def test_create_authors_with_invalid_affiliation():
    """Test case when an affiliation has no valid id."""
    text = "A. Einstein1, N. Bohr2\n" "\n" "ETH\n" "2 Københavns Universitet"

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert "Cannot identify type of affiliations" in str(excinfo.value)
def test_create_authors_author_blocks_by_affiliation():
    text = ("K. Sachs, F. Schwennsen\n"
            "DESY, D 22607 Hamburg, Germany\n"
            "A. Holtkamp, M. Moskovic\n"
            "CERN, CH 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland\n"
            "T. Schwander\n"
            "SLAC, Stanford, USA\n")

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert "Authors grouped by affiliation? - Comming soon" in str(
def test_create_authors_with_missing_affid():
    """Test case when `create_authors` thinks every author should have an affid.

    This might happen because someone is missing affid or has a number in
    his/her name so it's tricking `create_authors`.
    text = "A. Einstein, N. Bohr2"

    result = create_authors(text)

    expected = [
            "fullname": "A. Einstein",
            "affiliations": [],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": []
            "fullname": "N. Bohr",
            "affiliations": [],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": []
    warning = "Unresolved aff-ID or stray footnote symbol. Problematic author and aff-id: N. Bohr 2"

    assert expected == result["authors"]
    assert warning in result["warnings"]
def test_create_authors_when_aff_line_ends_in_number():
    text = (
        "T.M. Liss\n"
        "L. Littenberg\n"
        "Division of Science, City College of New York, 160 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10031\n"
        "Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA"

    expected = [
            u"T.M. Liss",
                u"Division of Science, City College of New York, 160 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10031"
            u"L. Littenberg",
                u"Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA"
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
def test_create_authors_without_affiliations():
    text = (
        "K. Berkelman, D. Cords, R. Felst, E. Gadermann, G. Grindhammer, "
        "H. Hultschig, P. Joos, W. Koch, U. Kötz, H. Krehbiel, D. Kreinick, "
        "J. Ludwig, K.-H. Mess, K.C. Moffeit, A. Petersen, G. Poelz, "
        "J. Ringel, K. Sauerberg, P. Schmüser, G. Vogel, B.H. Wiik, G. Wolf")

    expected = [
        (u"K. Berkelman", []),
        (u"D. Cords", []),
        (u"R. Felst", []),
        (u"E. Gadermann", []),
        (u"G. Grindhammer", []),
        (u"H. Hultschig", []),
        (u"P. Joos", []),
        (u"W. Koch", []),
        (u"U. Kötz", []),
        (u"H. Krehbiel", []),
        (u"D. Kreinick", []),
        (u"J. Ludwig", []),
        (u"K.-H. Mess", []),
        (u"K.C. Moffeit", []),
        (u"A. Petersen", []),
        (u"G. Poelz", []),
        (u"J. Ringel", []),
        (u"K. Sauerberg", []),
        (u"P. Schm\xfcser", []),
        (u"G. Vogel", []),
        (u"B.H. Wiik", []),
        (u"G. Wolf", []),
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
    assert "Found no affiliations (empty line needed)" in result["warnings"]
def test_create_authors_comma_wrong_position():
    """Test case when there is comma before affiliation id."""
    text = (
        "Y. Bao,\n"
        "and A. Lambrecht,\n"
        "Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611\n"
        "Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, CNRS, ENS, Universit ́e Pierre et Marie Curie case 74, Campus Jussieu, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France\n"

    expected = [
            u"Y. Bao",
                u"Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611"
            u"A. Lambrecht",
                u"Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611",
                u"Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, CNRS, ENS, Universit \u0301e Pierre et Marie Curie case 74, Campus Jussieu, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France",
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
def test_create_authors_affiliation_with_numbers_and_letters():
    text = (
        "O. Buchmueller\n"
        "K. Agashe\n"
        "High Energy Physics Group, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2AZ, UK\n"
        "University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA\n"

    expected = [
            u"O. Buchmueller",
                u"High Energy Physics Group, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2AZ, UK"
            u"K. Agashe",
                u"University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA"
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
def test_create_authors_with_many_affiliations():
    text = ("F. Durães1,2,3,4\n"
            "1 CERN\n"
            "2 Fermilab\n"
            "3 Lund University\n"
            "4 Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo")

    expected = [
            "F. Dur\xe3es",
            "affiliations": [
                "Lund University",
                "Instituto de F\xedsica, Universidade de S\xe3o Paulo",
            "ids": [],
            "emails": [],
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
def test_create_authors_no_commas_between_authors():
    text = (
        "C. Patrignani1 K. Agashe2 G. Aielli1,2\n"
        "1 Universita di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualita della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy\n"
        "2 University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA"

