class OcpSolver():
    def __init__(self):

        Td = par.Tp / par.N

        # linearize model
        X_lin = ca.MX.sym('X_lin', 2, 1)
        U_lin = ca.MX.sym('U_lin', 1, 1)
        A_c = ca.Function('A_c', \
            [X_lin, U_lin], [ca.jacobian(par.ode(X_lin, U_lin), X_lin)])

        A_c = A_c([0, 0], 0).full()
        B_c = ca.Function('B_c', \
            [X_lin, U_lin], [ca.jacobian(par.ode(X_lin, U_lin), U_lin)])

        B_c = B_c([0, 0], 0).full()

        # solve continuous-time Riccati equation
        Qt, e, K =, B_c, par.Q, par.R)

        # this is the value used in Chen1998!!
        # they do not use LQR, but a modified linear controller
        # Qt = np.array([[16.5926, 11.5926], [11.5926, 16.5926]])

        self.integrator = Integrator(par.ode)
        self.x = self.integrator.x
        self.u = self.integrator.u
        self.Td = Td

        # start with an empty NLP
        w = []
        w0 = []
        lbw = []
        ubw = []
        g = []
        lbg = []
        ubg = []
        Xk = ca.MX.sym('X0', 2, 1)
        w += [Xk]
        lbw += [0, 0]
        ubw += [0, 0]
        w0 += [0, 0]
        f = 0

        # formulate the NLP
        for k in range(par.N):

            # new NLP variable for the control
            Uk = ca.MX.sym('U_' + str(k), 1, 1)

            f = f + Td*ca.mtimes(ca.mtimes(Xk.T, par.Q), Xk) \
                    + Td*ca.mtimes(ca.mtimes(Uk.T, par.R), Uk)

            w += [Uk]
            lbw += [-par.umax]
            ubw += [par.umax]
            w0 += [0.0]

            # integrate till the end of the interval
            Xk_end = self.integrator.eval(Td, Xk, Uk)

            # new NLP variable for state at end of interval
            Xk = ca.MX.sym('X_' + str(k + 1), 2, 1)
            w += [Xk]
            lbw += [-np.inf, -np.inf]
            ubw += [np.inf, np.inf]
            w0 += [0, 0]

            # add equality constraint
            g += [Xk_end - Xk]
            lbg += [0, 0]
            ubg += [0, 0]

        f = f + ca.mtimes(ca.mtimes(Xk_end.T, Qt), Xk_end)
        g = ca.vertcat(*g)
        w = ca.vertcat(*w)

        # create an NLP solver
        prob = {'f': f, 'x': w, 'g': g}
        self.__nlp_solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob)
        self.__lbw = lbw
        self.__ubw = ubw
        self.__lbg = lbg
        self.__ubg = ubg
        self.__w0 = np.array(w0)
        self.__sol_lin = np.array(w0).transpose()
        self.__rti_sol = []
        self.__nlp_sol = []

        # create QP solver
        nw = len(w0)
        # define linearization point
        w_lin = ca.MX.sym('w_lin', nw, 1)
        w_qp = ca.MX.sym('w_qp', nw, 1)

        # linearized objective = original LLS objective
        f_lin = ca.substitute(
            f, w, w_qp) + par.alpha * - w_lin, w_qp - w_lin)

        nabla_g = ca.jacobian(g, w).T
        g_lin = ca.substitute(g, w, w_lin) + \
            ca.mtimes(ca.substitute(nabla_g, w, w_lin).T, w_qp - w_lin)

        # create a QP solver
        prob = {'f': f_lin, 'x': w_qp, 'g': g_lin, 'p': w_lin}
        self.__rti_solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob)

    def update_x0(self, x0):
        self.__lbw[0] = x0[0]
        self.__lbw[1] = x0[1]
        self.__ubw[0] = x0[0]
        self.__ubw[1] = x0[1]

    def nlp_eval(self):

        sol = self.__nlp_solver(x0=self.__w0, lbx=self.__lbw, ubx=self.__ubw,\
                lbg=self.__lbg, ubg=self.__ubg)

        self.__status = self.__nlp_solver.stats()['return_status']

        self.__nlp_sol = sol

        return sol

    def rti_eval(self):

        # solve QP obtained linearizing the NLP at the
        # current linearization point self.__rti_sol

        sol = self.__rti_solver(x0=self.__w0, lbx=self.__lbw, \
            ubx=self.__ubw, lbg=self.__lbg, ubg=self.__ubg,
            p = self.__sol_lin)

