Beispiel #1
    def find_xslt(self, document):
        """ Return the filename of an xslt template to use to render this document.

        The normal Django templating system is used to find a template. The first template
        found is used.
        candidates = filename_candidates(document, prefix='xsl/', suffix='.xsl')
        best = find_best_static(candidates)
        if not best:
            raise ValueError("Couldn't find XSLT file to use for %s, tried: %s" % (document, candidates))
        return best
Beispiel #2
    def html_to_text(self, html, doc):
        """ Transform HTML (a str) into Akoma-Ntoso friendly text (str).
        candidates = filename_candidates(doc, prefix='xsl/html_to_akn_text_', suffix='.xsl')
        xslt_filename = find_best_static(candidates)
        if not xslt_filename:
            raise ValueError("Couldn't find XSLT file to use for %s, tried: %s" % (doc, candidates))

        html = ET.HTML(html)
        xslt = ET.XSLT(ET.parse(xslt_filename))
        result = xslt(html)
        return str(result)