Beispiel #1
    def register_role(cls, new_class):
        Validate and register a new Role
        class in the Manager to be used
        in the project.
        from improved_permissions.utils import is_role

        # Check if is actually a role class.
        if not is_role(new_class):
            raise ImproperlyConfigured('"%s" is not a class inherited '
                                       'from Role.' % str(new_class))

        # Looking for name conflits or if this
        # class was already registered before.
        new_name = new_class.get_class_name()
        for current_class in cls.__ROLE_CLASSES_LIST:
            current_name = current_class.get_class_name()
            if current_class == new_class:
                raise ImproperlyConfigured('"%s" was already registered as '
                                           'a valid Role class.' % new_name)

            elif current_name == new_name:
                raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                    '"Another role was already defined using '
                    '"%s". Choose another name for this Role '
                    'class.' % current_name)

Beispiel #2
    def __validate_allow_deny(cls, new_class, allow_field, deny_field):
        This method validates the set attributes "allow/inherit_allow"
        and "deny/inherit_deny", checking if their values are a valid
        list of permissions in string representation.
        name = new_class.get_verbose_name()

        # Checking for "allow" and "deny" fields
        c_allow = hasattr(new_class, allow_field)
        c_deny = hasattr(new_class, deny_field)

        # XOR operation.
        if c_allow and c_deny or not c_allow and not c_deny:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                'Provide either "%s" or "%s" when inherit=True'
                ' or models=ALL_MODELS for the Role "%s".'
                '' % (allow_field, deny_field, name))

        if c_allow and isinstance(getattr(new_class, allow_field), list):
            result = ALLOW_MODE

        elif c_deny and isinstance(getattr(new_class, deny_field), list):
            result = DENY_MODE
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                '"%s" or "%s" must to be a list in the Role '
                '"%s".' % (allow_field, deny_field, name))

        # Return the mode.
        return result
Beispiel #3
    def __validate_allow_deny(cls, new_class, allow_field, deny_field):
        This method validates the set attributes "allow/inherit_allow"
        and "deny/inherit_deny", checking if their values are a valid
        list of permissions in string representation.
        name = new_class.get_verbose_name()

        # Checking for "allow" and "deny" fields
        c_allow = hasattr(new_class, allow_field)
        c_deny = hasattr(new_class, deny_field)

        # XOR operation.
        if c_allow and c_deny or not c_allow and not c_deny:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                'Provide either "%s" or "%s" when inherit=True'
                ' or models=ALL_MODELS for the Role "%s".'
                '' % (allow_field, deny_field, name))

        if c_allow and isinstance(getattr(new_class, allow_field), list):
            perms_list = getattr(new_class, allow_field)
            result = ALLOW_MODE

        elif c_deny and isinstance(getattr(new_class, deny_field), list):
            perms_list = getattr(new_class, deny_field)
            result = DENY_MODE
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                '"%s" or "%s" must to be a list in the Role '
                '"%s".' % (allow_field, deny_field, name))

        # Check if the permissions given via "inherit_allow"
        # or "inherit_deny" exists in the Permission database.
        from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission
        for perm in perms_list:
            except (AttributeError, Permission.DoesNotExist):
                raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                    '"%s" does not exist in the Permission database.' % perm)
        # Return the mode.
        return result
Beispiel #4
def is_unique_together(model):
    Return True if the model does not
    accept multiple roles attached to
    it using the user instance.
    options = getattr(model, 'RoleOptions', None)
    if options:
        unique = getattr(options, 'unique_together', None)
        if unique:
            if isinstance(unique, bool):
                return unique
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                'The field "unique_together" of "%s" must '
                'be a bool value.' % (str(model)))
    return False
Beispiel #5
    def __validate(cls, new_class):  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        Check if all attributes needed
        was properly defined in the
        new Role class.
        name = new_class.get_class_name()

        # Check for "verbose_name" definition.
        if not hasattr(new_class, 'verbose_name'):
            raise ImproperlyConfigured('Provide a "verbose_name" definition '
                                       'to the Role class "%s".' % name)

        # Check if the atribute "models" is
        # defined correctly.

        # Role classes with "models" = ALLMODELS
        # does not use allow/deny. In this case,
        # all permissions must be specified in
        # "inherit_allow" and "inherit_deny".
        if new_class.models != ALL_MODELS:
            new_class.MODE = cls.__validate_allow_deny(new_class, 'allow',

        # Ensuring that "inherit" exists.
        # Default: False
        if not hasattr(new_class, 'inherit') or not isinstance(
                new_class.inherit, bool):
            new_class.inherit = False

        if new_class.inherit is True:
            new_class.INHERIT_MODE = cls.__validate_allow_deny(
                new_class, 'inherit_allow', 'inherit_deny')

        # Ensuring that "unique" exists.
        # Default: False
        if not hasattr(new_class, 'unique') or not isinstance(
                new_class.unique, bool):
            new_class.unique = False

        # Ensuring that "ranking" exists.
        # Default: 0
        if not hasattr(new_class, 'ranking') or not isinstance(
                new_class.ranking, int):
            new_class.ranking = 0
Beispiel #6
    def __validate_models(cls, new_class):
        Check if the attribute "models" is a valid list
        of Django models or the constant ALL_MODELS.
        name = new_class.get_verbose_name()

        models_isvalid = True
        if hasattr(new_class, 'models'):
            if isinstance(new_class.models, list):
                # Check for every item in the "models" list.
                valid_list = list()
                for model in new_class.models:
                    # Get the model class or "app_label.model".
                    model_class = get_model(model)
                    if model_class:
                        models_isvalid = False
                new_class.models = valid_list
            elif new_class.models == ALL_MODELS:
                # Role classes with ALL_MODELS autoimplies inherit=True.
                new_class.inherit = True
                new_class.unique = False
                new_class.MODE = DENY_MODE
                new_class.allow = []
                new_class.deny = []
                models_isvalid = False
            models_isvalid = False

        if not models_isvalid:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                'Provide a list of Models classes via definition '
                'of "models" to the Role class "%s".' % name)
Beispiel #7
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
     raise ImproperlyConfigured('RoleManager must not be instantiated.')
Beispiel #8
 def __protect(cls):
     if cls == Role:
         raise ImproperlyConfigured(
             'The role class itself must not be used.')