupture.computeRhyp(np.array([-121.5]), np.array([37.0]),
    repi = rupture.computeRepi(np.array([-121.5]), np.array([37.0]),
    np.testing.assert_allclose([rhyp[0], repi[0]], [86.709236, 86.564956])
Beispiel #19
def test_so6():
    magnitude = 7.2
    dip = np.array([70])
    rake = 135
    width = np.array([15])
    L = 80
    rupx = np.array([0, 0])
    rupy = np.array([0, L])
    zp = np.array([0])

    # Convert to lat/lon
    proj = OrthographicProjection(-122, -120, 39, 37)
    tlon, tlat = proj(rupx, rupy, reverse=True)

    # Dummy origin
    origin = Origin({'lat': 0,
                     'lon': 0,
                     'depth': 0,
                     'mag': 0,
                     'id': 'so6',
                     'netid': 'us',
                     'network': '',
                     'locstring': '',
                     'rake': rake,
                     'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))})

    # Rupture
    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        np.array([tlon[0]]), np.array([tlat[0]]),
        np.array([tlon[1]]), np.array([tlat[1]]),
        zp, width, dip, origin, reference='rv4')

    # Sites
    x = np.linspace(-80, 80, 21)
    y = np.linspace(-50, 130, 21)
    site_x, site_y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    slon, slat = proj(site_x, site_y, reverse=True)
    sdepth = np.zeros_like(slon)

    # Fix origin
    tmp = rup.getQuadrilaterals()[0]
    pp0 = Vector.fromPoint(point.Point(
        tmp[0].longitude, tmp[0].latitude, tmp[0].depth))
    pp1 = Vector.fromPoint(point.Point(
        tmp[1].longitude, tmp[1].latitude, tmp[1].depth))
    pp2 = Vector.fromPoint(point.Point(
        tmp[2].longitude, tmp[2].latitude, tmp[2].depth))
    pp3 = Vector.fromPoint(point.Point(
        tmp[3].longitude, tmp[3].latitude, tmp[3].depth))
    dxp = 10 / L
    dyp = (width - 5) / width
    mp0 = pp0 + (pp1 - pp0) * dxp
    mp1 = pp3 + (pp2 - pp3) * dxp
    rp = mp0 + (mp1 - mp0) * dyp
    epilat, epilon, epidepth = ecef2latlon(rp.x, rp.y, rp.z)
    epix, epiy = proj(epilon, epilat, reverse=False)

    origin = Origin({'lat': epilat,
                     'lon': epilon,
                     'depth': epidepth,
                     'mag': magnitude,
                     'id': 'so6',
                     'netid': 'us',
                     'network': '',
                     'locstring': '',
                     'rake': rake,
                     'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))})

    ruplat = [a.latitude for a in rup.getQuadrilaterals()[0]]
    ruplon = [a.longitude for a in rup.getQuadrilaterals()[0]]
    ruplat = np.append(ruplat, ruplat[0])
    ruplon = np.append(ruplon, ruplon[0])
    rupx, rupy = proj(ruplon, ruplat, reverse=False)

    test1 = Bayless2013(origin, rup, slat, slon, sdepth, T=5)
    fd = test1.getFd()
    fd_test = np.array(
        [[0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,
          -8.92879772e-03,  -1.74526918e-02,  -2.22981746e-02,
          -2.34350450e-02,  -2.13620062e-02,  -1.72712346e-02,
          -1.29509613e-02,  -1.02545064e-02,  -1.03010185e-02,
          -1.28847597e-02,  -1.66274727e-02,  -1.96984070e-02,
          -2.05377743e-02,  -1.81831337e-02,  -1.21881814e-02,
          -2.64862879e-03,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00],
         [0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,  -8.73221519e-03,
          -2.21421374e-02,  -3.18438939e-02,  -3.71488270e-02,
          -3.76239913e-02,  -3.35015951e-02,  -2.61748968e-02,
          -1.83864728e-02,  -1.34793002e-02,  -1.36687799e-02,
          -1.85727143e-02,  -2.55527671e-02,  -3.14227568e-02,
          -3.38933995e-02,  -3.19289607e-02,  -2.53396980e-02,
          -1.45943649e-02,  -3.71405488e-04,   0.00000000e+00],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -2.54621422e-03,  -2.11428566e-02,
             -3.68609103e-02,  -4.87464747e-02,  -5.56539037e-02,
             -5.64419387e-02,  -5.05331157e-02,  -3.52919381e-02,
             -2.18782050e-02,  -1.40858125e-02,  -1.47354546e-02,
             -2.35727189e-02,  -3.74838465e-02,  -4.75915414e-02,
             -5.13000399e-02,  -4.87882409e-02,  -4.05716321e-02,
             -2.77368254e-02,  -1.13542729e-02,   0.00000000e+00],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -1.21642958e-02,  -3.33747360e-02,
             -5.21661817e-02,  -6.74724509e-02,  -7.77628842e-02,
             -8.00243748e-02,  -6.42496853e-02,  -4.38124530e-02,
             -1.97027426e-02,  -1.45897731e-02,  -1.07427056e-02,
             -3.08235222e-02,  -4.82656988e-02,  -6.67692677e-02,
             -7.35152908e-02,  -6.85574283e-02,  -5.71811573e-02,
             -4.12138780e-02,  -2.20396726e-02,  -6.24121310e-04],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -2.00643401e-02,  -4.39827328e-02,
             -6.62722434e-02,  -8.60268414e-02,  -1.01730306e-01,
             -9.86277741e-02,  -9.82914922e-02,  -5.22335876e-02,
             -1.54622435e-02,  -1.57487554e-02,  -3.06190808e-03,
             -4.81481586e-02,  -8.92480491e-02,  -8.63776477e-02,
             -9.98130440e-02,  -8.95491230e-02,  -7.33553695e-02,
             -5.34401725e-02,  -3.11601812e-02,  -7.33715103e-03],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -2.50053614e-02,  -5.11695772e-02,
             -7.65997026e-02,  -1.00809054e-01,  -1.22877573e-01,
             -1.18738178e-01,  -1.55236782e-01,  -7.45388001e-02,
             1.92779182e-03,  -1.94380016e-02,   1.94922939e-02,
             -7.66669920e-02,  -1.53909722e-01,  -1.10846875e-01,
             -1.19746768e-01,  -1.07680300e-01,  -8.59905101e-02,
             -6.22042294e-02,  -3.71802472e-02,  -1.13867485e-02],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -2.63645827e-02,  -5.37984901e-02,
             -8.11337022e-02,  -1.08298371e-01,  -1.35146441e-01,
             -1.34825430e-01,  -1.85836050e-01,  -1.10730875e-01,
             -3.18861095e-02,   4.14395701e-02,  -1.52711946e-02,
             -1.31840763e-01,  -1.96794707e-01,  -1.33453212e-01,
             -1.34989129e-01,  -1.17922385e-01,  -9.21637323e-02,
             -6.58369237e-02,  -3.91646838e-02,  -1.22685698e-02],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -2.64622244e-02,  -5.40483999e-02,
             -8.16190336e-02,  -1.09162854e-01,  -1.36656677e-01,
             -1.37081504e-01,  -1.89522811e-01,  -1.17723634e-01,
             -4.88765748e-02,  -5.04529015e-03,  -5.76414497e-02,
             -1.45712183e-01,  -2.03062804e-01,  -1.36859828e-01,
             -1.37107390e-01,  -1.19124650e-01,  -9.28263279e-02,
             -6.61800709e-02,  -3.93088682e-02,  -1.22842049e-02],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -2.58466495e-02,  -5.24858827e-02,
             -7.86086164e-02,  -1.03856343e-01,  -1.27529509e-01,
             -1.23794779e-01,  -1.68810613e-01,  -8.22602627e-02,
             1.74236964e-02,   9.38708725e-02,   4.23208284e-02,
             -8.46343723e-02,  -1.70476759e-01,  -1.17547884e-01,
             -1.24569752e-01,  -1.11518670e-01,  -8.84736806e-02,
             -6.38037151e-02,  -3.81874381e-02,  -1.19867610e-02],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -2.42186547e-02,  -4.84175525e-02,
             -7.09428614e-02,  -9.07754575e-02,  -1.06117824e-01,
             -9.50228292e-02,  -1.29781980e-01,  -3.08573454e-02,
             7.39058739e-02,   1.30478117e-01,   8.28181149e-02,
             -2.70389535e-02,  -1.20837502e-01,  -8.02081725e-02,
             -9.70274506e-02,  -9.35853383e-02,  -7.77422806e-02,
             -5.77817530e-02,  -3.53067886e-02,  -1.12414659e-02],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -2.16818717e-02,  -4.22363856e-02,
             -5.96909893e-02,  -7.24805224e-02,  -7.81867829e-02,
             -6.11838569e-02,  -9.05679744e-02,   9.95934969e-03,
             1.07503875e-01,   1.52073917e-01,   1.05894634e-01,
             8.68652263e-03,  -7.98571818e-02,  -4.16548658e-02,
             -6.40511838e-02,  -6.99337160e-02,  -6.26305633e-02,
             -4.89098800e-02,  -3.09284566e-02,  -1.00919381e-02],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -1.84940182e-02,  -3.47054606e-02,
             -4.65278129e-02,  -5.22037664e-02,  -4.93977115e-02,
             -2.95395230e-02,  -5.82421092e-02,   3.91025654e-02,
             1.29337956e-01,   1.67436703e-01,   1.21969296e-01,
             3.20823547e-02,  -5.00287386e-02,  -9.22993907e-03,
             -3.27186625e-02,  -4.52706958e-02,  -4.57409325e-02,
             -3.84701291e-02,  -2.55751405e-02,  -8.64950254e-03],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -1.49431380e-02,  -2.65887341e-02,
             -3.29162158e-02,  -3.22994323e-02,  -2.29081781e-02,
             -2.60259636e-03,  -3.29856530e-02,   6.02631314e-02,
             1.45003704e-01,   1.79361264e-01,   1.34292814e-01,
             4.88007115e-02,  -2.82328554e-02,   1.64212421e-02,
             -5.72391847e-03,  -2.23438861e-02,  -2.90246794e-02,
             -2.76054402e-02,  -1.97779758e-02,  -7.03945406e-03],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -1.12771143e-02,  -1.84737590e-02,
             -1.98228664e-02,  -1.40092305e-02,   1.84580818e-04,
             1.95817303e-02,  -1.32608487e-02,   7.62783168e-02,
             1.57076433e-01,   1.89083905e-01,   1.44259188e-01,
             6.15722813e-02,  -1.17505212e-02,   3.65938109e-02,
             1.66937711e-02,  -2.18970818e-03,  -1.35507683e-02,
             -1.70890527e-02,  -1.39519424e-02,  -5.37036892e-03],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -7.67615215e-03,  -1.07348257e-02,
             -7.75276739e-03,   2.22351695e-03,   1.98662250e-02,
             3.77611177e-02,   2.42018661e-03,   8.89036172e-02,
             1.66855206e-01,   1.97260700e-01,   1.52590263e-01,
             7.17981256e-02,   1.18005972e-03,   5.26852303e-02,
             3.51638855e-02,   1.51012176e-02,   2.69654076e-04,
             -7.33815554e-03,  -8.36639665e-03,  -3.72176313e-03],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -4.50552324e-03,  -4.32262850e-03,
             1.73559158e-03,   1.42670366e-02,   3.35040699e-02,
             4.97279358e-02,   1.85410528e-02,   9.39950666e-02,
             1.46646579e-01,   9.13474746e-02,   1.37004651e-01,
             7.74648339e-02,   1.59777072e-02,   6.25334939e-02,
             4.74577418e-02,   2.72155518e-02,   1.06174952e-02,
             3.94103899e-04,  -3.68465400e-03,  -2.19830733e-03],
            [0.00000000e+00,  -1.74629916e-03,   5.44471813e-04,
             8.22933499e-03,   2.15699287e-02,   4.04232250e-02,
             5.69678048e-02,   5.52408259e-02,   9.04381272e-02,
             1.08204635e-01,   9.14439984e-02,   1.06884511e-01,
             8.17241884e-02,   5.55282924e-02,   6.78528399e-02,
             5.47188925e-02,   3.35251483e-02,   1.69615982e-02,
             5.72048628e-03,  -8.81437278e-05,  -7.36518436e-04],
            [0.00000000e+00,   4.07838765e-05,   3.63933766e-03,
             1.20080876e-02,   2.51274691e-02,   4.25687176e-02,
             6.25685606e-02,   7.33480475e-02,   8.37515545e-02,
             9.52500287e-02,   9.15135660e-02,   9.66442834e-02,
             8.66659913e-02,   8.10325633e-02,   7.18836713e-02,
             5.45548434e-02,   3.55884875e-02,   2.00142359e-02,
             8.71200201e-03,   2.04407846e-03,  -6.53680674e-06],
            [0.00000000e+00,   2.40054729e-04,   4.44975227e-03,
             1.27572519e-02,   2.49362989e-02,   4.03831326e-02,
             5.80039988e-02,   7.61280192e-02,   8.37404162e-02,
             8.89634569e-02,   9.15651607e-02,   9.13586235e-02,
             8.83589144e-02,   8.27804032e-02,   6.75666471e-02,
             5.00483249e-02,   3.36733366e-02,   1.96758691e-02,
             9.00603204e-03,   2.18370401e-03,   0.00000000e+00],
            [0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   2.78776980e-03,
             1.05086036e-02,   2.13238822e-02,   3.45577738e-02,
             4.91570145e-02,   6.36787133e-02,   7.63710088e-02,
             8.54072310e-02,   8.92960200e-02,   8.75702197e-02,
             8.07095447e-02,   6.97999389e-02,   5.63787286e-02,
             4.20734776e-02,   2.83073312e-02,   1.61614525e-02,
             6.56194125e-03,   1.00721924e-04,   0.00000000e+00],
            [0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,
             5.49667845e-03,   1.47563319e-02,   2.57955743e-02,
             3.76689418e-02,   4.91861917e-02,   5.90108907e-02,
             6.58478416e-02,   6.87018515e-02,   6.73174642e-02,
             6.20270643e-02,   5.35456385e-02,   4.29400416e-02,
             3.14129728e-02,   2.00795162e-02,   9.84001885e-03,
             1.53992995e-03,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00]]
    np.testing.assert_allclose(fd, fd_test, rtol=1e-4)
Beispiel #20
def test_rv4():
    magnitude = 7.0
    rake = 90.0
    width = np.array([28])
    rupx = np.array([0, 0])
    rupy = np.array([0, 32])
    zp = np.array([0])
    dip = np.array([30])

