def test_authorlist_with_affid_but_missing_affiliation():
    """Test case when some author has an affiliation id but no affiliation."""
    text = ('A. Einstein1, N. Bohr2\n' '2 Københavns Universitet')

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo:
    assert 'the affiliation is missing.' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_authorlist_with_one_author_missing_affiliation():
    """Test case when some author doesn't have an affiliation."""
    text = ('A. Einstein, N. Bohr1,2\n' '1 ETH\n' '2 Københavns Universitet')

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo:
    assert 'This author might not have an affiliation' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_authorlist_with_invalid_affiliation():
    """Test case when some author has an affid but no valid affiliation."""
    text = ('A. Einstein1, N. Bohr2\n' 'ETH\n' '2 Københavns Universitet')

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo:
    assert 'Could not find affiliations' in str(excinfo.value)
Beispiel #4
def test_authorlist_with_affid_but_missing_affiliation():
    """Test case when some author has an affiliation id but no affiliation."""
    text = (
        'A. Einstein1, N. Bohr2\n'
        '2 Københavns Universitet'

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Beispiel #5
def test_authorlist_with_missing_affid():
    """Test case when `authorlist` thinks every author should have an affid.

    This might happen because someone is missing affid or has a number in
    his/her name so it's tricking `authorlist`.
    text = 'A. Einstein, N. Bohr2'

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
Beispiel #6
def test_authorlist_with_invalid_affiliation():
    """Test case when some author has an affid but no valid affiliation."""
    text = (
        'A. Einstein1, N. Bohr2\n'
        '2 Københavns Universitet'

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_authorlist_with_missing_affid():
    """Test case when `authorlist` thinks every author should have an affid.

    This might happen because someone is missing affid or has a number in
    his/her name so it's tricking `authorlist`.
    text = 'A. Einstein, N. Bohr2'

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo:
    assert 'Could not find affiliations' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_authorlist_with_one_author_missing_affiliation():
    """Test case when some author doesn't have an affiliation."""
    text = (
        'A. Einstein, N. Bohr1,2\n'
        '1 ETH\n'
        '2 Københavns Universitet'

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo:
    assert 'This author might not have an affiliation' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_authorlist_with_invalid_affiliation():
    """Test case when some author has an affid but no valid affiliation."""
    text = (
        'A. Einstein1, N. Bohr2\n'
        '2 Københavns Universitet'

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo:
    assert 'Could not find affiliations' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_authorlist_bad_author_lines():
    text = (
        'A. Aduszkiewicz\n'
        ', Y.X. Ali\n'
        ', E I Andronov\n'
        ', Einstein\n'
        '1 CERN\n'
        '20 DESY\n'
        '13 ETH ZÜRICH\n'
        '15 PRINCETON\n'

    expected = (
        '100__ $$aAduszkiewicz, A.$$vCERN\n'
        '700__ $$aAli, Y.X.$$vCERN $$vDESY\n'
        '700__ $$aAndronov, E. I.$$vDESY\n'
        '700__ $$aEinstein$$vETH ZÜRICH $$vPRINCETON'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result.encode('utf-8')
def test_authorlist_with_warning():
    text = ('Y.X. Ali1,* 20, E I Andronov20\n' '\n' '1 CERN\n' '20 DESY')

    expected = [
            'full_name': u'Ali, Y.X.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'CERN'
                    'value': u'DESY'
            'full_name': u'Andronov, E.I.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'DESY'

    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
    assert 'Unresolved aff-ID or stray footnote symbol' in result['warnings'][
def test_authorlist_ignores_space_between_authors_and_affiliations():
    text = ('F. Lastname1, F.M. Otherlastname1,2\n'
            '1 CERN\n'
            '2 Otheraffiliation')

    expected = [
            'full_name': u'Lastname, F.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'CERN'
            u'Otherlastname, F.M.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'CERN'
                    'value': u'Otheraffiliation'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
def test_authorlist_with_many_affiliations():
    text = ('F. Durães1,2,3,4\n'
            '1 CERN\n'
            '2 Fermilab\n'
            '3 Lund University\n'
            '4 Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo')

