def webreg(userexcel):
    args = {
        "east": "frozen_east_text_detection.pb",
        "min_confidence": 0.5,
        "width": 320,
        "height": 320,
        "padding": 0.0,
        "webcam": "",  # path of webcam
        "excel": userexcel,

    (W, H) = (None, None)  # actual dimensions of image 720x460 etc
    (newW, newH) = (args["width"], args["height"])  # required dimewnsion
    (rW, rH) = (None, None)  # ration of both

    layerNames = [
        "feature_fusion/Conv_7/Sigmoid",  # Scores - probability
    ]  # geometry - dimensions of the bounding box

    print("loading EAST text detector...")

    net = cv2.dnn.readNet(args["east"])

    # if no webcam path, grabbing the reference to the web cam

    print("[INFO] starting webcam stream...")
    vs = WebcamVideoStream(src=0).start()  # 0 for default webcam
    # time.sleep(1.0)

    fnumber = -10
    vfname = []
    T = []
    predictedTexts = []
    fps = FPS().start()
    while True:
        if args["webcam"]:
            fnumber += 10
            vs.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, fnumber)

        frame =
        frame = frame[1] if args.get("webcam", False) else frame

        # check to see if we have reached the end of the stream
        if frame is None:

        # resize the frame maintain aspect ratio
        frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=1000)
        orig = frame.copy()

        if W is None or H is None:
            (H, W) = frame.shape[:2]  # actual size
            rW = W / float(newW)
            rH = H / float(newH)

        # resize the frame
        frame = cv2.resize(frame, (newW, newH))

        # construct a blob
        blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(frame,
                                     1.0, (newW, newH),
                                     (123.68, 116.78, 103.94),

        (scores, geometry) = net.forward(layerNames)

        # decode the predictions obtaining probabilites and position of box
        (rects, confidences) = decode_predictions_video(scores, geometry, args)

        boxes = non_max_suppression(np.array(rects), probs=confidences)

        pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'
        for (startX, startY, endX, endY) in boxes:
            # scaling the bounding box coordinates based on the respective ratios
            startX = int(startX * rW)
            startY = int(startY * rH)
            endX = int(endX * rW)
            endY = int(endY * rH)

            # applying padding in percentage
            dX = int((endX - startX) * args["padding"])
            dY = int((endY - startY) * args["padding"])

            # apply padding to each side of the bounding box, respectively
            startX = max(0, startX - dX)
            startY = max(0, startY - dY)
            endX = min(W, endX + (dX * 2))
            endY = min(H, endY + (dY * 2))

            # extract the actual padded image out of original
            roi = orig[startY:endY, startX:endX]

            # config stating language, LSTM model and stating all is one line of text
            config = ("-l eng --oem 1 --psm 7")

            # obtaining text out of image
            text = filterText_video(
                pytesseract.image_to_string(roi, config=config))
            # text = pytesseract.image_to_string(roi, config=config)
            if text and text not in predictedTexts:
                # add the bounding box coordinates and text

                print("Predicted Text")

                # timestamps for webcam wil be in realtime whereas for webcam will be according to webcam
                if args["webcam"]:
                    print(text, " at time ~ ", end="")
                              )  # converting millisecs into hour min secs
                    Tt =
                        "%H:%M:%S on %d/%m/%Y")
                # draw the bounding box on the frame
                cv2.rectangle(orig, (startX, startY), (endX, endY),
                              (0, 255, 0), 2)

                rnd = time.time()
                fname = str(rnd) + ".jpg"
                cv2.imwrite(fname, orig)


        # show the output frame
        cv2.imshow("Text Detection", orig)

        # if the `q` key was pressed, break from the loop
        key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
        if key == ord("q"):

    # stop the timer and display FPS information
    print("[INFO] elasped time: {:.2f}".format(fps.elapsed()))
    print("[INFO] approx. FPS: {:.2f}".format(fps.fps()))

    # if we are using a webcam, release the pointer
    if not args["webcam"]:
    # otherwise, release the file pointer of webcam