    # Convert to lat/lon
    proj = OrthographicProjection(-122, -120, 39, 37)
    tlon, tlat = proj(rupx, rupy, reverse=True)

    # Dummy Origin
    origin = Origin({'lat': 0,
                     'lon': 0,
                     'depth': 0,
                     'mag': 0,
                     'id': 'rv4',
                     'netid': 'us',
                     'network': '',
                     'locstring': '',
                     'rake': rake,
                     'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))})

    # Rupture
    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        np.array([tlon[0]]), np.array([tlat[0]]),
        np.array([tlon[1]]), np.array([tlat[1]]),
        zp, width, dip, origin, reference='')
    L = rup.getLength()

    # Figure out epicenter
    tmp = rup.getQuadrilaterals()[0]
    pp0 = Vector.fromPoint(point.Point(
        tmp[0].longitude, tmp[0].latitude, tmp[0].depth))
    pp1 = Vector.fromPoint(point.Point(
        tmp[1].longitude, tmp[1].latitude, tmp[1].depth))
    pp2 = Vector.fromPoint(point.Point(
        tmp[2].longitude, tmp[2].latitude, tmp[2].depth))
    pp3 = Vector.fromPoint(point.Point(
        tmp[3].longitude, tmp[3].latitude, tmp[3].depth))
    dxp = 6 / L
    dyp = (width - 8) / width
    mp0 = pp0 + (pp1 - pp0) * dxp
    mp1 = pp3 + (pp2 - pp3) * dxp
    rp = mp0 + (mp1 - mp0) * dyp
    epilat, epilon, epidepth = ecef2latlon(rp.x, rp.y, rp.z)

    # Fix Origin:
    origin = Origin({'lat': epilat,
                     'lon': epilon,
                     'depth': epidepth,
                     'mag': magnitude,
                     'id': 'rv4',
                     'netid': 'us',
                     'network': '',
                     'locstring': '',
                     'rake': rake,
                     'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))})

    x = np.linspace(-50, 50, 11)
    y = np.linspace(-50, 50, 11)
    site_x, site_y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    slon, slat = proj(site_x, site_y, reverse=True)
    deps = np.zeros_like(slon)

    test1 = Bayless2013(origin, rup, slat, slon, deps, T=2.0)

    # Test fd
    fd = test1.getFd()
    fd_test = np.array(
        [[0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,
          1.72143257e-03,   1.34977260e-03,   4.33616224e-15,
          1.24446253e-03,   1.16142357e-03,   2.25464716e-03,
          7.05281751e-04,   0.00000000e+00],
         [0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   7.62610242e-03,
          1.25133844e-02,   5.61896104e-03,   7.63126014e-15,
          4.52266194e-03,   4.67970900e-03,   1.02820316e-02,
          5.13160096e-03,  -6.13926251e-03],
            [0.00000000e+00,   4.00495234e-03,   2.37608386e-02,
             2.37139333e-02,   9.55224050e-03,   5.66364910e-15,
             7.70344813e-03,   7.36466362e-03,   1.48239704e-02,
             8.40388145e-03,  -1.58592485e-02],
            [8.08385547e-19,   9.38150101e-03,   3.38610620e-02,
             3.85351492e-02,   1.91044918e-02,   3.98697802e-15,
             1.54321666e-02,   1.21913760e-02,   2.04435166e-02,
             1.04931859e-02,  -1.85935894e-02],
            [2.12025421e-18,   1.37316085e-02,   4.40193799e-02,
             6.16562477e-02,   4.77612496e-02,   2.60257085e-15,
             3.86322888e-02,   1.97965887e-02,   2.64882038e-02,
             1.23335908e-02,  -2.07389932e-02],
            [2.64338576e-18,   1.45898292e-02,   4.89104213e-02,
             7.70703166e-02,   9.55225258e-02,   1.01875104e-01,
             7.73459329e-02,   2.50275508e-02,   2.93537540e-02,
             1.30949577e-02,  -2.15685454e-02],
            [2.64330042e-18,   1.45898262e-02,   4.89104186e-02,
             7.70703146e-02,   9.55225248e-02,   1.01910945e-01,
             7.74050835e-02,   2.52307946e-02,   2.92970736e-02,
             1.30880504e-02,  -2.15685424e-02],
            [2.64318867e-18,   1.45898259e-02,   4.89104184e-02,
             7.70703144e-02,   9.55225247e-02,   1.01933432e-01,
             7.74421258e-02,   2.53572923e-02,   2.92615130e-02,
             1.30837284e-02,  -2.15685422e-02],
            [2.64305117e-18,   1.45898284e-02,   4.89104206e-02,
             7.70703161e-02,   9.55225256e-02,   1.01942593e-01,
             7.74571359e-02,   2.54081640e-02,   2.92472117e-02,
             1.30819985e-02,  -2.15685446e-02],
            [2.30141673e-18,   1.40210825e-02,   4.56205547e-02,
             6.63109661e-02,   5.79266964e-02,   2.33044622e-15,
             4.69672564e-02,   2.18401553e-02,   2.72864925e-02,
             1.25728575e-02,  -2.10227772e-02],
            [1.10672535e-18,   1.04777076e-02,   3.59041065e-02,
             4.24614318e-02,   2.24217216e-02,   3.66914762e-15,
             1.81728517e-02,   1.39301504e-02,   2.14956836e-02,
             1.08711460e-02,  -1.90802849e-02]]
    np.testing.assert_allclose(fd, fd_test, rtol=2e-4)
Beispiel #21
def test_rupture_from_dict():

    # Grab an EdgeRupture
    origin = Origin({'id': 'test', 'lat': 0, 'lon': 0, 'depth': 5.0,
                     'mag': 7.0, 'netid': 'us', 'network': '',
                     'locstring': '', 'time':

    file = os.path.join(homedir, 'rupture_data/cascadia.json')
    rup_original = get_rupture(origin, file)
    d = rup_original._geojson
    rup_from_dict = rupture_from_dict(d)
    assert rup_from_dict._mesh_dx == 0.5

    # Specify mesh_dx
    rup_original = get_rupture(origin, file, mesh_dx=1.0)
    d = rup_original._geojson
    rup_from_dict = rupture_from_dict(d)
    assert rup_from_dict._mesh_dx == 1.0

    # Quad rupture
    file = os.path.join(homedir, 'rupture_data/izmit.json')
    rup_original = get_rupture(origin, file)
    d = rup_original._geojson
    rup_from_dict = rupture_from_dict(d)
    assert rup_from_dict.getArea() == rup_original.getArea()
    # Note, there's a bit of an inconsistency highlighted here because
    # magnitude has key 'magnitude' in the izmit file, but 'mag' in
    # the origin and both get retained.

