Beispiel #1
def retrieve_content():
    return_value = success('The content was retrieved.')
    return_value['contents'] = []

    payload = get_payload(request)

    content_id = payload.get('id')
    if content_id:
        content = Content.get(content_id)
        if content:
            return_value['contents'] = [content.to_dict(camel_case=True)]
            return_value['success'] = False
            return_value['messages'] = ['No content found with that ID.']
        # No ID passed... we should return more than one result.
        current_page = payload.get('current_page', 1)
        page_size = payload.get('page_size', 5)
        content_type = payload.get('content_type', 'post')
        published = payload.get('published', True)
        contents = Content.filter(Content.type == content_type)\
                          .filter(Content.published == published)\

        contents, maxpages = paginate(contents, current_page, page_size)
        if contents:
            return_value['contents'] = results_to_dict(
                contents, camel_case=True)

    return jsonify(return_value)
Beispiel #2
def retrieve_content():
    return_value = success('The content was retrieved.')
    return_value['contents'] = []

    payload = get_payload(request)

    content_id = payload.get('id')
    if content_id:
        content = Content.get(content_id)
        if content:
            return_value['contents'] = [content.to_dict(camel_case=True)]
            return_value['success'] = False
            return_value['messages'] = ['No content found with that ID.']
        # No ID passed... we should return more than one result.
        current_page = payload.get('current_page', 1)
        page_size = payload.get('page_size', 5)
        content_type = payload.get('content_type', 'post')
        published = payload.get('published', True)
        contents = Content.filter(Content.type == content_type)\
                          .filter(Content.published == published)\

        contents, maxpages = paginate(contents, current_page, page_size)
        if contents:
            return_value['contents'] = results_to_dict(contents, camel_case=True)

    return jsonify(return_value)
Beispiel #3
def blog_index(page=1, tag=None):
    tag_chunks = []
    tags = json.loads(get_tags_in_use())
    if tags:
        if len(tags) > 16:
            tags = tags[:16]
        tag_chunks = chunks(tags, 4)

    limit = get_setting("posts-per-page", 4)

    posts = Content.filter(Content.published == True)\
                   .filter(Content.type == "post")\

    if tag:
        posts = posts.filter(Content.tags.contains(tag))

    posts, max_pages = paginate(posts, page, limit)
    return render('index.html', user=import_user(), posts=posts, current_page=page,
                  max_pages=max_pages, tag_chunks=tag_chunks, tag=tag,