Beispiel #1
    '''returns a float which is the populations average score'''
    total = sum(pop)
    return float(total) / float(len(pop))

def bestScore(pop, minmax='max'):
    '''returns the Gen with the highest score in a population'''
    if minmax == 'max':
        return sorted(pop, key=attrgetter('rawScore'))[len(pop) - 1]
        return sorted(pop, key=attrgetter('rawScore'))[0]

lower = 0  # bounds for Gen parameters
upper = 100
rpop = initialPop(20, lower, upper, 5)  # initializes pops
ypop = initialPop(20, lower, upper, 5)

for i in range(1000):
    testFitFunc2(rpop, ypop)  # sets pop scores

    if i % 100 == 0:  # prints every 100th generation

        print('Generation', i)
        print(str('r ') + str(averageScore(rpop)) + ' ' + str(bestScore(rpop)))
        print(str('y ') + str(averageScore(ypop)) + ' ' + str(bestScore(ypop)))

    #Evolves! (gets the new pop)
    rpop = nextpop(rpop, .05, lower, upper, 'max')
    ypop = nextpop(ypop, .05, lower, upper, 'max')
def averageScore(pop):
	'''returns a float which is the populations average score'''
	total = sum(pop)
	return float(total)/float(len(pop))
def bestScore(pop,minmax='max'):
	'''returns the Gen with the highest score in a population'''
	if minmax == 'max':
		return sorted(pop,key=attrgetter('rawScore'))[len(pop)-1]
		return sorted(pop,key=attrgetter('rawScore'))[0]

lower = 0 # bounds for Gen parameters
upper = 100
rpop = initialPop(20,lower,upper,5) # initializes pops
ypop = initialPop(20,lower,upper,5)

for i in range(1000):
	testFitFunc2(rpop,ypop) # sets pop scores
	if i%100 == 0: # prints every 100th generation
		print(str('r ')+str(averageScore(rpop))+' '+str(bestScore(rpop)))
		print(str('y ')+str(averageScore(ypop))+' '+str(bestScore(ypop)))
	#Evolves! (gets the new pop)
	rpop = nextpop(rpop,.05,lower,upper,'max')
	ypop = nextpop(ypop,.05,lower,upper,'max')
Beispiel #3
        sort = sorted(pop, key=attrgetter('rawScore'))
        return sort[0], sort[10]

def bestScore(pop, minmax='max'):
    '''returns the Gen with the highest score in a population'''
    if minmax == 'max':
        return sorted(pop, key=attrgetter('rawScore'))[len(pop) - 1]
        return sorted(pop, key=attrgetter('rawScore'))[0]

#Initial parameters
lower = -10  #lower and upper are bounds for the Gen parameters
upper = 10
rpop = initialPop(20, lower, upper,
                  8)  #Initializes predator and prey populations
ypop = initialPop(20, lower, upper, 8)

#Set up log to collect data
log = open("6BestCoEvolveLog.txt", 'a')

for i in range(5):  #Runs this number of generations
    #Calculates the population scores
    fitFunc(rpop, ypop)
    #Log relevant data
    print 'Generation ' + str(i)
    br, ar = bestAverageScore(rpop, 'min')
    by, ay = bestAverageScore(ypop)
    aSr = averageScore(rpop)
    aSy = averageScore(ypop)
		sort = sorted(pop,key=attrgetter('rawScore'))
		return sort[len(pop)-1], sort[11]
		sort = sorted(pop,key=attrgetter('rawScore'))
		return sort[0], sort[10]

def bestScore(pop,minmax='max'):
	'''returns the Gen with the highest score in a population'''
	if minmax == 'max':
		return sorted(pop,key=attrgetter('rawScore'))[len(pop)-1]
		return sorted(pop,key=attrgetter('rawScore'))[0]
#Initial parameters
lower = -10 #lower and upper are bounds for the Gen parameters
upper = 10
rpop = initialPop(20,lower,upper,8) #Initializes predator and prey populations
ypop = initialPop(20,lower,upper,8)

#Set up log to collect data
log = open("6BestCoEvolveLog.txt",'a')

for i in range(5): #Runs this number of generations
	#Calculates the population scores
	#Log relevant data
	print 'Generation '+str(i)
	br,ar = bestAverageScore(rpop,'min')
	by,ay = bestAverageScore(ypop)
	aSr = averageScore(rpop)
	aSy = averageScore(ypop)