def reset_to_factory_defaults(request):
  return_dict = {}
    if request.method == "GET":
      #Send a confirmation screen
      return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('reset_factory_defaults_conf.html', return_dict, context_instance = django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
    else:"Got a request to reset to factory defaults")
      #Post request so from conf screen
      #Reset the ntp config file
      try :
        shutil.copyfile("%s/factory_defaults/ntp.conf"%fractalio.common.get_factory_defaults_path(), '%s/ntp.conf'%fractalio.common.get_ntp_conf_path())
      except Exception, e:
        return_dict["error"] = "Error reseting NTP configuration : %s"%e
        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('logged_in_error.html', return_dict, context_instance = django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
      #Remove email settings
      except Exception, e:
        #print str(e)
        return_dict["error"] = "Error reseting mail configuration : %s."%e
        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('logged_in_error.html', return_dict, context_instance = django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
      except Exception, e:
        #print str(e)
        return_dict["error"] = "Error rotating the audit trail : %s."%e
        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('logged_in_error.html', return_dict, context_instance = django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def logout(request):
  """ Used to logout a user into the management utility""""User '%s' logged out"%request.user)
  # Clear the session if the user has been logged in anywhere else.
  sessions = Session.objects.all()
  for s in sessions:
   if s.get_decoded() and (s.get_decoded()['_auth_user_id'] == or not s.get_decoded()):
  return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect('/login/')
def raise_alert(request):

  return_dict = {}
  template = "logged_in_error.html"
  if "msg" not in request.REQUEST:
    return_dict["error"] = "No alert message specified."
      msg = request.REQUEST["msg"]
    except Exception, e:
      return_dict["error"] = "Error logging alert : %s"%e"Error logging alert %s"%str(e))
def update_admin_password(request):
    """ Used to change a user's password for the management utility"""

        return_dict = {}

        if request.user and request.user.is_authenticated():
            if request.method == 'POST':
                iv_logging.debug("Admin password change posted")
                # user has submitted the password info
                form = admin_forms.ChangeAdminPasswordForm(request.POST)
                if form.is_valid():
                    cd = form.cleaned_data
                    oldPasswd = cd['oldPasswd']
                    newPasswd1 = cd['newPasswd1']
                    newPasswd2 = cd['newPasswd2']
                    # Checking for old password is done in the form itself
                    if request.user.check_password(oldPasswd):
                        if newPasswd1 == newPasswd2:
                            # all systems go so now change password
                            return_dict['ack_message'] = 'Password changed sucessful.'
                                "Admin password change request successful.")
                            audit_str = "Changed admin password"
                                        audit_str, request)
                            return_dict['error'] = 'New passwords do not match'
                # else invalid form or error so existing form data to return_dict and
                # fall through to redisplay the form
                if 'success' not in return_dict:
                    return_dict['form'] = form
          "Admin password change request failed.")
                form = admin_forms.ChangeAdminPasswordForm()
                return_dict['form'] = form

            return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('update_admin_password_form.html', return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
            # User not authenticated so return a login screen
            return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect('/login/')
    except Exception, e:
        return_dict['base_template'] = "system_base.html"
        return_dict["page_title"] = 'Change admininistrator password'
        return_dict['tab'] = 'system_info_tab'
        return_dict["error"] = 'Error changing administrator password'
        return_dict["error_details"] = str(e)
        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('logged_in_error.html', return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def logout(request):
  """ Used to logout a user into the management utility"""
  try:"User '%s' logged out"%request.user)
    # Clear the session if the user has been logged in anywhere else.
    sessions = Session.objects.all()
    for s in sessions:
     if s.get_decoded() and (s.get_decoded()['_auth_user_id'] == or not s.get_decoded()):
    return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect('/login/')
  except Exception, e:
    return_dict['base_template'] = "dashboard_base.html"
    return_dict["page_title"] = 'Logout'
    return_dict['tab'] = 'disks_tab'
    return_dict["error"] = 'Error logging out'
    return_dict["error_details"] = str(e)
    return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('logged_in_error.html', return_dict, context_instance = django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def change_admin_password(request):
  """ Used to change a user's password for the management utility"""

