def processInformation(expName='GNS', spikeFile='GaussianNatScene.spk', dnew={}): ''' Load spikes from spikeFile Extract last parameters used from expName in parameters.txt Update any parameters according to dnew (in case I want to change something) do whatever processing I feel is necessary ''' # load basic dictionary with experimental data, cells and the seq of Home and Targets print('Loading cells and variables') d, cells, blockSeq, blockStartT, blockEndT = preProcess(expName, spikeFile) d.update(dnew) # Define a TW for computing basic response properties TW_startT = .05 TW_endT = .20 binsN = 4 eventStartT = _np.array(blockStartT) + TW_startT eventEndT = _np.array(blockStartT) + TW_endT binLength = (TW_endT - TW_startT)/binsN # compute Latency and spike count print('Processing Latency for all cells') latency = ba.processNested(rt.getLatency, 0, cells, eventStartT, eventEndT, noSpikeSymbol = - binLength/2) print('Processing Spike Count for all cells') spkCnt = ba.processNested(rt.getSpkCnt, 0, cells, eventStartT, eventEndT) # convert latency into discrete symbols (for each cell) latency = ba.processNested(lambda x: _np.floor(x/binLength), 0, latency) # combine latency and spkCnt into a unique symbol spkCntLat = ba.processNested(lambda x, y: list(zip(x, y)), 0, latency, spkCnt) # process information print('Processing Information') latencyInfo = ba.processNested(info.mi, 0, latency, blockSeq) spkCntInfo = ba.processNested(info.mi, 0, spkCnt, blockSeq) spkCntLatInfo = [info.mi(spkCntLat[i], blockSeq) for i in range(len(cells))] # as a control, process information with a shuffled version of blockSeq shuffled = blockSeq.copy() _np.random.shuffle(shuffled) latencyInfoSh = ba.processNested(info.mi, 0, latency, shuffled) spkCntInfoSh = ba.processNested(info.mi, 0, spkCnt, shuffled) spkCntLatInfoSh = [info.mi(spkCntLat[i], shuffled) for i in range(len(cells))] # make a nice plot print('Plotting information') _plt.close('Information') _plt.figure('Information') _plt.plot(latencyInfo, 'ro', label = 'Latency') _plt.plot(spkCntInfo, 'bo', label = 'Spike Count') _plt.plot(spkCntLatInfo, 'ko', label = 'Lat and SpkCnt') _plt.plot(latencyInfoSh, 'r.') _plt.plot(spkCntInfoSh, 'b.') _plt.plot(spkCntLatInfoSh, 'k.') _plt.ylabel('Information (Bits)') _plt.xlabel('Image ID') _plt.title('Mutual Information') _plt.legend() _plt.xlim(-.5, len(cells)+.5) return d, cells, latency, spkCnt, blockSeq, latencyInfo, spkCntInfo, spkCntLatInfo