Beispiel #1
 def test_get_running_instructor_tasks(self):
     # when fetching running tasks, we get all running tasks, and only running tasks
     for _ in range(1, 5):
     progress_task_ids = [self._create_progress_entry().task_id for _ in range(1, 5)]
     task_ids = [instructor_task.task_id for instructor_task in get_running_instructor_tasks(TEST_COURSE_KEY)]
     self.assertEquals(set(task_ids), set(progress_task_ids))
Beispiel #2
 def test_get_running_instructor_tasks(self):
     # when fetching running tasks, we get all running tasks, and only running tasks
     for _ in range(1, 5):
     progress_task_ids = [self._create_progress_entry().task_id for _ in range(1, 5)]
     task_ids = [instructor_task.task_id for instructor_task in get_running_instructor_tasks(TEST_COURSE_ID)]
     self.assertEquals(set(task_ids), set(progress_task_ids))
Beispiel #3
def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
    """Display the instructor dashboard for a course."""
    course_key = SlashSeparatedCourseKey.from_deprecated_string(course_id)
    course = get_course_with_access(request.user, 'staff', course_key, depth=None)

    instructor_access = has_access(request.user, 'instructor', course)   # an instructor can manage staff lists

    forum_admin_access = has_forum_access(request.user, course_key, FORUM_ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR)

    msg = ''
    show_email_tab = False
    problems = []
    plots = []
    datatable = {}

    # the instructor dashboard page is modal: grades, psychometrics, admin
    # keep that state in request.session (defaults to grades mode)
    idash_mode = request.POST.get('idash_mode', '')
    idash_mode_key = u'idash_mode:{0}'.format(course_id)
    if idash_mode:
        request.session[idash_mode_key] = idash_mode
        idash_mode = request.session.get(idash_mode_key, 'Grades')

    enrollment_number = CourseEnrollment.num_enrolled_in(course_key)

    # assemble some course statistics for output to instructor
    def get_course_stats_table():
        datatable = {
            'header': ['Statistic', 'Value'],
            'title': _('Course Statistics At A Glance'),

        data = [['Date',]]
        data += compute_course_stats(course).items()
        if request.user.is_staff:
            for field in course.fields.values():
                if getattr(field.scope, 'user', False):

                    json.dumps(field.read_json(course), cls=i4xEncoder)
        datatable['data'] = data
        return datatable

    def return_csv(func, datatable, file_pointer=None):
        """Outputs a CSV file from the contents of a datatable."""
        if file_pointer is None:
            response = HttpResponse(mimetype='text/csv')
            response['Content-Disposition'] = (u'attachment; filename={0}'.format(func)).encode('utf-8')
            response = file_pointer
        writer = csv.writer(response, dialect='excel', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
        encoded_row = [unicode(s).encode('utf-8') for s in datatable['header']]
        for datarow in datatable['data']:
            # 's' here may be an integer, float (eg score) or string (eg student name)
            encoded_row = [
                # If s is already a UTF-8 string, trying to make a unicode
                # object out of it will fail unless we pass in an encoding to
                # the constructor. But we can't do that across the board,
                # because s is often a numeric type. So just do this.
                s if isinstance(s, str) else unicode(s).encode('utf-8')
                for s in datarow
        return response

    # process actions from form POST
    action = request.POST.get('action', '')
    use_offline = request.POST.get('use_offline_grades', False)

        if 'GIT pull' in action:
            data_dir = course.data_dir
            log.debug('git pull {0}'.format(data_dir))
            gdir = settings.DATA_DIR / data_dir
            if not os.path.exists(gdir):
                msg += "====> ERROR in gitreload - no such directory {0}".format(gdir)
                cmd = "cd {0}; git reset --hard HEAD; git clean -f -d; git pull origin; chmod g+w course.xml".format(gdir)
                msg += "git pull on {0}:<p>".format(data_dir)
                msg += "<pre>{0}</pre></p>".format(escape(os.popen(cmd).read()))
                track.views.server_track(request, "git-pull", {"directory": data_dir}, page="idashboard")