  return_dict = {}

  if request.user and request.user.is_authenticated():
    if request.method == 'POST':
      iv_logging.debug("Admin password change posted")
      #user has submitted the password info
      form = admin_forms.ChangeAdminPasswordForm(request.POST)
      if form.is_valid():
        cd = form.cleaned_data
        oldPasswd = cd['oldPasswd']
        newPasswd1 = cd['newPasswd1']
        newPasswd2 = cd['newPasswd2']
        #Checking for old password is done in the form itself
        if request.user.check_password(oldPasswd):
          if newPasswd1 == newPasswd2:
            # all systems go so now change password
            return_dict['success'] = True
  "Admin password change request successful.")
            audit_str = "Changed admin password"
            audit.audit("modify_admin_password", audit_str, request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"])
	          return_dict['error'] = 'New passwords do not match'
      # else invalid form or error so existing form data to return_dict and 
      # fall through to redisplay the form
      if 'success' not in return_dict:
        return_dict['form'] = form"Admin password change request failed.")
      form = admin_forms.ChangeAdminPasswordForm()
      return_dict['form'] = form

    return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('change_admin_password_form.html', return_dict, context_instance = django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
    #User not authenticated so return a login screen
    return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect('/login/')
Beispiel #7
def logout(request):
    """ Used to logout a user into the management utility"""
    try:"User '%s' logged out" % request.user)
        # Clear the session if the user has been logged in anywhere else.
        sessions = Session.objects.all()
        for s in sessions:
            if (s.get_decoded() and int(s.get_decoded()['_auth_user_id'])
                    == or not s.get_decoded():
        return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect('/login/')
    except Exception, e:
        return_dict['base_template'] = "dashboard_base.html"
        return_dict["page_title"] = 'Logout'
        return_dict['tab'] = 'disks_tab'
        return_dict["error"] = 'Error logging out'
        return_dict["error_details"] = str(e)
        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(
def login(request):
  """ Used to login a user into the management utility"""

  return_dict = {}
  authSucceeded = False

  if request.method == 'POST':"Login request posted")
    # Someone is submitting info so check it
    form = admin_forms.LoginForm(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
      # submitted form is valid so now try to authenticate
      # if not valid then fall out to end of function and return form to user
      # with existing data
      cd = form.cleaned_data
      username = cd['username']
      password = cd['password']
      # Try to authenticate
      user = django.contrib.auth.authenticate(username=username, password=password)
      if user is not None and user.is_active:
        # Clear the session if the user has been logged in anywhere else.
        sessions = Session.objects.all()
        for s in sessions:
          if s.get_decoded() and (s.get_decoded()['_auth_user_id'] ==
        # authentication succeeded! Login and send to home screen
        django.contrib.auth.login(request, user)"Login request from user '%s' succeeded"%username)
        authSucceeded = True
      else:"Login request from user '%s' failed"%username)
        return_dict['invalidUser'] = True
      #Invalid form
      iv_logging.debug("Invalid login information posted")
    # GET request so create a new form and send back to user
    form = admin_forms.LoginForm()
    # Clear the session if the user has been logged in anywhere else.
    sessions = Session.objects.all()
    for s in sessions:
      if s.get_decoded() is not None and s.get_decoded().get('_auth_user_id') is not None:
        return_dict['session_active'] = True

  return_dict['form'] = form

  if authSucceeded:
    return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect('/show/dashboard/')

  # For all other cases, return to login screen with return_dict 
  # appropriately populated
  return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('login_form.html', return_dict, context_instance = django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def create_volume(request):
    """ Used to actually create the volume"""

    return_dict = {}
        gluster_lck, err = lock.get_lock('gluster_commands')
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        if not gluster_lck:
            raise Exception(
                'This action cannot be performed as an underlying storage command is being run. Please retry this operation after a few seconds.')

        return_dict['base_template'] = "volume_base.html"
        return_dict["page_title"] = 'Create a volume'
        return_dict['tab'] = 'view_volumes_tab'
        return_dict["error"] = 'Error creating a volume'

        if request.method != "POST":
            raise Exception("Invalid access method. Please use the menus.")

        if 'cmd' not in request.POST or 'dataset_list' not in request.POST:
            raise Exception('Required parameters not passed.')