    # close all windows

    data = pd.read_csv("C:\\Users\\hp\\Desktop\\ml\\static\\" + args["excel"])
    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Bib_no'])

    bib_list = df.values.tolist()
    print('bib_list : ', bib_list)

    print('predictedTexts : ', predictedTexts)
    n = len(bib_list)

    pred = []
    for el in predictedTexts:
        sub = el.split(', ')

    print('pred:', pred)

    if (len(pred) != n):
    print('pred:', pred)

    p = len(pred)

    b = []
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(p):
            if (bib_list[i] == pred[j]):
                df.loc[i, 'Status'] = T[j]
                #df.loc[i, 'Time and Date'] = T[j]
                df.loc[i, 'Status'] = 'Not Predicted'

    #df.Status.fillna("Not predicted", inplace=True)


    download_source = (

    return predictedTexts, vfname, T
Beispiel #2
def run_main(timeTag):
    ## KEYBOARD command:  esc / "q" key to escape, "d" / "D" key to delete the trial.
        "KEYBOARD command:  esc / q key to escape, d / D key to delete the trial."
    """ get screen resolution info"""
    screen_w = pygame.display.Info().current_w
    screen_h = pygame.display.Info().current_h
    pygame.quit()  # check if this line needs to be disabled

    global width, height, lens_h, cup_h
    width = 640
    height = 480  #360
    lens_h = 0.8  #Lens vertical height
    cup_h = 0.08  #Cup surface height

    global running
    running = True
    # color filter range for calcHist

    pts = deque(maxlen=args["buffer"])
    pts_orig = deque(maxlen=args["buffer"])

    ############  camera alignment ###############
    centerx = int(width / 2)
    centery = int(height / 2)
    #  new table inner dimension: 87cm x 57cm.  (34x22)
    magfactor = 3
    table_width_in_cm = 87
    table_height_in_cm = 57
    table_halfw = table_width_in_cm * magfactor  # (large), smaller: 230 table half-width approx. unit in px
    table_halfh = table_height_in_cm * magfactor  # # table half-height approx.  # unit in px.

    ### Check if you need another snapshot during experiment due to disturbed camera or table.
    need_to_take_snapshot = False
    need_to_take_snapshot = check_camera(args, width, centerx, centery,
                                         table_halfw, table_halfh, timeTag,
                                         camera_port, screen_w, screen_h)
    """ take a snapshot of the board in png"""
    if need_to_take_snapshot:  #
        img_name, circles = take_snapshot(args, width, centerx, centery,
                                          table_halfw, table_halfh, timeTag,
                                          camera_port, screen_w, screen_h)
    else:  #if args.get("video", False):
        print("load snapshot, load pickle data")

        # just loading snapshot
        lastTimeTag = pickle.load(open("lastTimeTag.dump", 'rb'))
        print("last time tag", lastTimeTag)

        timetag_circles = lastTimeTag + "_circles.dump"

        circles = pickle.load(
            open(os.path.join("Output", "pickles", timetag_circles), 'rb'))
        img_name = lastTimeTag + ".png"

        #####  make a copied pickle data with new timeTag  ###########
        dataOutput_path = save_output_at("pickles")
        savefile_circles = os.path.join(dataOutput_path,
                                        timeTag + "_circles.dump")

        pickle.dump(circles, open(savefile_circles,
                                  'wb'))  # save circle characteristics
        pickle.dump(timeTag, open("lastTimeTag.dump",
                                  'wb'))  # save the latest time tag.
        """ test pick dump multiple """
        print("{} written!".format(savefile_circles))

    print("Image name: ", img_name)

    ###  grab the reference to the camera
    if args.get("thread", False):
        print("thread  started #################################")
        cap = WebcamVideoStream(src=camera_port).start()
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(camera_port)

    fps = FPS().start()

    # Read the first frame of the video
    if args.get("thread", False):
        frame =
        ret, frame =

    # sound effect related
    startCirclefx, endCirclefx, obstablefx, GoSound = sound_effects()

    # Define the codec and create VideoWriter object
    fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*args["codec"])

    writer = None
    writer_raw = None
    (h, w) = (None, None)
    zeros = None

    # Cup data to write to file
    dataOut = []
    elapsedTimeList = []
    xObjectList = []
    yObjectList = []
    xObjectList_ball = []
    yObjectList_ball = []
    start_cueList = []
    startTimeList = []
    reachTimeList = []
    goalReachedList = []
    # pandas dataframe output
    data = pd.DataFrame([])