    expected = [
            u'Dur\xe3es, F.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'CERN'
                    'value': u'Fermilab'
                    'value': u'Lund University'
                    u'Instituto de F\xedsica, Universidade de S\xe3o Paulo'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
def test_authorlist_space_between_affids():
    text = ('Y.X. Ali1, 20, E I Andronov20\n' '1 CERN\n' '20 DESY')

    expected = [
            'full_name': u'Ali, Y.X.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'CERN'
                    'value': u'DESY'
            'full_name': u'Andronov, E.I.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'DESY'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
def test_authorlist_note_symbols():
    """Test authors which have some footnote symbols like † and ∗"""
    text = ('Y.X. Ali†1, 20, E I Andronov20∗\n' '1 CERN\n' '20 DESY')

    expected = [
            'full_name': u'Ali, Y.X.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'CERN'
                    'value': u'DESY'
            'full_name': u'Andronov, E.I.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'DESY'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
def test_authorlist_without_affiliations():
    text = (
        'K. Berkelman, D. Cords, R. Felst, E. Gadermann, G. Grindhammer, '
        'H. Hultschig, P. Joos, W. Koch, U. Kötz, H. Krehbiel, D. Kreinick, '
        'J. Ludwig, K.-H. Mess, K.C. Moffeit, A. Petersen, G. Poelz, '
        'J. Ringel, K. Sauerberg, P. Schmüser, G. Vogel, B.H. Wiik, G. Wolf')

    expected = ('100__ $$aBerkelman, K.\n'
                '700__ $$aCords, D.\n'
                '700__ $$aFelst, R.\n'
                '700__ $$aGadermann, E.\n'
                '700__ $$aGrindhammer, G.\n'
                '700__ $$aHultschig, H.\n'
                '700__ $$aJoos, P.\n'
                '700__ $$aKoch, W.\n'
                '700__ $$aKötz, U.\n'
                '700__ $$aKrehbiel, H.\n'
                '700__ $$aKreinick, D.\n'
                '700__ $$aLudwig, J.\n'
                '700__ $$aMess, K.-H.\n'
                '700__ $$aMoffeit, K.C.\n'
                '700__ $$aPetersen, A.\n'
                '700__ $$aPoelz, G.\n'
                '700__ $$aRingel, J.\n'
                '700__ $$aSauerberg, K.\n'
                '700__ $$aSchmüser, P.\n'
                '700__ $$aVogel, G.\n'
                '700__ $$aWiik, B.H.\n'
                '700__ $$aWolf, G.')

    assert authorlist(text).encode('utf-8') == expected
Beispiel #17
def test_authorlist_without_affiliations():
    text = (
        'K. Berkelman, D. Cords, R. Felst, E. Gadermann, G. Grindhammer, '
        'H. Hultschig, P. Joos, W. Koch, U. Kötz, H. Krehbiel, D. Kreinick, '
        'J. Ludwig, K.-H. Mess, K.C. Moffeit, A. Petersen, G. Poelz, '
        'J. Ringel, K. Sauerberg, P. Schmüser, G. Vogel, B.H. Wiik, G. Wolf'

    expected = (
        '100__ $$aBerkelman, K.\n'
        '700__ $$aCords, D.\n'
        '700__ $$aFelst, R.\n'
        '700__ $$aGadermann, E.\n'
        '700__ $$aGrindhammer, G.\n'
        '700__ $$aHultschig, H.\n'
        '700__ $$aJoos, P.\n'
        '700__ $$aKoch, W.\n'
        '700__ $$aKötz, U.\n'
        '700__ $$aKrehbiel, H.\n'
        '700__ $$aKreinick, D.\n'
        '700__ $$aLudwig, J.\n'
        '700__ $$aMess, K.-H.\n'
        '700__ $$aMoffeit, K.C.\n'
        '700__ $$aPetersen, A.\n'
        '700__ $$aPoelz, G.\n'
        '700__ $$aRingel, J.\n'
        '700__ $$aSauerberg, K.\n'
        '700__ $$aSchmüser, P.\n'
        '700__ $$aVogel, G.\n'
        '700__ $$aWiik, B.H.\n'
        '700__ $$aWolf, G.'

