def get_agent_data(config, trial_num):
    # loads config from agent dir
    agent_dir = join(pardir, get_agent_output_dir(config, agent_t, trial_num))
    config_file = join(agent_dir, 'config.json')
    if not exists(config_file):
        return None, None
    config = EnvironmentConfiguration.load_json(config_file)

    # creates env helper
    helper = create_helper(config)

    # tries to load full analysis
    analyses_dir = get_analysis_output_dir(agent_dir)
    file_name = join(analyses_dir, 'full-analysis.json')
    analysis = None
    if exists(file_name):
        analysis = FullAnalysis.load_json(file_name)

    # tries to load all data
    stats_dir = join(agent_dir, 'results')
    if exists(stats_dir):
        helper = None

    return analysis, helper
def run_trial(args):
    # tries to get agent type
    agent_t = args.agent
    if agent_t == AgentType.Testing:
        # tries to load a pre-trained agent configuration file
        config, results_dir = load_agent_config(args.results, args.trial)
        # tries to load env config from provided file path
        config_file = args.config_file_path
        config = args.default_frogger_config if config_file is None or not exists(config_file) \
            else EnvironmentConfiguration.load_json(config_file)
    # creates env helper
    helper = create_helper(config)
    # checks for provided output dir
    output_dir = args.output if args.output is not None else \
        get_agent_output_dir(config, agent_t, args.trial)
    if not exists(output_dir):
    # saves / copies configs to file
    config.save_json(join(output_dir, 'config.json'))
    helper.save_state_features(join(output_dir, 'state_features.csv'))
    # register environment in Gym according to env config
    env_id = '{}-{}-v0'.format(config.gym_env_id, args.trial)
    helper.register_gym_environment(env_id, False, args.fps,
    # create environment and monitor
    env = gym.make(env_id)
    config.num_episodes = args.num_episodes
    video_callable = video_schedule(config, args.record)
    env = Monitor(env,
    # adds reference to monitor to allow for gym environments to update video frames
    if video_callable(0):
        env.env.monitor = env
    # initialize seeds (one for the environment, another for the agent)
    env.seed(config.seed + args.trial)
    agent_rng = np.random.RandomState(config.seed + args.trial)
    # creates the agent
    agent, exploration_strategy = create_agent(helper, agent_t, agent_rng)
    # if testing, loads tables from file (some will be filled by the agent during the interaction)
    if agent_t == AgentType.Testing:
    # runs episodes
    behavior_tracker = BehaviorTracker(config.num_episodes)
    recorded_episodes = []
    for e in range(config.num_episodes):
        # checks whether to activate video monitoring
        env.env.monitor = env if video_callable(e) else None
        # reset environment
        old_obs = env.reset()
        old_s = helper.get_state_from_observation(old_obs, 0, False)
        if args.verbose:
            print(f'Episode: {e}')
            # helper.update_stats_episode(e)
        exploration_strategy.update(e)  # update for learning agent
        t = 0
        done = False
        while not done:
            # select action
            a = agent.act(old_s)
            # observe transition
            obs, r, done, _ = env.step(a)
            s = helper.get_state_from_observation(obs, r, done)
            r = helper.get_reward(old_s, a, r, s, done)
            # update agent and stats
            agent.update(old_s, a, r, s)
            behavior_tracker.add_sample(old_s, a)
            helper.update_stats(e, t, old_obs, obs, old_s, a, r, s)
            old_s = s
            old_obs = obs
            t += 1
        # adds to recorded episodes list
        if video_callable(e):
        # signals new episode to tracker
    # writes results to files
    write_table_csv(recorded_episodes, join(output_dir, 'rec_episodes.csv'))
    helper.save_stats(join(output_dir, 'results'), args.clear_results)
    print('\nResults of trial {} written to:\n\t\'{}\''.format(
        args.trial, output_dir))
Beispiel #3
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                advance_time = True
            elif event.key == pygame.K_s:
                advance_episode = True

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # tries to get agent type
    agent_t = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else DEF_AGENT_TYPE

    # tries to load agent from results dir
    agent_dir = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else get_agent_output_dir(
        DEFAULT_CONFIG, agent_t)
    if not exists(agent_dir):
        raise ValueError('Could not load agent from: {}'.format(agent_dir))

    config_file = join(agent_dir, 'config.json')
    if not exists(config_file):
        raise ValueError('Configuration not found: {}'.format(config_file))
    config = EnvironmentConfiguration.load_json(config_file)
    action_names = config.get_action_names()

    # creates env helper
    helper = create_helper(config, SOUND)
    feats_nbins = helper.get_features_bins()

    # loads the agent's behavior
    behavior_tracker = BehaviorTracker(0)
Beispiel #4
    pressed = process_keys()
    if REAL_TIME:
    for _a, action in enumerate(actions_keys):
        if action in pressed:
            return _a
    return -1