    # Start time
    startTime = time.time() * 1000.0
    startTimeRaw = time.time()
    startTimeFormatted =
        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%f")[:-3]
    ###%%%%%% convert to human readable: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')

    num_frames = 0
    start_cue = 0
    delete_trial = 0  # whether to delete this trial because it is bad trial
    soundplayed = 0
    inTargetzone = 0  #  in P2P, you are in target zone.
    forceQuit = 0  # when you press 'c' to force quit at the end OR time is up.
    reach_time = 0
    targetzone_time = 0
    reach_time_start = 0
    marker = 0
    in_circle = 0

    ####################### pygame sound ####################
    if args["mode"] == "pygame":

    cv2.namedWindow('main')  # main window name
    """ Window positioning """
    cv2.moveWindow("main", 515, 0)  # Move it to (x, y)

    ############### main loop  #####################
    while running:
        if args.get("thread", False):  # cheap
            frame_orig =
            frame_raw = frame_orig.copy()
            ret, frame_orig =
            if not ret:
        """ Resize the frame to increase speed."""
        frame = imutils.resize(frame_orig, width=width)
        if not args.get("video", False):  # NOT a postprocessing mode
            frame_raw = imutils.resize(frame_raw, width=width)
        t = time.time()

        if args.get("timed", False) > 0:  # time limit was set in -t argument.
            if args["tasktype"] == "p2p":
                if inTargetzone > 0 and marker == 0:  # end the trial when goal is reached.
                    reach_time = time.time() * 1000 - startTime
                    targetzone_time = time.time(
                    ) * 1000  # the time when the cup entered the target
                    marker = 1

            if start_cue < 1 and time.time(
            ) * 1000.0 - startTime > 1 * 1000.0:  # start go sound at 1 second.
                start_cue = 1

            ### Go! Text displayed
            if start_cue == 1 and time.time(
            ) * 1000.0 - startTime < 2.5 * 1000.0:
                cv2.putText(frame, "Go! ", (400, 40), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX,
                            2.0, (224, 255, 255), 13)  #

            if time.time() * 1000.0 - startTime > args.get(
                    "timed", False) * 1000.0:  # in seconds (termination time)
                seconds = (time.time() * 1000.0 - startTime) / 1000.0
                #if args['tasktype'] == "fig8":
                forceQuit = 1
                # Calculate frames per second
                fps_calc = num_frames / seconds
                print("Time taken: ", args.get("timed", False),
                      "s, fps: {0}".format(fps_calc))

        # check if the writer is None
        if writer is None:
            # store the image dimensions, initialzie the video writer,
            # and construct the zeros array
            if args.get("video", False):  # postprocessing mode
                width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
                height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
                width = width  # 640
                height = height  # 360 (480 doesn't write to file)

            videoName_path = save_video_os(args, timeTag)

            print('fourcc:', fourcc)
            print('w, h:', width, height)
            writer = cv2.VideoWriter(videoName_path, fourcc, args["fps"],
                                     (width, height), True)
            zeros = np.zeros((height, width), dtype="uint8")

        hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)  # expensive 1.5ms

        ########  Choose the type of tracking algorithm. ########################
        ### "el_object" - minimum enclosing elipse. (better when cup is warped toward the edge)
        global xObject, yObject  # have to check if making these global slows down.  WJS.