    # Point rupture from json
    file = os.path.join(homedir, 'rupture_data/point.json')
    rup = get_rupture(origin, file)
    assert rup.lats == 0
    assert rup.lons == 0

    # Point rupture
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lon': -122.5, 'lat': 37.3,
        'depth': 5.0, 'mag': 7.0, 'netid': 'us',
        'network': '', 'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())

    rup_original = get_rupture(origin)
    d = rup_original._geojson
    rup_from_dict = rupture_from_dict(d)
    assert rup_from_dict.lats == 37.3
    assert rup_from_dict.lons == -122.5

    assert rup_original.getLength() is None
    assert rup_original.getWidth() == constants.DEFAULT_WIDTH
    assert rup_original.getArea() is None
    assert rup_original.getStrike() == constants.DEFAULT_STRIKE
    assert rup_original.getDip() == constants.DEFAULT_DIP
    assert rup_original.getDepthToTop() == constants.DEFAULT_ZTOR
    assert rup_original.getQuadrilaterals() is None
    assert rup_original.depths == 5.0
    # No mech, no tectonic region
    rjb, _ = rup_original.computeRjb(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    rrup, _ = rup_original.computeRrup(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    if do_tests is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose([rjb[0], rrup[0]],
                                   [42.757296, 46.614723])
        print(rjb[0], rrup[0])
    # Various combinations of mech and tectonic region...
    rup_original._origin._tectonic_region = 'Active Shallow Crust'
    rup_original._origin.mech = 'ALL'
    rjb, _ = rup_original.computeRjb(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    rrup, _ = rup_original.computeRrup(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    if do_tests is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose([rjb[0], rrup[0]],
                                   [42.757296, 46.614723])
        print(rjb[0], rrup[0])
    rup_original._origin.mech = 'RS'
    rjb, _ = rup_original.computeRjb(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    rrup, _ = rup_original.computeRrup(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    if do_tests is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose([rjb[0], rrup[0]],
                                   [39.779893, 44.033556])
        print(rjb[0], rrup[0])
    rup_original._origin.mech = 'NM'
    rjb, _ = rup_original.computeRjb(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    rrup, _ = rup_original.computeRrup(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    if do_tests is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose([rjb[0], rrup[0]],
                                   [40.937772, 45.254891])
        print(rjb[0], rrup[0])
    rup_original._origin.mech = 'SS'
    rjb, _ = rup_original.computeRjb(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    rrup, _ = rup_original.computeRrup(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    if do_tests is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose([rjb[0], rrup[0]],
                                   [46.750567, 48.108934])
        print(rjb[0], rrup[0])
    rup_original._origin._tectonic_region = 'Stable Shallow Crust'
    rup_original._origin.mech = 'ALL'
    rjb, _ = rup_original.computeRjb(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    rrup, _ = rup_original.computeRrup(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    if do_tests is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose([rjb[0], rrup[0]],
                                   [43.676648, 48.008276])
        print(rjb[0], rrup[0])
    rup_original._origin.mech = 'RS'
    rjb, _ = rup_original.computeRjb(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    rrup, _ = rup_original.computeRrup(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    if do_tests is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose([rjb[0], rrup[0]],
                                   [42.445057, 46.865434])
        print(rjb[0], rrup[0])
    rup_original._origin.mech = 'NM'
    rjb, _ = rup_original.computeRjb(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    rrup, _ = rup_original.computeRrup(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    if do_tests is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose([rjb[0], rrup[0]],
                                   [43.233314, 47.563079])
        print(rjb[0], rrup[0])
    rup_original._origin.mech = 'SS'
    rjb, _ = rup_original.computeRjb(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    rrup, _ = rup_original.computeRrup(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    if do_tests is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose([rjb[0], rrup[0]],
                                   [47.829729, 50.087485])
        print(rjb[0], rrup[0])
    rup_original._origin._tectonic_region = 'Somewhere Else'
    rup_original._origin.mech = 'ALL'
    rjb, var = rup_original.computeRjb(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    rrup, var = rup_original.computeRrup(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    if do_tests is True:
        np.testing.assert_allclose([rjb[0], rrup[0]],
                                   [42.757296, 46.614723])
        print(rjb[0], rrup[0])

    # This is just zeroes now, so there's not much to check
    gc2 = rup_original.computeGC2(np.array([-122.0]), np.array([37.0]),
    assert gc2['rx'][0] == 0
Beispiel #22
def test_QuadRupture():

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({'id': 'test',
                     'lon': 0, 'lat': 0,
                     'depth': 5.0, 'mag': 7.0, 'netid': 'us',
                     'network': '', 'locstring': '',
                     'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())})

    # First with json file
    file = os.path.join(homedir, 'rupture_data/izmit.json')
    rupj = get_rupture(origin, file)
    # Then with text file:
    file = os.path.join(homedir, 'rupture_data/Barkaetal02_fault.txt')
    rupt = get_rupture(origin, file)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(rupj.lats, rupt.lats, atol=1e-5)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rupj.lons, rupt.lons, atol=1e-5)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rupj._depth, rupt._depth, atol=1e-5)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rupt.getArea(), 2391.2822653900268, atol=1e-5)

    target = np.array(
        [29.51528,  29.3376,  29.3376,  29.51528005,
         29.51528,       np.nan,  29.87519,  29.61152,
         29.61152,  29.87519021,  29.87519,       np.nan,
         30.11126,  29.88662,  30.11126,  30.11126,
         29.88662,  30.11126,  30.11126,       np.nan,
         30.4654,  30.30494,  30.4654,  30.4654,
         30.30494,  30.4654,  30.4654,       np.nan,
         30.63731,  30.57658,  30.57658,  30.63731011,
         30.63731,       np.nan,  30.93655,  30.729,
         30.729,  30.93655103,  30.93655,       np.nan,
         31.01799,  30.94688,  30.94688,  31.0179905,
         31.01799,       np.nan]
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rupj.lons, target, atol=1e-5)
    target = np.array(
        [40.72733,  40.70985,  40.71185,  40.72932969,
         40.72733,       np.nan,  40.74903,  40.70513,
         40.70713,  40.75102924,  40.74903,       np.nan,
         40.72336,  40.72582,  40.72336,  40.72536,
         40.72782,  40.72536004,  40.72336,       np.nan,
         40.71081,  40.7121,  40.71081,  40.71281,
         40.7141,  40.71281002,  40.71081,       np.nan,
         40.70068,  40.71621,  40.71821,  40.70268025,
         40.70068,       np.nan,  40.79654,  40.69947,
         40.70147,  40.79853872,  40.79654,       np.nan,
         40.84501,  40.80199,  40.80399,  40.84700952,
         40.84501,       np.nan]
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rupj.lats, target, atol=1e-5)
    target = np.array(
        [-0.00000000e+00,  -0.00000000e+00,   2.00000000e+01,
         1.99999325e+01,  -0.00000000e+00,           np.nan,
         -9.31322575e-13,  -0.00000000e+00,   2.00000000e+01,
         1.99998304e+01,  -9.31322575e-13,           np.nan,
         9.31322575e-13,  -0.00000000e+00,   9.31322575e-13,
         2.00000000e+01,   2.00000000e+01,   2.00000095e+01,
         9.31322575e-13,           np.nan,  -0.00000000e+00,
         -0.00000000e+00,  -0.00000000e+00,   2.00000000e+01,
         2.00000000e+01,   2.00000050e+01,  -0.00000000e+00,
         np.nan,  -0.00000000e+00,  -0.00000000e+00,
         2.00000000e+01,   2.00000600e+01,  -0.00000000e+00,
         np.nan,  -0.00000000e+00,  -0.00000000e+00,
         2.00000000e+01,   1.99996249e+01,  -0.00000000e+00,
         np.nan,  -0.00000000e+00,  -0.00000000e+00,
         2.00000000e+01,   1.99998338e+01,  -0.00000000e+00,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rupj.depths, target, atol=1e-5)
Beispiel #23
def read_event_file(eventxml):
    Read event.xml file from disk, returning a dictionary of attributes.
    Input XML format looks like this:

    .. code-block:: xml

             id="2008ryan "
             locstring="EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA"

        eventxml (str): Path to event XML file OR file-like object.

       dict: Dictionary with keys:
         - eventsourcecode Origin network and origin code (i.e., us2017abcd).
         - eventsource Origin network ("us").
         - time Origin time as an HistoricTime object.
         - lat Origin latitude
         - lon Origin longitude
         - depth Origin depth
         - mag Origin magnitude
         - created Process time as an HistoricTime object.
         - locstring Location string
         - mechanism Moment mechanism, one of:
           - 'RS' (Reverse)
           - 'SS' (Strike-Slip)
           - 'NM' (Normal)
           - 'ALL' (Undetermined)

    # fill in default values for mechanism, rake and dip
    # these may be overriden by values in event.xml, source.txt, or by values
    # passed in after reading input data.
#    event = {'mech': DEFAULT_MECH,
#             'rake': DEFAULT_RAKE,
#             'dip': DEFAULT_DIP}

    if isinstance(eventxml, str):
        root = minidom.parse(eventxml)
        data =
        root = minidom.parseString(data)

    # Turn XML content into dictionary
    eq = root.getElementsByTagName('earthquake')[0]
    xmldict = dict(eq.attributes.items())

    eqdict = {}
    eqdict['eventsourcecode'] = xmldict['id']
    if 'network' in xmldict:
        eqdict['eventsource'] = xmldict['network']
        eqdict['eventsource'] = 'us' #??

    #look for the productcode attribute
    if 'productcode' in xmldict:
        eqdict['productcode'] = xmldict['productcode']

    # fix eventsourcecode if not specified correctly
    if not eqdict['eventsourcecode'].startswith(eqdict['eventsource']):
        eqdict['eventsourcecode'] = eqdict['eventsource'] + eqdict['eventsourcecode']

    year = int(xmldict['year'])
    month = int(xmldict['month'])
    day = int(xmldict['day'])
    hour = int(xmldict['hour'])
    minute = int(xmldict['minute'])
    second = int(xmldict['second'])
    microseconds = int((second - int(xmldict['second']))*1e6)
    eqdict['time'] = HistoricTime(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,microseconds)
    eqdict['lat'] = float(xmldict['lat'])
    eqdict['lon'] = float(xmldict['lon'])
    eqdict['depth'] = float(xmldict['depth'])
    eqdict['mag'] = float(xmldict['mag'])

    # make created field in event.xml optional - set to current UTC time if not
    # supplied.
    if 'created' in xmldict:
        eqdict['created'] = HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(xmldict['created']))
        eqdict['created'] = HistoricTime.utcnow()

    eqdict['locstring'] = xmldict['locstring']
    if 'mech' in xmldict:
        eqdict['mech'] = xmldict['mech']
    return eqdict
Beispiel #24
def test_parse_complicated_rupture():
    rupture_text = """# SOURCE: Barka, A., H. S. Akyz, E. Altunel, G. Sunal, \
Z. Akir, A. Dikbas, B. Yerli, R. Armijo, B. Meyer, J. B. d. Chabalier, \
T. Rockwell, J. R. Dolan, R. Hartleb, T. Dawson, S. Christofferson, \
A. Tucker, T. Fumal, R. Langridge, H. Stenner, W. Lettis, J. Bachhuber, \
and W. Page (2002). The Surface Rupture and Slip Distribution of the \
17 August 1999 Izmit Earthquake (M 7.4), North Anatolian Fault, Bull. \
Seism. Soc. Am. 92, 43-60.
    29.33760 40.70985 0
    29.51528 40.72733 0
    29.51528 40.72933 20
    29.33760 40.71185 20
    29.33760 40.70985 0
    29.61152 40.70513 0
    29.87519 40.74903 0
    29.87519 40.75103 20
    29.61152 40.70713 20
    29.61152 40.70513 0
    29.88662 40.72582 0
    30.11126 40.72336 0
    30.19265 40.73432 0
    30.19265 40.73632 20
    30.11126 40.72536 20
    29.88662 40.72782 20
    29.88662 40.72582 0
    30.30494 40.71210 0
    30.46540 40.71081 0
    30.56511 40.70739 0
    30.56511 40.70939 20
    30.46540 40.71281 20
    30.30494 40.71410 20
    30.30494 40.71210 0
    30.57658 40.71621 0
    30.63731 40.70068 0
    30.63731 40.70268 20
    30.57658 40.71821 20
    30.57658 40.71621 0
    30.72900 40.69947 0
    30.93655 40.79654 0
    30.93655 40.79854 20
    30.72900 40.70147 20
    30.72900 40.69947 0
    30.94688 40.80199 0
    31.01799 40.84501 0
    31.01799 40.84701 20
    30.94688 40.80399 20
    30.94688 40.80199 0"""  # noqa