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # tries to get agent type
    agent_t = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else AgentType.Manual

    # tries to load agent from results dir
    agent_dir = get_agent_output_dir(DEFAULT_CONFIG, agent_t)
    config_file = join(agent_dir, 'config.json')
    if agent_t == AgentType.Manual:
        # tries to load env config from given file
        config_file = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else None
        config = DEFAULT_CONFIG if config_file is None or not exists(config_file) \
            else EnvironmentConfiguration.load_json(config_file)
    elif not exists(agent_dir):
        raise ValueError('Could not load agent from: {}'.format(agent_dir))
    elif not exists(config_file):
        raise ValueError('Configuration not found: {}'.format(config_file))
        config = EnvironmentConfiguration.load_json(config_file)

    # adds no-op
    if REAL_TIME and config.num_actions == 4:
Beispiel #5
def run_trial(args):
    # tries to get agent type
    agent_t = args.agent
    results_dir = ''
    if agent_t == AgentType.Testing:

        # tries to load config from provided results dir path
        results_dir = args.results if args.results is not None else \
            get_agent_output_dir(DEFAULT_CONFIG, AgentType.Learning)
        config_file = join(results_dir, 'config.json')
        if not exists(results_dir) or not exists(config_file):
            raise ValueError('Could not load configuration from: {}.'.format(config_file))
        config = EnvironmentConfiguration.load_json(config_file)

        # if testing, we want to force a seed different than training (diff. test environments)
        config.seed += 1

        # tries to load env config from provided file path
        config_file = args.config
        config = DEFAULT_CONFIG if config_file is None or not exists(config_file) \
            else EnvironmentConfiguration.load_json(config_file)

    # creates env helper
    helper = create_helper(config)

    # checks for provided output dir
    output_dir = args.output if args.output is not None else get_agent_output_dir(config, agent_t, args.trial)
    if not exists(output_dir):

    # saves / copies configs to file
    config.save_json(join(output_dir, 'config.json'))
    helper.save_state_features(join(output_dir, 'state_features.csv'))

    # register environment in Gym according to env config
    env_id = '{}-{}-v0'.format(config.gym_env_id, args.trial)
    helper.register_gym_environment(env_id, False, FPS, SHOW_SCORE_BAR)

    # create environment and monitor
    env = gym.make(env_id)
    # todo
    config.num_episodes = 100
    video_callable = video_schedule(config, args.record)
    env = Monitor(env, directory=output_dir, force=True, video_callable=video_callable)

    # adds reference to monitor to allow for gym environments to update video frames
    if video_callable(0):
        env.env.monitor = env

    # initialize seeds (one for the environment, another for the agent)
    env.seed(config.seed + args.trial)
    agent_rng = np.random.RandomState(config.seed + args.trial)

    # creates the agent
    agent, exploration_strategy = create_agent(helper, agent_t, agent_rng)

    # if testing, loads tables from file (some will be filled by the agent during the interaction)
    if agent_t == AgentType.Testing:
        agent.load(results_dir, )

    # runs episodes
    behavior_tracker = BehaviorTracker(config.num_episodes)
    recorded_episodes = []
    for e in range(config.num_episodes):

        # checks whether to activate video monitoring
        env.env.monitor = env if video_callable(e) else None

        # reset environment
        old_obs = env.reset()
        old_s = helper.get_state_from_observation(old_obs, 0, False)

        if args.verbose:

        t = 0
        done = False
        while not done:
            # select action
            a = agent.act(old_s)

            # observe transition
            obs, r, done, _ = env.step(a)
            s = helper.get_state_from_observation(obs, r, done)
            r = helper.get_reward(old_s, a, r, s, done)

            # update agent and stats
            agent.update(old_s, a, r, s)
            behavior_tracker.add_sample(old_s, a)
            helper.update_stats(e, t, old_obs, obs, old_s, a, r, s)

            old_s = s
            old_obs = obs
            t += 1

        # adds to recorded episodes list
        if video_callable(e):

        # signals new episode to tracker

    # writes results to files
    write_table_csv(recorded_episodes, join(output_dir, 'rec_episodes.csv'))
    helper.save_stats(join(output_dir, 'results'), CLEAR_RESULTS)
    print('\nResults of trial {} written to:\n\t\'{}\''.format(args.trial, output_dir))

