def getBuildArea(args):
    if (args.player):
        _r = args.radius*2
        area = iu.requestPlayerArea(_r, _r)
    elif (args.buildarea):
        area = iu.requestBuildArea()
    elif (args.coordinates):
        x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1 = args.coordinates
        area = iu.requestBuildArea()

    smallest_side = min(abs(area[0] - area[3]), abs(area[2] - area[5]))
    if smallest_side < minimum_side:
        raise ValueError("Smallest side of user-defined build area is too small (should be at least {})".format(minimum_side))
    return area
Beispiel #2
def getBuildArea(size=128):
    buildArea = interfaceUtils.requestBuildArea()
    area = (0, 0, size, size)
    if buildArea != -1:
        x1 = buildArea["xFrom"]
        z1 = buildArea["zFrom"]
        x2 = buildArea["xTo"]
        z2 = buildArea["zTo"]
        area = (x1, z1, x2-x1 + 1, z2-z1 + 1)
    return area # (x pos, z pos, x size, z size)
import houseUtils
import interfaceUtils
import mapUtils
from houseUtils import House
from worldLoader import WorldSlice

# x position, z position, x size, z size
area = (0, 0, 64, 64)  # default build area

# Do we send blocks in batches to speed up the generation process?

# see if a build area has been specified
# you can set a build area in minecraft using the /setbuildarea command
buildArea = interfaceUtils.requestBuildArea()
if buildArea != -1:
    x1 = buildArea["xFrom"]
    z1 = buildArea["zFrom"]
    x2 = buildArea["xTo"]
    z2 = buildArea["zTo"]
    # print(buildArea)
    area = (x1, z1, x2 - x1, z2 - z1)

print("Build area is at position %s, %s with size %s, %s" % area)

# load the world data
# this uses the /chunks endpoint in the background
worldSlice = WorldSlice(area)
heightmap = worldSlice.heightmaps["MOTION_BLOCKING"]
heightmap = worldSlice.heightmaps["MOTION_BLOCKING_NO_LEAVES"]
Beispiel #4
# ! /usr/bin/python3
"""### Displays a map of the build area."""
__all__ = ['WorldSlice']
# __version__

import blockColors
import cv2
import interfaceUtils
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from worldLoader import WorldSlice

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # see if a different build area was defined ingame
    x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = interfaceUtils.requestBuildArea()

    # load the world data and extract the heightmap(s)
    slice = WorldSlice(x1, z1, x2, z2)

    heightmap = np.array(slice.heightmaps["OCEAN_FLOOR"], dtype=np.uint8)

    # calculate the gradient (steepness)
    gradientX = cv2.Scharr(heightmap, cv2.CV_16S, 1, 0)
    gradientY = cv2.Scharr(heightmap, cv2.CV_16S, 0, 1)

    # create a dictionary mapping block ids ("minecraft:...") to colors
    palette = {}

    for hex, blocks in blockColors.PALETTE.items():
        for block in blocks:
            palette[block] = hex
Beispiel #5
#   Change maximum buffer size (default is 1024 blocks, set 4096 for speed)
#       >>> interfaceUtils.setBufferLimit(100)
#   Send blocks to world
#       >>> interfaceUtils.sendBlocks()
#   NOTE: The buffer will automatically place its blocks once it gets full
#   NOTE: It is a good idea to call sendBlocks() after completing a task,
#       so that you can see the result without having to wait
#   IMPORTANT: A crash may prevent the blocks from being placed

# see if a build area has been specified
# you can set a build area in minecraft using the /setbuildarea command

    "execute at @p run setbuildarea ~-64 0 ~-64 ~64 256 ~64")

buildArea = interfaceUtils.requestBuildArea()
if buildArea != -1:
    x1 = buildArea["xFrom"]
    z1 = buildArea["zFrom"]
    x2 = buildArea["xTo"]
    z2 = buildArea["zTo"]
    # print(buildArea)
    area = (x1, z1, x2 - x1, z2 - z1)
startx, starty, startz, endx, endy, endz = interfaceUtils.requestBuildArea()

def heightAt(x, z):
    """Access height using local coordinates."""
    # Warning:
    # Heightmap coordinates are not equal to world coordinates!
    return heightmap[(x - startx, z - startz)]