        # update current sol (i.e. linearization point)
        self.__sol_lin = sol['x'].full().transpose()

        self.__status = self.__rti_solver.stats()['return_status']

        self.__rti_sol = sol

        return sol

    def get_status(self):
        return self.__status

    def get_rti_sol(self):
        return self.__rti_sol

    def get_nlp_sol(self):
        return self.__nlp_sol

    def set_sol_lin(self, sol_lin):
        self.__sol_lin = sol_lin['x'].full()
        self.__rti_sol = sol_lin
def estimate_constants(update_json=False):
    # estimate L_phi_x, L_phi_u using max norm of Jacobians
    # max attained at x1 = 1, x2 = -1
    L_phi_u = np.sqrt(( + (1 -**2 + \
            ( -4*(**2)

    n_points = 100
    u_grid = np.linspace(-par.umax, +par.umax, n_points)
    norm_dphi_dx = np.zeros((n_points, 1))
    for i in range(n_points):
        u = u_grid[i]
        dphi_dx = np.array([[u * (1 -, 1], [1, -4 * u * (1 -]])
        norm_dphi_dx[i] = np.linalg.norm(dphi_dx)

    L_phi_x = np.max(norm_dphi_dx)

    nsim = int(par.Tf / par.Ts)
    x0 = par.x0_v[0]
    n_scenarios = len(par.x0_v)
    n_sqp_it = 3

    # estimate a_1, a_2, a_3, sigma, mu_tilde constants based on sampling
    VEXACT = np.zeros((nsim, 1, n_scenarios))
    SOLEXACTNORM = np.zeros((nsim, 1, n_scenarios))
    DELTAVEXACT = np.zeros((nsim - 1, 1, n_scenarios))
    XNORMSQ = np.zeros((nsim, 1, n_scenarios))
    XNORM = np.zeros((nsim, 1, n_scenarios))
    XSIMEXACT = np.zeros((nsim + 1, 2, n_scenarios))
    USIMEXACT = np.zeros((nsim, 1, n_scenarios))

    exact_ocp_solver = OcpSolver()

    for j in range(n_scenarios):
        x0 = par.x0_v[j]

        # closed loop simulation
        XSIMEXACT[0, :, j] = x0

        integrator = Integrator(par.ode)

        exact_ocp_solver = OcpSolver()


        for i in range(nsim):

            XNORMSQ[i, 0, j] = np.linalg.norm(XSIMEXACT[i, :, j])**2
            XNORM[i, 0, j] = np.linalg.norm(XSIMEXACT[i, :, j])

            # update state in OCP solver
            exact_ocp_solver.update_x0(XSIMEXACT[i, :, j])

            solver_out = exact_ocp_solver.nlp_eval()
            status = exact_ocp_solver.get_status()
            if status != 'Solve_Succeeded':
                raise Exception('Solver returned status {} at iteration {}'\
                        .format(status, i))

            # get primal-dual solution
            x = solver_out['x'].full()
            lam_g = solver_out['lam_g'].full()
            SOLEXACTNORM[i, :, j] = np.linalg.norm(np.vstack([x, lam_g]))
            # get first control move
            u = solver_out['x'].full()[2]
            USIMEXACT[i, 0, j] = u

            VEXACT[i, 0, j] = solver_out['f'].full()

            XSIMEXACT[i+1,:,j] = integrator.eval(par.Ts, XSIMEXACT[i,:,j], \

        for i in range(nsim - 1):
            DELTAVEXACT[i, 0, j] = VEXACT[i + 1, 0, j] - VEXACT[i, 0, j]

    XSIMEXACT = XSIMEXACT[0:-1, :, :]

    for j in range(n_scenarios):
        VEXACT_OVER_XNORMSQ.append(np.divide(VEXACT[:, 0, j], XNORMSQ[:, 0,
        DELTAVEXACT_OVER_XNORMSQ.append(np.divide(DELTAVEXACT[:,0,j], \
        SOLEXACTNORM_OVER_XNORM.append(np.divide( \
            SOLEXACTNORM[:,0,j], XNORM[:,0,j]))
        VEXACTSQRT_OVER_XNORM.append(np.divide(np.sqrt(VEXACT[:,0,j]), \