        if 'Reload course' in action:
            log.debug('reloading {0} ({1})'.format(course_key, course))
                data_dir = course.data_dir
                msg += "<br/><p>Course reloaded from {0}</p>".format(data_dir)
                track.views.server_track(request, "reload", {"directory": data_dir}, page="idashboard")
                course_errors = modulestore().get_course_errors(
                msg += '<ul>'
                for cmsg, cerr in course_errors:
                    msg += "<li>{0}: <pre>{1}</pre>".format(cmsg, escape(cerr))
                msg += '</ul>'
            except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                msg += '<br/><p>Error: {0}</p>'.format(escape(err))

    if action == 'Dump list of enrolled students' or action == 'List enrolled students':
        datatable = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=False, use_offline=use_offline)
        datatable['title'] = _('List of students enrolled in {course_key}').format(course_key=course_key.to_deprecated_string())
        track.views.server_track(request, "list-students", {}, page="idashboard")

    elif 'Dump all RAW grades' in action:
        datatable = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=True,
                                                   get_raw_scores=True, use_offline=use_offline)
        datatable['title'] = _('Raw Grades of students enrolled in {course_key}').format(course_key=course_key)
        track.views.server_track(request, "dump-grades-raw", {}, page="idashboard")

    elif 'Download CSV of all RAW grades' in action:
        track.views.server_track(request, "dump-grades-csv-raw", {}, page="idashboard")
        return return_csv('grades_{0}_raw.csv'.format(course_key.to_deprecated_string()),
                          get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_raw_scores=True, use_offline=use_offline))

    elif 'Download CSV of answer distributions' in action:
        track.views.server_track(request, "dump-answer-dist-csv", {}, page="idashboard")
        return return_csv('answer_dist_{0}.csv'.format(course_key.to_deprecated_string()), get_answers_distribution(request, course_key))

    # export grades to remote gradebook

    elif action == 'List assignments available in remote gradebook':
        msg2, datatable = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'get-assignments')
        msg += msg2

    elif action == 'List assignments available for this course':
        allgrades = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=True, use_offline=use_offline)

        assignments = [[x] for x in allgrades['assignments']]
        datatable = {'header': [_('Assignment Name')]}
        datatable['data'] = assignments
        datatable['title'] = action

        msg += 'assignments=<pre>%s</pre>' % assignments

    elif action == 'List enrolled students matching remote gradebook':
        stud_data = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=False, use_offline=use_offline)
        msg2, rg_stud_data = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'get-membership')
        datatable = {'header': ['Student  email', 'Match?']}
        rg_students = [x['email'] for x in rg_stud_data['retdata']]

        def domatch(student):
            """Returns 'yes' if student is pressent in the remote gradebook student list, else returns 'No'"""
            return 'yes' if in rg_students else 'No'
        datatable['data'] = [[, domatch(x)] for x in stud_data['students']]
        datatable['title'] = action

    elif action in ['Display grades for assignment', 'Export grades for assignment to remote gradebook',
                    'Export CSV file of grades for assignment']:

        datatable = {}
        aname = request.POST.get('assignment_name', '')
        if not aname:
            msg += "<font color='red'>{text}</font>".format(text=_("Please enter an assignment name"))
            allgrades = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=True, use_offline=use_offline)
            if aname not in allgrades['assignments']:
                msg += "<font color='red'>{text}</font>".format(
                    text=_("Invalid assignment name '{name}'").format(name=aname)
                aidx = allgrades['assignments'].index(aname)
                datatable = {'header': [_('External email'), aname]}
                ddata = []
                for student in allgrades['students']:  # do one by one in case there is a student who has only partial grades
                        ddata.append([, student.grades[aidx]])
                    except IndexError:
                        log.debug('No grade for assignment {idx} ({name}) for student {email}'.format(
                            idx=aidx, name=aname,
                datatable['data'] = ddata

                datatable['title'] = _('Grades for assignment "{name}"').format(name=aname)

                if 'Export CSV' in action:
                    # generate and return CSV file
                    return return_csv('grades {name}.csv'.format(name=aname), datatable)

                elif 'remote gradebook' in action:
                    file_pointer = StringIO()
                    return_csv('', datatable, file_pointer=file_pointer)
                    files = {'datafile': file_pointer}
                    msg2, __ = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'post-grades', files=files)
                    msg += msg2