        # cmd represents the actual gluster volume creation command built using
        # the wizard choices.
        cmd = request.POST['cmd']
        # print cmd

        # dataset_list is a list of hostname:dataset components of the datasets
        # that need to br created on various gridcells.
        dsl = request.POST.getlist('dataset_list')
        dataset_dict = {}
        for ds in dsl:
            tl = ds.split(':')
            dataset_dict[tl[0]] = tl[1]"create volume command %s" % cmd)

        # First create the datasets on which the bricks will reside.
        # revert_list will consist of the set of node:command components to
        # perform to undo dataset creation in case of some failures.
        client = salt.client.LocalClient()
        revert_list = []
        errors = ""
        for node, dataset in dataset_dict.items():
            dataset_cmd = 'zfs create %s' % dataset
            dataset_revert_cmd = 'zfs destroy %s' % dataset
            r1 = client.cmd(node, 'cmd.run_all', [dataset_cmd])
            if r1:
                for node, ret in r1.items():
                    # print ret
                    if ret["retcode"] != 0:
                        errors += ", Error creating the underlying storage brick on %s" % node
                        # print errors
                        revert_list.append({node: dataset_revert_cmd})

        if errors != "":
            # print errors
            if revert_list:
                # Undo the creation of the datasets
                for revert in revert_list:
                    for node, dsr_cmd in revert.items():
                        r1 = client.cmd(node, 'cmd.run_all', [dsr_cmd])
                        if r1:
                            for node, ret in r1.items():
                                # print ret
                                if ret["retcode"] != 0:
                                    errors += ", Error undoing the creating the underlying storage brick on %s" % node
            raise Exception(errors)

        # Underlying storage created so now create the volume

        d, errors = xml_parse.run_gluster_command("%s force" % cmd)
        # print d, errors
        if not errors:
            # All ok so mount and change the owner and group of the volume to
            # integralstor
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc("gluster volume set " +
                                                     request.POST['vol_name'] + " storage.owner-gid 1000")
            if err:
                raise Exception('Error setting volume owner : %s' % err)

            # Now start the volume
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(
                "gluster volume start " + request.POST['vol_name'])
            if err:
                raise Exception('Error starting volume : %s' % err)

      #Set the client side quorum count
      cmd = "gluster volume set %s quorum-count 2 --xml"%request.POST['vol_name']
      d, err = xml_parse.run_gluster_command(cmd)
      if err:
        raise Exception('Error setting volume client side quorum count : %s'%err)

      #Set the client side quorum type
      cmd = "gluster volume set %s quorum-type fixed --xml"%request.POST['vol_name']
      d, err = xml_parse.run_gluster_command(cmd)
      if err:
        raise Exception('Errot setting volume client side quorum type : %s'%err)

            # Temporarily mount the volume
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(
                "mount -t glusterfs localhost:/" + request.POST['vol_name'] + " /mnt")
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)

            # Set the volume permissions
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc("chmod 770 /mnt")
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)

            #..and unmount the volume
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc("umount /mnt")
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)

            # If it is an ISCSI volume, then add it to the iscsi volume list..
            # print request.POST['vol_access']
            if request.POST["vol_access"] == "iscsi":
                ret, err = iscsi.add_iscsi_volume(request.POST["vol_name"])
                if err:
                    raise Exception(err)

            # Success so audit the change
            audit_str = "Create "
            if request.POST["vol_type"] in ["replicated"]:
                audit_str = audit_str + \
                    "replicated (count %d) " % int(request.POST["repl_count"])
                audit_str = audit_str + "distributed  "
            audit_str = audit_str + \
                " volume named %s" % request.POST["vol_name"]
            ret, err = audit.audit("create_volume", audit_str, request)
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            # Volume creation itself failed so try and delete the underlying
            # datasets if they were created..
            if not errors:
                errors = ""
            if revert_list:
                # Undo the creation of the datasets
                for revert in revert_list:
                    for node, dsr_cmd in revert.items():
                        r1 = client.cmd(node, 'cmd.run_all', [dsr_cmd])
                        if r1:
                            for node, ret in r1.items():
                                print ret
                                if ret["retcode"] != 0:
                                    errors += ", Error undoing the creating the underlying storage brick on %s" % node
        if errors:
            raise Exception(errors)

        if request.POST['vol_type'] == 'replicated':
            return_dict['repl_count'] = request.POST['repl_count']
        return_dict['vol_type'] = request.POST['vol_type']
        return_dict['vol_name'] = request.POST['vol_name']
        return_dict['node_list_str'] = request.POST['node_list_str']
        return_dict['cmd'] = cmd
        return_dict['result_dict'] = d

        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('vol_create_wiz_result.html', return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
    except Exception, e:
        s = str(e)
        if "Another transaction is in progress".lower() in s.lower():
            return_dict["error_details"] = "An underlying storage operation has locked a volume so we are unable to process this request. Please try after a couple of seconds"
            return_dict["error_details"] = "An error occurred when processing your request : %s" % s
        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def create_volume_conf(request):
    """ Used to confirm volume creation parameters"""

    return_dict = {}
        gluster_lck, err = lock.get_lock('gluster_commands')
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        if not gluster_lck:
            raise Exception(
                'This action cannot be performed as an underlying storage command is being run. Please retry this operation after a few seconds.')

