def StartFile(filename, args=[], Wait=True): print('**** Startfile *****') command = [] command.append(filename) command.extend(args) Logger(Trace=MyTrace(GFI(CF())), Message='StartFile arguments: ' + str(command)) ce = None try: if Wait: ce = print(MyTrace(GFI(CF())), str(command) + ' ' + str(Wait) + ' ' + str(ce) + ' call') else: ce = subprocess.Popen(command) print(MyTrace(GFI(CF())), str(command) + ' ' + str(Wait) + ' ' + str(ce) + ' Popen') #print (MyTrace(GFI(CF())), str(command) + ' ' + str(Wait) + ' ' + str(ce)) except OSError: tkinter.messagebox.showerror( MyTrace(GFI(CF())) + ' StartFile did a Badddddd thing ', 'Arguments: ' + str(command) + '\nReturn code: ' + str(ce)) return
def ParseCommandLine(): #print(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF()), Display='line,func,file')) if len(sys.argv) == 1: return del sys.argv[0] # Don't want the script name x = '' y = [] y = [x.upper() for x in sys.argv] if '-H' in y or '-HELP' in y: DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'Help was found') Help() if '-A' in y or '-ABOUT' in y: DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'About was found') About() if '-D' in y or '-DEBUG' in y: DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'Debug was found') import pdb pdb.set_trace() if '-P' in y or '-PROJECT' in y: DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'Project was found') ProjectLoad()
def EditorGetTextFromTheEditTopLeve(junk): global EditorResults textPad.tag_delete('here') textPad.tag_add('here', 'current linestart', 'current lineend') textPad.tag_config('here', background="yellow", foreground="blue") print(MyTrace(GFI(CF())), EditorResults) EditorResults = textPad.get('current linestart', 'current lineend') print(MyTrace(GFI(CF())), EditorResults)
def PerformSubstitutions(): DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'PerformSubstitutions') Entry1.delete(0, END) Entry1.insert(0, "PerformSubstitutions") Error = False # First verify project defined variables exist if not os.path.exists(Vars.PreferedBrowserVar.get()): Error = True tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Prefered Browser error', DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())) + '\nPrefered Browser does not exist:\n' + Vars.PreferedBrowserVar.get()) if not os.path.exists(Vars.PreferedEditorVar.get()): Error = True tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Prefered Editor error', DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())) + '\nPrefered Editor does not exist:\n' + Vars.PreferedEditorVar.get()) # These are the name that will appear in the key list go = False for w in range(len(Vars.CommandsVar)): x = Vars.CommandsVar[w] y = x # Just for debug go = False # debug stuff if x.lower().find("%preferedbrowser%") > -1: x = re.sub(r"(?i)%preferedbrowser%", Vars.PreferedBrowserVar.get(), x) go = True if x.lower().find("%preferededitor%") > -1: x = re.sub(r"(?i)%preferededitor%", Vars.PreferedEditorVar.get(), x) go = True if x.lower().find("%explorer%") > -1: x = re.sub(r"(?i)%explorer%", Vars.ExplorerVar.get(), x) go = True if x.lower().find("%comspec%") > -1: x = re.sub(r"(?i)%comspec%", os.environ["ComSpec"], x) go = True if x.lower().find("%windir%") > -1: x = re.sub(r"(?i)%windir%", os.environ["windir"], x) go = True if x.lower().find("%userprofile%") > -1: x = re.sub(r"(?i)%userprofile%", os.environ["userprofile"], x) go = True if x.lower().find("%home%") > -1: # This is an alias for %userprofile% x = re.sub(r"(?i)%home%", os.environ["userprofile"], x) go = True Vars.CommandsVar[w] = x '''
def ParseCommandLine(): parser = \ argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A tool to compare to directories and move files' ) parser.add_argument('-debug', help='Enable debugging', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: import pdb pdb.set_trace() Logger(Trace=MyTrace(GFI(CF())), Message='debug is on') else: Logger(Trace=MyTrace(GFI(CF())), Message='debug is off')