    # DataDump

    elif 'Download CSV of all responses to problem' in action:
        problem_to_dump = request.POST.get('problem_to_dump', '')

        if problem_to_dump[-4:] == ".xml":
            problem_to_dump = problem_to_dump[:-4]
            module_state_key = course_key.make_usage_key_from_deprecated_string(problem_to_dump)
            smdat = StudentModule.objects.filter(
            smdat = smdat.order_by('student')
            msg += _("Found {num} records to dump.").format(num=smdat)
        except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            msg += "<font color='red'>{text}</font><pre>{err}</pre>".format(
                text=_("Couldn't find module with that urlname."),
            smdat = []

        if smdat:
            datatable = {'header': ['username', 'state']}
            datatable['data'] = [[x.student.username, x.state] for x in smdat]
            datatable['title'] = _('Student state for problem {problem}').format(problem=problem_to_dump)
            return return_csv('student_state_from_{problem}.csv'.format(problem=problem_to_dump), datatable)

    # enrollment

    elif action == 'List students who may enroll but may not have yet signed up':
        ceaset = CourseEnrollmentAllowed.objects.filter(course_id=course_key)
        datatable = {'header': ['StudentEmail']}
        datatable['data'] = [[] for x in ceaset]
        datatable['title'] = action

    elif action == 'Enroll multiple students':

        is_shib_course = uses_shib(course)
        students = request.POST.get('multiple_students', '')
        auto_enroll = bool(request.POST.get('auto_enroll'))
        email_students = bool(request.POST.get('email_students'))
        secure = request.is_secure()
        ret = _do_enroll_students(course, course_key, students, secure=secure, auto_enroll=auto_enroll, email_students=email_students, is_shib_course=is_shib_course)
        datatable = ret['datatable']

    elif action == 'Unenroll multiple students':

        students = request.POST.get('multiple_students', '')
        email_students = bool(request.POST.get('email_students'))
        ret = _do_unenroll_students(course_key, students, email_students=email_students)
        datatable = ret['datatable']

    elif action == 'List sections available in remote gradebook':

        msg2, datatable = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'get-sections')
        msg += msg2

    elif action in ['List students in section in remote gradebook',
                    'Overload enrollment list using remote gradebook',
                    'Merge enrollment list with remote gradebook']:

        section = request.POST.get('gradebook_section', '')
        msg2, datatable = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'get-membership', dict(section=section))
        msg += msg2

        if 'List' not in action:
            students = ','.join([x['email'] for x in datatable['retdata']])
            overload = 'Overload' in action
            secure = request.is_secure()
            ret = _do_enroll_students(course, course_key, students, secure=secure, overload=overload)
            datatable = ret['datatable']

    # psychometrics

    elif action == 'Generate Histogram and IRT Plot':
        problem = request.POST['Problem']
        nmsg, plots = psychoanalyze.generate_plots_for_problem(problem)
        msg += nmsg
        track.views.server_track(request, "psychometrics-histogram-generation", {"problem": unicode(problem)}, page="idashboard")

    if idash_mode == 'Psychometrics':
        problems = psychoanalyze.problems_with_psychometric_data(course_key)

    # analytics
    def get_analytics_result(analytics_name):
        """Return data for an Analytic piece, or None if it doesn't exist. It
        logs and swallows errors.
        url = settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + \
                analytics_name, urllib.quote(unicode(course_key)), settings.ANALYTICS_API_KEY
            res = requests.get(url)
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            log.exception("Error trying to access analytics at %s", url)
            return None

        if res.status_code == codes.OK:
            # WARNING: do not use req.json because the preloaded json doesn't
            # preserve the order of the original record (hence OrderedDict).
            payload = json.loads(res.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
            return payload
            log.error("Error fetching %s, code: %s, msg: %s",
                      url, res.status_code, res.content)
        return None

    analytics_results = {}

    if idash_mode == 'Analytics':
        dashboard_analytics = [
            # "StudentsAttemptedProblems",  # num students who tried given problem
            "StudentsDailyActivity",  # active students by day
            "StudentsDropoffPerDay",  # active students dropoff by day
            # "OverallGradeDistribution",  # overall point distribution for course
            # "StudentsPerProblemCorrect",  # foreach problem, num students correct
            "ProblemGradeDistribution",  # foreach problem, grade distribution

        for analytic_name in dashboard_analytics:
            analytics_results[analytic_name] = get_analytics_result(analytic_name)

