Beispiel #1
    def _setup(self):
        Read input file, store file paths for run

        # If this fails, the program should fail. Input file is required
        # for useful output
            fin = open(self.configFileName, 'r')
            self.jConf = json.load(fin)
        except IOError:
            raise NTRTMasterError("Please provide a valid configuration file")

        self.path = self.jConf['resourcePath'] + self.jConf['lowerPath']

        self.a0 = self.jConf['a0']
        self.c0 = self.jConf['c0']
        self.bp = self.jConf['bp']
        self.A = self.jConf['A']
        self.maxStep = self.jConf['maxStep']

        self.k = 1

        except OSError:
            if not os.path.isdir(self.path):
                raise NTRTMasterError(
                    "Directed the folder path to an invalid address")
    def __getChildController(self, c1, c2, params):
        Takes two controllers and merges them with a 50/50 chance of selecting
        a parameter from each controller

        if (params['numberOfStates'] > 0):
            c1 = list(c1['neuralParams'])
            c2 = list(c2['neuralParams'])

        cNew = []

        if (len(c1) == 0):
            raise NTRTMasterError("Error in length")
        # Old code for random params
        for i, j in zip(c1, c2):
            # Go to the deepest level of the parameters (see instances in the specification)
            if isinstance(i, collections.Iterable):
                cNew.append(self.__getChildController(i, j, params))
                # @todo should this be adjustable?
                if (random.random() > 0.5):
        crossOver = random.randint(0, len(c1) - 1)


        cNew[0:crossOver] = c1[0:crossOver]

        cNew[crossOver:len(c2) + 1] = c2[crossOver:len(c2) + 1]

        if (len(cNew) != len(c1)):
            raise NTRTMasterError("Error in length")

        if (params['numberOfStates'] > 0):
            newNeuro = {}
            newNeuro['neuralParams'] = cNew
            newNeuro['numStates'] = params['numberOfStates']
            newNeuro['numActions'] = params['numberOfOutputs']
            newNeuro['numHidden'] = params['numberHidden']
            return newNeuro
            return cNew
Beispiel #3
    def getNewFile(self, jobNum):
        Handle the generation of a new JSON file with new parameters. Will vary based on the
        learning method used and the config file
        Edit this based on your parameter set

        obj = {}

        for p in self.prefixes:
            if (self.lParams[p + 'Vals']['learning'] == False):
                #TODO This is a hackey solution to running mixed learning and non-learning sets. Update for the potential of non-learning sets
                jobNum_node = 0
            elif (jobNum >= len(self.currentGeneration[p])):
                jobNum_node = 0
                raise NTRTMasterError("Called a bad job number")

                jobNum_node = jobNum

            obj[p + "Vals"] = self.currentGeneration[p][jobNum_node]

        outFile = self.path + self.jConf['filePrefix'] + "_" + str(
            jobNum) + self.jConf['fileSuffix']

        fout = open(outFile, 'w')

        json.dump(obj, fout, indent=4)

        return self.jConf['filePrefix'] + "_" + str(
            jobNum) + self.jConf['fileSuffix']
Beispiel #4
    def startJob(self):
        Override this to start the NTRT instance and pass it the relevant parameters.. This is called
        by NTRTJobMaster when it wants to start this NTRT process.
        """"STARTING job with args %r" % self.args) = os.fork()

        if == 0:
            # Redirect the stdout output to dev null in the child.
            logPath = self.args['resourcePrefix'] + self.args['path'] + self.args['filename'] + '_log.txt'
            logFile = open(logPath, 'wb')