Beispiel #6
                        help='agent type',
                        help='report type',
    args = parser.parse_args()

    agent_t = args.agent
    explanation_t =

    # tries to load agent from results dir
    agent_dir = get_agent_output_dir(DEFAULT_CONFIG, agent_t)
    if not exists(agent_dir):
        raise ValueError('Could not load agent from: {}'.format(agent_dir))

    config_file = join(agent_dir, 'config.json')
    if not exists(config_file):
        raise ValueError('Configuration not found: {}'.format(config_file))
    config = EnvironmentConfiguration.load_json(config_file)

    # creates env helper
    helper = create_helper(config)

    # tries to load full analysis
    analyses_dir = get_analysis_output_dir(agent_dir)
    file_name = join(analyses_dir, 'full-analysis.json')
    if exists(file_name):
Beispiel #7
from os import makedirs
from os.path import exists, join
from interestingness_xrl.learning import get_features_from_index, read_table_csv
from interestingness_xrl.learning.behavior_tracker import BehaviorTracker
from interestingness_xrl.scenarios.configurations import EnvironmentConfiguration
from interestingness_xrl.scenarios import DEFAULT_CONFIG, AgentType, get_agent_output_dir, create_helper, \

AGENT_TYPE = AgentType.Learning
# AGENT_TYPE = AgentType.Testing
FPS = 5

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # tries to load agent from results dir
    agent_dir = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else get_agent_output_dir(
    if not exists(agent_dir):
        raise ValueError('Could not load agent from: {}'.format(agent_dir))

    config_file = join(agent_dir, 'config.json')
    if not exists(config_file):
        raise ValueError('Configuration not found: {}'.format(config_file))
    config = EnvironmentConfiguration.load_json(config_file)

    # creates env helper
    helper = create_helper(config)

    # loads the agent's behavior
    behavior_tracker = BehaviorTracker(0)
Beispiel #8
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='directory in which to store results')
    parser.add_argument('-r', '--results', help='directory from which to load results')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', help='path to config file')
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--trial', help='trial number to run', type=int, default=DEF_TRIAL)
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--videos', help='record videos according to linear schedule', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--print', help='print information to the console', action='store_true')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # tries to get agent type
    agent_t = args.agent
    results_dir = ''
    if agent_t == AgentType.Testing:

        # tries to load config from provided results dir path
        results_dir = args.results if args.results is not None else \
            get_agent_output_dir(DEFAULT_CONFIG, AgentType.Learning)
        config_file = join(results_dir, 'config.json')
        if not exists(results_dir) or not exists(config_file):
            raise ValueError('Could not load configuration from: {}.'.format(config_file))
        config = EnvironmentConfiguration.load_json(config_file)

        # if testing, we want to force a seed different than training (diff. test environments)
        config.seed += 1

        # tries to load env config from provided file path
        config_file = args.config
        config = DEFAULT_CONFIG if config_file is None or not exists(config_file) \
            else EnvironmentConfiguration.load_json(config_file)

    # runs trial
if __name__ == '__main__':

    aspect_group = {}

    # tries to get agent type
    agent_t = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else DEF_AGENT_TYPE

    # tries to load each analysis from results dir
    analyses = []
    highlights_dirs = []
    sequences_dirs = []
    ag_names = []
    for ag_name, config in DATA_ORGANIZER_CONFIGS.items():

        agent_dir = join(pardir, get_agent_output_dir(config, agent_t))
        config_file = join(agent_dir, 'config.json')
        if not exists(config_file):
            raise ValueError('Configuration not found: {}'.format(config_file))
        config = EnvironmentConfiguration.load_json(config_file)

        # creates env helper
        helper = create_helper(config)

        # tries to load full analysis
        analyses_dir = get_analysis_output_dir(agent_dir)
        file_name = join(analyses_dir, 'full-analysis.json')
        if exists(file_name):
            analysis = FullAnalysis.load_json(file_name)
            raise ValueError(
Beispiel #10
    analysis.save_json(join(results_dir, '{}.json'.format(name)))
    analysis.save_report(join(results_dir, '{}.txt'.format(name)), True)


if __name__ == '__main__':

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='RL interestingness analyzer')
    parser.add_argument('-a', '--agent', help='agent type', type=int, default=DEF_AGENT_TYPE)
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='directory in which to store results')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', help='path to config file')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # loads environment config from results dir
    agent_dir = get_agent_output_dir(DEFAULT_CONFIG, args.agent)
    if not exists(agent_dir):
        raise ValueError('Could not load agent from: {}'.format(agent_dir))

    config_file = join(agent_dir, 'config.json')
    if not exists(config_file):
        raise ValueError('Configuration not found: {}'.format(config_file))
    env_config = EnvironmentConfiguration.load_json(config_file)

    # creates env helper
    helper = create_helper(env_config)

    # tries to load analysis config from given file
    an_config = get_analysis_config(env_config)
    if args.config is not None and exists(args.config):
        an_config = AnalysisConfiguration.load_json(args.config)