def GetClipBoard(): # DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'GetClipBoard') try: temp = tk.Main.clipboard_get() temp = temp.replace('"', '').strip() if os.path.isfile(temp): DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'From clipboard: ' + temp) else: DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'Invalid path from clipboard: ' + temp) except IOError as e: DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'No clipboard data', str(e))
def DiskSpace(): DiskSpace = shutil.disk_usage('/') tkinter.messagebox.showinfo( 'Disk space', 'Free: %f Gbytes' % ( / 1e9) + '\n' + 'Used: %f Gbytes' % (DiskSpace.used / 1e9) + '\n' + 'Total: %f Gbytes' % ( / 1e9)) Logger(Trace=MyTrace(GFI(CF())), Message='DiskSpace')
def CalulateBestPoistionForNewWindow(Width=None, Height=None): print(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())),Main.geometry() + " Width:" + str(Width), " Height:" + str(Height)) xx = Main.geometry().split("+") yy = xx[0].split("x") main_loc = [] main_loc.extend(yy) main_loc.append(xx[1]) main_loc.append(xx[2]) return(main_loc)
def StartUpStuff(): # -- Lots of startup stuff ------------------------------------ # The following are defaults which will be over written by a project file # Get the file path and name for the log file and list file Vars.LogFileNameVar.set(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'PyRunTk.log')) Vars.ListFileNameVar.set(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'PyRunTk.txt')) # If the log file exits and is not removable the script is already running # so abort this startup try: if os.path.exists(Vars.LogFileNameVar.get()): os.remove(Vars.LogFileNameVar.get()) except IOError: print(Vars.LogFileNameVar.get() + " is open. Script is already running") exit() DM.SetUpLogger(Vars.LogFileNameVar.get()) Vars.AuxDirectoryVar.set(os.getcwd() + os.path.sep + 'auxfiles') Vars.PreferedEditorVar.set(DM.GetBestEditor()) # Not really needed if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): Vars.ProjectFileExtensionVar.set('prjl') Vars.ExplorerVar.set("NA") # Vars.ProgramFilesVar.set("NA") # Vars.ProgramFilesx86Var.set("NA") elif sys.platform.startswith('win32'): Vars.ProjectFileExtensionVar.set('prjw') Vars.ExplorerVar.set(os.environ["Windir"] + "//explorer.exe") Vars.AuxDirectoryVar.set(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'auxfiles', '.')) Vars.HelpFileVar.set(os.path.join(Vars.AuxDirectoryVar.get(), 'PyRunTk.hlp')) DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'OS type:' + str(os.environ.get('OS'))) DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'Uname: ' + str(platform.uname())) DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'Number of argument(s): ' + str(len(sys.argv))) DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'Argument List: ' + str(sys.argv)) Vars.DateFormatVar.set('%B %Y/%m/%d %A %X') ProjectLoad('default')
def sha1file(filename): sha1 = hashlib.sha1() f = open(filename, 'rb') try: sha1.update( except IOError as e: Logger(Trace=MyTrace(GFI(CF())), Message='whoops ' + str(e)) finally: f.close() return sha1.hexdigest()
def Help(): print(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), CalulateBestPoistionForNewWindow()) DM.Editor( FileToEdit=Vars.HelpFileVar.get(), Title='Help', Height=370, Width=500, XPos=900, YPos=20, )
def RemoveAFile(File, Trash): Logger(Trace=MyTrace(GFI(CF())), Message='Remove a file: ' + File + str(Trash)) if not os.path.exists(File): return if Trash: try: send2trash(File) Logger(Trace=MyTrace(GFI(CF())), Message='Success send2Trash: ' + File) except OSError: tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Send file to trash error. ', File + '\nPermissions?') Logger(Trace=MyTrace(GFI(CF())), Message='Failed send2Trash: ' + File) else: try: os.remove(File) Logger(Trace=MyTrace(GFI(CF())), Message='Success remove: ' + File) except OSError: tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Delete a file error. ', File + '\nPermissions?') Logger(Trace=MyTrace(GFI(CF())), Message='Failed remove: ' + File)