    assert authorlist(text).encode('utf-8') == expected
def test_authorlist_with_no_text():
    text = None

    expected = {}
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result
def test_authorlist_with_warning():
    text = (
        'Y.X. Ali1,* 20, E I Andronov20\n'
        '1 CERN\n'
        '20 DESY'

    expected = [
            'full_name': u'Ali, Y.X.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                {'value': u'CERN'},
                {'value': u'DESY'},
            'full_name': u'Andronov, E.I.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                {'value': u'DESY'},

    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
    assert 'Unresolved aff-ID or stray footnote symbol' in result['warnings'][0]
def test_authorlist_affiliation_with_utf8_character():
    text = (
        'C. Patrignani1 K. Agashe2 G. Aielli1,2\n'
        '1 Universit`a di Bologna and INFN, Italy\n'
        '2 University of Maryland, MD 20742-4111, USA'

    expected = [
            'full_name': u'Patrignani, C.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                {'value': u'Universit\xe0 di Bologna and INFN, Italy'},
            'full_name': u'Agashe, K.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                {'value': u'University of Maryland, MD 20742-4111, USA'},
            'full_name': u'Aielli, G.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                {'value': u'Universit\xe0 di Bologna and INFN, Italy'},
                {'value': u'University of Maryland, MD 20742-4111, USA'},
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
    assert 'warnings' not in result.keys()
def test_authorlist_space_between_affids():
    text = ('Y.X. Ali1, 20, E I Andronov20\n' '1 CERN\n' '20 DESY')

    expected = ('100__ $$aAli, Y.X.$$vCERN $$vDESY\n'
                '700__ $$aAndronov, E. I.$$vDESY')
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result.encode('utf-8')
Beispiel #22
def test_authorlist_with_no_firstnames():
    text = 'Einstein, Bohr'
    expected = (
        '100__ $$aEinstein\n'
        '700__ $$aBohr'

    assert authorlist(text).encode('utf-8') == expected
def test_authorlist_note_symbols():
    """Test authors which have some footnote symbols like † and ∗"""
    text = ('Y.X. Ali†1, 20, E I Andronov20∗\n' '1 CERN\n' '20 DESY')

    expected = ('100__ $$aAli, Y.X.$$vCERN $$vDESY\n'
                '700__ $$aAndronov, E. I.$$vDESY')
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result.encode('utf-8')
def test_authorlist_multiple_affiliations_on_single_line():
    text = ('A. Aduszkiewicz\n'
            ', Y.X. Ali\n'
            ', E I Andronov\n'
            ', Einstein\n'
            '1 CERN\n'
            '20 DESY\n'
            '13 ETH ZÜRICH15PRINCETON\n')

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo:
    assert 'There might be multiple affiliations per line' in str(
def test_authorlist_handles_spaces_at_the_end_of_an_affiliation():
    text = (
        u'A. J. Hawken1, B. R. Granett1, A. Iovino1, L. Guzzo1,2\n'
        u'1 INAF–Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, via Brera 28, 20122 Milano, via E. Bianchi 46, 23807 Merate, Italy \n'
        u'2 Università degli Studi di Milano, via G. Celoria 16, 20130 Milano, Italy'

    expected = [
            u'Hawken, A.J.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    u'INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, via Brera 28, 20122 Milano, via E. Bianchi 46, 23807 Merate, Italy'
            u'Granett, B.R.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    u'INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, via Brera 28, 20122 Milano, via E. Bianchi 46, 23807 Merate, Italy'
            u'Iovino, A.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    u'INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, via Brera 28, 20122 Milano, via E. Bianchi 46, 23807 Merate, Italy'
            u'Guzzo, L.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    u'INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, via Brera 28, 20122 Milano, via E. Bianchi 46, 23807 Merate, Italy'
                    u'Università degli Studi di Milano, via G. Celoria 16, 20130 Milano, Italy'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
def test_authorlist_no_commas_between_affids():
    text = (
        'C. Patrignani\n'
        'K. Agashe\n'
        'G. Aielli\n'
        'Universit`a di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualit`a della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy\n'
        'University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA'

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo:
    assert 'affiliation IDs might not be separated with commas' in str(
def test_authorlist_no_commas_between_affids():
    text = (
        'C. Patrignani\n'
        'K. Agashe\n'
        'G. Aielli\n'
        'Universit`a di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualit`a della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy\n'
        'University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA'