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({'id': 'test',
                     'lon': 0, 'lat': 0,
                     'depth': 5.0, 'mag': 7.0, 'netid': 'us',
                     'network': '', 'locstring': '',
                     'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())})
    cbuf = io.StringIO(rupture_text)
    rupture = get_rupture(origin, cbuf)
    strike = rupture.getStrike()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(strike, -100.46, atol=0.01)
    dip = rupture.getDip()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(dip, 89.40, atol=0.01)
    L = rupture.getLength()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(L, 119.56, atol=0.01)
    W = rupture.getWidth()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(W, 20.0, atol=0.01)
    nq = rupture.getNumQuads()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(nq, 9)
    ng = rupture.getNumGroups()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(ng, 7)
    sind = rupture._getGroupIndex()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sind, [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6])
    ztor = rupture.getDepthToTop()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(ztor, 0, atol=0.01)
    itl = rupture.getIndividualTopLengths()
    itl_d = np.array([15.13750778,  22.80237887,  18.98053425,   6.98263853,
                      13.55978731,   8.43444811,   5.41399812,  20.57788056,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(itl, itl_d, atol=0.01)
    iw = rupture.getIndividualWidths()
    iw_d = np.array([20.00122876,  20.00122608,  20.00120173,  20.00121028,
                     20.00121513,  20.00121568,  20.00107293,  20.00105498,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(iw, iw_d, atol=0.01)
    lats = rupture.lats
    lats_d = np.array([40.72733,  40.70985,  40.71185,  40.72932969,
                       40.72733,          np.nan,  40.74903,  40.70513,
                       40.70713,  40.75102924,  40.74903,          np.nan,
                       40.72336,  40.72582,  40.72336,  40.72536,
                       40.72782,  40.72536004,  40.72336,          np.nan,
                       40.71081,  40.7121,  40.71081,  40.71281,
                       40.7141,  40.71281002,  40.71081,          np.nan,
                       40.70068,  40.71621,  40.71821,  40.70268025,
                       40.70068,          np.nan,  40.79654,  40.69947,
                       40.70147,  40.79853872,  40.79654,          np.nan,
                       40.84501,  40.80199,  40.80399,  40.84700952,
                       40.84501,          np.nan])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(lats, lats_d, atol=0.001)
    lons = rupture.lons
    lons_d = np.array([29.51528,  29.3376,  29.3376,  29.51528005,
                       29.51528,          np.nan,  29.87519,  29.61152,
                       29.61152,  29.87519021,  29.87519,          np.nan,
                       30.11126,  29.88662,  30.11126,  30.11126,
                       29.88662,  30.11126,  30.11126,          np.nan,
                       30.4654,  30.30494,  30.4654,  30.4654,
                       30.30494,  30.4654,  30.4654,          np.nan,
                       30.63731,  30.57658,  30.57658,  30.63731011,
                       30.63731,          np.nan,  30.93655,  30.729,
                       30.729,  30.93655103,  30.93655,          np.nan,
                       31.01799,  30.94688,  30.94688,  31.0179905,
                       31.01799,          np.nan])

    np.testing.assert_allclose(lons, lons_d, atol=0.001)
Beispiel #25
def test_EdgeRupture():

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({'id': 'test',
                     'lon': 0, 'lat': 0,
                     'depth': 5.0, 'mag': 7.0, 'netid': 'us',
                     'network': '', 'locstring': '',
                     'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())})

    file = os.path.join(homedir, 'rupture_data/cascadia.json')
    rup = get_rupture(origin, file)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rup.getArea(), 105635.92827547337)

    # Force read Northridge as EdgeRupture
    file = os.path.join(homedir, 'rupture_data/northridge_fault.txt')
    d = text_to_json(file, new_format=True)
    rupt = EdgeRupture(d, origin)
    strike = rupt.getStrike()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(strike, 121.97, atol=0.01)
    dip = rupt.getDip()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(dip, 40.12, atol=0.01)
    L = rupt.getLength()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(L, 17.99, atol=0.01)
    W = rupt.getWidth()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(W, 23.92, atol=0.01)
    ztor = rupt.getDepthToTop()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(ztor, 5, atol=0.01)

    # And again for the same vertices but reversed order
    file = os.path.join(homedir, 'rupture_data/northridge_fixed_fault.txt')
    d = text_to_json(file, new_format=True)
    rupt = EdgeRupture(d, origin)
    strike = rupt.getStrike()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(strike, 121.97, atol=0.01)
    dip = rupt.getDip()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(dip, 40.12, atol=0.01)
    L = rupt.getLength()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(L, 17.99, atol=0.01)
    W = rupt.getWidth()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(W, 23.92, atol=0.01)
    ztor = rupt.getDepthToTop()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(ztor, 5, atol=0.01)

    # Test for fromArrays method
    toplats = np.array([37.0, 38.0])
    toplons = np.array([-120.0, -120.0])
    topdeps = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
    botlats = copy.copy(toplats)
    botlons = copy.copy(toplons)
    botdeps = np.array([10.0, 10.0])
    erup = EdgeRupture.fromArrays(toplons, toplats, topdeps, botlons, botlats,
                                  botdeps, origin)
    # Error: array lengths differ
    with pytest.raises(ShakeLibException) as e:
        qrup = QuadRupture.fromVertices(
            [toplons[0]], [toplats[0]], [topdeps[0]],
            [toplons[1]], [toplats[1]], [topdeps[1]],
            [botlons[1]], [botlats[1]], [botdeps[1]],
            [botlons[0]], [botlats[0]], [botdeps[0]][:-1],

    # Error: group index too long
    with pytest.raises(ShakeLibException) as e:
        qrup = QuadRupture.fromVertices(
            [toplons[0]], [toplats[0]], [topdeps[0]],
            [toplons[1]], [toplats[1]], [topdeps[1]],
            [botlons[1]], [botlats[1]], [botdeps[1]],
            [botlons[0]], [botlats[0]], [botdeps[0]],
            origin, group_index=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

    qrup = QuadRupture.fromVertices(
        [toplons[0]], [toplats[0]], [topdeps[0]],
        [toplons[1]], [toplats[1]], [topdeps[1]],
        [botlons[1]], [botlats[1]], [botdeps[1]],
        [botlons[0]], [botlats[0]], [botdeps[0]],
    np.testing.assert_allclose(erup.getArea(), 1108.9414759967776)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(erup.getDepthToTop(), 0)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(erup.getLength(), 111.19492664455889)
        erup.lats, np.array([37.,  38.,  38.,  37.,  37.,  np.nan]))
        erup.lons, np.array([-120., -120., -120., -120., -120.,  np.nan]))
        erup.depths, np.array([0.,   0.,  10.,  10.,   0.,  np.nan]))
        erup._getGroupIndex(), np.array([0.,   0.]))
    quads = erup.getQuadrilaterals()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(quads[0][0].x, -120.0)

    # Need to also test the distances with EdgeRupture
    lons = np.linspace(-120.1, -121.0, 10)
    lats = np.linspace(37.0, 38, 10)
    deps = np.zeros_like(lons)
    rrup1, _ = qrup.computeRrup(lons, lats, deps)
    rrup2, _ = erup.computeRrup(lons, lats, deps)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rrup1, rrup2, atol=2e-2)
    rjb1, _ = qrup.computeRjb(lons, lats, deps)
    rjb2, _ = erup.computeRjb(lons, lats, deps)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rjb1, rjb2, atol=2e-2)
    gc2 = erup.computeGC2(lons, lats, deps)
    targetRy0 = np.array(
        [0., 0.,  0., 0.,  0.,
         0., 0.,  0., 0.,  0.67335931])
    targetRx = np.array(
        [-8.88024949, -17.73390996, -26.56167797, -35.3634266,
         -44.13902929, -52.88835984, -61.61129242, -70.30770154,
         -78.97746209, -87.6204493])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(gc2['ry0'], targetRy0)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(gc2['rx'], targetRx)
Beispiel #26
def test_ss3_move_hypo1():
    magnitude = 7.2
    dip = np.array([90])
    rake = 180.0
    width = np.array([15])
    rupx = np.array([0, 0])
    rupy = np.array([0, 80])
    zp = np.array([0.0])
    epix = np.array([1.0])
    epiy = np.array([-1.0])

    # Convert to lat/lon
    proj = geo.utils.get_orthographic_projection(-122, -120, 39, 37)
    tlon, tlat = proj(rupx, rupy, reverse=True)
    epilon, epilat = proj(epix, epiy, reverse=True)

    # Origin
    origin = Origin({'lat': epilat[0],
                     'lon': epilon[0],
                     'depth': -1,
                     'mag': magnitude,
                     'eventsourcecode': 'ss3',
                     'rake': rake})

    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        np.array([tlon[0]]), np.array([tlat[0]]),
        np.array([tlon[1]]), np.array([tlat[1]]),
        zp, width, dip, origin, reference='ss3')

    x = np.linspace(0, 20, 6)
    y = np.linspace(0, 90, 11)
    site_x, site_y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    slon, slat = proj(site_x, site_y, reverse=True)
    deps = np.zeros_like(slon)

    test1 = Bayless2013(origin, rup, slat, slon, deps, T=1.0)
    phyp = copy.deepcopy(test1.phyp[0])
    plat, plon, pdep = ecef2latlon(phyp.x, phyp.y, phyp.z)

    px, py = proj(plon, plat, reverse=False)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(plat, 38.004233219183604, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plon, -120.98636122402166, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(pdep, 7.4999999989205968, rtol=1e-4)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Also for multiple segments
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    dip = np.array([90., 90., 90.])
    rake = 180.0
    width = np.array([15., 15., 10.])
    rupx = np.array([0., 0., 10., 20.])
    rupy = np.array([0., 20., 60., 80.])
    zp = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
    epix = np.array([0.])
    epiy = np.array([0.])