            # A set of jobs. Currently [0 0] is flat ground, [1 0] is a block field, [0 1] is hilly terrain, and [1 1] is both
            # This will expand in the future.
            terrainMatrix = self.args['terrain']
            # Update this if the subprocess call gets changed
            if len(terrainMatrix[0]) < 4: 
                raise NTRTMasterError("Not enough terrain args!")
            # Run through a set of binary job options. Currently handles terrain switches
            for run in terrainMatrix:
                if (len(run)) >= 5:
                    trialLength = run[4]
                    trialLength = self.args['length']
                #TODO improve error handling here
                subprocess.check_call([self.args['executable'], "-l", self.args['filename'], "-P", self.args['path'], "-s", str(trialLength), "-b", str(run[0]), "-H", str(run[1]), "-a", str(run[2]), "-B", str(run[3]), "-G", str("0")], stdout=logFile)
    def __getControllerFromProbability(self, currentGeneration, prob):
        A support function for genetic algorithms that selects a controller
        based on the distribution of probabilities for all of their controllers (their
        contriution to the total score of the generation)
        for c in currentGeneration.itervalues():
            if (c['probability'] < prob):

        return c

        raise NTRTMasterError(
            "Insufficient values to satisfy requested probability")
Beispiel #6
    def runTrials(self, st, nt):

        jobList = []

        print("Should run " + str(nt - st) + " jobs")

        numberToWrite = 0
        for p in self.prefixes:
            numberToWrite = max(numberToWrite, len(self.currentGeneration[p]))

        writeOut = min(numberToWrite, self.numTrials)

        if writeOut < nt - 1:
            raise NTRTMasterError("Not writing enough files")

        # We want to write all of the trials for post processing
        for i in range(0, writeOut):

            # MonteCarlo solution. This function could be overridden with something that
            # provides a filename for a pre-existing file
            fileName = self.getNewFile(i)

            for j in self.jConf['terrain']:
                # All args to be passed to subprocess must be strings
                args = {
                    'filename': fileName,
                    'resourcePrefix': self.jConf['resourcePath'],
                    'path': self.jConf['lowerPath'],
                    'executable': self.jConf['executable'],
                    'length': self.jConf['learningParams']['trialLength'],
                    'terrain': j
                if (i <= nt and i >= st):
                    self.trialTotal += 1

        # Run the jobs
        conSched = ConcurrentScheduler(jobList, self.numProcesses)
        completedJobs = conSched.processJobs()

        # Read scores from files, write to logs
        totalScore = 0
        maxScore = -1000

        for job in completedJobs:
            jobVals = job.obj

            scores = jobVals['scores']

            # Iterate through all of the new scores for this file
            for i in scores:
                score = i['distance']

                for p in self.prefixes:
                    if (self.lParams[p + 'Vals']['learning']):
                        jobNum = self.getJobNum(jobVals[p + 'Vals']['paramID'],

                totalScore += score
                if score > maxScore:
                    maxScore = score

        avgScore = totalScore / float(
            len(completedJobs) * len(self.jConf['terrain']))
        logFile = open('evoLog.txt', 'a')
            str(self.trialTotal) + ',' + str(maxScore) + ',' + str(avgScore) +
Beispiel #7
    def generationGenerator(self, currentGeneration, paramName):
        Master function that takes an existing set of paramters, sorts them by score
        and then returns a new set of parameters based on the specification file

        params = self.jConf["learningParams"][paramName]

        useAvg = params['useAverage']

        nextGeneration = []

        # Are we doing monteCarlo or starting a new trial?
        if (len(currentGeneration) == 0 or params['monteCarlo']):

            # Starting a new trial - load previous results, if any, unless doing monteCarlo
            if (not (params['learning'] and params['monteCarlo'])):
                for i in range(0, params['startingControllers']):
                    inFile = self.path + self.jConf['filePrefix'] + "_" + str(
                        i) + self.jConf['fileSuffix']
                    # We want the IO error if this fails
                    fin = open(inFile, 'r')
                    jControl = json.load(fin)
                    controller = {}
                    # Check how controller was generated
                        controller['params'] = jControl[paramName]['params']
                    except KeyError:
                        controller['params'] = jControl[paramName]
                    except TypeError:
                        controller['params'] = jControl[paramName]
                    controller['paramID'] = str(self.paramID)
                    controller['scores'] = []

                    self.paramID += 1

            # If no start seed, use random
            for i in range(len(nextGeneration), 1):
                if (i < 0):
                    raise NTRTMasterError(
                        "Number of controllers greater than population size!")