        return_dict['base_template'] = "volume_base.html"
        return_dict["page_title"] = 'Create a volume - confirmation'
        return_dict['tab'] = 'view_volumes_tab'
        return_dict["error"] = 'Error getting information for creating a volume'

        si, err = system_info.load_system_config()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if not si:
            raise Exception('Could not load system information')

        form = integral_view.forms.volume_creation_forms.VolOndiskStorageForm(
            request.POST or None)

        if form.is_valid():
            cd = form.cleaned_data
            vol_type = cd['vol_type']
            vol_name = cd['vol_name']
            ondisk_storage = cd['ondisk_storage']
            vol_access = cd['vol_access']
            repl_count = 2
            if vol_type == "replicated":
                # repl_count = int(cd["repl_count"])
                # Hardcoded to 2 for now till we resolve the hot spare issue
                repl_count = 2
            transport = "TCP"

  "create volume initiated for vol_type %s, vol_name %s, ondisk_storage %s, vol_access %s" % (
                vol_type, vol_name, ondisk_storage, vol_access))
            d, err = gluster_volumes.build_create_volume_command(
                vol_name, vol_type, ondisk_storage, repl_count, transport, si)
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            if d and "error" in d:
                return_dict["error"] = "Error creating the volume : %s" % d["error"]
                return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('logged_in_error.html', return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))

            node_list_str = ('<ul>')
            for n in d["node_list"]:
                node_list_str += '<li>'
                for i in n:
                    node_list_str += str(i)
                    node_list_str += ', '
                node_list_str += '</li>'
            node_list_str += '</ul>'

            iv_logging.debug("create vol node list %s" % node_list_str)
            return_dict['cmd'] = d['cmd']
            return_dict['dataset_list'] = d['dataset_list']
            return_dict['node_list_str'] = node_list_str
            return_dict['vol_type'] = vol_type
            return_dict['vol_name'] = vol_name
            return_dict['vol_access'] = vol_access
            return_dict['ondisk_storage'] = ondisk_storage
            if vol_type == "replicated":
                return_dict['repl_count'] = str(repl_count)

            # Invalid form
            url = 'vol_create_wiz_vol_type.html'
            return_dict['form'] = form
            return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(url, return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))

        if settings.APP_DEBUG:
            return_dict['app_debug'] = True

        return_dict['form'] = form
        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('vol_create_wiz_confirm.html', return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
    except Exception, e:
        s = str(e)
        if "Another transaction is in progress".lower() in s.lower():
            return_dict["error_details"] = "An underlying storage operation has locked a volume so we are unable to process this request. Please try after a couple of seconds"
            return_dict["error_details"] = "An error occurred when processing your request : %s" % s
        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
Beispiel #11
def login(request):
    """ Used to login a user into the management utility"""
        return_dict = {}
        authSucceeded = False

        if request.method == 'POST':
  "Login request posted")
            # Someone is submitting info so check it
            form = admin_forms.LoginForm(request.POST)
            if form.is_valid():
                # submitted form is valid so now try to authenticate
                # if not valid then fall out to end of function and return form to user
                # with existing data
                cd = form.cleaned_data
                username = cd['username']
                password = cd['password']
                # Try to authenticate
                user = django.contrib.auth.authenticate(username=username,
                if user is not None and user.is_active:
                    #Uncomment if we want to kick out an already logged in user.
                    # Clear the session if the user has been logged in anywhere else.
                    sessions = Session.objects.all()
                    for s in sessions:
                      if s.get_decoded() and (int(s.get_decoded()['_auth_user_id']) ==
                    # authentication succeeded! Login and send to home screen
                    django.contrib.auth.login(request, user)
          "Login request from user '%s' succeeded" %
                    authSucceeded = True
          "Login request from user '%s' failed" %
                    return_dict['invalidUser'] = True
                # Invalid form
                iv_logging.debug("Invalid login information posted")
            # GET request so create a new form and send back to user
            form = admin_forms.LoginForm()
            # Clear the session if the user has been logged in anywhere else.
            sessions = Session.objects.all()
            for s in sessions:
                if s.get_decoded() is not None and s.get_decoded().get(
                        '_auth_user_id') is not None:
                    return_dict['session_active'] = True

        return_dict['form'] = form

        if authSucceeded:
            return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect(

