Beispiel #1
def split_matplotlib_cells(nb):
    If a cell imports matplotlib, split the cell to keep the
    import statement separate from the code that uses matplotlib.
    This prevents a known bug in the Jupyter backend which causes
    the plot object to be represented as a string instead of a canvas
    when created in the cell where matplotlib is imported for the
    first time (
    for i in range(len(nb['cells']) - 1, -1, -1):
        cell = nb['cells'][i]
        if cell['cell_type'] == 'code' and 'matplotlib' in cell['source']:
            code = iw.protect_ipython_magics(cell['source'])
            # split cells after matplotlib imports
            mapping = iw.delimit_statements(code)
            tree = ast.parse(code)
            visitor = iw.GetMatplotlibPyplot()
            if visitor.matplotlib_first:
                code = iw.deprotect_ipython_magics(code)
                lines = code.split('\n')
                lineno_end = mapping[visitor.matplotlib_first]
                split_code = '\n'.join(lines[lineno_end:]).lstrip('\n')
                if split_code:
                    new_cell = nbformat.v4.new_code_cell(source=split_code)
                    nb['cells'].insert(i + 1, new_cell)
                lines = lines[:lineno_end]
                nb['cells'][i]['source'] = '\n'.join(lines).rstrip('\n')
 def test_matplotlib_pyplot_visitor(self):
     import_stmt = [
         'import matplotlib',
         'import matplotlib as mpl',
         'import matplotlib.pyplot',
         'import matplotlib.pyplot as plt',
         'import matplotlib.pyplot.figure as fig',
         'import ast, matplotlib',
         'import ast, matplotlib as mpl',
         'import ast, matplotlib.pyplot',
         'import ast, matplotlib.pyplot as plt',
         'import ast, matplotlib.pyplot.figure as fig',
         'from matplotlib import pyplot',
         'from matplotlib import pyplot as plt',
         'from matplotlib.pyplot import figure',
         'get_ipython().run_line_magic("matplotlib", "notebook")',
     tree = ast.parse('\n'.join(import_stmt))
     v = iw.GetMatplotlibPyplot()
     # find first line where matplotlib is imported
     self.assertEqual(v.matplotlib_first, 1)
     # find all aliases for matplotlib
     expected_mpl_aliases = ['matplotlib', 'mpl', 'matplotlib', 'mpl']
     self.assertEqual(v.matplotlib_aliases, expected_mpl_aliases)
     # find all aliases for matplotlib.pyplot
     expected_plt_aliases = [
     self.assertEqual(v.pyplot_aliases, expected_plt_aliases)
     expected_plt_paths = {('matplotlib', 'pyplot'), ('mpl', 'pyplot'),
                           ('plt', ), ('pyplot', )}
     self.assertEqual(v.pyplot_paths, expected_plt_paths)
     # find lines interactive mode, backend setup and magic functions
     self.assertEqual(v.pyplot_interactive_linenos, [14, 16])
     self.assertEqual(v.matplotlib_backend_linenos, [17, 18])
     self.assertEqual(v.ipython_magic_linenos, [19])
Beispiel #3
                                cell['source'], flags=re.M)

# if matplotlib is used in this script, split cell to keep the import
# statement separate and avoid a known bug in the Jupyter backend which
# causes the plot object to be represented as a string instead of a
# canvas when created in the cell where matplotlib is imported for the
# first time (
for i in range(len(nb['cells'])):
    cell = nb['cells'][i]
    if cell['cell_type'] == 'code' and 'matplotlib' in cell['source']:
        code = iw.protect_ipython_magics(cell['source'])
        # split cells after matplotlib imports
        mapping = iw.delimit_statements(code)
        tree = ast.parse(code)
        visitor = iw.GetMatplotlibPyplot()
        if visitor.matplotlib_first:
            code = iw.deprotect_ipython_magics(code)
            lines = code.split('\n')
            lineno_end = mapping[visitor.matplotlib_first]
            split_code = '\n'.join(lines[lineno_end:]).lstrip('\n')
            if split_code:
                new_cell = nbformat.v4.new_code_cell(source=split_code)
                nb['cells'].insert(i + 1, new_cell)
            lines = lines[:lineno_end]
            nb['cells'][i]['source'] = '\n'.join(lines).rstrip('\n')

# substitute global variables and disable OpenGL/Mayavi GUI
cell_separator = '\n##{}\n'.format(uuid.uuid4().hex)