    # Metrics

    metrics_results = {}
    if settings.FEATURES.get('CLASS_DASHBOARD') and idash_mode == 'Metrics':
        metrics_results['section_display_name'] = dashboard_data.get_section_display_name(course_key)
        metrics_results['section_has_problem'] = dashboard_data.get_array_section_has_problem(course_key)

    # offline grades?

    if use_offline:
        msg += "<br/><font color='orange'>{text}</font>".format(
            text=_("Grades from {course_id}").format(

    # generate list of pending background tasks
        instructor_tasks = get_running_instructor_tasks(course_key)
        instructor_tasks = None

    # determine if this is a studio-backed course so we can provide a link to edit this course in studio
    is_studio_course = modulestore().get_modulestore_type(course_key) != ModuleStoreEnum.Type.xml
    studio_url = None
    if is_studio_course:
        studio_url = get_cms_course_link(course)

    if bulk_email_is_enabled_for_course(course_key):
        show_email_tab = True

    # display course stats only if there is no other table to display:
    course_stats = None
    if not datatable:
        course_stats = get_course_stats_table()

    # disable buttons for large courses
    disable_buttons = False
    max_enrollment_for_buttons = settings.FEATURES.get("MAX_ENROLLMENT_INSTR_BUTTONS")
    if max_enrollment_for_buttons is not None:
        disable_buttons = enrollment_number > max_enrollment_for_buttons

    # context for rendering

    context = {
        'course': course,
        'staff_access': True,
        'admin_access': request.user.is_staff,
        'instructor_access': instructor_access,
        'forum_admin_access': forum_admin_access,
        'datatable': datatable,
        'course_stats': course_stats,
        'msg': msg,
        'modeflag': {idash_mode: 'selectedmode'},
        'studio_url': studio_url,

        'show_email_tab': show_email_tab,  # email

        'problems': problems,  # psychometrics
        'plots': plots,  # psychometrics
        'course_errors': modulestore().get_course_errors(,
        'instructor_tasks': instructor_tasks,
        'offline_grade_log': offline_grades_available(course_key),

        'analytics_results': analytics_results,
        'disable_buttons': disable_buttons,
        'metrics_results': metrics_results,

    context['standard_dashboard_url'] = reverse('instructor_dashboard', kwargs={'course_id': course_key.to_deprecated_string()})

    return render_to_response('courseware/legacy_instructor_dashboard.html', context)
Beispiel #4
def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
    """Display the instructor dashboard for a course."""
    course_key = SlashSeparatedCourseKey.from_deprecated_string(course_id)
    course = get_course_with_access(request.user, 'staff', course_key, depth=None)

    instructor_access = has_access(request.user, 'instructor', course)   # an instructor can manage staff lists

    forum_admin_access = has_forum_access(request.user, course_key, FORUM_ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR)

    msg = ''
    show_email_tab = False
    problems = []
    plots = []
    datatable = {}

    # the instructor dashboard page is modal: grades, psychometrics, admin
    # keep that state in request.session (defaults to grades mode)
    idash_mode = request.POST.get('idash_mode', '')
    idash_mode_key = u'idash_mode:{0}'.format(course_id)
    if idash_mode:
        request.session[idash_mode_key] = idash_mode
        idash_mode = request.session.get(idash_mode_key, 'Grades')

    enrollment_number = CourseEnrollment.num_enrolled_in(course_key)

    # assemble some course statistics for output to instructor
    def get_course_stats_table():
        datatable = {
            'header': ['Statistic', 'Value'],
            'title': _('Course Statistics At A Glance'),

        data = [['Date',]]
        data += compute_course_stats(course).items()
        if request.user.is_staff:
            for field in course.fields.values():
                if getattr(field.scope, 'user', False):

                    json.dumps(field.read_json(course), cls=i4xEncoder)
        datatable['data'] = data
        return datatable