        # For all other cases, return to login screen with return_dict
        # appropriately populated
        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(
    except Exception, e:
        s = str(e)
            "error"] = "An error occurred when processing your request : %s" % s
        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(
Beispiel #12
def create_volume(request):
    """ Used to actually create the volume"""

    return_dict = {}
        gluster_lck, err = lock.get_lock('gluster_commands')
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        if not gluster_lck:
            raise Exception(
                'This action cannot be performed as an underlying storage command is being run. Please retry this operation after a few seconds.'

        return_dict['base_template'] = "volume_base.html"
        return_dict["page_title"] = 'Create a volume'
        return_dict['tab'] = 'view_volumes_tab'
        return_dict["error"] = 'Error creating a volume'

        if request.method != "POST":
            raise Exception("Invalid access method. Please use the menus.")

        if 'cmd' not in request.POST or 'dataset_list' not in request.POST:
            raise Exception('Required parameters not passed.')

        # cmd represents the actual gluster volume creation command built using
        # the wizard choices.
        cmd = request.POST['cmd']
        # print cmd

        # dataset_list is a list of hostname:dataset components of the datasets
        # that need to br created on various gridcells.
        dsl = request.POST.getlist('dataset_list')
        dataset_dict = {}
        for ds in dsl:
            tl = ds.split(':')
            dataset_dict[tl[0]] = tl[1]"create volume command %s" % cmd)

        # First create the datasets on which the bricks will reside.
        # revert_list will consist of the set of node:command components to
        # perform to undo dataset creation in case of some failures.
        client = salt.client.LocalClient()
        revert_list = []
        errors = ""
        for node, dataset in dataset_dict.items():
            dataset_cmd = 'zfs create %s' % dataset
            dataset_revert_cmd = 'zfs destroy %s' % dataset
            r1 = client.cmd(node, 'cmd.run_all', [dataset_cmd])
            if r1:
                for node, ret in r1.items():
                    # print ret
                    if ret["retcode"] != 0:
                        errors += ", Error creating the underlying storage brick on %s" % node
                        # print errors
                        revert_list.append({node: dataset_revert_cmd})

        if errors != "":
            # print errors
            if revert_list:
                # Undo the creation of the datasets
                for revert in revert_list:
                    for node, dsr_cmd in revert.items():
                        r1 = client.cmd(node, 'cmd.run_all', [dsr_cmd])
                        if r1:
                            for node, ret in r1.items():
                                # print ret
                                if ret["retcode"] != 0:
                                    errors += ", Error undoing the creating the underlying storage brick on %s" % node
            raise Exception(errors)

        # Underlying storage created so now create the volume

        d, errors = xml_parse.run_gluster_command("%s force" % cmd)
        # print d, errors
        if not errors:
            # All ok so mount and change the owner and group of the volume to
            # integralstor
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc("gluster volume set " +
                                                     request.POST['vol_name'] +
                                                     " storage.owner-gid 1000")
            if err:
                raise Exception('Error setting volume owner : %s' % err)

            # Now start the volume
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc("gluster volume start " +
            if err:
                raise Exception('Error starting volume : %s' % err)
      #Set the client side quorum count
      cmd = "gluster volume set %s quorum-count 2 --xml"%request.POST['vol_name']
      d, err = xml_parse.run_gluster_command(cmd)
      if err:
        raise Exception('Error setting volume client side quorum count : %s'%err)

      #Set the client side quorum type
      cmd = "gluster volume set %s quorum-type fixed --xml"%request.POST['vol_name']
      d, err = xml_parse.run_gluster_command(cmd)
      if err:
        raise Exception('Errot setting volume client side quorum type : %s'%err)

            # Temporarily mount the volume
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(
                "mount -t glusterfs localhost:/" + request.POST['vol_name'] +
                " /mnt")
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)

            # Set the volume permissions
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc("chmod 770 /mnt")
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)

            #..and unmount the volume
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc("umount /mnt")
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)

            # If it is an ISCSI volume, then add it to the iscsi volume list..
            # print request.POST['vol_access']
            if request.POST["vol_access"] == "iscsi":
                ret, err = iscsi.add_iscsi_volume(request.POST["vol_name"])
                if err:
                    raise Exception(err)