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo:
    assert 'affiliation IDs might not be separated with commas' in str(
def test_author_with_many_affiliations():
    text = ('F. Durães1,2,3,4\n'
            '1 CERN\n'
            '2 Fermilab\n'
            '3 Lund University\n'
            '4 Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo')
    expected = (
        '100__ $$aDurães, F.$$vCERN $$vFermilab $$vLund University $$vInstituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo'

    assert authorlist(text).encode('utf-8') == expected
def test_authorlist_ignores_space_between_authors_and_affiliations():
    text = ('F. Lastname1, F.M. Otherlastname1,2\n'
            '1 CERN\n'
            '2 Otheraffiliation')

    expected = ('100__ $$aLastname, F.$$vCERN\n'
                '700__ $$aOtherlastname, F.M.$$vCERN $$vOtheraffiliation')
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result
def test_authorlist_multiple_affiliations_on_single_line():
    text = (
        'A. Aduszkiewicz\n'
        ', Y.X. Ali\n'
        ', E I Andronov\n'
        ', Einstein\n'
        '1 CERN\n'
        '20 DESY\n'
        '13 ETH ZÜRICH15PRINCETON\n'

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo:
    assert 'There might be multiple affiliations per line' in str(
def test_authorlist_affids_with_dots():
    text = (
        'C. Patrignani\n'
        'K. Agashe\n'
        'G. Aielli\n'
        'Universit`a di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualit`a della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy\n'
        'University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA'

    expected = [
            u'Patrignani, C.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    u'Universit\xe0 di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualit\xe0 della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy'
            u'Agashe, K.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    u'University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA'
            u'Aielli, G.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    u'Universit\xe0 di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualit\xe0 della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy'
                    u'University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
def test_author_with_many_affiliations():
    text = (
        'F. Durães1,2,3,4\n'
        '1 CERN\n'
        '2 Fermilab\n'
        '3 Lund University\n'
        '4 Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo'
    expected = (
        '100__ $$aDurães, F.$$vCERN $$vFermilab $$vLund University $$vInstituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo'

    assert authorlist(text).encode('utf-8') == expected
def test_authorlist_with_affiliations():
    text = ('F. Durães1, A.V. Giannini2, V.P. Gonçalves3,4 and F.S. Navarra2\n'
            '1 CERN\n'
            '2 Fermilab\n'
            '3 Lund University\n'
            '4 Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo')
    expected = ('100__ $$aDurães, F.$$vCERN\n'
                '700__ $$aGiannini, A.V.$$vFermilab\n'
                '700__ $$aGonçalves, V.P.$$vLund University '
                '$$vInstituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo\n'
                '700__ $$aNavarra, F.S.$$vFermilab')

    assert authorlist(text).encode('utf-8') == expected
def test_authorlist_bad_author_lines():
    text = ('A. Aduszkiewicz\n'
            ', Y.X. Ali\n'
            ', E I Andronov\n'
            ', Einstein\n'
            '1 CERN\n'
            '20 DESY\n'
            '13 ETH ZÜRICH\n'
            '15 PRINCETON\n')

    expected = [
            'full_name': u'Aduszkiewicz, A.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'CERN'
            'full_name': u'Ali, Y.X.',
            'raw_affiliations': [{
                'value': u'CERN'
            }, {
                'value': u'DESY'
            'full_name': u'Andronov, E.I.',
            'raw_affiliations': [{
                'value': u'DESY'
            'raw_affiliations': [{
                'value': u'ETH Z\xdcRICH'
            }, {
                'value': u'PRINCETON'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
def test_authorlist_with_no_firstnames():
    text = 'Einstein, Bohr'

    expected = [
            'full_name': u'Einstein'
            'full_name': u'Bohr'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
def test_authorlist_space_between_affids():
    text = (
        'Y.X. Ali1, 20, E I Andronov20\n'
        '1 CERN\n'
        '20 DESY'

    expected = (
        '100__ $$aAli, Y.X.$$vCERN $$vDESY\n'
        '700__ $$aAndronov, E. I.$$vDESY'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result.encode('utf-8')
def test_authorlist_with_affiliations():
    text = ('F. Durães1, A.V. Giannini2, V.P. Gonçalves3,4 and F.S. Navarra2\n'
            '1 CERN\n'
            '2 Fermilab\n'
            '3 Lund University\n'
            '4 Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo')