def _build_calendar(self): year, month, day = self._date.year, self._date.month, print(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF()), Display='line,func,file'), " year:" + str(year), " month:" + str(month) + " Day:" + str(day)) # update header text (Month, YEAR) header = self._cal.formatmonthname(year, month, 0) self._header['text'] = header.title() # update calendar shown dates cal = self._cal.monthdayscalendar(year, month) for indx, item in enumerate(self._items): week = cal[indx] if indx < len(cal) else [] print(indx, item, week) fmt_week = [('%02d' % day) if day else '' for day in week] self._calendar.item(item, values=fmt_week)
def ShowKeys(): # Prevents multiple copies from starting if DM.EditorToplevelName.startswith('Show keys'): return ff = 'Items: ' + str(len(Vars.KeysVar)) x = sorted(Vars.KeysVar, key=str.lower) for line in x: ff = ff + os.linesep + line print(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), CalulateBestPoistionForNewWindow()) DM.Editor( FileToEdit=None, TextData=ff, Title='Show keys', Height=505, Width=200, XPos=900, YPos=20, )
def About(): AboutData = 'Aplication path: ' + os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) \ + '\nApplication geometry: ' + Main.geometry() \ + '\nScreen size: ' + str(Main.winfo_screenwidth()) + 'x' + str(Main.winfo_screenheight()) \ + '\nPython version: ' + platform.python_version() \ + '\nPlatform version: ' + platform.platform() \ + '\nPyRunTk version: ' + Vars.ProgramVersionNumber.get() \ + '\nMachine: ' + platform.machine() \ + '\nArchitecture: ' + str(platform.architecture()) print(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), CalulateBestPoistionForNewWindow()) DM.Editor( FileToEdit=None, TextData=AboutData, Title='About', Height=180, Width=450, XPos=900, YPos=20, )
def ShowEditFile( SystemEditor, FileToShowEdit=None, InitialDir=None, ParentTopLevel=None, ): if FileToShowEdit is None: FileToShowEdit = \ tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(defaultextension='.*', initialdir=InitialDir, filetypes=[('All files', '*.*' )], title='Show/Edit a file', parent=ParentTopLevel) Logger(Trace=MyTrace(GFI(CF())), Message='Show/Edit file: ' + FileToShowEdit) FileToShowEdit = os.path.normpath(FileToShowEdit) try: StartFile(SystemEditor, FileToShowEdit) except IOError: tkinter.messagebox.showerror( 'Show/Edit file error', 'Show/Edit file error:\n' + SystemEditor + '\n' + FileToShowEdit) return
def EditorGetTextFromTheEditTopLevel(junk): global EditorResults print(MyTrace(GFI(CF())), EditorResults) EditorResults = textPad.get('current linestart', 'current lineend') print(MyTrace(GFI(CF())), EditorResults)
def ButtonHandle(data): global ButtonResult ButtonResult = data print(MyTrace(GFI(CF())), ButtonResult, data) MyMBMain.destroy() return data
def MyMessageBox( Title='MyMessageBox', LabelText=[], TextMessage=None, bgColor='black', fgColor='white', Buttons=['Close'], Center=None, Geometry=None, ): def ButtonHandle(data): global ButtonResult ButtonResult = data print(MyTrace(GFI(CF())), ButtonResult, data) MyMBMain.destroy() return data MyMBMain = Tk() # Create a main window MyMBMain.title(Title) MyMBMain.config(bg=bgColor) # This prints out the window geometry on configure event MyMBMain.bind('<Configure>', lambda e: ShowResize('MyMessageBox', MyMBMain)) # parses the geometry parameter print(MyTrace(GFI(CF())), Center, Geometry) if not Geometry: Geometry = '250x250+10+20' Geom = Geometry.split('+') Size = Geom[0].split('x') XPos = int(Geom[1]) YPos = int(Geom[2]) XSize = int(Size[0]) YSize = int(Size[1]) # print(MyTrace(GFI(CF())), XPos, YPos, XSize, YSize) if 'None' in str(type(Center)): # Uses the Geometry option print(MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'Geometry: ', Geometry) elif 'tkinter.Tk' in str(type(Center)): # center