        if args["marker"] == "el_object":  # track ellipse ball
            (xObject, yObject, MA, ma, angle, len_cnts) = ellipse_tracking(hsv)

            if len_cnts > 0:
                # only proceed if the radius meets a minimum size
                if args["trace"] > 0:
                    if int(MA / 2 + ma / 2) > 10 & int(MA / 2 + ma / 2) < 100:
                        # draw the circle and centroid on the frame,
                        # then update the list of tracked points
                        cv2.ellipse(frame, (int(xObject), int(yObject)),
                                    (int(MA / 2), int(ma / 2)), int(angle), 0,
                                    360, (0, 255, 0), 3)
              , (int(xObject), int(yObject)), 5,
                                   (0, 0, 255), -1)
            cupx = xObject
            cupy = yObject

        elif args["marker"] == "el_object_dual":  # track ellipse cup + ball
            # WJS note: Kalman filter noise parameter may be tuned.
            # Delayed added by the Kalman filter need to be checked.
            # Kalman filter doesn't fix the jumping problem when there are two objects with a same color.
            # Need further process to precent jumping.

            # (xObject, yObject, MA, ma, angle, len_cnts) = ellipse_tracking(hsv)
            (xObject_list, yObject_list, MA_list, ma_list, angle_list,
             len_cnts_list, bad_ball) = ellipse_dual_tracking(hsv)
            if not args["idlevel"] == "ID1":
                if bad_ball:  # if the ball detection is false, skip this frame. (test this method)
                    print("ball detection failed for this frame.")
                    xObject_list[1] = 999  # ball
                    yObject_list[1] = 999  # ball
                    # if args["tasktype"]=="p2p":  # if p2p, skip this rare frame. if fig 8
                    #     continue
            num_of_colors = 2
            for i in range(num_of_colors):
                xObject = xObject_list[i]
                yObject = yObject_list[i]
                MA = MA_list[i]
                ma = ma_list[i]
                angle = angle_list[i]
                len_cnts = len_cnts_list[i]

                if len_cnts > 0:
                    # only proceed if the radius meets a minimum size
                    if args["trace"] > 0:
                        if int(MA / 2 +
                               ma / 2) > 10 & int(MA / 2 + ma / 2) < 100:
                            # draw the circle and centroid on the frame,
                            # then update the list of tracked points
                            if i == 0:  # orange cup
                                            (int(xObject), int(yObject)),
                                            (int(MA / 2), int(ma / 2)),
                                            int(angle), 0, 360, (0, 255, 0), 2)
                            # else:  # green ball
                            #     cv2.ellipse(frame, (int(xObject), int(yObject)),
                            #                 (int(MA / 2), int(ma / 2)), int(angle), 0, 360, (0, 255, 255), 2)

                  , (int(xObject), int(yObject)), 5,
                                       (0, 255, 255), -1)

            cupx = xObject_list[0]
            cupy = yObject_list[0]
        """ P2P: Determine the starting and ending target based on initial coordinate"""
        if args["tasktype"] == "p2p":
            if num_frames == 0:  # run only in the first frame, causes no delay.
                if math.hypot(cupx - circles[0][0],
                              cupy - circles[0][1]) < circles[0][2]:
                    start_cicle_ind = 0
                    end_cicle_ind = 1
                elif math.hypot(cupx - circles[1][0],
                                cupy - circles[1][1]) < circles[1][2]:
                    start_cicle_ind = 1
                    end_cicle_ind = 0
                    start_cicle_ind = 1
                    end_cicle_ind = 0
                    print('cup xObject:', cupx, ' cup yObject:', cupy)
                    #raise RuntimeError("Cup is not positioned in the start circle.")
                start_x = circles[start_cicle_ind][0]
                start_y = circles[start_cicle_ind][1]
                start_r = circles[start_cicle_ind][2]
                end_x = circles[end_cicle_ind][0]
                end_y = circles[end_cicle_ind][1]
                end_r = circles[end_cicle_ind][2]

        currentTime = time.time() * 1000
        elapsedTime = currentTime - startTime


        #if not args["marker"]=="cup":
        if args["marker"] == "el_object_dual":

        pts.appendleft((int(xObject), int(yObject)))