    expected = [
            u"C. Patrignani",
                u"Universita di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualita della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy"
            u"K. Agashe",
                u"University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA"
            u"G. Aielli",
                u"Universita di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualita della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy",
                u"University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA",
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
def test_create_authors_with_no_text():
    text = None

    expected = {}
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result
def test_create_authors_space_between_affids():
    text = "Y.X. Ali1, 20, E I Andronov20\n" "\n" "1 CERN\n" "20 DESY"

    expected = [(u"Y.X. Ali", [u"CERN", u"DESY"]),
                (u"E I Andronov", [u"DESY"])]
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
def test_create_authors_handles_spaces_at_the_end_of_an_author_or_affiliation(
    text = "J. Smith1 \n" "\n" "1 University of somewhere "

    expected = [(u"J. Smith", [u"University of somewhere"])]
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
def test_create_authors_with_no_firstnames():
    text = "Einstein, Bohr"

    expected = [(u"Einstein", []), (u"Bohr", [])]
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
    assert "Author without firstname: Einstein" in result["warnings"]
def test_create_authors_unused_affiliation():
    text = "K. Sachs 1, F. Schwennsen 1\n" "\n" "1 DESY\n" "2 CERN\n"

    expected = [(u"K. Sachs", ["DESY"]), (u"F. Schwennsen", ["DESY"])]
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
    assert "Unused affiliation-IDs: ['2']" in result["warnings"]
def test_create_authors_ignores_space_between_authors_and_affiliations():
    text = "F. Lastname1, F.M. Otherlastname1,2\n" "\n" "1 CERN\n" "2 Otheraffiliation"

    expected = [
        (u"F. Lastname", [u"CERN"]),
        (u"F.M. Otherlastname", [u"CERN", u"Otheraffiliation"]),

    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
def test_create_authors_note_symbols():
    """Test authors which have symbols like † and ∗"""
    text = "Y.X. Aduszkiewicž†1, 20, E I Andronov20∗\n" "\n" "† CERN\n" "∗ DESY"

    expected = [(u"Y.X. Aduszkiewic\u017e", [u"CERN"]),
                (u"E I Andronov", [u"DESY"])]
    warning = "CAUTION! Using symbols (# and stuff) as aff-IDs."
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
    assert warning in result["warnings"]
def test_create_authors_note_footnotes():
    """Test authors which have some footnote symbols like † and ∗"""
    text = "Y.X. Ali†1, 20, E I Andronov20∗\n" "\n" "1 CERN\n" "20 DESY"

    expected = [(u"Y.X. Ali", [u"CERN", u"DESY"]),
                (u"E I Andronov", [u"DESY"])]
    warning = u"Unresolved aff-ID or stray footnote symbol. Problematic author and aff-id: Y.X. Ali †"
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
    assert warning in result["warnings"]
def test_create_authors_with_affid_but_missing_affiliation():
    """Test case when some author has an affiliation id but no affiliation."""
    text = "A. Einstein1, N. Bohr2\n" "\n" "2 Københavns Universitet"

    result = create_authors(text)

    expected = [(u"A. Einstein", []),
                (u"N. Bohr", [u"K\xf8benhavns Universitet"])]
    warning = "Unresolved aff-ID or stray footnote symbol. Problematic author and aff-id: A. Einstein 1"

    assert expected == result["authors"]
    assert warning in result["warnings"]
def test_create_authors_with_one_author_missing_affiliation():
    """Test case when some author doesn't have an affiliation."""
    text = "A. Einstein, N. Bohr1,2\n" "\n" "1 ETH\n" "2 Københavns Universitet"

    result = create_authors(text)

    expected = [
        (u"A. Einstein", []),
        (u"N. Bohr", [u"ETH", u"K\xf8benhavns Universitet"]),
    warning = "Author without affiliation-id. Problematic author: A. Einstein"

    assert expected == result["authors"]
    assert warning in result["warnings"]
def test_create_authors_no_commas_between_affids():
    text = (
        "C. Patrignani\n"
        "K. Agashe\n"
        "G. Aielli\n"
        "Universita di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualita della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy\n"
        "University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA"

    expected = [
            "C. Patrignani",
            "affiliations": [
                "Universita di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualita della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy"
            "ids": [],
            "emails": [],
            "K. Agashe",
            "affiliations": [
                "University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA"
            "ids": [],
            "emails": [],
            "G. Aielli",
            "affiliations": [
                "Universita di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualita della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy",
                "University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA",
            "ids": [],
            "emails": [],
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
def test_create_authors_handles_spaces_at_the_end_of_an_author_or_affiliation(
    text = "J. Smith1 \n" "\n" "1 University of somewhere "

    expected = [("J. Smith", ["University of somewhere"])]
    expected = [
            "fullname": "J. Smith",
            "affiliations": ["University of somewhere"],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": [],
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
def test_create_authors_with_letters():
    text = "J. Mills a L. di Caprio\n" "B. Smith bb\n" "\n" "a CERN\n" "bb Fermilab\n"

    expected = [
        (u"J. Mills", ["CERN"]),
        (u"L. di Caprio", []),
        (u"B. Smith", ["Fermilab"]),
    warnings = [
        'Is this part of a name or missing aff-id? "di" in a L. di Caprio',
        "Author without affiliation-id. Problematic author: L. di Caprio",