    # Convert to lat/lon
    proj = geo.utils.get_orthographic_projection(-122, -120, 39, 37)
    tlon, tlat = proj(rupx, rupy, reverse=True)
    epilon, epilat = proj(epix, epiy, reverse=True)

    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        np.array(tlon[0:3]), np.array(tlat[0:3]),
        np.array(tlon[1:4]), np.array(tlat[1:4]),
        zp, width, dip, origin, reference='')

    event = {'lat': epilat[0],
             'lon': epilon[0],
             'depth': 1.0,
             'mag': magnitude,
             'eventsourcecode': '',
             'locstring': 'test',
             'type': 'SS',
             'timezone': 'UTC'}
    event['time'] = HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))
    event['created'] = HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))
    x = np.linspace(0, 20, 6)
    y = np.linspace(0, 90, 11)
    site_x, site_y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    slon, slat = proj(site_x, site_y, reverse=True)
    deps = np.zeros_like(slon)
    origin = Origin(event)
    origin.rake = rake
    test1 = Bayless2013(origin, rup, slat, slon, deps, T=1.0)

    # 1st pseudo-hyp
    phyp = copy.deepcopy(test1.phyp[0])
    plat, plon, pdep = ecef2latlon(phyp.x, phyp.y, phyp.z)
    px, py = proj(plon, plat, reverse=False)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plat, 38.004233219183604, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plon, -120.98636122402166, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(pdep, 7.4999999989205968, rtol=1e-4)

    # 2nd pseudo-hyp
    phyp = copy.deepcopy(test1.phyp[1])
    plat, plon, pdep = ecef2latlon(phyp.x, phyp.y, phyp.z)
    px, py = proj(plon, plat, reverse=False)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plat, 38.184097835787796, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plon, -120.98636122402166, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(pdep, 7.4999999989103525, rtol=1e-4)

    # 3rd pseudo-hyp
    phyp = copy.deepcopy(test1.phyp[2])
    plat, plon, pdep = ecef2latlon(phyp.x, phyp.y, phyp.z)
    px, py = proj(plon, plat, reverse=False)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plat, 38.543778594535752, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plon, -120.87137783362499, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(pdep, 4.9999999995063993, rtol=1e-4)
Beispiel #27
def test_rupture_depth(interactive=False):
    DIP = 17.0
    WIDTH = 20.0
    GRIDRES = 0.1

    names = ['single', 'double', 'triple',
             'concave', 'concave_simple', 'ANrvSA']
    means = [3.1554422780092461, 2.9224454569459781,
             3.0381968625073563, 2.0522694624400271,
             2.4805390352818755, 2.8740121776209673]
    stds = [2.1895293825074575, 2.0506459673526174,
            2.0244588429154402, 2.0112565876976416,
            2.1599789955270019, 1.6156220309120068]
    xp0list = [np.array([118.3]),
               np.array([10.1, 10.1]),
               np.array([10.1, 10.1, 10.3]),
               np.array([10.9, 10.5, 10.9]),
               np.array([10.9, 10.6]),
               np.array([-76.483, -76.626, -76.757, -76.99, -77.024, -76.925,
                         -76.65, -76.321, -75.997, -75.958])]
    xp1list = [np.array([118.3]),
               np.array([10.1, 10.3]),
               np.array([10.1, 10.3, 10.1]),
               np.array([10.5, 10.9, 11.3]),
               np.array([10.6, 10.9]),
               np.array([-76.626, -76.757, -76.99, -77.024, -76.925, -76.65,
                         -76.321, -75.997, -75.958, -76.006])]
    yp0list = [np.array([34.2]),
               np.array([34.2, 34.5]),
               np.array([34.2, 34.5, 34.8]),
               np.array([34.2, 34.5, 34.8]),
               np.array([35.1, 35.2]),
               np.array([-52.068, -51.377, -50.729, -49.845, -49.192, -48.507,
                         -47.875, -47.478, -47.08, -46.422])]
    yp1list = [np.array([34.5]),
               np.array([34.5, 34.8]),
               np.array([34.5, 34.8, 35.1]),
               np.array([34.5, 34.8, 34.6]),
               np.array([35.2, 35.4]),
               np.array([-51.377, -50.729, -49.845, -49.192, -48.507, -47.875,
                         -47.478, -47.08, -46.422, -45.659])]

    for i in range(0, len(xp0list)):
        xp0 = xp0list[i]
        xp1 = xp1list[i]
        yp0 = yp0list[i]
        yp1 = yp1list[i]
        name = names[i]
        mean_value = means[i]
        std_value = stds[i]

        zp = np.zeros(xp0.shape)
        strike = azimuth(xp0[0], yp0[0], xp1[-1], yp1[-1])
        widths = np.ones(xp0.shape) * WIDTH
        dips = np.ones(xp0.shape) * DIP
        strike = [strike]

    origin = Origin({'id': 'test',
                     'lon': 0, 'lat': 0,
                     'depth': 5.0, 'mag': 7.0, 'netid': 'us',
                     'network': '', 'locstring': '',
                     'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())})

    rupture = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1, zp, widths, dips, origin, strike=strike)

    # make a grid of points over both quads, ask for depths
    ymin = np.nanmin(rupture.lats)
    ymax = np.nanmax(rupture.lats)
    xmin = np.nanmin(rupture.lons)
    xmax = np.nanmax(rupture.lons)

    xmin = np.floor(xmin * (1 / GRIDRES)) / (1 / GRIDRES)
    xmax = np.ceil(xmax * (1 / GRIDRES)) / (1 / GRIDRES)
    ymin = np.floor(ymin * (1 / GRIDRES)) / (1 / GRIDRES)
    ymax = np.ceil(ymax * (1 / GRIDRES)) / (1 / GRIDRES)
    geodict = GeoDict.createDictFromBox(
        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, GRIDRES, GRIDRES)
    nx = geodict.nx
    ny = geodict.ny
    depths = np.zeros((ny, nx))
    for row in range(0, ny):
        for col in range(0, nx):
            lat, lon = geodict.getLatLon(row, col)
            depth = rupture.getDepthAtPoint(lat, lon)
            depths[row, col] = depth

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.nanmean(depths), mean_value)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.nanstd(depths), std_value)

    if interactive:
        fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1)
        ax1, ax2 = axes
        xdata = np.append(xp0, xp1[-1])
        ydata = np.append(yp0, yp1[-1])
        plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'b')
        im = plt.imshow(depths, cmap='viridis_r')  # noqa
        ch = plt.colorbar()  # noqa
        fname = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),
                             'quad_%s_test.png' % name)
        print('Saving image for %s quad test... %s' % (name, fname))
Beispiel #28
def test_EdgeRupture_vs_QuadRupture():
    # Sites stuff
    cx = -122.15
    cy = 37.15
    dx = 0.01
    dy = 0.01
    xspan = 1.5
    yspan = 1.5

    west = cx - xspan / 2.0
    east = cx + xspan / 2.0
    south = cy - yspan / 2.0
    north = cy + yspan / 2.0

    nx = np.ceil(((east - west - EPS) / dx) + 1)
    ny = np.ceil(((north - south - EPS) / dy) + 1)

    lats = np.linspace(north, south, ny)
    lons = np.linspace(west, east, nx)
    lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
    dep = np.zeros_like(lon)

    # Construct QuadRupture
    xp0 = np.array([-122.0, -122.5])
    yp0 = np.array([37.1, 37.4])
    xp1 = np.array([-121.7, -122.3])
    yp1 = np.array([37.2, 37.2])
    zp = np.array([0, 6])
    widths = np.array([30, 20])
    dips = np.array([30, 40])

    origin = Origin({
        'lat': 33.15,
        'lon': -122.15,
        'depth': 0,
        'mag': 7.2,
        'id': '',
        'netid': '',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())
    qrup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1, zp, widths, dips, origin)
    rrup_q, _ = qrup.computeRrup(lon, lat, dep)
    rjb_q, _ = qrup.computeRjb(lon, lat, dep)

    # Construct equivalent EdgeRupture
    toplons = np.array([-122.0, -121.7, -122.5, -122.3])
    toplats = np.array([37.1, 37.2, 37.4, 37.2])
    topdeps = np.array([0, 0, 6, 6])
    botlons = np.array([-121.886864, -121.587568, -122.635467, -122.435338])
    botlats = np.array([36.884527, 36.984246, 37.314035, 37.114261])
    botdeps = np.array([15.0000, 14.9998, 18.8558, 18.8559])
    group_index = [0, 0, 1, 1]

    erup = EdgeRupture.fromArrays(toplons, toplats, topdeps, botlons, botlats,
                                  botdeps, origin, group_index)
    rrup_e, _ = erup.computeRrup(lon, lat, dep)
    rjb_e, _ = erup.computeRjb(lon, lat, dep)

    # Check that QuadRupture and EdgeRupture give the same result
    # (we check the absolute values of QuadRupture elsewhere)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rrup_e, rrup_q, atol=0.35)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rjb_e, rjb_q, atol=0.35)
Beispiel #29
def test_incorrect():
    # Number of points in polyon is even
    rupture_text = """# Source: Ji, C., D. V. Helmberger, D. J. Wald, and \
K.-F. Ma (2003). Slip history and dynamic implications of the 1999 Chi-Chi, \
Taiwan, earthquake, J. Geophys. Res. 108, 2412, doi:10.1029/2002JB001764.
    120.72300 24.27980 	0
    121.00000 24.05000	17
    121.09300 24.07190	17
    121.04300 24.33120	17
    121.04300 24.33120	17
    120.72300 24.27980	0
    120.72300 24.27980	0
    120.68000 23.70000	0
    120.97200 23.60400	17
    121.00000 24.05000	17
    120.72300 24.27980	0
    120.97200 23.60400	17
    120.68000 23.70000	0
    120.58600 23.58850	0
    120.78900 23.40240	17
    120.97200 23.60400	17"""  # noqa

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({'id': 'test',
                     'lon': 0, 'lat': 0,
                     'depth': 5.0, 'mag': 7.0, 'netid': 'us',
                     'network': '', 'locstring': '',
                     'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())})
    cbuf = io.StringIO(rupture_text)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        get_rupture(origin, cbuf)

    # Top points must be first
    rupture_text = """# Test
    120.72300 24.27980 	0
    121.00000 24.05000	17
    121.09300 24.07190	17
    121.04300 24.33120	17
    120.72300 24.27980	0"""  # noqa
    cbuf = io.StringIO(rupture_text)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        get_rupture(origin, cbuf)

    # Wrong order of lat/lon
    rupture_text = """# Test
    -118.421 34.315  5.000
    -118.587 34.401  5.000
    -118.693 34.261 20.427
    -118.527 34.175 20.427
    -118.421 34.315 5.000
    """  # noqa
    cbuf = io.StringIO(rupture_text)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        get_rupture(origin, cbuf, new_format=False)