    expected = [
            'full_name': u'Dur\xe3es, F.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'CERN'
            'full_name': u'Giannini, A.V.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'Fermilab'
            u'Gon\xe7alves, V.P.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'Lund University'
                    u'Instituto de F\xedsica, Universidade de S\xe3o Paulo'
            'full_name': u'Navarra, F.S.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'Fermilab'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
def test_authorlist_note_symbols():
    """Test authors which have some footnote symbols like † and ∗"""
    text = (
        'Y.X. Ali†1, 20, E I Andronov20∗\n'
        '1 CERN\n'
        '20 DESY'

    expected = (
        '100__ $$aAli, Y.X.$$vCERN $$vDESY\n'
        '700__ $$aAndronov, E. I.$$vDESY'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result.encode('utf-8')
def test_authorlist_ignores_space_between_authors_and_affiliations():
    text = (
        'F. Lastname1, F.M. Otherlastname1,2\n'
        '1 CERN\n'
        '2 Otheraffiliation'

    expected = (
        '100__ $$aLastname, F.$$vCERN\n'
        '700__ $$aOtherlastname, F.M.$$vCERN $$vOtheraffiliation'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result
def test_authorlist_no_commas_between_authors():
    text = (
        'C. Patrignani1 K. Agashe2 G. Aielli1,2\n'
        '1 Universit`a di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualit`a della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy\n'
        '2 University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA'

    expected = (
        '100__ $$aPatrignani, C.$$vUniversità di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualità della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy\n'
        '700__ $$aAgashe, K.$$vUniversity of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA\n'
        '700__ $$aAielli, G.$$vUniversità di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualità della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy $$vUniversity of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA'

    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result.encode('utf-8')
def test_authorlist_handles_spaces_at_the_end_of_an_author():
    text = (u'J. Smith1 \n' u'1 University of somewhere')

    expected = [
            'full_name': u'Smith, J.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'University of somewhere'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
def test_authorlist_no_commas_between_authors():
    text = (
        'C. Patrignani1 K. Agashe2 G. Aielli1,2\n'
        '1 Universit`a di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualit`a della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy\n'
        '2 University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA'

    expected = (
        '100__ $$aPatrignani, C.$$vUniversità di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualità della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy\n'
        '700__ $$aAgashe, K.$$vUniversity of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA\n'
        '700__ $$aAielli, G.$$vUniversità di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualità della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy $$vUniversity of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA'

    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result.encode('utf-8')
Beispiel #43
def test_authorlist_with_affiliations():
    text = (
        'F. Durães1, A.V. Giannini2, V.P. Gonçalves3,4 and F.S. Navarra2\n'
        '1 CERN\n'
        '2 Fermilab\n'
        '3 Lund University\n'
        '4 Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo'
    expected = (
        '100__ $$aDurães, F.$$vCERN\n'
        '700__ $$aGiannini, A.V.$$vFermilab\n'
        '700__ $$aGonçalves, V.P.$$vLund University ' \
        '$$vInstituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo\n'
        '700__ $$aNavarra, F.S.$$vFermilab'

    assert authorlist(text).encode('utf-8') == expected
def test_authorlist_comma_wrong_position():
    """Test case when there is comma before affiliation id."""
    text = (
        'Y. Bao,\n'
        'and A. Lambrecht,\n'
        'Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611\n'
        'Laboratoire Kastler–Brossel, CNRS, ENS, Universit ́e Pierre et Marie Curie case 74, Campus Jussieu, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France\n'

    expected = [
            u'Bao, Y.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    u'Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611'
            u'Lambrecht, A.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    u'Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611'
                    u'Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, CNRS, ENS, Universit \u0301e Pierre et Marie Curie case 74, Campus Jussieu, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
def test_authorlist_when_aff_line_ends_in_number():
    text = (
        'T.M. Liss\n'
        'L. Littenberg\n'
        'Division of Science, City College of New York, 160 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10031\n'
        'Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA'