            # Success so audit the change
            audit_str = "Create "
            if request.POST["vol_type"] in ["replicated"]:
                audit_str = audit_str + \
                    "replicated (count %d) " % int(request.POST["repl_count"])
                audit_str = audit_str + "distributed  "
            audit_str = audit_str + \
                " volume named %s" % request.POST["vol_name"]
            ret, err = audit.audit("create_volume", audit_str, request)
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            # Volume creation itself failed so try and delete the underlying
            # datasets if they were created..
            if not errors:
                errors = ""
            if revert_list:
                # Undo the creation of the datasets
                for revert in revert_list:
                    for node, dsr_cmd in revert.items():
                        r1 = client.cmd(node, 'cmd.run_all', [dsr_cmd])
                        if r1:
                            for node, ret in r1.items():
                                print ret
                                if ret["retcode"] != 0:
                                    errors += ", Error undoing the creating the underlying storage brick on %s" % node
        if errors:
            raise Exception(errors)

        if request.POST['vol_type'] == 'replicated':
            return_dict['repl_count'] = request.POST['repl_count']
        return_dict['vol_type'] = request.POST['vol_type']
        return_dict['vol_name'] = request.POST['vol_name']
        return_dict['node_list_str'] = request.POST['node_list_str']
        return_dict['cmd'] = cmd
        return_dict['result_dict'] = d

        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(
    except Exception, e:
        s = str(e)
        if "Another transaction is in progress".lower() in s.lower():
                "error_details"] = "An underlying storage operation has locked a volume so we are unable to process this request. Please try after a couple of seconds"
                "error_details"] = "An error occurred when processing your request : %s" % s
        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(
Beispiel #13
def create_volume_conf(request):
    """ Used to confirm volume creation parameters"""

    return_dict = {}
        gluster_lck, err = lock.get_lock('gluster_commands')
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        if not gluster_lck:
            raise Exception(
                'This action cannot be performed as an underlying storage command is being run. Please retry this operation after a few seconds.'

        return_dict['base_template'] = "volume_base.html"
        return_dict["page_title"] = 'Create a volume - confirmation'
        return_dict['tab'] = 'view_volumes_tab'
            "error"] = 'Error getting information for creating a volume'

        si, err = system_info.load_system_config()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if not si:
            raise Exception('Could not load system information')

        form = integral_view.forms.volume_creation_forms.VolOndiskStorageForm(
            request.POST or None)

        if form.is_valid():
            cd = form.cleaned_data
            vol_type = cd['vol_type']
            vol_name = cd['vol_name']
            ondisk_storage = cd['ondisk_storage']
            vol_access = cd['vol_access']
            repl_count = 2
            if vol_type == "replicated":
                # repl_count = int(cd["repl_count"])
                # Hardcoded to 2 for now till we resolve the hot spare issue
                repl_count = 2
            transport = "TCP"

                "create volume initiated for vol_type %s, vol_name %s, ondisk_storage %s, vol_access %s"
                % (vol_type, vol_name, ondisk_storage, vol_access))
            d, err = gluster_volumes.build_create_volume_command(
                vol_name, vol_type, ondisk_storage, repl_count, transport, si)
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            if d and "error" in d:
                    "error"] = "Error creating the volume : %s" % d["error"]
                return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(

            node_list_str = ('<ul>')
            for n in d["node_list"]:
                node_list_str += '<li>'
                for i in n:
                    node_list_str += str(i)
                    node_list_str += ', '
                node_list_str += '</li>'
            node_list_str += '</ul>'

            iv_logging.debug("create vol node list %s" % node_list_str)
            return_dict['cmd'] = d['cmd']
            return_dict['dataset_list'] = d['dataset_list']
            return_dict['node_list_str'] = node_list_str
            return_dict['vol_type'] = vol_type
            return_dict['vol_name'] = vol_name
            return_dict['vol_access'] = vol_access
            return_dict['ondisk_storage'] = ondisk_storage
            if vol_type == "replicated":
                return_dict['repl_count'] = str(repl_count)

            # Invalid form
            url = 'vol_create_wiz_vol_type.html'
            return_dict['form'] = form
            return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(

        if settings.APP_DEBUG:
            return_dict['app_debug'] = True

        return_dict['form'] = form
        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(
    except Exception, e:
        s = str(e)
        if "Another transaction is in progress".lower() in s.lower():
                "error_details"] = "An underlying storage operation has locked a volume so we are unable to process this request. Please try after a couple of seconds"
                "error_details"] = "An error occurred when processing your request : %s" % s
        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(