    def return_csv(func, datatable, file_pointer=None):
        """Outputs a CSV file from the contents of a datatable."""
        if file_pointer is None:
            response = HttpResponse(mimetype='text/csv')
            response['Content-Disposition'] = (u'attachment; filename={0}'.format(func)).encode('utf-8')
            response = file_pointer
        writer = csv.writer(response, dialect='excel', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
        encoded_row = [unicode(s).encode('utf-8') for s in datatable['header']]
        for datarow in datatable['data']:
            # 's' here may be an integer, float (eg score) or string (eg student name)
            encoded_row = [
                # If s is already a UTF-8 string, trying to make a unicode
                # object out of it will fail unless we pass in an encoding to
                # the constructor. But we can't do that across the board,
                # because s is often a numeric type. So just do this.
                s if isinstance(s, str) else unicode(s).encode('utf-8')
                for s in datarow
        return response

    # process actions from form POST
    action = request.POST.get('action', '')
    use_offline = request.POST.get('use_offline_grades', False)

        if 'GIT pull' in action:
            data_dir = course.data_dir
            log.debug('git pull {0}'.format(data_dir))
            gdir = settings.DATA_DIR / data_dir
            if not os.path.exists(gdir):
                msg += "====> ERROR in gitreload - no such directory {0}".format(gdir)
                cmd = "cd {0}; git reset --hard HEAD; git clean -f -d; git pull origin; chmod g+w course.xml".format(gdir)
                msg += "git pull on {0}:<p>".format(data_dir)
                msg += "<pre>{0}</pre></p>".format(escape(os.popen(cmd).read()))
                track.views.server_track(request, "git-pull", {"directory": data_dir}, page="idashboard")

        if 'Reload course' in action:
            log.debug('reloading {0} ({1})'.format(course_key, course))
                data_dir = course.data_dir
                msg += "<br/><p>Course reloaded from {0}</p>".format(data_dir)
                track.views.server_track(request, "reload", {"directory": data_dir}, page="idashboard")
                course_errors = modulestore().get_course_errors(
                msg += '<ul>'
                for cmsg, cerr in course_errors:
                    msg += "<li>{0}: <pre>{1}</pre>".format(cmsg, escape(cerr))
                msg += '</ul>'
            except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                msg += '<br/><p>Error: {0}</p>'.format(escape(err))

    if action == 'Dump list of enrolled students' or action == 'List enrolled students':
        datatable = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=False, use_offline=use_offline)
        datatable['title'] = _('List of students enrolled in {course_key}').format(course_key=course_key.to_deprecated_string())
        track.views.server_track(request, "list-students", {}, page="idashboard")

    elif 'Dump all RAW grades' in action:
        datatable = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=True,
                                                   get_raw_scores=True, use_offline=use_offline)
        datatable['title'] = _('Raw Grades of students enrolled in {course_key}').format(course_key=course_key)
        track.views.server_track(request, "dump-grades-raw", {}, page="idashboard")

    elif 'Download CSV of all RAW grades' in action:
        track.views.server_track(request, "dump-grades-csv-raw", {}, page="idashboard")
        return return_csv('grades_{0}_raw.csv'.format(course_key.to_deprecated_string()),
                          get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_raw_scores=True, use_offline=use_offline))

    elif 'Download CSV of answer distributions' in action:
        track.views.server_track(request, "dump-answer-dist-csv", {}, page="idashboard")
        return return_csv('answer_dist_{0}.csv'.format(course_key.to_deprecated_string()), get_answers_distribution(request, course_key))

    # export grades to remote gradebook

    elif action == 'List assignments available in remote gradebook':
        msg2, datatable = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'get-assignments')
        msg += msg2

    elif action == 'List assignments available for this course':
        allgrades = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=True, use_offline=use_offline)

        assignments = [[x] for x in allgrades['assignments']]
        datatable = {'header': [_('Assignment Name')]}
        datatable['data'] = assignments
        datatable['title'] = action

        msg += 'assignments=<pre>%s</pre>' % assignments

    elif action == 'List enrolled students matching remote gradebook':
        stud_data = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=False, use_offline=use_offline)
        msg2, rg_stud_data = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'get-membership')
        datatable = {'header': ['Student  email', 'Match?']}
        rg_students = [x['email'] for x in rg_stud_data['retdata']]