    # compute constants
    a1 = np.min(VEXACT_OVER_XNORMSQ)
    a2 = np.max(VEXACT_OVER_XNORMSQ)
    a3 = np.min(-1.0 / par.Ts * np.array(DELTAVEXACT_OVER_XNORMSQ))

    sigma = np.max(SOLEXACTNORM_OVER_XNORM)
    mu_tilde = np.max(VEXACTSQRT_OVER_XNORM)

    print('a1 = {}, a2 = {}, a3 = {}, sigma = {}, mu_tilde = {}' \
        .format(a1, a2, a3, sigma, mu_tilde))

    if a1 < 0 or a2 < 0 or a3 < 0:
        raise Exception('One of the a constants is \
            negative (a1 = {}, a2 = {}, a3 = {})'.format(a1, a2, a3))

    # estimate \hat{\kappa}

    ocp_solver = OcpSolver()
    lqr_solver = LqrSolver()

    XSIM = np.zeros((nsim + 1, 2, n_scenarios))
    USIM = np.zeros((nsim, 1, n_scenarios))

    VSIMSQRT = np.zeros((nsim, 1, n_scenarios))
    ZSIM = np.zeros((nsim, 1, n_scenarios))
    DELTAZSIM = np.zeros((nsim, 1, n_scenarios))
    VSOSIM = np.zeros((nsim, 1, n_scenarios))

    kappa = 0.0

    for j in range(len(par.x0_v)):
        x0 = par.x0_v[j]
        XSIM[0, :, j] = x0

        # closed loop simulation
        integrator = Integrator(par.ode)

        ocp_solver = OcpSolver()


        ocp_solver.update_x0(XSIM[0, :, j])
        for i in range(nsim):

            # update state in OCP solver
            ocp_solver.update_x0(XSIM[i, :, j])
            DELTAZSIM = np.zeros((n_sqp_it, 1))

            if LQR_INIT:
                lqr_solver.update_x0(XSIM[i, :, j])
                lqr_sol = lqr_solver.get_lqr_sol()

            for k in range(n_sqp_it):

                # get primal dual solution (equalities only)
                rti_sol = ocp_solver.get_rti_sol()
                lam_g = rti_sol['lam_g'].full()
                x = rti_sol['x'].full()
                z = np.vstack((x, lam_g))

                # get primal dual exact sol
                exact_sol = ocp_solver.nlp_eval()
                nlp_sol = ocp_solver.get_nlp_sol()
                exact_lam_g = nlp_sol['lam_g'].full()
                exact_x = nlp_sol['x'].full()
                exact_z = np.vstack((exact_x, exact_lam_g))
                DELTAZSIM[k, 0] = np.linalg.norm(z - exact_z)

                # call solver
                solver_out = ocp_solver.rti_eval()
                status = ocp_solver.get_status()
                if status != 'Solve_Succeeded':
                    raise Exception('Solver returned status {} at iteration {}'\
                            .format(status, i))

            # estimate \hat{kappa}
            KAPPAESTIMATE = np.zeros((n_sqp_it, 1))
            for k in range(n_sqp_it - 1):
                KAPPAESTIMATE[k, 0] = DELTAZSIM[k + 1, 0] / (DELTAZSIM[k, 0])

            kappa = np.max([np.max(KAPPAESTIMATE), kappa])

            # get first control move
            u = solver_out['x'].full()[2]
            USIM[i, 0, j] = u

            XSIM[i+1,:,j] = integrator.eval(par.Ts, XSIM[i,:,j], \

    print('kappa = {}'.format(kappa))

    if kappa > 1.0:
        raise Exception('kappa bigger than 1.0!')

    const = dict()
    const['a1'] = a1
    const['a2'] = a2
    const['a3'] = a3
    const['sigma'] = sigma
    const['kappa_hat'] = kappa
    const['mu_tilde'] = mu_tilde
    const['L_phi_x'] = L_phi_x
    const['L_phi_u'] = L_phi_u

    if update_json:
        with open('constants.json', 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump(const, outfile)

    return const
class LqrSolver():
    def __init__(self, x_lin=[0, 0], u_lin=0):

        Td = par.Tp / par.N

        # linearize model
        X_lin = ca.MX.sym('X_lin', 2, 1)
        U_lin = ca.MX.sym('U_lin', 1, 1)
        A_c = ca.Function('A_c', \
            [X_lin, U_lin], [ca.jacobian(par.ode(X_lin, U_lin), X_lin)])

        A_c = A_c([0, 0], 0).full()
        B_c = ca.Function('B_c', \
            [X_lin, U_lin], [ca.jacobian(par.ode(X_lin, U_lin), U_lin)])

        B_c = B_c([0, 0], 0).full()

        # solve continuous-time Riccati equation
        Qt, e, K =, B_c, par.Q, par.R)

        self.integrator = Integrator(par.ode)
        self.x = self.integrator.x
        self.u = self.integrator.u
        self.Td = Td