    expected = (
        '100__ $$aLiss, T.M.$$vDivision of Science, City College of New York, 160 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10031\n'
        '700__ $$aLittenberg, L.$$vPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result.encode('utf-8')
def test_authorlist_when_aff_line_ends_in_number():
    text = (
        'T.M. Liss\n'
        'L. Littenberg\n'
        'Division of Science, City College of New York, 160 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10031\n'
        'Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA'

    expected = (
        '100__ $$aLiss, T.M.$$vDivision of Science, City College of New York, 160 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10031\n'
        '700__ $$aLittenberg, L.$$vPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result.encode('utf-8')
def test_authorlist_affiliation_with_utf8_character():
    text = ('C. Patrignani1 K. Agashe2 G. Aielli1,2\n'
            '1 Universit`a di Bologna and INFN, Italy\n'
            '2 University of Maryland, MD 20742-4111, USA')

    expected = [
            u'Patrignani, C.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'Universit\xe0 di Bologna and INFN, Italy'
            u'Agashe, K.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'University of Maryland, MD 20742-4111, USA'
            u'Aielli, G.',
            'raw_affiliations': [
                    'value': u'Universit\xe0 di Bologna and INFN, Italy'
                    'value': u'University of Maryland, MD 20742-4111, USA'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result['authors']
    assert 'warnings' not in result.keys()
def test_authorlist_affiliation_with_numbers_and_letters():
    text = (
        'O. Buchmueller\n'
        'K. Agashe\n'
        'High Energy Physics Group, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2AZ, UK\n'
        'University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA\n'

    expected = (
        '100__ $$aBuchmueller, O.$$vHigh Energy Physics Group, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2AZ, UK\n'
        '700__ $$aAgashe, K.$$vUniversity of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result.encode('utf-8')
def test_authorlist_affiliation_with_numbers_and_letters():
    text = (
        'O. Buchmueller\n'
        'K. Agashe\n'
        'High Energy Physics Group, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2AZ, UK\n'
        'University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA\n'

    expected = (
        '100__ $$aBuchmueller, O.$$vHigh Energy Physics Group, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2AZ, UK\n'
        '700__ $$aAgashe, K.$$vUniversity of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result.encode('utf-8')
def test_authorlist_comma_wrong_position():
    """Test case when there is comma before affiliation id."""
    text = (
        'Y. Bao,\n'
        'and A. Lambrecht,\n'
        'Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611\n'
        'Laboratoire Kastler–Brossel, CNRS, ENS, Universit ́e Pierre et Marie Curie case 74, Campus Jussieu, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France\n'
    expected = (
        '100__ $$aBao, Y.$$vDepartment of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611\n'
        '700__ $$aLambrecht, A.$$vDepartment of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 $$vLaboratoire Kastler-Brossel, '
        'CNRS, ENS, Universit ́e Pierre et Marie Curie case 74, Campus Jussieu, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result.encode('utf-8')
def test_authorlist_comma_wrong_position():
    """Test case when there is comma before affiliation id."""
    text = (
        'Y. Bao,\n'
        'and A. Lambrecht,\n'
        'Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611\n'
        'Laboratoire Kastler–Brossel, CNRS, ENS, Universit ́e Pierre et Marie Curie case 74, Campus Jussieu, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France\n'
    expected = (
        '100__ $$aBao, Y.$$vDepartment of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611\n'
        '700__ $$aLambrecht, A.$$vDepartment of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 $$vLaboratoire Kastler-Brossel, '
        'CNRS, ENS, Universit ́e Pierre et Marie Curie case 74, Campus Jussieu, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result.encode('utf-8')
def test_authorlist_affids_with_dots():
    text = (
        'C. Patrignani\n'
        'K. Agashe\n'
        'G. Aielli\n'
        'Universit`a di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualit`a della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy\n'
        'University of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA'

    expected = (
        '100__ $$aPatrignani, C.$$vUniversità di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualità della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy\n'
        '700__ $$aAgashe, K.$$vUniversity of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA\n'
        '700__ $$aAielli, G.$$vUniversità di Bologna and INFN, Dip. Scienze per la Qualità della Vita, I-47921, Rimini, Italy $$vUniversity of Maryland, Department of Physics, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA'
    result = authorlist(text)

    assert expected == result.encode('utf-8')
Beispiel #53
def test_authorlist_with_no_text():
    text = None
    expected = ''

    assert authorlist(text) == expected