    # Wrong order of lat/lon
    rupture_text = """# Test
    34.315 -118.421  5.000
    34.401 -118.587  5.000
    34.261 -118.693 20.427
    34.175 -118.527 20.427
    34.315 -118.421  5.000
    """  # noqa
    cbuf = io.StringIO(rupture_text)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        get_rupture(origin, cbuf, new_format=True)

    # Unclosed segments
    rupture_text = """# Test
    34.315 -118.421  5.000
    34.401 -118.587  5.000
    34.261 -118.693 20.427
    34.175 -118.527 20.427
    34.315 -118.6    5.000
    """  # noqa
    cbuf = io.StringIO(rupture_text)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        get_rupture(origin, cbuf, new_format=False)

    # incorrect delimiter
    rupture_text = """#Test
    """  # noqa
    cbuf = io.StringIO(rupture_text)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        get_rupture(origin, cbuf, new_format=False)

    # incorrect delimiter, new format
    rupture_text = """#Test
    """  # noqa
    cbuf = io.StringIO(rupture_text)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        get_rupture(origin, cbuf, new_format=True)

    # Not 3 columns
    rupture_text = """#Test
    34.315 -118.421;5.000
    34.401 -118.587;5.000
    34.261 -118.693;20.427
    34.175 -118.527;20.427
    34.315 -118.421;5.000
    """  # noqa
    cbuf = io.StringIO(rupture_text)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        get_rupture(origin, cbuf, new_format=False)

    # Json incorrect
    test = {
        "metadata": {
            "id": "test",
            "mag": 7.0,
            "lon": 0,
            "mech": "ALL",
            "depth": 5.0,
            "time": "2018-07-02T22:50:03Z",
            "netid": "us",
            "rake": 0.0,
            "lat": 0,
            "network": "",
            "locstring": "",
            "reference": "Test"
        "features": [{
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
                "coordinates": [[
                    [[-118.421, 34.315, 5.0],
                     [-118.587, 34.401, 5.0],
                     [-118.693, 34.261, 20.427],
                     [-118.527, 34.175, 20.427],
                     [-118.421, 34.315, 5.0]]]],
                "type": "MultiPolygon"
                "rupture type": "rupture extent"
        "type": "FeatureCollection"

    # incorrect type
    test_incorrect = copy.deepcopy(test)
    test_incorrect['type'] = 'Feature'
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:

    # Incorrect number of features
    test_incorrect = copy.deepcopy(test)
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:

    # no reference
    test_incorrect = copy.deepcopy(test)
    test_incorrect['metadata'].pop('reference', None)
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:

    # incorrect feature type
    test_incorrect = copy.deepcopy(test)
    test_incorrect['features'][0]['type'] = 'fred'
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:

    # incorrect feature geometry type
    test_incorrect = copy.deepcopy(test)
    test_incorrect['features'][0]['geometry']['type'] = 'fred'
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:

    # no coordinates
    test_incorrect = copy.deepcopy(test)
    test_incorrect['features'][0]['geometry'].pop('coordinates', None)
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
def read_event_xml(file):
    Read event.xml.

        file (str): Path to event.xml file.

        dict: Dictionary with event info.

    eventtree = ET.parse(file)
    eventroot = eventtree.getroot()
    for eq in eventroot.iter('earthquake'):
        id_str = eq.attrib['id']
        magnitude = float(eq.attrib['mag'])
        hlat = float(eq.attrib['lat'])
        hlon = float(eq.attrib['lon'])
        hdepth = float(eq.attrib['depth'])
        if 'rake' in eq.attrib.keys():
            rake = float(eq.attrib['rake'])
            rake = None
        lstring = eq.attrib['locstring']
        if 'description' in eq.attrib.keys():
            description = eq.attrib['description']
            description = ""
        if 'type' in eq.attrib.keys():
            mech = eq.attrib['type']
            mech = "ALL"
        year = int(eq.attrib['year'])
        month = int(eq.attrib['month'])
        day = int(eq.attrib['day'])
        hour = int(eq.attrib['hour'])
        minute = int(eq.attrib['minute'])
        second = int(eq.attrib['second'])
        if 'directivity' in eq.attrib.keys():
            directivity = ast.literal_eval(eq.attrib['directivity'])
            directivity = False
        if 'eventsourcecode' in eq.attrib.keys():
            eventsourcecode = eq.attrib['eventsourcecode']
            eventsourcecode = None

    sdt = ShakeDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, int(0))

    event = {
        'lat': hlat,
        'lon': hlon,
        'depth': hdepth,
        'mag': magnitude,
        'rake': rake,
        'id': id_str,
        'locstring': lstring,
        'type': mech,
        'mech': mech,
        'time': sdt.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'),
        'timezone': 'UTC',
        'directivity': directivity,
        'description': description,
        'eventsourcecode': eventsourcecode,
        'sdt': sdt

    return event
Beispiel #31
def test_ss3_move_hypo1():
    magnitude = 7.2
    dip = np.array([90])
    rake = 180.0
    width = np.array([15])
    rupx = np.array([0, 0])
    rupy = np.array([0, 80])
    zp = np.array([0.0])
    epix = np.array([1.0])
    epiy = np.array([-1.0])

    # Convert to lat/lon
    proj = geo.utils.get_orthographic_projection(-122, -120, 39, 37)
    tlon, tlat = proj(rupx, rupy, reverse=True)
    epilon, epilat = proj(epix, epiy, reverse=True)

    # Origin
    origin = Origin({
        'lat': epilat[0],
        'lon': epilon[0],
        'depth': -1,
        'mag': magnitude,
        'eventsourcecode': 'ss3',
        'rake': rake

    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(np.array([tlon[0]]),

    x = np.linspace(0, 20, 6)
    y = np.linspace(0, 90, 11)
    site_x, site_y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    slon, slat = proj(site_x, site_y, reverse=True)
    deps = np.zeros_like(slon)

    test1 = Bayless2013(origin, rup, slat, slon, deps, T=1.0)
    phyp = copy.deepcopy(test1.phyp[0])
    plat, plon, pdep = ecef2latlon(phyp.x, phyp.y, phyp.z)

    px, py = proj(plon, plat, reverse=False)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(plat, 38.004233219183604, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plon, -120.98636122402166, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(pdep, 7.4999999989205968, rtol=1e-4)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Also for multiple segments
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    dip = np.array([90., 90., 90.])
    rake = 180.0
    width = np.array([15., 15., 10.])
    rupx = np.array([0., 0., 10., 20.])
    rupy = np.array([0., 20., 60., 80.])
    zp = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
    epix = np.array([0.])
    epiy = np.array([0.])

    # Convert to lat/lon
    proj = geo.utils.get_orthographic_projection(-122, -120, 39, 37)
    tlon, tlat = proj(rupx, rupy, reverse=True)
    epilon, epilat = proj(epix, epiy, reverse=True)

    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(np.array(tlon[0:3]),

    event = {
        'lat': epilat[0],
        'lon': epilon[0],
        'depth': 1.0,
        'mag': magnitude,
        'eventsourcecode': '',
        'locstring': 'test',
        'type': 'SS',
        'timezone': 'UTC'
    event['time'] = HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))
    event['created'] = HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))
    x = np.linspace(0, 20, 6)
    y = np.linspace(0, 90, 11)
    site_x, site_y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    slon, slat = proj(site_x, site_y, reverse=True)
    deps = np.zeros_like(slon)
    origin = Origin(event)
    origin.rake = rake
    test1 = Bayless2013(origin, rup, slat, slon, deps, T=1.0)

    # 1st pseudo-hyp
    phyp = copy.deepcopy(test1.phyp[0])
    plat, plon, pdep = ecef2latlon(phyp.x, phyp.y, phyp.z)
    px, py = proj(plon, plat, reverse=False)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plat, 38.004233219183604, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plon, -120.98636122402166, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(pdep, 7.4999999989205968, rtol=1e-4)

    # 2nd pseudo-hyp
    phyp = copy.deepcopy(test1.phyp[1])
    plat, plon, pdep = ecef2latlon(phyp.x, phyp.y, phyp.z)
    px, py = proj(plon, plat, reverse=False)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plat, 38.184097835787796, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plon, -120.98636122402166, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(pdep, 7.4999999989103525, rtol=1e-4)

    # 3rd pseudo-hyp
    phyp = copy.deepcopy(test1.phyp[2])
    plat, plon, pdep = ecef2latlon(phyp.x, phyp.y, phyp.z)
    px, py = proj(plon, plat, reverse=False)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plat, 38.543778594535752, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plon, -120.87137783362499, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(pdep, 4.9999999995063993, rtol=1e-4)
Beispiel #32
def test_ss3():
    magnitude = 7.2
    dip = np.array([90])
    rake = 180.0
    width = np.array([15])
    rupx = np.array([0, 0])
    rupy = np.array([0, 80])
    zp = np.array([0])
    epix = np.array([0])
    epiy = np.array([0.2 * rupy[1]])

    # Convert to lat/lon
    proj = OrthographicProjection(-122, -120, 39, 37)
    tlon, tlat = proj(rupx, rupy, reverse=True)
    epilon, epilat = proj(epix, epiy, reverse=True)

    # Origin:
    origin = Origin({'lat': epilat[0],
                     'lon': epilon[0],
                     'depth': 10,
                     'mag': magnitude,
                     'id': 'ss3',
                     'netid': 'us',
                     'network': '',
                     'locstring': '',
                     'rake': rake,
                     'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))})

    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        np.array([tlon[0]]), np.array([tlat[0]]),
        np.array([tlon[1]]), np.array([tlat[1]]),
        zp, width, dip, origin, reference='ss3')

    x = np.linspace(-60, 60, 21)
    y = np.linspace(-60, 138, 34)
    site_x, site_y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    slon, slat = proj(site_x, site_y, reverse=True)
    deps = np.zeros_like(slon)

    test1 = Bayless2013(origin, rup, slat, slon, deps, T=1.0)