        def domatch(student):
            """Returns 'yes' if student is pressent in the remote gradebook student list, else returns 'No'"""
            return 'yes' if in rg_students else 'No'
        datatable['data'] = [[, domatch(x)] for x in stud_data['students']]
        datatable['title'] = action

    elif action in ['Display grades for assignment', 'Export grades for assignment to remote gradebook',
                    'Export CSV file of grades for assignment']:

        datatable = {}
        aname = request.POST.get('assignment_name', '')
        if not aname:
            msg += "<font color='red'>{text}</font>".format(text=_("Please enter an assignment name"))
            allgrades = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=True, use_offline=use_offline)
            if aname not in allgrades['assignments']:
                msg += "<font color='red'>{text}</font>".format(
                    text=_("Invalid assignment name '{name}'").format(name=aname)
                aidx = allgrades['assignments'].index(aname)
                datatable = {'header': [_('External email'), aname]}
                ddata = []
                for student in allgrades['students']:  # do one by one in case there is a student who has only partial grades
                        ddata.append([, student.grades[aidx]])
                    except IndexError:
                        log.debug('No grade for assignment {idx} ({name}) for student {email}'.format(
                            idx=aidx, name=aname,
                datatable['data'] = ddata

                datatable['title'] = _('Grades for assignment "{name}"').format(name=aname)

                if 'Export CSV' in action:
                    # generate and return CSV file
                    return return_csv('grades {name}.csv'.format(name=aname), datatable)

                elif 'remote gradebook' in action:
                    file_pointer = StringIO()
                    return_csv('', datatable, file_pointer=file_pointer)
                    files = {'datafile': file_pointer}
                    msg2, __ = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'post-grades', files=files)
                    msg += msg2

    # DataDump

    elif 'Download CSV of all responses to problem' in action:
        problem_to_dump = request.POST.get('problem_to_dump', '')

        if problem_to_dump[-4:] == ".xml":
            problem_to_dump = problem_to_dump[:-4]
            module_state_key = course_key.make_usage_key_from_deprecated_string(problem_to_dump)
            smdat = StudentModule.objects.filter(
            smdat = smdat.order_by('student')
            msg += _("Found {num} records to dump.").format(num=smdat)
        except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            msg += "<font color='red'>{text}</font><pre>{err}</pre>".format(
                text=_("Couldn't find module with that urlname."),
            smdat = []

        if smdat:
            datatable = {'header': ['username', 'state']}
            datatable['data'] = [[x.student.username, x.state] for x in smdat]
            datatable['title'] = _('Student state for problem {problem}').format(problem=problem_to_dump)
            return return_csv('student_state_from_{problem}.csv'.format(problem=problem_to_dump), datatable)

    # enrollment

    elif action == 'List students who may enroll but may not have yet signed up':
        ceaset = CourseEnrollmentAllowed.objects.filter(course_id=course_key)
        datatable = {'header': ['StudentEmail']}
        datatable['data'] = [[] for x in ceaset]
        datatable['title'] = action

    elif action == 'Enroll multiple students':

        is_shib_course = uses_shib(course)
        students = request.POST.get('multiple_students', '')
        auto_enroll = bool(request.POST.get('auto_enroll'))
        email_students = bool(request.POST.get('email_students'))
        secure = request.is_secure()
        ret = _do_enroll_students(course, course_key, students, secure=secure, auto_enroll=auto_enroll, email_students=email_students, is_shib_course=is_shib_course)
        datatable = ret['datatable']

    elif action == 'Unenroll multiple students':

        students = request.POST.get('multiple_students', '')
        email_students = bool(request.POST.get('email_students'))
        ret = _do_unenroll_students(course_key, students, email_students=email_students)
        datatable = ret['datatable']

    elif action == 'List sections available in remote gradebook':

        msg2, datatable = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'get-sections')
        msg += msg2

    elif action in ['List students in section in remote gradebook',
                    'Overload enrollment list using remote gradebook',
                    'Merge enrollment list with remote gradebook']:

        section = request.POST.get('gradebook_section', '')
        msg2, datatable = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'get-membership', dict(section=section))
        msg += msg2

        if not 'List' in action:
            students = ','.join([x['email'] for x in datatable['retdata']])
            overload = 'Overload' in action
            secure = request.is_secure()
            ret = _do_enroll_students(course, course_key, students, secure=secure, overload=overload)
            datatable = ret['datatable']