                controller = self.__getNewParams(paramName)
                self.paramID += 1

            newX = self.__JSONToArray(params, controller)

        elif (not params['learning']):
            # Not learning, return previous controllers
            nextGeneration = currentGeneration
            newX = np.array([0])

            # learning, not doing monteCarlo, have a previous generation
            if len(currentGeneration) < 3:
                raise NTRTMasterError("Incorrect input for this stage! " +

            genSize = len(currentGeneration)


            i = 0
            for controller in currentGeneration:
                    scores = controller['scores']

                    controller['maxScore'] = max(scores)
                    controller['avgScore'] = sum(scores) / float(len(scores))

                except KeyError:

                    self.runTrials(i, i)
                    scores = controller['scores']

                    controller['maxScore'] = max(scores)
                    controller['avgScore'] = sum(scores) / float(len(scores))

                except ValueError:

                    self.runTrials(i, i)
                    scores = controller['scores']

                    controller['maxScore'] = max(scores)
                    controller['avgScore'] = sum(scores) / float(len(scores))


                    i += 1

            oldX = self.__JSONToArray(params, currentGeneration[genSize - 3])

            if (useAvg):
                newScores = [
                    currentGeneration[genSize - 2]['avgScore'],
                    currentGeneration[genSize - 1]['avgScore']
                newScores = [
                    currentGeneration[genSize - 2]['maxScore'],
                    currentGeneration[genSize - 1]['maxScore']

            gk = self.__getGk(
                np.array(currentGeneration[genSize - 3]['deltas']), newScores)

            newX = self.__updateParams(oldX, gk, self.__getAk(self.k), params)

            # print(newX)

            newController = self.__arrayToJSON(params, newX)
            self.paramID += 1

            nextGeneration.append(currentGeneration[genSize - 3])

            logFile = open('bestScore.txt', 'a')
                str(self.k) + ',' + str(nextGeneration[0]['maxScore']) + ',' +
                str(nextGeneration[0]['avgScore']) + '\n')

        return [nextGeneration, newX]
    def generationGenerator(self, currentGeneration, paramName):
        Master function that takes an existing set of paramters, sorts them by score
        and then returns a new set of parameters based on the specification file

        numTrials = self.jConf['learningParams']['numTrials']

        params = self.jConf["learningParams"][paramName]

        useAvg = params['useAverage']

        nextGeneration = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()

        # Are we doing monteCarlo or starting a new trial?
        if (len(currentGeneration) == 0 or params['monteCarlo']):

            # Starting a new trial - load previous results, if any, unless doing monteCarlo
            if (not (params['learning'] and params['monteCarlo'])):
                for i in range(0, params['startingControllers']):
                    inFile = self.path + self.jConf['filePrefix'] + "_" + str(
                        i) + self.jConf['fileSuffix']
                    # We want the IO error if this fails
                    fin = open(inFile, 'r')
                    jControl = json.load(fin)
                    controller = {}
                    # Check how controller was generated
                        controller['params'] = jControl[paramName]['params']
                    except KeyError:
                        controller['params'] = jControl[paramName]
                    except TypeError:
                        controller['params'] = jControl[paramName]
                    controller['paramID'] = str(self.paramID)
                    controller['scores'] = []

                    self.paramID += 1

            # Fill in remaining population with random parameters
            for i in range(len(nextGeneration), params['populationSize']):
                if (params['monteCarlo']
                        and params['populationSize'] != numTrials):
                    raise NTRTMasterError(
                        "Number of trials must equal population size!")
                if (i < 0):
                    raise NTRTMasterError(
                        "Number of controllers greater than population size!")

                controller = self.__getNewParams(paramName)
                nextGeneration.__setitem__(controller['paramID'], controller)
                self.paramID += 1

        elif (not params['learning']):
            # Not learning, return previous controllers
            nextGeneration = currentGeneration

            # learning, not doing monteCarlo, have a previous generation

            popSize = len(currentGeneration)

