Beispiel #1
def list_chain(name, tip=0):
    """ Will list the chain info in a html page 
    About tip : if tip==0 name is a chain_name in the database
    if tip==1 the name is a list of X509 objects
    it was made to avoid writing the same method again..."""

    if tip == 0:  #it it will be retrieved from database
        dc = DbCert()
        res = dc.get_certids(name)

    #it will be retrieved from a cert list
        res = name
    #The res is a list of certification ids in the db
    if not res:
        return False

    final = []
    final.append(certInfo['beginTag'] % ("Chain Information"))
    bindent = "<blockquote>"
    eindent = "</blockquote>"

    count = 0
    for c in res:

        final.append(3 * bindent)

        linkname = "".join(["cert", str(count)])
        link = "".join([linkname, ".html"])

        #print certInfo['chainInfo']%(link,linkname)
        final.append(certInfo['chainInfo'] % (link, linkname))
        count = count + 1

        #Store also the cert in another link:
        if tip == 0:
            #pass it as an string
            ls = ListDb(buffer=dc.get_certData(c[0]))
            #print dc.get_certData(c[0])
            #pass it as an object
            ls = ListDb(c, tip=1)


    final.append(eindent * count * 3)

    tofile = open("chain.html", "w")

    os.system("/usr/bin/firefox chain.html")

    return True
Beispiel #2
from digest.Hasher import DigestMan
from initializer import DbCert
from dbMain import LiteDb

from sign.cert import X509Man

dc = DbCert()
sum = dc.selectS("select cert_sum from certs where ce_id=%s" % (7))
#print sum[0][0]
#print dc.get_certData(2)[1:].split()

d = DigestMan()
sum2 = d.gen_buf_hash(dc.get_certData(7)[1:])
print sum2
if sum == sum2:
    print "The sum is ok"
    print "The cert was modified"

sum3 = open("chain/cert2.pem", "r").read()

sum3 = d.gen_buf_hash(sum3)

#print sum3

#try to import  it there
c = X509Man()

print c.get_detail()