of the item pointed to # parses the geometry of the CenterParam window CenterParamGeometry = Center.geometry() # These are the values from the passed in parameters CenterParamGeom = CenterParamGeometry.split('+') CenterParamSize = CenterParamGeom[0].split('x') CenterParamXPos = int(CenterParamGeom[1]) CenterParamYPos = int(CenterParamGeom[2]) CenterParamXSize = int(CenterParamSize[0]) CenterParamYSize = int(CenterParamSize[1]) # These are the values from the message box MyMBMainGeom = Geometry.split('+') MyMBSize = MyMBMainGeom[0].split('x') MyMBXPos = int(MyMBMainGeom[1]) MyMBYPos = int(MyMBMainGeom[2]) MyMBXSize = int(MyMBSize[0]) MyMBYSize = int(MyMBSize[1]) # This is the calculated position for the messagebox XPos = CenterParamXPos + CenterParamXSize / 2 - MyMBXSize / 2 YPos = CenterParamYPos + CenterParamYSize / 2 - MyMBYSize / 2 elif 'center' in Center.lower(): # center of the screen XPos = MyMBMain.winfo_screenwidth() / 2 - XSize / 2 YPos = MyMBMain.winfo_screenheight() / 2 - YSize / 2 print(MyTrace(GFI(CF()), Display='line'), Center.upper()) MyMBMain.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (XSize, YSize, XPos, YPos)) # Add some buttons # Theoretically an unlimited number of buttons can be added ButtonFrame = Frame(MyMBMain, relief=SUNKEN, bd=1, bg=bgColor) ButtonFrame.pack(side=TOP, expand=FALSE, fill=X) for a in reversed(Buttons): Button(ButtonFrame, text=a, command=lambda a=a: ButtonHandle(a)).pack(side=RIGHT) # This adds labels for each message # Theoretically an unlimited number of labels can be added for x in range(len(LabelText)): Label(MyMBMain, text=LabelText[x], relief=GROOVE, fg=fgColor, bg=bgColor).pack(expand=FALSE, fill=k.X) # A text box if TextMessage: Yscrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(MyMBMain, orient=tk.VERTICAL) Yscrollbar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y) Xscrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(MyMBMain, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL) Xscrollbar.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.X) Textbox = tk.Text( MyMBMain, wrap=tk.NONE, width=XSize, height=YSize, bg=bgColor, fg=fgColor, yscrollcommand=Yscrollbar.set, xscrollcommand=Xscrollbar.set, ) Textbox.pack() Yscrollbar.config(command=Textbox.yview) Xscrollbar.config(command=Textbox.xview) Textbox.insert(tk.END, TextMessage) MyMBMain.resizable(1, 1) MyMBMain.mainloop()
def Editor( FileToEdit=None, TextData=None, Title='Editor', AutoReload=False, Width=100, Height=400, XPos=900, YPos=100, ): print("AutoReload: " + str(AutoReload)) if FileToEdit: fp = open(FileToEdit, 'r') text = fp.close() print(FileToEdit + " Size: " + str(os.path.getsize(FileToEdit))) if TextData: text = TextData global EditorToplevelName EditorToplevel = Tk() EditorToplevel.title(" " + Title) EditorToplevel.Geometry = '10x10+200+0' EditorToplevel.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (Width, Height, XPos, YPos)) EditorToplevelName = Title print(MyTrace(GFI(CF())), '>>' + EditorToplevelName + '<<') def destroyEditor(): global EditorToplevelName EditorToplevel.destroy() EditorToplevelName = 'None' return EditorToplevel.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', destroyEditor) textPad = Text(EditorToplevel, relief=SUNKEN, wrap=WORD) sbar = Scrollbar(EditorToplevel) sbar['command'] = textPad.yview textPad['yscrollcommand'] = sbar.set sbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) # This prints out the window geometry on configure event # EditorToplevel.bind("<Configure>",lambda e:ShowResize("Edit window: ", EditorToplevel)) # This handles getting the text from the edit top level def EditorGetTextFromTheEditTopLevel(junk): global EditorResults print(MyTrace(GFI(CF())), EditorResults) EditorResults = textPad.get('current linestart', 'current lineend') print(MyTrace(GFI(CF())), EditorResults) textPad.bind('<Button-1>', EditorGetTextFromTheEditTopLevel) # create a menu # def