    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
    assert all(warning in result["warnings"] for warning in warnings)
def test_create_authors_bad_author_lines():
    text = ("A. Aduszkiewicz\n"
            ", Y.X. Ali\n"
            ", E I Andronov\n"
            ", Einstein\n"
            "1 CERN\n"
            "20 DESY\n"
            "13 ETH ZÜRICH\n"
            "15 PRINCETON\n")

    expected = [
            "fullname": "A. Aduszkiewicz",
            "affiliations": ["CERN"],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": [],
            "fullname": "Y.X. Ali",
            "affiliations": ["CERN", "DESY"],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": [],
            "fullname": "E I Andronov",
            "affiliations": ["DESY"],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": []
            "fullname": "Einstein",
            "affiliations": ["ETH Z\xdcRICH", "PRINCETON"],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": [],
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
def test_create_authors_with_affiliations():
    text = ("F. Durães1, A.V. Giannini2, V.P. Gonçalves3,4 and F.S. Navarra2\n"
            " \n"
            "1 CERN\n"
            "2 Fermilab\n"
            "3 Lund University\n"
            "4 Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo")

    expected = [
            "fullname": "F. Dur\xe3es",
            "affiliations": ["CERN"],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": []
            "fullname": "A.V. Giannini",
            "affiliations": ["Fermilab"],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": [],
            "V.P. Gon\xe7alves",
            "affiliations": [
                "Lund University",
                "Instituto de F\xedsica, Universidade de S\xe3o Paulo",
            "ids": [],
            "emails": [],
            "fullname": "F.S. Navarra",
            "affiliations": ["Fermilab"],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": [],
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
    assert "warnings" not in result.keys()
def test_create_authors_with_many_affiliations():
    text = ("F. Durães1,2,3,4\n"
            "1 CERN\n"
            "2 Fermilab\n"
            "3 Lund University\n"
            "4 Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo")

    expected = [(
        u"F. Dur\xe3es",
            u"Lund University",
            u"Instituto de F\xedsica, Universidade de S\xe3o Paulo",
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
def test_create_authors_ignores_space_between_authors_and_affiliations():
    text = "F. Lastname1, F.M. Otherlastname1,2\n" "\n" "1 CERN\n" "2 Otheraffiliation"

    expected = [
            "fullname": "F. Lastname",
            "affiliations": ["CERN"],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": []
            "fullname": "F.M. Otherlastname",
            "affiliations": ["CERN", "Otheraffiliation"],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": [],

    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
def test_create_authors_no_empty_line():
    text = ("K. Sachs1, M. Moskovic2\n"
            "1 DESY, D 22607 Hamburg, Germany\n"
            "2 CERN, CH 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland\n")

    expected = [
        (u"K. Sachs", []),
        (u"M. Moskovic", []),
        (u"DESY", []),
        (u"D", []),
        (u"Hamburg", []),
        (u"Germany", []),
        (u"CERN", []),
        (u"CH", []),
        (u"Geneva", []),
        (u"Switzerland", []),
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
    assert "Found no affiliations (empty line needed)" in result["warnings"]
def test_create_authors_space_between_affids():
    text = "Y.X. Ali1, 20, E I Andronov20\n" "\n" "1 CERN\n" "20 DESY"

    expected = [("Y.X. Ali", ["CERN", "DESY"]), ("E I Andronov", ["DESY"])]
    expected = [
            "fullname": "Y.X. Ali",
            "affiliations": ["CERN", "DESY"],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": [],
            "fullname": "E I Andronov",
            "affiliations": ["DESY"],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": []
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
def test_create_authors_with_no_firstnames():
    text = "Einstein, Bohr"

    expected = [
            "fullname": "Einstein",
            "affiliations": [],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": []
            "fullname": "Bohr",
            "affiliations": [],
            "ids": [],
            "emails": []
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]
    assert "Author without firstname: Einstein" in result["warnings"]
def test_create_authors_affids_with_dots():
    text = (
        "C. Patrignani\n"
        "K. Agashe\n"
        "G. Aielli\n"
        "Universita di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualita della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy\n"
        "University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA"

    expected = [
            u"C. Patrignani",
                u"Universita di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualita della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy"
            u"K. Agashe",
                u"University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA"
            u"G. Aielli",
                u"Universita di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualita della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy",
                u"University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA",
    result = create_authors(text)

    assert expected == result["authors"]