Beispiel #1
def test_plugin_with_unsupporetd_option_type_in_spec(plugin_manager_fixture):
    """Tests that the user get a proper error

    :param plugin_manager_fixture: Fixture object which yields
    InfraredPluginManger object
    plugin_dir = os.path.join(SAMPLE_PLUGINS_DIR,
    plugin_dict = get_plugin_spec_flatten_dict(plugin_dir)

    plugin_manager = plugin_manager_fixture()

    from infrared.main import main as ir_main
    with pytest.raises(IRUnsupportedSpecOptionType):
        ir_main([plugin_dict['name'], '--help'])
Beispiel #2
def test_plugin_with_unsupporetd_option_type_in_spec(plugin_manager_fixture):
    """Tests that the user get a proper error

    :param plugin_manager_fixture: Fixture object which yields
    InfraredPluginManger object
    plugin_dir = os.path.join(SAMPLE_PLUGINS_DIR,
    plugin_dict = get_plugin_spec_flatten_dict(plugin_dir)

    plugin_manager = plugin_manager_fixture()

    from infrared.main import main as ir_main
    with pytest.raises(IRUnsupportedSpecOptionType):
        ir_main([plugin_dict['name'], '--help'])
Beispiel #3
def test_list_yamls_in_help_screen(plugin_manager_fixture):  # noqa
    """Tests that __LISTYAMLS__ placeholder works

    '__LISTYAMLS__' placeholder in help field of spec's option should be
    replaced with a list pf available YAML files
    :param plugin_manager_fixture: Fixture object which yields
    InfraredPluginManger object

    topology_help = """  --topology TOPOLOGY   help of topology option
                        Available values: {}""".format(
        list(set(['undercloud', 'compute']))
    topology_network_help = """  --topology-networks TOPOLOGY-NETWORKS
                        help of topology-networks option
                        Available values: """.format(
        list(set(['3_nics', '2_nics', '1_nics']))

    plugin_manager = plugin_manager_fixture()
    plugin_dir = os.path.join(SAMPLE_PLUGINS_DIR,
    plugin_dict = get_plugin_spec_flatten_dict(plugin_dir)


    help_cmd = ['ir', plugin_dict['name'], '--help']
    # Also replaces sys.argv[0] from 'pytest' to 'ir'
    sys.argv = help_cmd
    sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO()

        # argparse raises SystemExit after printing help screen
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as ex:
            assert ex.value.code == 0, \
                "Return code of help cmd '{}' is {}".format(
                    ' '.join(help_cmd), ex.code)
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

    rtrn_str = mystdout.getvalue()
    returned_str = rtrn_str[:rtrn_str.rfind('<StringIO.StringIO instance')]

    assert topology_help in returned_str
    assert topology_network_help in returned_str
Beispiel #4
def test_plugin_cli(plugin_manager_fixture, input_args, plugins_conf):
    """Tests that plugin CLI works

    :param plugin_manager_fixture: Fixture object which yields
    InfraredPluginManger object
    :param input_args: infrared's testing arguments
    :param plugins_conf: Plugins conf data as a dictionary

    from infrared.main import main as ir_main
    rc = ir_main(input_args.split())

    assert rc == 0, \
        "Return code ({}) != 0, cmd='infrared {}'".format(rc, input_args)
Beispiel #5
def test_plugin_cli(plugin_manager_fixture, input_args, plugins_conf):
    """Tests that plugin CLI works

    :param plugin_manager_fixture: Fixture object which yields
    InfraredPluginManger object
    :param input_args: infrared's testing arguments
    :param plugins_conf: Plugins conf data as a dictionary

    from infrared.main import main as ir_main
    rc = ir_main(input_args.split())

    assert rc == 0, \
        "Return code ({}) != 0, cmd='infrared {}'".format(rc, input_args)