        ### Drawing clock, line trace, and traces. (even if display=0, it can be written to file)
        if args["clock"] > 0:
            drawClock(frame, num_frames, elapsedTime, timeTag, virtual=0)
            # if not args.get("video", False):  # NOT a postprocessing mode
            #     drawClock(frame_raw, num_frames, elapsedTime, timeTag, virtual=0)

        if len(pts) > 100:
            pts_draw = pts[:100]  # keep last 100 points to draw line.
            pts_draw = pts
        """###### line trace  ######"""
        if args["linetrace"] > 0:
            # loop over the set of tracked points (improve to be < O(n))
            for i in range(1, len(pts_draw)
                           ):  # what is xrange in python2 is range in python 3
                if pts_draw[i - 1] is None or pts_draw[i] is None:
                # draw the connecting lines
                thickness = int(np.sqrt(args["buffer"] / float(i + 1)) * 2.5)
                cv2.line(frame, pts_draw[i - 1], pts_draw[i], (255, 0, 0),
                         thickness)  #blue  (circle)
        """  Cursor potision - In or out of target """
        if args["tasktype"] == "p2p":
            if math.hypot(cupx - start_x, cupy - start_y) < start_r:
                print("in the starting circle")
            if math.hypot(cupx - end_x, cupy - end_y) < end_r:
                inTargetzone = 1
                print("in the end circle")
                in_circle = 1
                in_circle = 0

        ###############  audiovidual feedback  ##################
        ## This is very cheap operation
        if args["targetsound"] > 0:  # sound at target
            if args["tasktype"] == "p2p":
                if in_circle:
            # play once
        if args["targetvisual"] > 0:
            if args["tasktype"] == "p2p":
                if in_circle:
                    if num_frames % 8 == 0:  # blinks
              , (int(end_x), int(end_y)),
                                   end_r, (0, 0, 255),
        """ display"""
        if args["display"] > 0:
            cv2.imshow("main", frame)  # expensive

        ###########  KEYBOARD INPUTS (typical) ##############

# if the 'q' key is pressed, stop the loop
        k = cv2.waitKey(
        ) & 0xFF  # very expensive. 19ms. # default output = 255 (at least in python 3.6)
        if k == 27:  # esc (Break and save)
        elif k == 67 or k == 99:  # "C" and "c" key: completed the fig8 task.
            inTargetzone = 1
        elif k == 68 or k == 100:  # "D" and "d" key: delete.
            delete_trial = 1

        # write the frame
        writer.write(frame)  # 1.3ms

        prev_num_frames = num_frames
        num_frames = num_frames + 1
        fps.update()  # update the FPS counter

    ### stop the timer and display FPS information

    print("[INFO] elasped time: {:.2f}".format(fps.elapsed()))
    print("[INFO] approx. FPS: {:.2f}".format(fps.fps()))
    """ with meta data written on top """
    if not delete_trial:
        if args["marker"] == "el_object" or args[
                "marker"] == "el_object_dual":  # track ball
            """ with meta data written on top """
            data = pd.DataFrame({
                'elapsedTime': elapsedTimeList,
                'xObject': xObjectList,
                'yObject': yObjectList,
                'xObject_ball': xObjectList_ball,
                'yObject_ball': yObjectList_ball,
                'reachTime': reachTimeList,
                'startCue': start_cueList
        """ GUI popup to ask if the trial was a success"""
        # x = int(input("Was this trial a success?  Y(1) or N(0) "))
        # replace with GUI to ask if this was a successful trial.
        import graphical_panel.popup_window as POPUP
        app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
        w = POPUP.Window()
        # w.setWindowTitle('User Input')
        retval = [None] * 3
        i = 0
        for ch in w.get_data():
            retval[i] = ch
            i = i + 1
        isSuccess = retval[0]
        print('what does it say: ', isSuccess)
        note = retval[2]
        """ handedness considerations. """
        if args['tasktype'] == 'p2p':
            if start_x <= centerx:
                if args['handedness'] == "r":  # right hander
                    dir_of_move = 'ow'
                    dir_of_move = 'iw'
                if args['handedness'] == "r":  # right hander
                    dir_of_move = 'iw'
                    dir_of_move = 'ow'

            dir_of_move = 'any'

        sharedFileName = save_dataframe_os(
            data, args, timeTag, isSuccess, note,
            dir_of_move)  # write dataframe to file

    if not args['thread'] > 0: