Beispiel #1
    def sigmaBends2(self, E, s=None, s0=0, n=20):
    Returns delta(sigma^2) due to bends (dipoles)

    :param float E: energy
    :param float s: location of interest along beamline (optional)
    :param float s0: start location along beamline (optional)
    :param int n: number of intervals for integrations (optional)

        if s is None:
            s = self.markers[1].S
            nELast = len(self.elems) - 1
            endPhase = self.markers[1].MUX
            ss = self.elems[-1].L
            nELast = self.findElem(s)
            last = self.elems[nELast]
            ss = s - (last.S - last.L)
            endPhase = self.getPhase(nELast, ss).MUX

        if s0 != 0:
            nEFirst = self.findElem(s0)
            first = self.elems[nEFirst]
            ss0 = s0 - (first.S - first.L)
            rangeElems = xrange(nEFirst, len(self.elems))
            nEFirst = 0
            rangeElems = xrange(len(self.elems))

        # Calculates H*G^3 cos(phi)^2 at location s along the beamline
        def wrap(nE):
            def f(ss):
                para = self.getBeta(nE, ss)
                disp = self.getDisp(nE, ss)
                if disp.DX == 0: return 0
                alpha = math.atan(-para.ALFX - para.BETX * disp.DPX / disp.DX)
                Phi = (endPhase -
                       self.getPhase(nE, ss).MUX) * 2 * math.pi + alpha
                cosPhi = (math.cos(Phi)**2).real
                H = self.getH(nE, ss)
                P = abs(e.L / e.ANGLE)
                return H.HX * cosPhi / P**3

            return f

        c2 = 4.13e-11  # m^2(GeV)^-5
        coeff = c2 * E**5 * self.markers[1].BETX

        total = 0
        for i in rangeElems:
            e = self.elems[i]
            if e.KEYWORD == 'SBEND':
                if i == nEFirst:
                    total += coeff * simpson(wrap(i), ss0, e.L, n)
                elif i == nELast:
                    total += coeff * simpson(wrap(i), 0, ss, n)
                    total += coeff * simpson(wrap(i), 0, e.L, n)
            if i == nELast: return total
Beispiel #2
  def sigmaBends2(self, E, s=None, s0=0, n=20):
    Returns delta(sigma^2) due to bends (dipoles)

    :param float E: energy
    :param float s: location of interest along beamline (optional)
    :param float s0: start location along beamline (optional)
    :param int n: number of intervals for integrations (optional)

    if s is None:
      s = self.markers[1].S
      nELast = len(self.elems)-1
      endPhase = self.markers[1].MUX
      ss = self.elems[-1].L
      nELast = self.findElem(s)
      last = self.elems[nELast]
      ss = s - (last.S - last.L)
      endPhase = self.getPhase(nELast, ss).MUX

    if s0 != 0:
      nEFirst = self.findElem(s0)
      first = self.elems[nEFirst]
      ss0 = s0 - (first.S - first.L)
      rangeElems = xrange(nEFirst, len(self.elems))
      nEFirst = 0
      rangeElems = xrange(len(self.elems))

    # Calculates H*G^3 cos(phi)^2 at location s along the beamline
    def wrap(nE):
      def f(ss):
        para = self.getBeta(nE,ss)
        disp = self.getDisp(nE,ss)
        if disp.DX == 0: return 0
        alpha = math.atan(-para.ALFX - para.BETX * disp.DPX / disp.DX)
        Phi = (endPhase - self.getPhase(nE,ss).MUX) * 2 * math.pi + alpha
        cosPhi = (math.cos(Phi) ** 2).real
        H = self.getH(nE, ss)
        P = abs(e.L / e.ANGLE)
        return H.HX * cosPhi / P**3
      return f

    c2 = 4.13e-11  # m^2(GeV)^-5
    coeff = c2 * E**5 * self.markers[1].BETX

    total = 0
    for i in rangeElems:
      e = self.elems[i]
      if e.KEYWORD == 'SBEND':
        if i == nEFirst:
          total +=  coeff * simpson(wrap(i), ss0, e.L, n)
        elif i == nELast:
          total += coeff * simpson(wrap(i), 0, ss, n)
          total += coeff * simpson(wrap(i), 0, e.L, n)
      if i == nELast: return total
Beispiel #3
    def getChrom(self, s=None, s0=0, n=100):
    Calculates chromaticity using -1/4pi * integral (beta*K) ds

    :param float s: end location along beamline
    :param float s0: start location along beamline (optional)
    :param int n: number of intervals for integration (optional)

    :returns: chromaticity between s0 and s

        if s is None: s = self.markers[1].S

        ## CHECK: positive/negative signs on K for focus vs. defocus...
        ## Is this natural chromaticity also because it only considers quadrupoles?
        ## What about multipole quadrupoles?
        def fX(s):
            nE = self.findElem(s)
            e = self.elems[nE]
            ss = s - (e.S - e.L)
            bet = self.getBeta(nE, ss)
            if e.K1L != 0:
                return bet.BETX * -e.K1L / e.L  # Correct to make negative?
                return 0

        def fY(s):
            nE = self.findElem(s)
            e = self.elems[nE]
            ss = s - (e.S - e.L)
            bet = self.getBeta(nE, ss)
            if e.K1L != 0:
                return bet.BETY * e.K1L / e.L
                return 0

        return dct([('ChromX', -simpson(fX, s0, s, n) / (4 * math.pi)),
                    ('ChromY', -simpson(fY, s0, s, n) / (4 * math.pi))])
Beispiel #4
  def getChrom(self, s=None, s0=0, n=100):
    Calculates chromaticity using -1/4pi * integral (beta*K) ds

    :param float s: end location along beamline
    :param float s0: start location along beamline (optional)
    :param int n: number of intervals for integration (optional)

    :returns: chromaticity between s0 and s

    if s is None: s = self.markers[1].S

  ## CHECK: positive/negative signs on K for focus vs. defocus...
  ## Is this natural chromaticity also because it only considers quadrupoles?
  ## What about multipole quadrupoles?
    def fX(s):
      nE = self.findElem(s)
      e = self.elems[nE]
      ss = s - (e.S - e.L)
      bet = self.getBeta(nE, ss)
      if e.K1L != 0:
        return bet.BETX * -e.K1L / e.L  # Correct to make negative?
        return 0

    def fY(s):
      nE = self.findElem(s)
      e = self.elems[nE]
      ss = s - (e.S - e.L)
      bet = self.getBeta(nE, ss)
      if e.K1L != 0:
        return bet.BETY * e.K1L / e.L
        return 0

    return dct([('ChromX', -simpson(fX, s0, s, n) / (4 * math.pi)),
                ('ChromY', -simpson(fY, s0, s, n) / (4 * math.pi))])
Beispiel #5
    def sigmaBends(self, E, s=None, s0=0, n=100):
    Returns delta(sigma^2) due to bends (dipoles)

    :param float E: energy
    :param float s: location of interest along beamline (optional)
    :param float s0: start location along beamline (optional)
    :param int n: number of intervals for integrations (optional)

        if s is None:
            s = self.markers[1].S
            endPhase = self.markers[1].MUX
            nE = self.findElem(s)
            e = self.elems[nE]
            ss = s - (e.S - e.L)
            endPhase = self.getPhase(nE, ss)

        # Calculates H*G^3 cos(phi)^2 at location s along the beamline
        def f(s):
            nE = self.findElem(s)
            e = self.elems[nE]

            # Calculate function only if element is dipole (i.e. ANGLE not 0)
            if e.ANGLE != 0:
                # ss from beginning of element nE == s from beginning of beamline
                ss = s - (e.S - e.L)
                para = self.getBeta(nE, ss)
                disp = self.getDisp(nE, ss)
                alpha = math.atan(-para.ALFX - para.BETX * disp.DPX / disp.DX)
                Phi = (endPhase -
                       self.getPhase(nE, ss).MUX) * 2 * math.pi + alpha
                cosPhi = (math.cos(Phi)**2).real
                H = self.getH(nE, ss)
                P = abs(e.L / e.ANGLE)
                return H.HX * cosPhi / P**3
                return 0

        c2 = 4.13e-11  # m^2(GeV)^-5
        coeff = c2 * E**5 * self.markers[1].BETX
        return coeff * simpson(f, s0, s, n)
Beispiel #6
  def sigmaBends(self, E, s=None, s0=0, n=100):
    Returns delta(sigma^2) due to bends (dipoles)

    :param float E: energy
    :param float s: location of interest along beamline (optional)
    :param float s0: start location along beamline (optional)
    :param int n: number of intervals for integrations (optional)

    if s is None:
      s = self.markers[1].S
      endPhase = self.markers[1].MUX
      nE = self.findElem(s)
      e = self.elems[nE]
      ss = s - (e.S - e.L)
      endPhase = self.getPhase(nE, ss)

    # Calculates H*G^3 cos(phi)^2 at location s along the beamline
    def f(s):
      nE = self.findElem(s)
      e = self.elems[nE]

      # Calculate function only if element is dipole (i.e. ANGLE not 0)
      if e.ANGLE != 0:
        # ss from beginning of element nE == s from beginning of beamline
        ss = s - (e.S - e.L)
        para = self.getBeta(nE,ss)
        disp = self.getDisp(nE,ss)
        alpha = math.atan(-para.ALFX - para.BETX * disp.DPX / disp.DX)
        Phi = (endPhase - self.getPhase(nE,ss).MUX) * 2 * math.pi + alpha
        cosPhi = (math.cos(Phi) ** 2).real
        H = self.getH(nE, ss)
        P = abs(e.L / e.ANGLE)
        return H.HX * cosPhi / P**3
        return 0

    c2 = 4.13e-11  # m^2(GeV)^-5
    coeff = c2 * E**5 * self.markers[1].BETX
    return coeff * simpson(f, s0, s, n)
Beispiel #7
  def oide(self, emi=2e-8, gamma=2.9354207436399e-6, betas=None, n=100):
    Returns delta(sigma^2) due to Oide Effect

    :param float emi: emittance
    :param float gamma: Lorentz factor = E/Eo = 1500/0.000511 for CLIC
    :param int n: number of intervals for integration (optional)

    re = 2.817940325e-15
    lame = 3.861592678e-13
    if betas is None: betas = self.markers[1].BETY # Reads 6.77249e-5 from FFS
    # (betas = 17.92472388e-6 from mathematica nb)
    coeff = 110 * re * lame * gamma**5 / (3 * math.sqrt(6 * math.pi))

    # Read twiss object in reverse to find first DRIFT and QUADRUPOLE
    # to get ls, Lq and Kq
    for e in reversed(self.elems):
      if e.KEYWORD == 'DRIFT':
        ls = e.L
    for e in reversed(self.elems):
      if e.KEYWORD == 'QUADRUPOLE':
        # Multiplied by 2 because final quadrupoles split in file
        Lq = 2 * e.L
        Kq = abs(e.K1L / e.L)

    c = math.sqrt(Kq) * ls
    b = math.sqrt(Kq) * Lq

    # Define functions for integration
    def f(x):
      return math.sin(x) + c * math.cos(x)

    def g(y):
      return (abs(math.sin(y) + c * math.cos(y))**3) * simpson(f, 0, y, n)**2

    integral = simpson(g, 0, b, n)

    return coeff * integral * (emi / (betas * gamma))**2.5
Beispiel #8
    def sigmaBends2b(self, E, s=None, s0=0, n=10):
    Returns delta(sigma^2) due to bends (dipoles)

    :param float E: energy
    :param float s: location of interest along beamline (optional)
    :param float s0: start location along beamline (optional)
    :param int n: number of intervals for integrations (optional)

        if s is None:
            s = self.markers[1].S
            nELast = len(self.elems) - 1
            endPhase = self.markers[1].MUX
            ss = self.elems[-1].L
            nELast = self.findElem(s)
            last = self.elems[nELast]
            ss = s - (last.S - last.L)
            endPhase = self.getPhase(nELast, ss).MUX

        if s0 != 0:
            nEFirst = self.findElem(s0)
            first = self.elems[nEFirst]
            ss0 = s0 - (first.S - first.L)
            rangeElems = xrange(nEFirst, len(self.elems))
            nEFirst = self.findElem(s0)
            first = self.elems[nEFirst]
            ss0 = s0 - (first.S - first.L)
            nEFirst = 0
            rangeElems = xrange(len(self.elems))

        # Calculates H*G^3 cos(phi)^2 at location s along the beamline
        def wrap5(nE, betaxL, dx0, dpx0, dxL, dxpL, E):
            def f(ss):
                dE = 14.6e-6 * (e.ANGLE / e.L)**2 * ss * E**4
                Energie = E - dE
                matnE = self.matrixnE(nE, ss)
                para = self.getBeta2(nE, ss, matnE)
                disp = self.getDisp2(nE, ss, matnE)
                etax = disp.DX
                etapx = disp.DPX
                dphi = (endPhase - self.getPhase(nE, ss).MUX) * 2 * math.pi
                dphiT = abs(
                    self.getPhase(nE, e.L).MUX -
                    self.getPhase(nE, 0).MUX) * 2 * math.pi
                #        print dphiT
                #        fact1 = math.sqrt(betaxL)/math.sqrt(para.BETX) * (etax * math.cos(dphi) + (para.ALFX * etax + para.BETX * etapx)*math.sin(dphi)) - (math.cos(e.ANGLE)*dx0 + e.L/e.ANGLE*math.sin(e.ANGLE)*dpx0)
                fact1 = (
                    math.sqrt(betaxL) / math.sqrt(para.BETX) *
                    (etax * math.cos(dphi) +
                     (para.ALFX * etax + para.BETX * etapx) * math.sin(dphi)) -
                    (dxL)) * (1 - 1 / dphiT)
                fact2 = fact1 * fact1
                P = abs(e.L / e.ANGLE)
                return Energie**5 * fact2 / (P * P * P)

            return f

        coeff = 4.13e-11  # m^2(GeV)^-5
        coeff2 = 2.0 / 3 * 2.8179403267e-15 / ((0.510998928e-3)**3)
        #    coeff3 = 5*math.sqrt(3)*2.8179403267e-15/(6*197.326963e-18*299792458)
        total = 0
        total2 = 0
        total3 = 0

        for i in rangeElems:
            e = self.elems[i]
            if e.KEYWORD == 'SBEND':
                if i == nEFirst:
                    total += coeff * simpson(
                        wrap5(i, self.markers[1].BETX, self.markers[0].DX,
                              self.markers[0].DPX, self.markers[1].DX,
                              self.markers[1].DPX, E), ss0, e.L, n)
                elif i == nELast:
                    total += coeff * simpson(
                        wrap5(i, self.markers[1].BETX, self.markers[0].DX,
                              self.markers[0].DPX, self.markers[1].DX,
                              self.markers[1].DPX, E), self.mar0, ss, n)
                    total += coeff * simpson(
                        wrap5(i, self.markers[1].BETX, self.markers[0].DX,
                              self.markers[0].DPX, self.markers[1].DX,
                              self.markers[1].DPX, E), 0, e.L, n)
            if i == nELast:
                return total
Beispiel #9
    def sigmaBends2a(self, E, s=None, s0=0, n=10):
    Returns delta(sigma^2) due to bends (dipoles)

    :param float E: energy
    :param float s: location of interest along beamline (optional)
    :param float s0: start location along beamline (optional)
    :param int n: number of intervals for integrations (optional)

        if s is None:
            s = self.markers[1].S
            nELast = len(self.elems) - 1
            endPhase = self.markers[1].MUX
            ss = self.elems[-1].L
#      print "aqui"
            nELast = self.findElem(s)
            last = self.elems[nELast]
            ss = s - (last.S - last.L)
            endPhase = self.getPhase(nELast, ss).MUX

        if s0 != 0:
            nEFirst = self.findElem(s0)
            first = self.elems[nEFirst]
            ss0 = s0 - (first.S - first.L)
            rangeElems = xrange(nEFirst, len(self.elems))
            nEFirst = self.findElem(s0)
            first = self.elems[nEFirst]
            ss0 = s0 - (first.S - first.L)
            nEFirst = 0
            rangeElems = xrange(len(self.elems))

        # Calculates H*G^3 cos(phi)^2 at location s along the beamline
        def wrap5(nE, betaxL, dx0, dpx0, dxL, dxpL, E):
            def f(ss):
                dE = 14.6e-6 * (e.ANGLE / e.L)**2 * ss * E**4
                Energie = E - dE
                matnE = self.matrixnE(nE, ss)
                #        print matnE
                para = self.getBeta2(nE, ss, matnE)
                disp = self.getDisp2(nE, ss, matnE)
                etax = disp.DX
                #        print ss,disp.DX, disp.DPX, dxL, dxpL, para.BETX, betaxL
                etapx = disp.DPX
                dphi = (endPhase - self.getPhase(nE, ss).MUX) * 2 * math.pi
                #        fact1 = math.sqrt(betaxL)/math.sqrt(para.BETX) * (etax * math.cos(dphi) + (para.ALFX * etax + para.BETX * etapx)*math.sin(dphi)) - (math.cos(e.ANGLE)*dx0 + e.L/e.ANGLE*math.sin(e.ANGLE)*dpx0)
                fact1 = math.sqrt(betaxL) / math.sqrt(
                    para.BETX) * (etax * math.cos(dphi) +
                                  (para.ALFX * etax + para.BETX * etapx) *
                                  math.sin(dphi)) - (dxL)
                fact2 = fact1 * fact1
                P = abs(e.L / e.ANGLE)
                return Energie**5 * fact2 / (P * P * P)

            return f

        c2 = 4.13e-11  # m^2(GeV)^-5
        coeff = c2
        total = 0

        for i in rangeElems:
            e = self.elems[i]
            if e.KEYWORD == 'SBEND' and e.ANGLE != 0:
                if i == nEFirst:
                    #         print self.markers[0].DX,self.markers[0].DPX
                    total += coeff * simpson(
                        wrap5(i, self.markers[1].BETX, self.markers[0].DX,
                              self.markers[0].DPX, self.markers[1].DX,
                              self.markers[1].DPX, E), ss0, e.L, n)
#          print "este"
                elif i == nELast:
                    total += coeff * simpson(
                        wrap5(i, self.markers[1].BETX, self.markers[0].DX,
                              self.markers[0].DPX, self.markers[1].DX,
                              self.markers[1].DPX, E), self.mar0, ss, n)
#          print "oeste"
                    total += coeff * simpson(
                        wrap5(i, self.markers[1].BETX, self.markers[0].DX,
                              self.markers[0].DPX, self.markers[1].DX,
                              self.markers[1].DPX, E), 0, e.L, n)
#          print "norte"
            if i == nELast: return total
Beispiel #10
 def g(y):
   return (abs(math.sin(y) + c * math.cos(y))**3) * simpson(f, 0, y, n)**2
Beispiel #11
    value = 12 * f(t) * t - 8 * f(t) * t**3
    return value

## error of simpson integration as a function of N, step number
def error_simpson(a, b, N):
    h = (a - b) / N
    threeD_a = threeD_f(a)
    threeD_b = threeD_f(b)
    return 1 / 90 * h**4 * (f(a) - f(b))

# use simpson integration method to find the integral of e^-x^2 from 0 to x for each x value
step = np.linspace(1, 6000, 501)

In = list(map(lambda n: itg.simpson(f, 0, 3, n),
              step))  #find the result of the integral ny taking n steps

error = list(map(lambda n, I: np.abs(error_simpson(0, 3, n)) / I, step,
                 In))  #compute fractional error

#plot fractional error
plt.plot(step, error, label="Fractional error")
plt.yscale('log')  ## plot in log scale
plt.xlabel("Number of bins $N$")
plt.ylabel("log(Fractional error of $J_n(x))$")
plt.title("Fractional error of $E(x)=\int_0^x e^{-t^2} dx$ ")
Beispiel #12
  def sigmaBends2b(self, E, s=None, s0=0, n=10):
    Returns delta(sigma^2) due to bends (dipoles)

    :param float E: energy
    :param float s: location of interest along beamline (optional)
    :param float s0: start location along beamline (optional)
    :param int n: number of intervals for integrations (optional)

    if s is None:
      s = self.markers[1].S
      nELast = len(self.elems)-1
      endPhase = self.markers[1].MUX
      ss = self.elems[-1].L
      nELast = self.findElem(s)
      last = self.elems[nELast]
      ss = s - (last.S - last.L)
      endPhase = self.getPhase(nELast, ss).MUX

    if s0 != 0:
      nEFirst = self.findElem(s0)
      first = self.elems[nEFirst]
      ss0 = s0 - (first.S - first.L)
      rangeElems = xrange(nEFirst, len(self.elems))
      nEFirst = self.findElem(s0)
      first = self.elems[nEFirst]
      ss0 = s0 - (first.S - first.L)
      nEFirst = 0
      rangeElems = xrange(len(self.elems))

    # Calculates H*G^3 cos(phi)^2 at location s along the beamline
    def wrap5(nE,betaxL,dx0,dpx0,dxL,dxpL,E):
      def f(ss):
        dE = 14.6e-6 * (e.ANGLE/e.L)**2 * ss*E**4
        Energie = E - dE
        matnE = self.matrixnE(nE,ss)
        para = self.getBeta2(nE,ss,matnE)
        disp = self.getDisp2(nE,ss, matnE)
        etax = disp.DX
        etapx = disp.DPX
        dphi = (endPhase - self.getPhase(nE,ss).MUX) * 2 * math.pi
        dphiT = abs(self.getPhase(nE,e.L).MUX - self.getPhase(nE,0).MUX) * 2 * math.pi
#        print dphiT
#        fact1 = math.sqrt(betaxL)/math.sqrt(para.BETX) * (etax * math.cos(dphi) + (para.ALFX * etax + para.BETX * etapx)*math.sin(dphi)) - (math.cos(e.ANGLE)*dx0 + e.L/e.ANGLE*math.sin(e.ANGLE)*dpx0)
        fact1 = (math.sqrt(betaxL)/math.sqrt(para.BETX) * (etax * math.cos(dphi) + (para.ALFX * etax + para.BETX * etapx)*math.sin(dphi)) - (dxL)) * (1-1/dphiT)
        fact2 = fact1 * fact1
        P = abs(e.L / e.ANGLE)
        return Energie**5*fact2/(P*P*P)
      return f

    coeff = 4.13e-11  # m^2(GeV)^-5
    coeff2 = 2.0/3*2.8179403267e-15/((0.510998928e-3)**3)
#    coeff3 = 5*math.sqrt(3)*2.8179403267e-15/(6*197.326963e-18*299792458)
    total = 0
    total2 =0

    for i in rangeElems:
      e = self.elems[i]
      if e.KEYWORD == 'SBEND':
        if i == nEFirst:
          total += coeff * simpson(wrap5(i,self.markers[1].BETX,self.markers[0].DX, self.markers[0].DPX, self.markers[1].DX, self.markers[1].DPX, E),ss0, e.L, n)
        elif i == nELast:
          total += coeff * simpson(wrap5(i,self.markers[1].BETX,self.markers[0].DX, self.markers[0].DPX, self.markers[1].DX, self.markers[1].DPX, E), self.mar0, ss, n)
          total += coeff * simpson(wrap5(i,self.markers[1].BETX,self.markers[0].DX, self.markers[0].DPX, self.markers[1].DX, self.markers[1].DPX, E), 0, e.L, n) 
      if i == nELast:
        return total
Beispiel #13
  def sigmaBends2a(self, E, s=None, s0=0, n=10):
    Returns delta(sigma^2) due to bends (dipoles)

    :param float E: energy
    :param float s: location of interest along beamline (optional)
    :param float s0: start location along beamline (optional)
    :param int n: number of intervals for integrations (optional)

    if s is None:
      s = self.markers[1].S
      nELast = len(self.elems)-1
      endPhase = self.markers[1].MUX
      ss = self.elems[-1].L
#      print "aqui"
      nELast = self.findElem(s)
      last = self.elems[nELast]
      ss = s - (last.S - last.L)
      endPhase = self.getPhase(nELast, ss).MUX

    if s0 != 0:
      nEFirst = self.findElem(s0)
      first = self.elems[nEFirst]
      ss0 = s0 - (first.S - first.L)
      rangeElems = xrange(nEFirst, len(self.elems))
      nEFirst = self.findElem(s0)
      first = self.elems[nEFirst]
      ss0 = s0 - (first.S - first.L)
      nEFirst = 0
      rangeElems = xrange(len(self.elems))

    # Calculates H*G^3 cos(phi)^2 at location s along the beamline
    def wrap5(nE,betaxL,dx0,dpx0,dxL,dxpL,E):
      def f(ss):
        dE = 14.6e-6 * (e.ANGLE/e.L)**2 * ss*E**4
        Energie = E - dE
        matnE = self.matrixnE(nE,ss)
#        print matnE
        para = self.getBeta2(nE,ss,matnE)
        disp = self.getDisp2(nE,ss, matnE)
        etax = disp.DX
#        print ss,disp.DX, disp.DPX, dxL, dxpL, para.BETX, betaxL
        etapx = disp.DPX
        dphi = (endPhase - self.getPhase(nE,ss).MUX) * 2 * math.pi
#        fact1 = math.sqrt(betaxL)/math.sqrt(para.BETX) * (etax * math.cos(dphi) + (para.ALFX * etax + para.BETX * etapx)*math.sin(dphi)) - (math.cos(e.ANGLE)*dx0 + e.L/e.ANGLE*math.sin(e.ANGLE)*dpx0)
        fact1 = math.sqrt(betaxL)/math.sqrt(para.BETX) * (etax * math.cos(dphi) + (para.ALFX * etax + para.BETX * etapx)*math.sin(dphi)) - (dxL)
        fact2 = fact1 * fact1
        P = abs(e.L / e.ANGLE)
        return Energie**5*fact2/(P*P*P)
      return f
    c2 = 4.13e-11  # m^2(GeV)^-5
    coeff = c2 
    total = 0

    for i in rangeElems:
      e = self.elems[i]
      if e.KEYWORD == 'SBEND' and e.ANGLE!=0:
        if i == nEFirst:
#         print self.markers[0].DX,self.markers[0].DPX
          total += coeff * simpson(wrap5(i,self.markers[1].BETX,self.markers[0].DX, self.markers[0].DPX, self.markers[1].DX, self.markers[1].DPX, E),ss0, e.L, n)
#          print "este"
        elif i == nELast:
          total += coeff * simpson(wrap5(i,self.markers[1].BETX,self.markers[0].DX, self.markers[0].DPX, self.markers[1].DX, self.markers[1].DPX, E), self.mar0, ss, n)
#          print "oeste"
          total += coeff * simpson(wrap5(i,self.markers[1].BETX,self.markers[0].DX, self.markers[0].DPX, self.markers[1].DX, self.markers[1].DPX, E), 0, e.L, n)
#          print "norte"
      if i == nELast: return total
Beispiel #14
def Jm(m, x):
    ## what is the integrand with m and x
    f = f_mx(m, x)
    ## integrate from 0 to pi, using Simpson's rule with N = 1000
    I = itg.simpson(f, 0, np.pi, 1000)
    return (1 / np.pi) * I