            # order the prior population

            for k, controller in currentGeneration.iteritems():
                scores = controller['scores']
                controller['maxScore'] = max(scores)
                controller['avgScore'] = sum(scores) / float(len(scores))

            if (useAvg):
                key = lambda x: x[1]['avgScore']
                key = lambda x: x[1]['maxScore']
            sortedGeneration = collections.OrderedDict(
                sorted(currentGeneration.items(), None, key, True))

            scoreDump = open('scoreDump.txt', 'a')

            totalScore = 0

            # Get probabilities for children (for mating)

            if (useAvg):

                for controller in sortedGeneration.itervalues():

                floor = controller['avgScore']

                for controller in sortedGeneration.itervalues():
                    totalScore += controller['avgScore'] - floor

                first = True
                c1 = {}

                # All scores are the same for some reason, don't divide by zero
                if totalScore == 0.0:
                    totalScore = 1

                for c in sortedGeneration.itervalues():
                    if first:
                        c['probability'] = (c['avgScore'] - floor) / totalScore
                        first = False
                        c['probability'] = (c['avgScore'] - floor
                                            ) / totalScore + c1['probability']
                    c1 = c

                for controller in sortedGeneration.itervalues():

                floor = controller['maxScore']

                for controller in sortedGeneration.itervalues():
                    totalScore += controller['maxScore'] - floor

                first = True
                c1 = {}
                # All scores are the same for some reason, don't divide by zero
                if totalScore == 0.0:
                    totalScore = 1
                for c in sortedGeneration.itervalues():
                    if first:
                        c['probability'] = (c['maxScore'] - floor) / totalScore
                        first = False
                        c['probability'] = (c['maxScore'] - floor
                                            ) / totalScore + c1['probability']
                    c1 = c

            # How many of the best controllers are we keeping?
            numElites = popSize - (params['numberToMutate'] +

            if (numElites < 0):
                raise NTRTMasterError(
                    "Population slated to grow in size! Please adjust population size, number to mutate and/or number of children"

            # Copy elites to new generation
            count = 0
            for c in sortedGeneration.itervalues():
                # Stop when number of elites has been reached
                if (count >= numElites):

                nextGeneration.__setitem__(c['paramID'], c)
                if c['params'] == None:
                    raise NTRTMasterError("Found it!")
                count += 1

            # Add 'asexual' mutations to next generation.
            # TODO: make option that assigns mutations to random controllers, rather than just mutating top N
            count = 0
            for c in sortedGeneration.itervalues():
                if (count >= params['numberToMutate']):
                cNew = {}
                cNew['params'] = self.__mutateParams(c['params'], paramName)
                cNew['paramID'] = str(self.paramID)
                cNew['scores'] = []

                nextGeneration.__setitem__(cNew['paramID'], cNew)
                self.paramID += 1

                if cNew['params'] == None:
                    raise NTRTMasterError("Found it!")

                count += 1

            # Add children to new generation
            for i in range(params['numberOfChildren']):

                c1Prob = random.random()
                c2Prob = random.random()

                c1 = self.__getControllerFromProbability(
                    sortedGeneration, c1Prob)
                c2 = self.__getControllerFromProbability(
                    sortedGeneration, c2Prob)

                while (c1 == c2):
                    c2Prob = random.random()
                    c2 = self.__getControllerFromProbability(
                        sortedGeneration, c2Prob)

                cNew = {}
                cNew['params'] = self.__getChildController(
                    c1['params'], c2['params'], params)

                if (random.random() >= params['childMutationChance']):
                    cNew['params'] = self.__mutateParams(
                        cNew['params'], paramName)

                cNew['paramID'] = str(self.paramID)
                cNew['scores'] = []

                nextGeneration.__setitem__(cNew['paramID'], cNew)
                self.paramID += 1

                if cNew['params'] == None:
                    raise NTRTMasterError("Found it!")

            if (len(nextGeneration) != popSize):
                raise NTRTMasterError(
                    "Failed to generate the correct number of controllers")

            if (params['numberOfStates'] > 0):
                for c in nextGeneration.itervalues():
                        'neuralFilename'] = "logs/bestParameters-test_fb-" + c[
                            'paramID'] + ".nnw"
                        self.path + c['params']['neuralFilename'])

        return nextGeneration