Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, magnitude=STANDARD_GRAVITY):
        Construct field model.

        @param magnitude: Magnitude of field in m/s^2. Default is standard
            Earth gravity.
        ConstantVectorField.__init__(self, vector(0, 0, magnitude))
    def __init__(self, magnitude=STANDARD_GRAVITY):
        Construct field model.

        @param magnitude: Magnitude of field in m/s^2. Default is standard
            Earth gravity.
        ConstantVectorField.__init__(self, vector(0, 0, magnitude))
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, magnitude=50e-6, inclination=70, declination=0):
        Construct field model.

        Default parameters result in a field with a magnitude of 50
        microTesla, a 70 degree downwards inclination and 0 degrees
        declination. These defaults are based on the nominal values for
        Edinburgh, UK, with declination set to 0 degrees so that magnetic
        and true North are equivalent.

        @param magnitude: Magnitude of the field, in Teslas.
        @param inclination: Inclination of the field to the horizontal,
            in degrees.
        @param declination: Delcination of the field from true North,
            in degrees.
        theta = math.radians(declination)
        ctheta = math.cos(theta)
        stheta = math.sin(theta)
        phi = math.radians(inclination)
        cphi = math.cos(phi)
        sphi = math.sin(phi)
        value = magnitude * vectors.vector(cphi*ctheta, cphi*stheta, sphi)
        ConstantVectorField.__init__(self, value)