    # Test fd
    fd = test1.getFd()
    fd_test = np.array(
        [[0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 2.14620746e-03,
          6.47899336e-03, 1.23119791e-02, 1.91676140e-02,
          2.64009788e-02, 3.32427846e-02, 3.88863288e-02,
          4.26104002e-02, 4.39120296e-02, 4.26104002e-02,
          3.88863288e-02, 3.32427846e-02, 2.64009788e-02,
          1.91676140e-02, 1.23119791e-02, 6.47899336e-03,
          2.14620746e-03, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
         [0.00000000e+00, 8.57780996e-04, 3.99405791e-03,
          9.31948105e-03, 1.65406113e-02, 2.51316805e-02,
          3.43205435e-02, 4.31274592e-02, 5.04747209e-02,
          5.53634169e-02, 5.70796092e-02, 5.53634169e-02,
          5.04747209e-02, 4.31274592e-02, 3.43205435e-02,
          2.51316805e-02, 1.65406113e-02, 9.31948105e-03,
          3.99405791e-03, 8.57780996e-04, 0.00000000e+00],
            [-7.32594549e-04, 1.80425497e-04, 3.76908220e-03,
             1.00175179e-02, 1.86854835e-02, 2.92291145e-02,
             4.07487277e-02, 5.20057177e-02, 6.15509770e-02,
             6.79776087e-02, 7.02477931e-02, 6.79776087e-02,
             6.15509770e-02, 5.20057177e-02, 4.07487277e-02,
             2.92291145e-02, 1.86854835e-02, 1.00175179e-02,
             3.76908220e-03, 1.80425497e-04, -7.32594549e-04],
            [-3.29238561e-03, -2.60643191e-03, 1.16635260e-03,
             8.15185259e-03, 1.82290773e-02, 3.08983182e-02,
             4.51608038e-02, 5.94769126e-02, 7.18919113e-02,
             8.03888307e-02, 8.34165399e-02, 8.03888307e-02,
             7.18919113e-02, 5.94769126e-02, 4.51608038e-02,
             3.08983182e-02, 1.82290773e-02, 8.15185259e-03,
             1.16635260e-03, -2.60643191e-03, -3.29238561e-03],
            [-7.68543266e-03, -7.63179286e-03, -4.08866637e-03,
             3.27605236e-03, 1.45558215e-02, 2.94068040e-02,
             4.68176355e-02, 6.49397159e-02, 7.72066272e-02,
             8.50445368e-02, 8.77974692e-02, 8.50445368e-02,
             7.72066272e-02, 6.49397159e-02, 4.68176355e-02,
             2.94068040e-02, 1.45558215e-02, 3.27605236e-03,
             -4.08866637e-03, -7.63179286e-03, -7.68543266e-03],
            [-1.38078234e-02, -1.49011067e-02, -1.21731364e-02,
             -5.02168047e-03, 6.98177526e-03, 2.38268531e-02,
             4.30419205e-02, 6.00041964e-02, 7.44541603e-02,
             8.42939552e-02, 8.77989590e-02, 8.42939552e-02,
             7.44541603e-02, 6.00041964e-02, 4.30419205e-02,
             2.38268531e-02, 6.98177526e-03, -5.02168047e-03,
             -1.21731364e-02, -1.49011067e-02, -1.38078234e-02],
            [-2.13780396e-02, -2.42165379e-02, -2.30613142e-02,
             -1.70011475e-02, -5.15036128e-03, 1.25885635e-02,
             3.24536739e-02, 5.25619351e-02, 7.05100243e-02,
             8.31900906e-02, 8.78003567e-02, 8.31900906e-02,
             7.05100243e-02, 5.25619351e-02, 3.24536739e-02,
             1.25885635e-02, -5.15036128e-03, -1.70011475e-02,
             -2.30613142e-02, -2.42165379e-02, -2.13780396e-02],
            [-2.98882710e-02, -3.50862342e-02, -3.63793490e-02,
             -3.25716319e-02, -2.22546618e-02, -3.59274163e-03,
             1.83064517e-02, 4.20112440e-02, 6.46115966e-02,
             8.14746164e-02, 8.78016623e-02, 8.14746164e-02,
             6.46115966e-02, 4.20112440e-02, 1.83064517e-02,
             -3.59274163e-03, -2.22546618e-02, -3.25716319e-02,
             -3.63793490e-02, -3.50862342e-02, -2.98882710e-02],
            [-3.85810679e-02, -4.66488633e-02, -5.12430987e-02,
             -5.10089462e-02, -4.20856023e-02, -2.36905234e-02,
             -6.33876287e-04, 2.66765430e-02, 5.53289928e-02,
             7.86066125e-02, 8.78028757e-02, 7.86066125e-02,
             5.53289928e-02, 2.66765430e-02, -6.33876287e-04,
             -2.36905234e-02, -4.20856023e-02, -5.10089462e-02,
             -5.12430987e-02, -4.66488633e-02, -3.85810679e-02],
            [-4.64803335e-02, -5.76615888e-02, -6.61458422e-02,
             -7.06512643e-02, -6.38427394e-02, -4.77258398e-02,
             -2.55483969e-02, 4.05840724e-03, 3.98470070e-02,
             7.33053399e-02, 8.78039969e-02, 7.33053399e-02,
             3.98470070e-02, 4.05840724e-03, -2.55483969e-02,
             -4.77258398e-02, -6.38427394e-02, -7.06512643e-02,
             -6.61458422e-02, -5.76615888e-02, -4.64803335e-02],
            [-5.25038299e-02, -6.66129442e-02, -7.90147081e-02,
             -8.87629178e-02, -8.59653118e-02, -7.42828398e-02,
             -5.64316505e-02, -2.87083225e-02, 1.25945312e-02,
             6.19971667e-02, 8.78050260e-02, 6.19971667e-02,
             1.25945312e-02, -2.87083225e-02, -5.64316505e-02,
             -7.42828398e-02, -8.59653118e-02, -8.87629178e-02,
             -7.90147081e-02, -6.66129442e-02, -5.25038299e-02],
            [-5.69779111e-02, -7.36791817e-02, -8.97495345e-02,
             -1.04799583e-01, -1.07737239e-01, -1.02875880e-01,
             -9.46568471e-02, -7.95630162e-02, -4.96285112e-02,
             6.59954795e-03, 5.25569882e-02, 6.59954795e-03,
             -4.96285112e-02, -7.95630162e-02, -9.46568471e-02,
             -1.02875880e-01, -1.07737239e-01, -1.04799583e-01,
             -8.97495345e-02, -7.36791817e-02, -5.69779111e-02],
            [-5.90357675e-02, -7.69727119e-02, -9.48442826e-02,
             -1.12607620e-01, -1.18744885e-01, -1.18201834e-01,
             -1.17217017e-01, -1.15152899e-01, -1.09694433e-01,
             -8.82341332e-02, -1.61624035e-02, -8.82341332e-02,
             -1.09694433e-01, -1.15152899e-01, -1.17217017e-01,
             -1.18201834e-01, -1.18744885e-01, -1.12607620e-01,
             -9.48442826e-02, -7.69727119e-02, -5.90357675e-02],
            [-5.92189452e-02, -7.72680305e-02, -9.53051857e-02,
             -1.13322519e-01, -1.19770917e-01, -1.19670660e-01,
             -1.19486798e-01, -1.19092639e-01, -1.17989113e-01,
             -1.12555820e-01, -4.50009776e-02, -1.12555820e-01,
             -1.17989113e-01, -1.19092639e-01, -1.19486798e-01,
             -1.19670660e-01, -1.19770917e-01, -1.13322519e-01,
             -9.53051857e-02, -7.72680305e-02, -5.92189452e-02],
            [-5.79249958e-02, -7.51927112e-02, -9.20842554e-02,
             -1.08361430e-01, -1.12722790e-01, -1.09732675e-01,
             -1.04531672e-01, -9.44729544e-02, -7.23277773e-02,
             -2.05699911e-02, 3.58249631e-02, -2.05699911e-02,
             -7.23277773e-02, -9.44729544e-02, -1.04531672e-01,
             -1.09732675e-01, -1.12722790e-01, -1.08361430e-01,
             -9.20842554e-02, -7.51927112e-02, -5.79249958e-02],
            [-5.42527703e-02, -6.93641123e-02, -8.31684773e-02,
             -9.49114165e-02, -9.41989454e-02, -8.48645354e-02,
             -7.00894708e-02, -4.58286259e-02, -6.37563061e-03,
             4.68887998e-02, 7.77968419e-02, 4.68887998e-02,
             -6.37563061e-03, -4.58286259e-02, -7.00894708e-02,
             -8.48645354e-02, -9.41989454e-02, -9.49114165e-02,
             -8.31684773e-02, -6.93641123e-02, -5.42527703e-02],
            [-4.82490057e-02, -5.99997941e-02, -6.91786120e-02,
             -7.44891242e-02, -6.73705808e-02, -5.13001284e-02,
             -2.84188057e-02, 3.60143816e-03, 4.47470123e-02,
             8.58663851e-02, 1.04548354e-01, 8.58663851e-02,
             4.47470123e-02, 3.60143816e-03, -2.84188057e-02,
             -5.13001284e-02, -6.73705808e-02, -7.44891242e-02,
             -6.91786120e-02, -5.99997941e-02, -4.82490057e-02],
            [-4.03203010e-02, -4.79063206e-02, -5.16352259e-02,
             -4.98707253e-02, -3.67295509e-02, -1.57342058e-02,
             1.13668830e-02, 4.46551184e-02, 8.10450840e-02,
             1.11780747e-01, 1.24226598e-01, 1.11780747e-01,
             8.10450840e-02, 4.46551184e-02, 1.13668830e-02,
             -1.57342058e-02, -3.67295509e-02, -4.98707253e-02,
             -5.16352259e-02, -4.79063206e-02, -4.03203010e-02],
            [-3.10250239e-02, -3.40796094e-02, -3.22089254e-02,
             -2.37094100e-02, -5.85463114e-03, 1.77402761e-02,
             4.57786845e-02, 7.69637052e-02, 1.07537652e-01,
             1.30906328e-01, 1.39800436e-01, 1.30906328e-01,
             1.07537652e-01, 7.69637052e-02, 4.57786845e-02,
             1.77402761e-02, -5.85463114e-03, -2.37094100e-02,
             -3.22089254e-02, -3.40796094e-02, -3.10250239e-02],
            [-2.09301700e-02, -1.94475962e-02, -1.22970199e-02,
             2.07296407e-03, 2.31516868e-02, 4.74574033e-02,
             7.44743481e-02, 1.02380049e-01, 1.27776301e-01,
             1.46003379e-01, 1.52690015e-01, 1.46003379e-01,
             1.27776301e-01, 1.02380049e-01, 7.44743481e-02,
             4.74574033e-02, 2.31516868e-02, 2.07296407e-03,
             -1.22970199e-02, -1.94475962e-02, -2.09301700e-02],
            [-1.05257992e-02, -4.74329696e-03, 7.12107274e-03,
             2.63431361e-02, 4.93709790e-02, 7.31527220e-02,
             9.82233938e-02, 1.22728059e-01, 1.43894925e-01,
             1.58465026e-01, 1.63685984e-01, 1.58465026e-01,
             1.43894925e-01, 1.22728059e-01, 9.82233938e-02,
             7.31527220e-02, 4.93709790e-02, 2.63431361e-02,
             7.12107274e-03, -4.74329696e-03, -1.05257992e-02],
            [-1.89098657e-04, 9.52392382e-03, 2.54577716e-02,
             4.85730869e-02, 7.26048516e-02, 9.51726659e-02,
             1.17988523e-01, 1.39380421e-01, 1.57176612e-01,
             1.69076915e-01, 1.73274075e-01, 1.69076915e-01,
             1.57176612e-01, 1.39380421e-01, 1.17988523e-01,
             9.51726659e-02, 7.26048516e-02, 4.85730869e-02,
             2.54577716e-02, 9.52392382e-03, -1.89098657e-04],
            [9.81732797e-03, 2.30419581e-02, 4.24234701e-02,
             6.86213308e-02, 9.30164618e-02, 1.14050063e-01,
             1.34620894e-01, 1.53304069e-01, 1.68420867e-01,
             1.78321253e-01, 1.81774183e-01, 1.78321253e-01,
             1.68420867e-01, 1.53304069e-01, 1.34620894e-01,
             1.14050063e-01, 9.30164618e-02, 6.86213308e-02,
             4.24234701e-02, 2.30419581e-02, 9.81732797e-03],
            [1.93290725e-02, 3.56493099e-02, 5.79271157e-02,
             8.65611122e-02, 1.10914315e-01, 1.30317702e-01,
             1.48798006e-01, 1.65173224e-01, 1.78147031e-01,
             1.86513895e-01, 1.89408199e-01, 1.86513895e-01,
             1.78147031e-01, 1.65173224e-01, 1.48798006e-01,
             1.30317702e-01, 1.10914315e-01, 8.65611122e-02,
             5.79271157e-02, 3.56493099e-02, 1.93290725e-02],
            [2.68168937e-02, 4.52356810e-02, 6.92261217e-02,
             9.89630241e-02, 1.23093435e-01, 1.40640067e-01,
             1.56998943e-01, 1.71215219e-01, 1.82297185e-01,
             1.89360704e-01, 1.91789146e-01, 1.89360704e-01,
             1.82297185e-01, 1.71215219e-01, 1.56998943e-01,
             1.40640067e-01, 1.23093435e-01, 9.89630241e-02,
             6.92261217e-02, 4.52356810e-02, 2.68168937e-02],
            [3.19403269e-02, 5.15051953e-02, 7.61032066e-02,
             1.05705197e-01, 1.31722206e-01, 1.47466588e-01,
             1.61892450e-01, 1.74235616e-01, 1.83735386e-01,
             1.89735533e-01, 1.91788616e-01, 1.89735533e-01,
             1.83735386e-01, 1.74235616e-01, 1.61892450e-01,
             1.47466588e-01, 1.31722206e-01, 1.05705197e-01,
             7.61032066e-02, 5.15051953e-02, 3.19403269e-02],
            [3.48604070e-02, 5.49292382e-02, 7.94274234e-02,
             1.08149011e-01, 1.38923419e-01, 1.53070440e-01,
             1.65849067e-01, 1.76646162e-01, 1.84871647e-01,
             1.90029617e-01, 1.91787948e-01, 1.90029617e-01,
             1.84871647e-01, 1.76646162e-01, 1.65849067e-01,
             1.53070440e-01, 1.38923419e-01, 1.08149011e-01,
             7.94274234e-02, 5.49292382e-02, 3.48604070e-02],
            [3.53402022e-02, 5.53653759e-02, 7.91965502e-02,
             1.06486934e-01, 1.36563003e-01, 1.57713955e-01,
             1.69087164e-01, 1.78598269e-01, 1.85784340e-01,
             1.90264452e-01, 1.91787141e-01, 1.90264452e-01,
             1.85784340e-01, 1.78598269e-01, 1.69087164e-01,
             1.57713955e-01, 1.36563003e-01, 1.06486934e-01,
             7.91965502e-02, 5.53653759e-02, 3.53402022e-02],
            [3.32889822e-02, 5.28319225e-02, 7.55769079e-02,
             1.01077605e-01, 1.28592068e-01, 1.57023616e-01,
             1.71766715e-01, 1.80199729e-01, 1.86528091e-01,
             1.90454829e-01, 1.91786196e-01, 1.90454829e-01,
             1.86528091e-01, 1.80199729e-01, 1.71766715e-01,
             1.57023616e-01, 1.28592068e-01, 1.01077605e-01,
             7.55769079e-02, 5.28319225e-02, 3.32889822e-02],
            [2.87295370e-02, 4.74613283e-02, 6.88388861e-02,
             9.23568989e-02, 1.17254645e-01, 1.42483223e-01,
             1.66695764e-01, 1.81528776e-01, 1.87141877e-01,
             1.90611190e-01, 1.91785112e-01, 1.90611190e-01,
             1.87141877e-01, 1.81528776e-01, 1.66695764e-01,
             1.42483223e-01, 1.17254645e-01, 9.23568989e-02,
             6.88388861e-02, 4.74613283e-02, 2.87295370e-02],
            [2.17650266e-02, 3.94568191e-02, 5.93023344e-02,
             8.07720575e-02, 1.03124482e-01, 1.25394282e-01,
             1.46405870e-01, 1.64828303e-01, 1.79288925e-01,
             1.88553222e-01, 1.91747252e-01, 1.88553222e-01,
             1.79288925e-01, 1.64828303e-01, 1.46405870e-01,
             1.25394282e-01, 1.03124482e-01, 8.07720575e-02,
             5.93023344e-02, 3.94568191e-02, 2.17650266e-02],
            [1.25495284e-02, 2.90572166e-02, 4.72972116e-02,
             6.67423656e-02, 8.66951873e-02, 1.06290296e-01,
             1.24520131e-01, 1.40293247e-01, 1.52531693e-01,
             1.60303860e-01, 1.62970689e-01, 1.60303860e-01,
             1.52531693e-01, 1.40293247e-01, 1.24520131e-01,
             1.06290296e-01, 8.66951873e-02, 6.67423656e-02,
             4.72972116e-02, 2.90572166e-02, 1.25495284e-02],
            [1.26441934e-03, 1.65114811e-02, 3.31390978e-02,
             5.06407706e-02, 6.83765492e-02, 8.55839448e-02,
             1.01408074e-01, 1.14955639e-01, 1.25373662e-01,
             1.31946425e-01, 1.34193829e-01, 1.31946425e-01,
             1.25373662e-01, 1.14955639e-01, 1.01408074e-01,
             8.55839448e-02, 6.83765492e-02, 5.06407706e-02,
             3.31390978e-02, 1.65114811e-02, 1.26441934e-03],
            [0.00000000e+00, 2.06213867e-03, 1.71162845e-02,
             3.27888240e-02, 4.85026462e-02, 6.35932476e-02,
             7.73387997e-02, 8.90069217e-02, 9.79166934e-02,
             1.03509489e-01, 1.05416736e-01, 1.03509489e-01,
             9.79166934e-02, 8.90069217e-02, 7.73387997e-02,
             6.35932476e-02, 4.85026462e-02, 3.27888240e-02,
             1.71162845e-02, 2.06213867e-03, 0.00000000e+00]]
    np.testing.assert_allclose(fd, fd_test, rtol=1e-4)
Beispiel #33
    def __init__(self, event):
        Construct an Origin object.