        # start with an empty NLP
        w = []
        w0 = []
        w_lin = []
        lbw = []
        ubw = []
        g = []
        lbg = []
        ubg = []
        Xk = ca.MX.sym('X0', 2, 1)
        w += [Xk]
        lbw += [0, 0]
        ubw += [0, 0]
        w0 += [0, 0]
        w_lin += x_lin
        f = 0

        # formulate the NLP
        for k in range(par.N):

            # new NLP variable for the control
            Uk = ca.MX.sym('U_' + str(k), 1, 1)

            f = f + Td*ca.mtimes(ca.mtimes(Xk.T, par.Q), Xk) \
                    + Td*ca.mtimes(ca.mtimes(Uk.T, par.R), Uk)

            w += [Uk]
            lbw += [-np.inf]
            ubw += [np.inf]
            w0 += [0.0]
            w_lin += [u_lin]

            # integrate till the end of the interval
            Xk_end = self.integrator.eval(Td, Xk, Uk)

            # new NLP variable for state at end of interval
            Xk = ca.MX.sym('X_' + str(k + 1), 2, 1)
            w += [Xk]
            lbw += [-np.inf, -np.inf]
            ubw += [np.inf, np.inf]
            w0 += [0, 0]
            w_lin += x_lin

            # add equality constraint
            g += [Xk_end - Xk]
            lbg += [0, 0]
            ubg += [0, 0]

        f = f + ca.mtimes(ca.mtimes(Xk_end.T, Qt), Xk_end)
        g = ca.vertcat(*g)
        w = ca.vertcat(*w)

        # create an NLP solver
        self.__lbw = lbw
        self.__ubw = ubw
        self.__lbg = lbg
        self.__ubg = ubg
        self.__w0 = np.array(w0)
        self.__lqr_sol = []

        # create QP solver
        nw = len(w0)
        # define linearization point
        # w_lin = ca.MX.sym('w_lin', nw, 1)
        w_qp = ca.MX.sym('w_qp', nw, 1)

        # linearized objective = original LLS objective
        f_lin = ca.substitute(f, w, w_qp)

        nabla_g = ca.jacobian(g, w).T
        g_lin = ca.substitute(g, w, w_lin) + \
            ca.mtimes(ca.substitute(nabla_g, w, w_lin).T, w_qp - w_lin)

        # create a QP solver
        prob = {'f': f_lin, 'x': w_qp, 'g': g_lin}
        self.__lqr_solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob)

    def update_x0(self, x0):
        self.__lbw[0] = x0[0]
        self.__lbw[1] = x0[1]
        self.__ubw[0] = x0[0]
        self.__ubw[1] = x0[1]

    def lqr_eval(self):

        sol = self.__lqr_solver(x0=self.__w0, lbx=self.__lbw, ubx=self.__ubw,\
                lbg=self.__lbg, ubg=self.__ubg)

        self.__status = self.__lqr_solver.stats()['return_status']

        self.__lqr_sol = sol

        return sol

    def get_status(self):
        return self.__status

    def get_lqr_sol(self):
        return self.__lqr_sol
Beispiel #4
            exact_z = np.vstack((exact_x, exact_lam_g))
            DELTAZSIM[i, 0, j] = np.linalg.norm(z - exact_z)
            VSOSIM[i, 0, j] = VSIMSQRT[i, 0, j] + beta * DELTAZSIM[i, 0, j]

            # call solver
            solver_out = ocp_solver.rti_eval()
            status = ocp_solver.get_status()
            if status != 'Solve_Succeeded':
                raise Exception('Solver returned status {} at iteration {}'\
                            .format(status, i))

            # get first control move
            u = solver_out['x'].full()[2]
            USIM[i, 0, j] = u

            XSIM[i+1,:,j] = integrator.eval(par.Ts, XSIM[i,:,j], \

            # get first control move (exact)
            ocp_solver.update_x0(XSIMEXACT[i, :, j])
            status = ocp_solver.get_status()
            exact_sol = ocp_solver.nlp_eval()
            if status != 'Solve_Succeeded':
                raise Exception('Solver returned status {} at iteration {}'\
                            .format(status, i))

            exact_u = exact_sol['x'].full()[2]

            XSIMEXACT[i+1,:,j] = integrator.eval(par.Ts, XSIMEXACT[i,:,j], \
            print(u, exact_u)
            print(XSIM[i, :], XSIMEXACT[i, :])