Beispiel #1
def id_url(ag):
    # Return identifier URLs in a prioritized order
    # TODO: we should add handling for UPPRO here, however, that would require
    # access to UniProt client resources in the context of the DB REST API
    # which could be problematic
    for db_name in link_namespace_order:
        if db_name in ag.db_refs:
            # Handle a special case where a list of IDs is given
            if isinstance(ag.db_refs[db_name], list):
                db_id = ag.db_refs[db_name][0]
                if db_name == 'WM':
                    db_id = db_id[0]
                db_id = ag.db_refs[db_name]
            # We can add more name spaces here if there are issues
            if db_name in {'CHEBI'}:
                db_id = ensure_prefix('CHEBI', db_id)
            # Here we validate IDs to make sure we don't surface invalid
            # links.
            if not validate_id(db_name, db_id):
                logger.debug('Invalid grounding encountered: %s:%s' %
                             (db_name, db_id))
            # Finally, we return a valid URL
            return get_identifiers_url(db_name, db_id)
Beispiel #2
def extract_context(annotations, annot_manager):
    """Return a BioContext object extracted from the annotations.

    The entries that are extracted into the BioContext are popped from the

    annotations : dict
        PyBEL annotations dict
    annot_manager : AnnotationManager
        An annotation manager to get name/db reference mappings for each ot the
        annotation types.

    bc : BioContext
        An INDRA BioContext object
    def get_annot(annotations, key):
        """Return a specific annotation given a key."""
        val = annotations.pop(key, None)
        if val:
            val_list = [v for v, tf in val.items() if tf]
            if len(val_list) > 1:
                logger.warning('More than one "%s" in annotations' % key)
            elif not val_list:
                return None
            return val_list[0]
        return None

    bc = BioContext()
    species = get_annot(annotations, 'Species')
    if species:
        name = annot_manager.get_mapping('Species', species)
        bc.species = RefContext(name=name, db_refs={'TAXONOMY': species})

    mappings = (('CellLine', 'cell_line', None), ('Disease', 'disease', None),
                ('Anatomy', 'organ', None), ('Cell', 'cell_type', None),
                ('CellStructure', 'location', 'MESH'))
    for bel_name, indra_name, ns in mappings:
        ann = get_annot(annotations, bel_name)
        if ann:
            ref = annot_manager.get_mapping(bel_name, ann)
            if ref is None:
            if not ns:
                db_ns, db_id = ref.split('_', 1)
                db_ns, db_id = ns, ref
            if db_ns == 'CLO':
                db_ns = 'CL'
            if db_ns in {'CL', 'UBERON', 'DOID'}:
                db_id = identifiers.ensure_prefix(db_ns, db_id)
            setattr(bc, indra_name, RefContext(name=ann,
                                               db_refs={db_ns: db_id}))
    # Overwrite blank BioContext
    if not bc:
        bc = None
    return bc
Beispiel #3
def get_ref_context(db_ns, db_id):
    db_id = db_id.strip()
    if db_ns in {'BTO'}:
        db_id = ensure_prefix(db_ns, db_id)
    standard_name, db_refs = standardize_name_db_refs({db_ns: db_id})
    return RefContext(standard_name, db_refs)