            event (dict): Dictionary of values. See list above for required

            Origin object.
            ValueError: When input time is not and cannot be converted to
                HistoricTime object.

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Check for missing keys
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        missing = []
        for req in constants.ORIGIN_REQUIRED_KEYS:
            if req not in list(event.keys()):

        if len(missing):
            raise Exception('Input event dictionary is missing the following '
                            'required keys: "%s"' % (','.join(missing)))

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Check some types, ranges, and defaults
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        if not type(event['eventsourcecode']) is str:
            raise Exception('eventsourcecode must be a string.')

        if (event['lat'] > 90) or (event['lat'] < -90):
            raise Exception('lat must be between -90 and 90 degrees.')

        if (event['lon'] > 180) or (event['lon'] < -180):
            raise Exception('lat must be between -180 and 180 degrees.')

        # make sure that time is an HistoricTime instance
        if 'time' in event:
            if isinstance(event['time'],str):
                    event['time'] = HistoricTime.strptime(event['time'],TIMEFMT)
                except ValueError:
                    fmt = 'Input time string %s cannot be converted to datetime.'
                    raise ValueError(fmt % event['time'])

        if 'mech' in event.keys():
            if event['mech'] == '':
                event['mech'] = constants.DEFAULT_MECH
            if not event['mech'] in constants.RAKEDICT.keys():
                raise Exception('mech must be SS, NM, RS, or ALL.')
        elif 'type' in event.keys():
            event['mech'] = event['type']
            if event['mech'] == '':
                event['mech'] = constants.DEFAULT_MECH
            if not event['mech'] in constants.RAKEDICT.keys():
                raise Exception('mech must be SS, NM, RS, or ALL.')
            event['mech'] = constants.DEFAULT_MECH

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Add keys as class attributes
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        for k, v in event.items():
            if k == 'rake':
                setattr(self, k, float(v))
                setattr(self, k, v)

        # What about rake?
        if not hasattr(self, 'rake'):
            if hasattr(self, 'mech'):
                mech = self.mech
                self.rake = constants.RAKEDICT[mech]
                self.rake = constants.RAKEDICT['ALL']

        if self.rake is None:
            self.rake = 0.0
Beispiel #34
def test_ss3_m6():
    magnitude = 6.0
    dip = np.array([90])
    rake = 180.0
    width = np.array([15])
    rupx = np.array([0, 0])
    rupy = np.array([0, 80])
    zp = np.array([0])
    epix = np.array([0])
    epiy = np.array([0.2 * rupy[1]])

    # Convert to lat/lon
    proj = OrthographicProjection(-122, -120, 39, 37)
    tlon, tlat = proj(rupx, rupy, reverse=True)
    epilon, epilat = proj(epix, epiy, reverse=True)

    # Origin:
    origin = Origin({'lat': epilat[0],
                     'lon': epilon[0],
                     'depth': 10,
                     'mag': magnitude,
                     'id': 'ss3',
                     'netid': '',
                     'network': '',
                     'locstring': '',
                     'rake': rake,
                     'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))})

    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        np.array([tlon[0]]), np.array([tlat[0]]),
        np.array([tlon[1]]), np.array([tlat[1]]),
        zp, width, dip, origin, reference='ss3')

    x = np.linspace(0, 20, 6)
    y = np.linspace(0, 90, 11)
    site_x, site_y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    slon, slat = proj(site_x, site_y, reverse=True)
    deps = np.zeros_like(slon)

    test1 = Bayless2013(origin, rup, slat, slon, deps, T=1.0)

    # Test fd
    fd = test1.getFd()
    fd_test = np.array(
        [[0.05853668,  0.05032323,  0.0306438,  0.00839635, -0.01102162,
         [0.01720501, -0.00687296, -0.03804823, -0.05547473, -0.0644932,
            [-0.03000065, -0.07006634, -0.07708165, -0.07865941, -0.0792369,
            [0.0398062,  0.02571145, -0.0018651, -0.0255418, -0.04176278,
            [0.0696989,  0.06389524,  0.04890304,  0.02983134,  0.01098535,
            [0.088278,  0.08511069,  0.07628596,  0.06350294,  0.04875897,
            [0.10179334,  0.09978475,  0.09401676,  0.0851842,  0.07422509,
            [0.11242209,  0.11102701,  0.10696056,  0.10055471,  0.09229027,
            [0.12118279,  0.12015315,  0.11712653,  0.11228058,  0.10588323,
            [0.12785957,  0.12706892,  0.12473264,  0.12095384,  0.11589197,
            [0.12785908,  0.12724852,  0.12543819,  0.12249026,  0.11850249,
        fd, fd_test, rtol=1e-4)