Beispiel #1
    def load_meta(self, tar, job_id):
        """Load the metadata from a tar file into searchable structures."""
        # transaction id is the unique upload job id created by the ingest frontend
        self.transaction_id = job_id

        string = tar.extractfile('metadata.txt').read()

        meta_list = json.loads(string)

        # get the start index for the file
        self.file_count = file_count(tar)
        self.start_id = get_unique_id(self.file_count, 'file')

        self.files = {}

        # all we care about for now is the hash and the file path
        file_id = self.start_id
        for meta in meta_list:
            if meta['destinationTable'] == 'Files':
                meta['_id'] = file_id
                self.files[str(file_id)] = meta
                file_id += 1

        trans = {}
        trans['destinationTable'] = 'Transactions._id'
        trans['value'] = self.transaction_id

        self.meta_str = json.dumps(meta_list, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
def application(environ, start_response):
    """The wsgi callback."""
    info = environ['PATH_INFO']
    if info and info == '/get_state':
        job_id = get_job_id(environ)
        record = read_state(job_id)
        if record:
            status, response_headers, response_body = create_state_return(record)
            start_response(status, response_headers)
            return [response_body]
    elif info and info == '/upload':

        #celery_is_alive = ping_celery()

        celery_is_alive = True
        if celery_is_alive:
            # get temporary id from id server
            job_id = get_unique_id(1, 'upload_job')
            update_state(job_id, 'OK', 'UPLOADING', 0)

                filepath = receive(environ, job_id)
            except Exception, e:                
                update_state(job_id, 'FAILED', 'receive bundle', 100)

            if filepath != '':
                start_ingest(job_id, filepath)

            record = read_state(job_id)

            record = IngestState()
            record.state = 'ERROR: Celery is dead'
            record.job_id = -99

        if record:
            status, response_headers, response_body = create_state_return(record)
            start_response(status, response_headers)
            return [response_body]
Beispiel #3
    def test_tasks(self):
        """Test the ingest task."""
        job_id = get_unique_id(1, 'upload_job')

        ingest(job_id, 'test_data/good.tar')
Beispiel #4
def application(environ, start_response):
    """The wsgi callback."""
    info = environ['PATH_INFO']
    if info and info == '/get_state':
        job_id = get_job_id(environ)
            record = read_state(job_id)
        except peewee.DoesNotExist:
            status, response_headers, response_body = create_invalid_return()
            start_response(status, response_headers)
            return [response_body]
        if record:
            status, response_headers, response_body = create_state_return(
            start_response(status, response_headers)
            return [response_body]
    elif info and info == '/upload':

        # celery_is_alive = ping_celery()

        celery_is_alive = True
        if celery_is_alive:
            # get temporary id from id server
            job_id = get_unique_id(1, 'upload_job')
            update_state(job_id, 'OK', 'UPLOADING', 0)

                filepath = receive(environ, job_id)
            # pylint: disable=broad-except
            except Exception as exc:
                update_state(job_id, 'FAILED', 'receive bundle', 0, str(exc))
                status = '500 Internal Server Error'
                record = read_state(job_id)
                response_body = create_state_response(record)
                response_headers = [('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
                                    ('Content-Length', str(len(response_body)))
                start_response(status, response_headers)
                return [response_body]
            # pylint: enable=broad-except

            if filepath != '':
                start_ingest(job_id, filepath)

            record = read_state(job_id)

            record = IngestState()
            record.state = 'ERROR: Celery is dead'
            record.job_id = -99

        if record:
            status, response_headers, response_body = create_state_return(
            start_response(status, response_headers)
            return [response_body]

        status, response_headers, response_body = create_invalid_return()
        start_response(status, response_headers)
        return [response_body]

    status, response_headers, response_body = create_invalid_return()
    start_response(status, response_headers)
    return [response_body]
    def test_tasks(self):
        job_id = get_unique_id(1, 'upload_job')

        ingest(job_id, 'test_data/baby.tar')