exit_command(): # destroyEditor() # def save_command(): #file = tkinter.filedialog.asksaveasfile(mode='w') # if file != None: # slice off the last character from get, as an extra return is added #data = self.textPad.get('1.0', END + '-1c') # file.write(data) # file.close() #menu = Menu(EditorToplevel) # EditorToplevel.config(menu=menu) #filemenu = Menu(menu) #menu.add_cascade(label='File', menu=filemenu) #filemenu.add_command(label='Save', command=save_command) # filemenu.add_separator() #filemenu.add_command(label='Exit', command=exit_command) # end of menu creation textPad.delete('1.0', END) textPad.insert('1.0', text) textPad.mark_set(INSERT, '1.0') textPad.focus() textPad.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH) EditorToplevel.mainloop()
def ReturnCallback(event): command = Entry3.get().lower() DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), "command: " + command) print(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), "command: " + command) # The following are built in commands if command == '=about': Entry2.delete(0, END) Entry3.delete(0, END) About() return elif command == '=exit': ShutDown() return elif command == '=help': Entry2.delete(0, END) Entry3.delete(0, END) Help() return elif command == '=cal': Entry2.delete(0, END) Entry3.delete(0, END) ShowCalender() return elif command == '=keyedit': DM.StartFile(Vars.PreferedEditorVar.get(), [ Vars.ProjectFileNameVar.get()]) return elif command == '=load': Entry2.delete(0, END) Entry3.delete(0, END) ProjectLoad() return elif command == '=reload': Entry2.delete(0, END) Entry3.delete(0, END) ProjectLoad('default') ShowKeys() return elif command == '=keyshow': Entry2.delete(0, END) Entry3.delete(0, END) ShowKeys() return elif command == '=logshow': Entry2.delete(0, END) Entry3.delete(0, END) print(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), CalulateBestPoistionForNewWindow()) DM.Editor( FileToEdit=Vars.LogFileNameVar.get(), Title='Log', Height=750, Width=750, XPos=500, YPos=10, ) return # The following are for user added commands for line in Vars.CommandsVar: if line.lower().find(command.lower() + '~=') == 0: MyList = line.split('~=') # separate the key from the command pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(MyList) # del MyList[0] # don't want the first item # separate the command and parameter CmdList = MyList[1].split('??') Arg1 = str(CmdList[0].strip()) Arg2 = str(CmdList[1].strip()) if not os.path.exists(Arg1): tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Error: ' + DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'Command does not exist:\n' + Arg1) return print(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), Arg1 + " " + Arg2) CList = [Arg2] # Convert command parameters to list print(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), CList) Entry1.delete(0, END) Entry1.insert(0, "Working") # pdb.set_trace() #todo DM.StartFile(Arg1, CList) DM.EditorResults = "" Entry2.delete(0, END) Entry3.delete(0, END)
def ProjectLoad(LoadType='none'): Entry1.delete(0, END) Entry1.insert(0, "Working") DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'Aux Directory: ' + Vars.AuxDirectoryVar.get()) DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'Project File Extension: ' + Vars.ProjectFileExtensionVar.get()) DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'LoadType: ' + LoadType) if LoadType == 'default': # Use the default project file Vars.ProjectFileNameVar.set(os.path.join(Vars.AuxDirectoryVar.get(), 'PyRunTk.' + Vars.ProjectFileExtensionVar.get())) else: # Prompt user to select a project file Vars.ProjectFileExtensionVar.get() Vars.ProjectFileNameVar.set(tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename( defaultextension=Vars.ProjectFileExtensionVar.get(), filetypes=[('Project file', 'PyRunTk*.*' + Vars.ProjectFileExtensionVar.get()), ('All files', '*.