    # psychometrics

    elif action == 'Generate Histogram and IRT Plot':
        problem = request.POST['Problem']
        nmsg, plots = psychoanalyze.generate_plots_for_problem(problem)
        msg += nmsg
        track.views.server_track(request, "psychometrics-histogram-generation", {"problem": unicode(problem)}, page="idashboard")

    if idash_mode == 'Psychometrics':
        problems = psychoanalyze.problems_with_psychometric_data(course_key)

    # analytics
    def get_analytics_result(analytics_name):
        """Return data for an Analytic piece, or None if it doesn't exist. It
        logs and swallows errors.
        url = settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + \
                analytics_name, urllib.quote(unicode(course_key)), settings.ANALYTICS_API_KEY
            res = requests.get(url)
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            log.exception("Error trying to access analytics at %s", url)
            return None

        if res.status_code == codes.OK:
            # WARNING: do not use req.json because the preloaded json doesn't
            # preserve the order of the original record (hence OrderedDict).
            payload = json.loads(res.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
            return payload
            log.error("Error fetching %s, code: %s, msg: %s",
                      url, res.status_code, res.content)
        return None

    analytics_results = {}

    if idash_mode == 'Analytics':
        dashboard_analytics = [
            # "StudentsAttemptedProblems",  # num students who tried given problem
            "StudentsDailyActivity",  # active students by day
            "StudentsDropoffPerDay",  # active students dropoff by day
            # "OverallGradeDistribution",  # overall point distribution for course
            # "StudentsPerProblemCorrect",  # foreach problem, num students correct
            "ProblemGradeDistribution",  # foreach problem, grade distribution

        for analytic_name in dashboard_analytics:
            analytics_results[analytic_name] = get_analytics_result(analytic_name)

    # Metrics

    metrics_results = {}
    if settings.FEATURES.get('CLASS_DASHBOARD') and idash_mode == 'Metrics':
        metrics_results['section_display_name'] = dashboard_data.get_section_display_name(course_key)
        metrics_results['section_has_problem'] = dashboard_data.get_array_section_has_problem(course_key)

    # offline grades?

    if use_offline:
        msg += "<br/><font color='orange'>{text}</font>".format(
            text=_("Grades from {course_id}").format(

    # generate list of pending background tasks
        instructor_tasks = get_running_instructor_tasks(course_key)
        instructor_tasks = None

    # determine if this is a studio-backed course so we can provide a link to edit this course in studio
    is_studio_course = modulestore().get_modulestore_type(course_key) != ModuleStoreEnum.Type.xml
    studio_url = None
    if is_studio_course:
        studio_url = get_cms_course_link(course)

    if bulk_email_is_enabled_for_course(course_key):
        show_email_tab = True

    # display course stats only if there is no other table to display:
    course_stats = None
    if not datatable:
        course_stats = get_course_stats_table()

    # disable buttons for large courses
    disable_buttons = False
    max_enrollment_for_buttons = settings.FEATURES.get("MAX_ENROLLMENT_INSTR_BUTTONS")
    if max_enrollment_for_buttons is not None:
        disable_buttons = enrollment_number > max_enrollment_for_buttons

    # context for rendering

    context = {
        'course': course,
        'staff_access': True,
        'admin_access': request.user.is_staff,
        'instructor_access': instructor_access,
        'forum_admin_access': forum_admin_access,
        'datatable': datatable,
        'course_stats': course_stats,
        'msg': msg,
        'modeflag': {idash_mode: 'selectedmode'},
        'studio_url': studio_url,

        'show_email_tab': show_email_tab,  # email

        'problems': problems,  # psychometrics
        'plots': plots,  # psychometrics
        'course_errors': modulestore().get_course_errors(,
        'instructor_tasks': instructor_tasks,
        'offline_grade_log': offline_grades_available(course_key),

        'analytics_results': analytics_results,
        'disable_buttons': disable_buttons,
        'metrics_results': metrics_results,

    context['standard_dashboard_url'] = reverse('instructor_dashboard', kwargs={'course_id': course_key.to_deprecated_string()})

    return render_to_response('courseware/legacy_instructor_dashboard.html', context)