def intialise_control_dict(hygiene_value=0.7,
                           hygiene_timing=[0, 0],
                           isolate_timing=[0, 0],
                           highrisk_timing=[0, 0],
    camp = 'Moria'
    population_frame, population = preparePopulationFrame(camp)

    # from github issue
    # if not used, set timings to e.g. [0,0] or any other interval of 0 length or outside caluclated window

    control_dict = dict(  # contains our 6 different control options. Can choose any combination of these 6. Suggest limit to all occuring at similar times

        # 1
        # if True, reduces transmission rate by params.better_hygiene
        better_hygiene=dict(value=hygiene_value, timing=hygiene_timing),
        ICU_capacity=dict(value=icu_capacity / population),

        # 4
        # move symptomatic cases off site
            rate=isolate_value / population,  # people per day

        # 5
        # partially separate low and high risk
        # (for now) assumed that if do this, do for entire course of epidemic

        # 6
        # move uninfected high risk people off site
            rate=highrisk_value / population,  # people per day
            n_categories_removed=highrisk_cat,  # remove oldest n categories
    return camp, population_frame, population, control_dict
from initialise_parameters import preparePopulationFrame, params

# camp
camp = 'Moria'
population_frame, population = preparePopulationFrame(camp)

# from github issue
# if not used, set timings to e.g. [0,0] or any other interval of 0 length or outside caluclated window

control_dict = dict( # contains our 6 different control options. Can choose any combination of these 6. Suggest limit to all occuring at similar times

    # 1
    # if True, reduces transmission rate by params.better_hygiene
    better_hygiene = dict(value = params.better_hygiene,
                        timing = [0,30]),

    ICU_capacity = dict(value = 6/population),
    # 4
    # move symptomatic cases off site
    remove_symptomatic = dict(rate = 10/population,  # people per day
                            timing = [0,0]),

    # 5
    # partially separate low and high risk
    # (for now) assumed that if do this, do for entire course of epidemic
    shielding = dict(used= False), 

    # 6
    # move uninfected high risk people off site
    remove_high_risk = dict(rate = 20/population,  # people per day