*')], initialdir=Vars.AuxDirectoryVar.get(), initialfile='PyRunTk.' + Vars.ProjectFileExtensionVar.get(), title='Load a PyRunTk project file', parent=Main, )) Vars.ProjectFileNameVar.set( os.path.normpath(Vars.ProjectFileNameVar.get())) DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'Project Load: ' + Vars.ProjectFileNameVar.get()) try: f = open(Vars.ProjectFileNameVar.get(), 'r') except IOError: tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Project file error', 'Requested file does not exist.\n>>' + Vars.ProjectFileNameVar.get() + '<<') return lines = f.readlines() f.close() try: if not ' project file ' + sys.platform in lines[0]: tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Project file error', 'Not a valid project file.\nproject file' + '\n' + lines[0]) DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), ' project file ' + lines[0].strip()) return except: tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Project file error', 'Unable to read project file' + Vars.ProjectFileNameVar.get()) DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'PyRunTk project file. Unable to read file') return # remove the first line so it won't be added to the comments list del lines[0] Vars.CommentsListVar.clear() Vars.KeysVar.clear() Vars.CommandsVar.clear() start = BooleanVar tmp = '' for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): # All lines with # in the first column are comments Vars.CommentsListVar.append(line) else: # first we get the user defined variables from the project file if line.startswith('DateFormat~='): t = line.split('=') Vars.DateFormatVar.set(t[1].strip()) elif line.startswith('PreferedEditor~='): t = line.split('~=') if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): t[1] = t[1].replace('%ProgramFiles(x86)%', os.environ[ "ProgramFiles(x86)"]) t[1] = t[1].replace( '%ProgramFiles%', os.environ["ProgramFiles"]) Vars.PreferedEditorVar.set(t[1]) elif line.startswith('PreferedBrowser~='): t = line.split('~=') if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): t[1] = t[1].replace('%ProgramFiles(x86)%', os.environ[ "ProgramFiles(x86)"]) t[1] = t[1].replace( '%ProgramFiles%', os.environ["ProgramFiles"]) Vars.PreferedBrowserVar.set(t[1]) elif line.count("~=") > 0: # Now get the user command strings a = line.strip() t = a.split('~=') if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): t[1] = t[1].replace('%ProgramFiles(x86)%', os.environ[ "ProgramFiles(x86)"]) t[1] = t[1].replace( '%ProgramFiles%', os.environ["ProgramFiles"]) Vars.KeysVar.append(t[0]) Vars.CommandsVar.append(t[0] + "~=" + t[1]) elif line.count("=") == 1: # This is a built in command Vars.KeysVar.append(line) DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), "Keys: " + str(Vars.KeysVar)) Vars.KeysVar.sort() Vars.KeysVar.sort(key=len, reverse=False) Vars.CommandsVar.sort() DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), "Size of CommandsVar: " + str(len(Vars.CommandsVar))) DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), "Size of KeysVar: " + str(len(Vars.KeysVar))) DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), "Size of CommentsListVar: " + str(len(Vars.CommentsListVar))) PerformSubstitutions() DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'Project opened: ' + Vars.ProjectFileNameVar.get())
# ------------------------------ # Try to get source file from clipboard def GetClipBoard(): # DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'GetClipBoard') try: temp = tk.Main.clipboard_get() temp = temp.replace('"', '').strip() if os.path.isfile(temp): DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'From clipboard: ' + temp) else: DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'Invalid path from clipboard: ' + temp) except IOError as e: DM.Logger(DM.MyTrace(GFI(CF())), 'No clipboard data', str(e)) # ------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': print(MyTrace(GFI(CF()), Display='line,func,file')) MessageTimeOut(Message='Message timeout test', TimeOut=2000)